The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 2

in #society7 years ago

"...we don't need no thought control..." - Pink Floyd, The Wall

The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 2

For Part 1 follow this link: The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 1

The Lack of Critical Thinking Skills is Being Gifted to the Future

As I have detailed in great lengths in my articles Meritocracy is Dead - Diversity and Privilege in Higher Education, Social Justice is Its Own Worst Enemy, The Dystopian Infantilization of America's Youth 1 and 2, Conformity is Diversity - Thought Police on Campus, Cognitive Privilege - The Event Horizon of Social Justice Stupidity and Frankenstein's Monster, Social Justice & Higher Education, logic and critical thinking skills are tools that are conspicuously absent from the social justice movement's toolbox.

The advocates and acolytes of the social justice belief system (which should perhaps more appropriately be termed a religion or cult - thanks @dwinblood!) not only are - quite obviously - not trained in logic, critical thinking or the scientific method, they appear to be actively opposed to their application. And this perspective is being paid forward by sake of the mere fact they are not capable of teaching skills they do not possess.

The firing of James Damore from the intellectually infantile Goo Goo Ga Ga Land demonstrates this quite clearly. And where did the radically intolerant, anti-science social justice warriors learn the "philosophical" underpinnings of their belief system? It isn't as if the hyper-relativist construction of truth hasn't been propagating itself throughout the educational establishment for decades. The Damore incident merely demonstrates that this socially divisive doublethink ideology has been unleashed in the private economy after having had decades to gestate in the educational establishment. The Google incident, I believe, is just a shot across the bow presaging the barrage of madness we can expect in the future. I hope I am wrong.

There are more than enough people teaching a liberal art or science (History, English, Art, Sociology etc.) in the United States today who were required to earn their teaching certifications in an educational environment similar to that exemplified by Columbia (above). Forgive me for lacking confidence in the objectivity and critical thinking skills that are being bequeathed upon our children today.

The Cyclically Escalating & Self-Edifying Ideology of Social Justice

As Galland argues, Marxist economic thought was never fully defeated. Following setbacks at the beginning of the 20th century, it regrouped and established new beachheads for a long-term cultural conflict, the goal of which was to ensure the Marxist economic model would succeed the next time around, this cultural beachhead is what people today call 'Cultural Marxism'.

In considering how the social justice belief system has infected the educational system, it seems increasingly likely that the west's current woes with this movement is not a wayward evolutionary development. John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt have argued eloquently that it is no mistake, Iserbyt goes so far as to point the finger at the Carnegie Foundation and the Rockefeller Education Board as causal factors. Contemporary speculation about who or what institutions are behind the quickening collapse are beyond the scope of this article.

It does seem to make an ominous sort of sense. In the next four paragraphs, I will provide a rough outline of how this may have occurred.

Having made significant inroads into the universities in the 1960s, the continued development of the social justice movement has largely taken place in the liberal arts and sciences departments. These are largely the departments and disciplines where formal logic, mathematical truths and objective biological realities can be safely sidelined without causing an overt crisis of confidence in academic quality. Indeed, I can confirm after spending some 20 years in higher education that rhetorical skill not infrequently trumps logic in the liberal arts and sciences today.

More and more funding has been directed towards programs that promote social justice under the auspices of the rights movements, concurrently relativism has become increasingly accepted as a rational world view on campus. Over time, it became accepted that almost everyone is suited for higher education (1980s), then that higher education is practically mandatory in order to get ahead financially and socially (1990s-present).

Massive entitlement and lending programs were enacted to enable as many people as possible to attend university, where the relativist view in the liberal arts and sciences has firmly established itself as legitimate. Some students stayed on campus and became the next generation of academics, and adherence to social justice goals has become a prerequisite for even being considered for a position at many if not most institutions. Others, equipped with this "empowering" ideology, returned to the lower schools as teachers, raising and educating the next generation of young people and preparing them for college.

The propagation of the social justice ideology, as a result of its focus on championing victims, began expanding the criteria of oppression so that it could raise up ever more people from beneath the tyrannical boot of the "privileged". This increased the emphasis on understanding the dynamic of oppression and privilege within the educational environment, while (almost ironically) creating more victim groups that needed to be lifted up.

