Perpetuating Problems Through a System of Control

in #society6 years ago (edited)

We aren't as free as we like to believe. Being born into this way of life we currently have, it's pretty decent overall. But there are dark aspects that many don't see. We are forced into a co-dependent system that never let's us go. We have to engage in many legal maneuvers if we want to be free from the corporate system, living as a corporate entity. The sovereignty movement has people who talk about how to do this.

they live obey.jpg

In our system of co-dependence things are made easier, but we become controlled and lose freedom.


We require employment for monetary compensation to survive and pay for the land we think we own, but never do. Money is required to start and money is required to persist to exist. There is nothing not owned and available to be worked for, for us to build a new way of life separated from the mechanisms of control.

We can't obtain obtain things freely at first and work our way to create something for ourselves -- it's all owned by individuals, corporations or governments. Everything has already been claimed, and the government that extorts and coerces fees or taxes to allow us to exist on lands everywhere -- be it federal, state/provincial or municipal, we are paying taxes and need money to simply own property to exit upon.


Many problems arise from failure to harmonize with moral law/truth as individuals. We don;t live in harmony with our fellow man and centralized authorities are created to keep everyone in line and control various aspects of life and interactions. Extra "laws" are invented to deal with violations of interaction, and then more "laws" are created to combat the violations of previous "laws", that deluded men created to externally control others. Some of those laws are valid and in alignment with moral law/truth, while others are not. Eg. the law of not being able to grow cannabis, and then if you violate that law, another law is there to decide how to punish and control you, to extort money and time from your life.

"Laws" are created in a legal system that violate the natural moral law itself, and we are coerced to comply and be obedient to them. And so the story continues to unfold where there are volumes and volumes of law that we are expected to know, while being ignorant of those volumes of law is apparently not an excuse if we don't follow them.

Need for Problems to Survive

Jobs are created as a means to deal with the problems and symptoms of breaking these "laws", such as lawyers, clerks, judges, government employees who create more laws, etc. Now these people have a job in a newly created niche that provides them economic survivability for them to exist in this system.

The jobs exist to deal with problems, without the problems, those jobs aren't needed. Problems need to continue to exist in order for those people to have economic survivability. They work to deal with the symptoms of the problem of people not following the "laws" of the land. If everyone followed the "laws", the symptoms of not breaking the rules would be gone, and there would be no demand for their type of employment any longer.

This applies beyond the legal sector to many parts of life. We are relieving symptoms but not curing things at the cause or root. The medical industry works to treat many symptoms and also the root causes, but not always. And often the cause if us not living properly as individuals that we can control what we do (eating right, exercise, etc.), but there is also the dependence on the system and way of life we can't control that leads us to be sick.

Pollution, harmful chemicals, and other factors are causes that lead us to become sick. The root is not being dealt with, and we disempowered to be able to remove many causes to our development of illness. Some things that could be used to treat symptoms are made illegal as well, such as cannabis. We have to be treated the way the medical establishment wants, which operates within legal frameworks and doesn't always have the best options or solutions.

Much of the systemic way of life we have is not necessary if we would change how we do things collectively, like no longer letting certain things happen that are poisoning us in the long term, slowly. A lot of it seems like it's designed to keep treating symptoms and effects rather than deal with the root cause. The problems need to keep being treated, and we need more problems so that we can keep treating them, because the economic viability of our nation or system requires that people be employed and those problems need to exist for them to be employed.

The systemic way of life with government, lawyers, politicians, etc., is like a cancer on us that keeps growing and growing. In some way it's like it's designed to not resolve the problems/effects we have at the root causal source.

The Root is Us

The real source is our consciousness. Few of us is being raised in consciousness by learning the depths of moral law/truth to live by and harmonize. We are all as children, unraised, ignorant of how morality functions because we are kept that way by the system, education, and our parents who never learned it properly themselves. If we changed how we think, learn how to think better, and stop allowing ourselves to create, support or particiapte in negative things in society, we could be better off.

We just "wing it" and try to best go along to get along and not mess with others too much. Then when problems occur, we beg the centralized authority to deal with our problems because the system makes us dependent on it to do so. When we try to do things on our own, we are often were forced to abdicate our responsibility to comply and accept the systemic way of life that has corrupted institutions in place and many people get screwed over. Self-control is lacking so external control is championed int he form of government and all that goes with it.

