Voting issues in the community: Sndbox Summer Camp Psychology – Task 1

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

phonto (2).jpg

This is the first task of the sndboxquest created by @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20. In this opportunity the chosen topic is “Voting behaviour".


Anyone that knows about steem understands that the only way to reward the users for the content they create is by upvoting it (and when saying “reward”, this one time I mean only monetary rewards). There are of course, contests. and challenges that can offer prizes in the form of liquid tokens, but the Steem system requires the upvotes from users in order to work as its meant to be (issuing new tokens), in other words, upvotes are what moves the Steem community around, a simple click (and sometimes, perhaps most of the time, not even a real click) that literally has the power of changing people’s lives all over the world, but can also be used to make certain privileged users extremely wealthy by hoarding a huge amount of the new issued tokens.

Hoarding: When stockpiling objects or money provides a sense of safety, security, and relief of anxiety. | Source

When it comes to money people tend to be honest through their actions and not necessary their words, up to the point there might be cases in which people start doing things that are contradictory to their alleged values, just for the sake of earning money, it can become a sort of addiction that consists in doing whatever it takes to earn more and more, having an impossibly to satisfy need of forever increasing the amount of resources earned.

Money. So much of our lives is spent wanting it, needing it, earning it, spending it and then regretting what we did with it. | Source

In the case of Steem, we all know that the only means for this platform to succeed is to find a way in which the content of every user is rewarded accordingly, its a system in where everyone needs to win so the system can maintain itself, the only way to do that is to properly spread the votes in order to reach, or at least try to reach, every user that is able to create quality posts, the final results of this dynamic is having the creators to feel encouraged so they can keep putting hours everyday into their creations, and the dynamic keeps going and going, so hopefully one day Steem might become one of the best sites on the net to find good quality content.

If we all know this, why we don’t always act according to this realization?

What is happening with Steem and some voting issues?

Since this is all a free system, every user is entitled to use their stake in the system however they want, nevertheless, it can be hard to explain why not every user is taking action towards the only dynamic that can make Steem communities thrive over time.

We need to have in mind that Steem as a social media site is still very small, and we will all benefit if this platform gained some popularity which would obviously mean an increase in the amount of total users and active users. If we are realistic we should know that if and when this happens and we have a huge influx of new users (a bigger influx than the ones we have had so far), the majority of these new users will come here on their own without any having previous contact with existing members, they won’t be able to invest in Steem by their own, nor be able to paid for bidbots for visibility (which sadly is becoming more common as time pass and its the reason why I chose this topic). None of that. They will need organic support by the whole community, support in the form of upvotes and of course in the form of interaction and engagement to ease their understanding of how this system works.

And here is where I think, we as a community might have some problems prioritizing short term gains over long term goals. A significant part of the active users don’t seem to be aware of this issue, or at least that’s what one could think by taking a look at their actions and what they do with the time they invest in here as well as more importantly what they do with their stake, even if the majority of us have complete understanding of everything that is being discussed here, there is a significant amount that apparently are moved by the greed of the moment, only looking to increase the amount of tokens they earn by any means without taking into consideration what is best for the community, or even taking actions that could objectively be considered harmful for the platform.

It can all come down to how truthful we are to our values and how honest we are with ourselves in our wish for this platform to become successful, and most importantly of all, how rational we are.

There was actually study applied to some students, that analyzed the mental patterns related to short term gains (in this case it would be hoarding as much tokens as possible) vs long term goals (in this case it would be the success of Steem as a social media platform), whose results were the following:

The study showed that decisions involving the possibility of immediate reward activated parts of the brain influenced heavily by neural systems associated with emotion. In contrast, all the decisions the students made -- whether short- or long-term -- activated brain systems that are associated with abstract reasoning.

Most important, when students had the choice of an immediate reward but chose the delayed option, the calculating regions of their brains were more strongly activated than their emotion systems. When they chose the immediate reward, the activity of the two areas was comparable, with a slight trend toward more activity in the emotion system.

The researchers concluded that impulsive choices or preferences for short-term rewards result from the emotion-related parts of the brain winning out over the abstract-reasoning parts. | Source

Since everyone is not necessarily objective, and its completely normal to find people that are one way or another controlled by their emotions , its probably fair to say that the explanation behind some voting issues is emotionally driven.

The excitement we can felt when seeing those tokens roll on a daily basis might be powerful enough for some people to give in and take participation in a dynamic that they themselves know cannot be good in the long term for anyone on here, what good there is in having a lot of tokens if their value ends up being worthless? One might ask. That is a rational question in my opinion, a valid question giving the situation we have in Steem about the rapidly increasing allocation of SP which votes are up to sale.

But the emotionally driven people don’t ask themselves rational questions since these are uncomfortable because they can uncover difficult to justified actions in the eyes of the person committing them, so the easy options ends up being to simply ignore rationality, ignore the long term and enjoy the present benefits, and this can only continue for so long...

A similar issue happens when accepting newer or smaller users and the willingness to upvote their content. Its understandable to have the tendency of only give support to established authors and people that we know because we already know their content is of good quality, but we must not forget the importance of new users and their integration for the long term success of this platform.

I remember reading a post from a user who has a reputation around 70 in which he said that he would love to block the comments of users with a reputation lower than 35 (if I remember correctly that was the number) if he could. There seem to be something that makes older users avoid interaction with newer ones, which is a huge mistake and could decrease the health of the community.

And there is actual proof of this, thanks to this analysis by @abh12345 , in which it is showed that when giving support, it usually happens between people with a similar reputation and probably a similar stake.

