Sndbox Summer Camp: Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology Quest - Task Two: Alone we can do little, together we can achieve much more.

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

In task two of this quest by @guyfawkes4-20 and @anomadsoul, we are to analyse a real situation in real life. I will take myself as the specimen for this analysis. 😉 It will be flowing with one of my philosophies of life, which is...

Alone we can do little, together we can achieve much more.

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My background

Since young, I was generally a shy and timid girl. I did not talk much except among my siblings, closer relatives and a few close friends. If you put me in an entirely new place and new people, I would be extremely quiet.

While growing up, I did not know what happened but I was led to believe that I could handle things by myself. Thus, I often prefer to finish a project by myself or study for exam by myself instead of doing it in a group. It was kind of extreme that as young as 9 years old, I would try to 'heal' myself when I fell ill by becoming my own doctor without telling my parents - I would sneak into the kitchen while they were asleep to search for medicines to administer myself. Call it independent or stubborn - it did not matter to me. Hence, I gradually became integrated into the notion of 'doing it all by myself so that I did not need to trouble other people for help'. I did not mind to help people but I found it difficult to ask for help.

However, as I grew up into adolescent and carried upon me more responsibilities, I started to realise I could not live on my own without other people's help and support I learned it the hard way when once I was a Junior Jaycee's President, trying to finish a project by myself. In the end, I burned so much midnight oil that it jeapordized my health. My mum taught me to learn to be daring to delegate jobs and to remind me that people were generally kind and helpful if we asked.

Since then, I realised my setback and aimed to improve. I joined several groups in school like Red Crescent Society, Prefect Community, Lion Club, English debate Team and Science Club to learn teamwork and to dare myself to mix with different groups of people and to be bold in the togetherness.

Indeed, alone we can do little, together we can achieve much more. ~Jadeline


No man is an island. Everyone is part of a some groups or communities. ~John Donne

The above two quotes become very essential philosophies of my life, and they are psychologically and sociologically correlated too since it involves human's relationship.


Before Steemit

As a result of the learning, pruning and trimming process while growing up, now as an adult, I find no challenge in mingling with people eventhough I consider myself as an introvert. I have no problem being a leader or being a follower. Based on what position I am assigned to, I will adapt and work and blend accordingly. On the side note, I am still afraid of stage or being in the limelight despite the fact that if given no choice, I will still brave myself to face the crowd. Oh yes, I just did a personality test inspired by @zord189, @heartscally and @happycrazycon to confirm I am towards the introvert spectrum.

Click here if you are interested to view my result - ISFJ personality.. And click here if you want find out your personality.

All these qualities help me alot in my pursuit to be a pastor as we involved alot in community work, people-related field as you lead the youths or as you help the poor and needy, even in helping the strong and wealthy.

However life took a turn after I gave birth to my second son whom had a deadly congenital condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). Good news is he survived and still blooming today despite is battling its complication. You can read more about CDH here as I will not elaborate it and just focus on the quest.

My second son whom had CDH.

His condition forced me to quit everything to focus on him. In his 1st year of life, everything was delicate as he barely had any right lung. He was on breathing machine and tube-fed 24/7 and therefore we stayed at home 24/7 except hospital appointment. Living in this lifestyle for almost 2 years made me slowly dwindled to the non-social life. We were advised not to bring him out at all as he could not afford to be infected at all. I was made to accept the fact that social life will be almost non-existence in this kind of lifestyle. I also could not work anymore because of him. Psychologically, I have to learn to be strong and to be okay. Is it worthwhile? Yes! Because I believe when he is better years down the road I can fly again.


Now on Steemit

Image source from

Then, I was introduced into crypto environment named Steemit. It is a 'life-saver' to me. What I thought could be merely blogging turned out to be sociollogically impactful . Here, once again I rekindle my philosophy of life whereby alone you can do little, together you can achieve much more. Not only that, I am sociollogically intregrated almost to different part of the world - and that is so fantastic. Some communities that I am in now like @teammalaysia, @steemitbloggers, @qurator, @thesteemengine, @mywomen and @steemmamas only cause you to stretch and expand psychologically, never shrink.