This process describes both a financial and ideological escalation over time that has established a cyclically self-edifying dynamic on the part of the social justice belief system. In short, the theoretical underpinnings of the social justice ideology are presented as fact in university teaching programs and returned to the lower schools to be propagated there. When pupils become college students they are financed for adherence to the belief system (as detailed previously in my post Conformity is Diversity and Frankenstein's Monster). This is accompanied by an ever-expanding definition of oppression and privilege which necessitates an increase in related infrastructure and ever more funding. Wash, rinse and repeat for a few decades and we find ourselves where we are today.

The Counterintuitive Conclusion - Fighting Oppression with Oppression.

This has resulted in an almost complete inversion of the rights movement. Whereas in the 1960s the focused on lifting up women and blacks, the social justice iteration of today is focused on tearing down the "white Christian hetero-normative meritocratic capitalist patriarchy", i.e. everyone except white Christian males belong to a victim group that deserves special privileges, indeed, any advocates of white masculinity must be actively disadvantaged.

Without the support of the majority of the white Christian hetero-normative meritocratic capitalist patriarchy of the 1960s, which had largely been raised to respect critical thinking and logic, the rights movement would very likely never have succeeded. It cannot be stated clearly enough, that rights movements weren't successful despite the dominant majority of the time, they were successful because of it. I am sure this is not a popular opinion to hold and it is most certainly not politically correct.

But here is the real irony: The social justice movement has become the oppressive, discriminatory, sexist, racist plague on society that it sought to destroy and has the added benefits of being hyper-relativist, anti-science, untrained in critical thinking or logic and increasingly unwilling to engage in constructive civil dialogue. Isn't that grand?


Finally a video addressing the hyper-relativist, anti-science, anti-logic authoritarianism we are faced with as society at large wakes up to the fact the lunatics have escaped the asylum.

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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tags: society politics education justice logic


Amazing post Thanks for sharing

You're welcome, thanks for the kind words. You might like some of my other stuff if this appealed to you. Check out my blog.

It's all a part of Tavistock Institute's plan to destroy America... I did a post today called Cool is a Four Letter Word: The Conformity of Nonconformists... Looks like iontom jumped right on board!

I'll check it out. Yes, I have heard ot the Tavistock Institute, but haven't done much reading on it. That's a great tip I will check out. Yeah, I am just wondering if he recognizes the irony.

One of the problems with being brainwashed is that you don't know you are!

Well put, mate. IMO, the lack of critical-thinking skills is obvious not only in squawking SJWs, but also in every ideologue and zealot out there. Little worms begging the cosmos to hear them out.

'Zealots' mmmm, I like that word, will have to incorporate it into future posts. Thanks for your positive comment!

The social justice movement has become the oppressive, discriminatory, sexist, racist plague on society that it sought to destroy and has the added benefits of being hyper-relativist, anti-science, untrained in critical thinking or logic and increasingly unwilling to engage in constructive civil dialogue. Isn't that grand?

Go fuck yourself. What's detrimental to society as a whole is politically motivated vehicular manslaughter by 19 year old kids who see "All Lives Splatter" memes on their social media sites and take it seriously.

There is brainwashing on both sides, but the brainwashing on the right is 100x more physically violent. You can't have dialogue when the goal is to murder the opposition.

Case in point. You do see the irony of your comment, right?

Critical thinking is essencial! Nice post! Loking forward for more like this!

If you liked this post, you might appreciate my earlier posts on the social justice phenomenon where I go heavy on the critical thinking aspect. I would suggest maybe giving The Social Justice Movement is Its Own Worst Enemy. Thanks for the kind post!

This post has received a 6.87 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @cupidzero.

Excellent and well written post as usual. Resteemed. I found the guy in the comments telling you to go fuck yourself pretty amusing. Greatly illustrated the critical thinking points you made. They simply do not grasp how low ad hominem attacks make their arguments seem. Let's open up our argument with a statement of idiocy. :)

Finally got around to cultural appropriation, you might like it: Horror on the Horizon - Cultural Misappropriation and The Politics of Oppression.