Economic "Progress"

Each year, each decade, new problems arise, new markets develop to make money to deal with new problems, new niches are occupied, the economy grows and "progress" continues -- in our delusional mindset of "progress" anyways. Problems arise, and people find "solutions" to address these problems within the confines and restrictions of the system that restricts proper resolution from a moral baseline. But they aren't real solutions, they only treat the symptoms, the effects, and they never get down to the root of the system and way of life itself to correct the causes of the effects.

Cause and effect of our behavior is not understood. We create our own suffering in large part, collectively.


Much of the economy and sectors of employment are only created due to the problems that exist. If you solve the problem, and take away the need for the relief of the symptoms of the problem, then you no longer have the need for the particular employment providing a good or service that once had a use/purpose. This is how it is for many things: the medical establishment to cure us because we keep creating sickness all around; politics to rule us because we don't rule ourselves; police to control us for violating the "laws" politicians invent; and the military to go to war and invade and murder others for the will of those in power. And these are all regarded as places of "authority" for our own good.

Some of the problems are created, constructed and engineered cleverly to keep things going. The military industrial complex, corporations and governments have been fleecing us for a long time. A lot of this is a constructed system of control to keep problem existing.

Can we really solve problems? Do people in power who are focused on money really want to? Whole sectors of economic growth and stability depend on the problem existing that ensures people work to provide relief for the symptoms that manifest.

Let's say we educate people on nutrition and eating plants, most health issues would disappear, hence, most doctors would be out of work. The same for other sectors. get people to learn about morality, no more immoral behavior, no more crimes, and no more need for police, lawyers and most of government.

The more we develop personal responsibility in our lives, become self-sufficient, and solve our own problems by not creating them, the more the system as a whole will lose economic power and control over people's lives. The system depends on us being dependent on it, needing it. It's a loop, a catch 22. People need to work and need their jobs, so they need the problems to be there to be half fixed, and that continues to feed the system that requires this to continue.

Self-Interest and Survival

If we remove problems from society, the need for temporary relief from problem also vanishes along with the employment that was providing the service or good. People will fight to preserve their survival and the system of co-dependence, even if they are doing wrong, while thinking they are doing right. Companies, scientists and bureaucrats block 'cures' or solutions from coming out so that they can continue to survive in their positions within this degenerate system. It's not a "conspiracy theory", it's self-interest and self-centered thinking in large part along with collusion in various groups to work together to promote their self-interests at the expense of others.

If most people actually cared for truth, the cures to our problems would already be created shortly after the problem was recognized. But this doesn't occur, because most people don't really care for truth, and care more for their own survival in a corrupted system that keeps them dependent upon it and controlled (enslaved) by it. It might be the best thing we have so far developed in recorded history, but it can sure be better, right?

Our method of living will ensure the perpetuation of symptomatic relief-jobs, as well as useless jobs that only fulfill the needs to occupy a niche in the market for economic survivability, because people outsource their tasks of living more and more. There is less personal responsibility, independence, self-sufficiency and self-control, and more abdication of responsibility, dependence, outsourcing of daily tasks and external control.

If you remove dependence in favor of more independence and sustainability, you remove jobs and survivability. If you remove problems, then you remove jobs and survivability.

Control Grows

Notice how politicians always focus on jobs and the economy to get elected. Economic survivability, and the fear of not surviving, is a mechanism of control. Self-interest and survival is a strong motivator to keep things going. We are made dependent and prevented from being able to live freely, constantly coercing us to pay this or that fee, permit, registration, taxes, etc.

The web/network of interconnected dependence grows stronger all the time. More and more people become less independent and more co-dependent on the system's machinations for survival. If problems stop, whole sectors of employment would disappear and the appearance of stability and safety provided by the government and the system of control over their lives would come into question.

Independence Outlawed

Growing food ourselves on our lawns is becoming illegal, personal seed vaults are becoming illegal, the military police state is increasing, so that when things collapse, as all bubbles do, they will have constructed even greater dependence and control over our survivability that people will continue to beg for help and be dependent even more.

We are letting it happen because "this is how things are done". We allowed more and more central authority to restrict independence while we still had the methods of providing for ourselves.

But when the shit hits the fan, we won't be able to just go buy food, because we probably won't have a job anymore. We will need to beg daddy/mommy/nanny state for the food stamps to eat, for the clean water to drink, for every basic need we took for granted.

Now, we will be even more of a slave than we were before, but we still won't see it. We will be thankful to the state for providing for us yet again, because that is what we have become accustomed to, the normalized acceptability of our lives where we abdicate personal responsibility and outsource self-sufficiency in favor of comfort, convenience and security.

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We have a lot to look forward to if we don't change our ways...