Here in Steemit, besides posting good contents to inspire people, you get to be inspired and motivated by others too. You blog and you grow. You engage and you grow. I started Steemit to earn side income, but now I stay for the communities, for the Steemit social life. Many times, again and again, fellow Steemians never fail to integrate, to communicate, to support, to love and to spread positivity. Yes, there bound to be some negative ones around, but the good undeniably outnumber the bad. I was socially depleted for some time, and here I bounce back up again. How people work together here is amazing. Top notch teamwork, I would say. And many become real life friends. Online, they are friends. Offline in the real world, they are friends. Me too, I have made alot of friends, both locals and internationals.

Due to the fact we do not conform to the philosophy of parasitic existence such as "I upvote you, you upvote me" or "Follow for a follow back", everyone here has to learn to be socially active and genuine in their relationship building. The fact that you don't put in effort, you don't get the results here pushes you to really think through are you psychologically fit enough to stay. And if you think you can, commit to it - to the communities here - together building the platform - all win together. If not, then take deep thoughts to plan where should you improve, while learning from one another.

My son still has his bouts of health challenge although is improving day by day, and I still have my bouts of worry and concern and fear too. But this crypto world has proved to me that I can stay through, with the closely knitted relationship and support from the communities. Here, you will never be lack of ideas or knowledge. It can even be a positive competitive environment where we spur one another to do better.

Indeed, there are few essences I found out about human, irregardless of race or ranking:

  1. Human need acceptance.
  2. Human need recognition.
  3. Human need appreciation.
  4. Human need support.
  5. Human need love.
  6. Human need one another.
  7. Human grow better in togetherness.
  8. Human become creative, bold and imaginative when they co-exist.

I am shy and timid, but here I am daring to showcase my writing, my recipe, my culture, my life, my philosophy of life, my art and my photography. Moreover, you are pushed to step up to introduce yourself to the world in your very first post. There is not a single day passes by without philosophically challenged, psychologically strengthened and sociollogically orchestrated. All blended into one in this crypto world - the blockchain. On top of that, here you get to taste the 8 essences I mentioned above.


Indeed, alone we can do little, together we can achieve much more. ~Jadeline

No man is an island. Everyone is part of a some groups or communities. ~John Donne

Thank you once again to @guyfawkes4-20, @anomadsoul and @sndbox for this opportunity.


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Who am I? I am a mother of 2 sons (2nd one is battling CDH). I used to serve actively as a pastor and worship leader at my local church, but now I fully focus on taking care of my 2nd son and of course home and family. I love life and want to live my life with love. Why am I here? All the while I love blogging. So here, I can blog and share, at the same time earn some income to support medical needs for my CDH son. What do I blog about? I blog about life, family and practically anything under the sun that inspires me daily. I start to realise I love photography and freewriting. Most importantly, I want to have fun here blogging and connecting with people without stress. And do it with love and passion ❤😘

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Great Post! Get Free Upvotes! Plus you get 0.1 STEEM Free just to signup!

I really hope you can be part of the @sndbox team. Your contents are really of quality and they're consistent. Wishing you all the best :)

Thank you for your thoughtful words and best wish for me ;) thank you for being an inspiration.

Good luck... you are a strong mom who write quality posts, I hope you get accepted and be part of their community..

Thank you @orangila for continuous support and encouraging words. ;)

You are most welcome:)

Such a great post and I wish you best in the quest for the sndbox, to me this post is well worthy of you being included you shared so much with us, Wishing you Son the best of health and growing strong to enable you to fly stronger and higher

Such good philosophy you have @iamjadeline :)

There is not a single day passes by without philosophically challenged, psychologically strengthened and sociollogically orchestrated. All blended into one in this crypto world - the blockchain. On top of that, here you get to taste the 8 essences I mentioned above.

The 8 essences are really important and they are either healthily met or by hook or by crook, we humans will still get it met, perhaps unhealthily too cos we cannot deny our needs. Very solid points you have about how you as an introvert can reach out to many others. Love this spirit you have, despite having a son battling with CDH. You are such a great inspiration and all of us on Steemit are benefiting from your positive vibes :)

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All the best Jade! I hope you get in. I hope to be able to be part of sndbox too soon. Just need to improve my posts and become more consistent!

Good luck on the quest! Your son is adorable, and you're so right, together we can achieve much more <3

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