Thanks for the reply, I know you have been busy so I appreciate it all the more. Yes, I was thinking of actually making a post along the lines of "I just got my first Go F* Yourself!" but thought better of it. Thanks by the way for your votes ;). Unfortunately my votes aren't that strong yet. You're my hero!

I admire when people don't respond to aggressiveness and hate with hate. Not many people are like that. It's a sign of maturity, intelligence and of course critical thinking.

People nowadays are hardening their beliefs into dogmas, they should learn how to listen or read, explore ideas and challenge their own beliefs. Or should I say, be open to change.

I am not very knowledgeable about politics and other ideologies, but through my travels, I've seen social injustice right in front of me. And I've experienced it myself.

I don't have a TV, and I chose not to have. But I just try to read as much as I can, but I cannot ignore all these craziness and stuff. I just shake my head in disbelief. Haven't people traveled to the poor areas of the world? Did they just stay all their lives in one place? Haven't they experienced not being part of the priveledged? Haven't they realized that there's more going on out there, more legitimate worries, people need food, shelter, people are victims of the system and economic crisis. And here the people are busy defending their fragile egos, ideologies, and their own tribes. Take a look what the earth is like, and what we are here. We are just a dot, a tiny speck in the universe. In the end, none of these matters. Things will end, and people will die. Life is short for all this human craziness. All we can do is just enjoy our short time here on earth, understand, help, embrace our differences and love...

All of these resulted from the conditioning and the environment that shaped the way we think or behave, check out what late 'Jacque Fresco', said 'all cultures are corrupt.'

Wash, rinse and repeat for a few decades and we find ourselves where we are today.

Sadly, most people in the States haven't traveled much at all, if out of the country at all. This article breaks down how people travel (business, leisure etc.) and you can imagine that of those that do travel outside the States for leisure, most are going to tourism hot spots and stay in hostels or hotels and rarely make it to the less frequented areas where the life is a struggle.

I would contend however that in the end, what we do does matter in terms of the propagation of ideas. Not in the eventuality that there is some metaphysical reward or punishment after death, but in terms of how we impact the system that is ongoing and continues on after we are gone. There are some ideas that are worth struggling to realize even if they are impossible to achieve in our lifetimes, such as the non-aggression principle, altruism, self-sufficiency, freedom, mutual respect and, yes, above all things: love. And if that means having to toss one's hat into the arena of ideological endeavor and getting one's hands dirty, well.... I guess I signed up. :P

Thank you for the taking the time to craft a thoughtful and heartfelt comment, I very much appreciate it!

I would contend however that in the end, what we do does matter in terms of the propagation of ideas.

I agree with this. Yes, it's what we do matters.
As long as we don't spend our lives harming others, protecting our possessions, ideologies through this aggression and violence. Just like the great characters in the past who died, but their lives, legacies, and their works live on.

I recall listening to Yuri Bezmenov in my younger days. Thank you for the reminder. The jujitsu of idealogical combat, he called Sun Tzu's methods. Your posts remind me of Frank Herbert's writing regarding oligarchy.

The character of an oligarchy is the tyranny of the minority disguised as the rule of the majority. (Interestingly Bolshevik means "majority" while Lenin's party was clearly the minority during the early days of the revolution.). The bureaucracy is expanded to the limits of a system's resource capacity; thus the increase and encouragement of litigation.

The modern SJW seem like the caricature of the derided Athenian democrat: he makes clay-god of himself and dare to dictate to Heaven his will. The SJW are the "reformers" of the old, who shout "something must be done!" Examine any "reformer" and you will find head full of evil-ideas to destabilize a society. They demand social justice? Will they next command the Sun to stop her nuclear furnace?

Yes, Bezmenov is incredible, especially the interview he did with G.E. Griffen, which I will post here for anyone reading the comments and interested.

The description of the oligarchy you have referenced is an apt one. I am curious if the SJWs will recognize their role in the grander scheme of things. The caricature analogy is a very good one, I haven't heard the Athenian democrat critique since I was a young man. What the SJWs don't seem to understand is they aren't demanding justice, but privilege and equality at the same time - the former of which is anathema to their ideology and that latter of which is impossible to achieve.

Thanks for another insightful and well crafted post, Soo!

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