Yes, this is somewhat cynical of way to look at it all, but I also recognize there are a lot of things going right, most people are trying as they always been been in history. We are fortunate to be where we are in history honestly, but we aren't doing as good as we think we are or as good as we can do.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Nice treatment of multiple topics. The primary sustainer of almost all of the issues you raise above is, to my mind, the private central banking system. Money is issued as debt to governments not by governments. Citizens' productivity is collateralized to guarantee debt repayment through taxation. We exist, in a very real and concrete sense, in a perpetual state of indentured servitude, because the debt can never actually be paid back thus the collateral can never be "returned".

The education system today is largely an engineered system of ignorance about how the world really works and who is really in charge. Just as an example, the other night I was sitting at a table with 3 PhDs and 3 MScs (2 of whom also have their own businesses), pinnacles of the education system, and not one could tell me the difference between money and currency. Meaning they don't know what money really is. Cui bono?

At a certain point, the system achieved its own self-sustaining dynamism and we, raised to participate in and adhere to the system, formed and molded by an environment engineered to create chains of control, not forge wings of freedom, became engaged in an elaborate form of reciprocal subjugation that benefits - primarily - the private central banks and their progenitors.

Two essential videos to this topic that can never be recommended enough:

Yup, nailed it, creating money, debt, slavery, engineered ignorance to keep it all going. Thanks for othe great feedback as usual ;)

I think we need less socialism, corporatism, laws and regulations and more free market capitalism. It's sad that it seems the sheeple love government and taxation. Millages/"taxes" almost always pass even when the tax slaves are allowed to directly vote on them. :(

I think the USA should repeal the Federal income tax and go back to the tariff system.

Yes, less of those is good ;)

I am glad you are sharing all this information to reach out to those that are beginning to wake up from the matrix. I remember telling people about the govt issues, irs and banking corruption, church issues, chemtrails, not able to really own any property (allodial title), agenda 21, and more back in 2005 and they all would look at me weird lol. Used to also attend freedom rallies to End the Fed.

Now with the internet more developed with spreading of information much more easy; they can see what is really going on if they dig a little to find the truth for themselves. But the key is to get together with community on the same page, prepare, and take some action.

It would be good for people to understand contract law via the Uniform Commercial Code, as the United States corporation operates under that filing laws, statutes, and regulations against the corporations created under the natural born living soul's name. (birth certificate, social security, drivers license, etc.) US citizen vs American citizen vs transitory sovereign being.

Keep it up.

they can see what is really going on if they dig a little to find the truth for themselves.

Yeah, they can, but most people don't... it's sad :/ The internet is the best thing we have going to free minds more effectively and reach more people. We have a the best shot in history now... will we be able to make it happen...

Thanks :)

You can also vote, run for office and campaign against statists.

Very nice article @krnel, speaking of problems..

If we prohibited the prosecution of victimless crimes, and re-branded the police force to the 'peace force'. After about a year or two, people would be less fearful of the peace force, but also supportive of them.

That would be the time to change their uniforms up completely. At this point, people would love the peace force, because they only go after the bad guys.

They would do anything they could to help the peace force. However, there would also be far less peace officers, than there was police officers, and there's no problem with that at all.

The way I look at police nowadays is like the broken window theory of economics. They are many times persecuting people who are just trying to live their lives.

I seen a video of a guy who got beat up by police after he was caught jaywalking, it's ridiculous! Yet the real criminals are more few and far between. We don't need any more cops, just as we don't need any more broken windows, or window breakers for that matter.

This is one of those situations where less is more, only problem is the city uses them to shake people down for revenue. By now, they're addicted to their ill gotten gains.

Thanks ;) Targeting only victimless crimes is a good place to start for removing non-problems that need to be "solved" hehe.

I seen a video of a guy who got beat up by police after he was caught jaywalking, it's ridiculous! Yet the real criminals are more few and far between.

The real criminal in that case was the cop :/

Part of the change is happening right here. It's where we decide what a "job" should look like. It's where we decide what to value in our purchasing power, in our attention, and in the things we bring to light. It's where we decide how to look at a thing, how to see it for what it really is.

There are all these issues with the way we've been living, all these problems that just recently are being revealed for what they really are. 20 years ago our parents didn't know that the food they were feeding us was detrimental, that the products they bought were poison, they trusted the makers to do right.

Now we know that they haven't been doing right, they've been greedy and power hungry, and we've taken noticed and spread the word through the internet. More and more are waking up to these truths lately, and at a certain point the momentum will be too great for these things created in fear to remain and truth will show forth.

No need to focus on the shit after we are aware of it, once we are aware let's work to transform these areas of life and bring all the good out that is ready in waiting

trusted the makers to do right

That's part of the problem. Blind trust. Stop spending money on crap and the crap won't be there at all, but first we have to know if it's crap or not.

And it seems like for the longest time we didn't or didn't even think to check

Jobs exist to solve the problem with out any problems, these jobs are not required.
Problems must continue to exist ...
This is a great formulation and a bare truth and the foundation of all kinds of control, manipulation and influence.

Best to say in the examples:

  1. When would education on healthy eating be from small legs,
    food industry is in agreat problems ?
  2. When solving crisis situations at a green table (by political means) and if the focal point disappeared, where would they send the army, humanitarian aid, etc. where the stock of production would be spent?

Everything looks simple but is not because there is tangible, pure financial and other interests.
When someone loses them then loses and power.
Who hand over power peacefully?
Great, deep solution is need, but primarily requires the understanding of a large number of people ( the awareness of real situation ).

If you do not know the problem, then you and do not solve it.

Good theme.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

The government always wants to be in control. They problem we complained about are all created by the government.

AIDS was manufactured by US Government sponsored medical research in 1981, the same Government offering us medication to suppress the problem they created. There is a cure but the Government will not let you have it.

Newly released photos, showed a US Congressman with the members of well known ISIS in syria all laughing.

Most Government are against cryptocurrency cos they want the financial system centralised and needs to decide how much is been printed out.

The Government has always played us and are still doing that. Thank for this topic, I will write on it.

Yeah, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, Beyer I think it is with HIV or AIDS is possible. McCain with ISIS lol... problem reaction solution, all for control.

This was posted yesterday by @titusfrost


Wow, you put so much into this post, @krnel. I think you pretty much touched on every level of the problems we now face.

If most people actually cared for truth, the cures to our problems would already be created shortly after the problem was recognized. But this doesn't occur, because most people don't really care for truth, and care more for their own survival in a corrupted system that keeps them dependent upon it and controlled (enslaved) by it.

I think this sums it up. And I would add that we need each other in order to change the way the world is. Unfortunately, everyone seems to be at different levels of awareness of truth, different perceptions, different lifestyles, different needs and priorities.

I think that it would be helpful if there were stronger, more self sustaining local communities - not dependent on centralized government, flourishing small businesses, farms, engaged citizens.

It would also help if our educational system was de-centralized and this next generation more educated on history, government and critical thinking.

Yeah, a shift needs to happen to raise kids properly and make society more self-sufficient and less dependent.

When I found out how toxic fluoride is, and how little it helps teeth (when introduced to the water supply) it really opened my eyes.

The first thing you should know is that the fluoride they put in our drinking water is not a pharmaceutical grade additive.

It is an industrial waste byproduct.

Here's a quote by the American Dental Association:

More than 70 years of scientific research has consistently shown that an optimal level of fluoride in community water is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay by at least 25% in both children and adults.

They are lairs; They have been bought. It's all a political scam so that evil corporations can make a profit by throwing waste into the water supply. It's disgusting. Europe doesn't use fluoride and there is no evidence they have worse teeth because of it. It's poison with no benefit.

Then you have Cannabis, made illegal by a racist timber baron who felt threatened by the industry and hated Mexicans.

I've always thought that the world is operating at 1% efficiency. If we all worked together, every year would see the technological advancement of 100 years. Instead we all put up walls and continue to reinvent the wheel.

I know that sounds absolutely insane, but so is the thought of 7 billion people working together in harmony. It's pathetic that the establishment actively fights against progress and forces us to maintain unhealthy co-dependent relationships.

Yes things are inefficient indeed, keeping problems around so that money can be fleeced more and more, keeping people impoverished and under control... :/

Yes, fluoride is only possibly effective on the teeth, not ingested lol. The whole world is a lie...

@kenel I just got signed on to Steemit yesterday and stumbled upon your blog. I’ve spent nearly two decades researching and exploring myself and the universe in which we exist, and have come to understand the subject matter you share. I am so happy to have connected with you and look forward to your continued sharing of Truth. It is easy to get caught up in the grind of modern society with all the garbage being thrown at us by maninstream media and those that know nothing more than what they are told. I joined Steemit in the hopes of connecting with others who see reality through the illusion. Thank you for the Great Work you are doing. Peace Be With You.

Thanks for reading and glad it provided some value to you. See you around in the Great Work ;)

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