It could be that older users see new people with suspicion since they don’t know anything about the person and his/her legitimacy, it could also be that older users expect new ones to go through the typical hardships of the first few days and weeks in order to be recognized and “allowed” to interact with them.

But the result of this, is the proliferation of voting circles, that are almost impossible to access for new or smaller users, creating a kind of obstacle that can make it hard for people to be accepted.

Across individuals, societies, and even eras, humans consistently seek inclusion over exclusion, membership over isolation, and acceptance over rejection. | Source

Its imperative for older users to not leave newer ones behind nor ignore them, because they are the ones that can have the bigger impact when it comes to making everyone feel welcome, and therefore, making the community get bigger and better, if people aren’t properly integrated they will end up leaving and this place would never reach its full potential.

All of these issues are easy to understand, but not so easy to accept, and much less easy to act upon them, especially if people receive monetary rewards for ignoring this and forgetting about the importance of buiding up communities.


Of course not everything is bad, and I feel its important to clear up that just as there are users whose actions don’t make anything towards improving the community, there are also amazing community builders and group of curators, such as @curie , @ocd , @steemstem , @sndbox among others that constantly work with the goal of strengthen the foundation of this platform, which is content creation and community engagement. We have people building up communities that are about encouraging people through interactions and workshops like @futurethinker with the @promo-mentors community, so there is certainly intelligent and rational individuals that think for the long term and act according to this.

Our emotional brain has a hard time imagining the future, even though our logical brain clearly sees the future consequences of our current actions... Our emotional brain wants to max out the credit card, order dessert and smoke a cigarette. Our logical brain knows we should save for retirement, go for a jog and quit smoking. | Source

The only way I can think of for stopping a behavior that can potentially damage the whole system is by fomenting the importance of looking for the long term and prioritizing it over short term gains.

This will require strong arguments, exposed in an easy to understand way, and of course, some discipline from everyone that is taking active participation in potentially destructive actions, discipline simply because its necessary in order to stop the exploitation of a system even if that same exploitation is highly profitable.

Let's not forget Steem wasn't build for people to paid so their content could be read, that's a current distortion of the beautiful and original idea behind Steem, the question we should ask ourselves is if the Steem communit is strong enough to resist this kind of behavior from a significant parts of its emotionally driven members?

What do you think? Is steemit a community of rational individuals or emotionally driven individuals?

Do you think the platform can survive in the long term if the trends towards bid bots continue?


psychologytoday – mind over money wealth, health and happiness

psychology – money happiness

princeton - brain

nobaproject – psychology of groups

psychologytoday - greed

Images sources
All images are from pixabay

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

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Well what can I say, my father once said that the true nature of a man is not known unless he or she is affected monetary gains
Is steemit community driven or emotionally driven, I think it has to do with the both because as much as I've sighted selfish people with no future ambitions for the blockchain, I can also say it's filled with individuals who feel the need to enrich and maintain the platform.

However as individuals we must define ourselves by being the right kinda of people despite our desires to become rich

my father once said that the true nature of a man is not known unless he or she is affected monetary gains

Your father is wise indeed.

I can also say it's filled with individuals who feel the need to enrich and maintain the platform.

Yes, these individuals are what keep this alive in my opinion, and we need more of this to sustain the growth we all want for this platform.

However as individuals we must define ourselves by being the right kinda of people despite our desires to become rich

Wanting to be rich doesn't mean being the wrong kind of people, in fact, in order to be rich and maintain that wealth, people need to take smart choices for the long term.

I want to go deeper into the last point.

However as individuals we must define ourselves by being the right kinda of people despite our desires to become rich

Wanting to be rich doesn't mean being the wrong kind of people, in fact, in order to be rich and maintain that wealth, people need to take smart choices for the long term.

I absolutely agree with this. To define ourselves as the "right kinda people," all we need to do is understand and connect with the idea of long term results and lasting wealth, not just temporary wealth from short-term wins.

We also have to understand that short-term results can't be expected. It almost feels like a grind, you know? This "difficult road" of sticking things out for the future and letting go of the things that pull us towards short-term exploits.

Honestly, it kind of excites me, these early days are when we can all have the biggest impact in shaping the community and the platform to produce legitimate value for it's users.

You are totally right with this:

these early days are when we can all have the biggest impact in shaping the community

This is why its important to have a strong foundation about what is this community all about.

I really liked your comment and looking forward to check your first post! ;)

The first thing I want to say to you is, friend, excellent publication, after reading it I feel satisfied to have done it.

On the other hand, I think what you say is true, however, I must say that in my particular case, I received some support from the community just when I was a rookie with a reputation of 25, in fact, my sad reality is that the Better paid publications for me, were those that I made in the first month. And I think that this is the case of some other users that I see that receive a great support and have a meteoric rise within the community. But it's true, apparently that's the exception and not the rule, but I also think that the problem is that many new users are going the easy way, want to earn money and start making spam comments, and make publications totally empty. I think that is what generates the discontent of some users with high reputation.

What do you think? Is steemit a community of rational individuals or emotionally driven individuals?

Well, in most cases people usually get carried away by the emotions, if it's like that outside of Steemit, I do not see why it would be different on the platform.

The first thing I want to say to you is, friend, excellent publication, after reading it I feel satisfied to have done it.

wow thanks for that!

Yeah, I can imagine there being sort of an "empty" space for users that aren't new nor big. That's another issue that deserves to be properly discussed as well.

Although thankfully, the communities/hivemind feature is right around the corner and that might be the solution, but we will have to wait and see.

Well, in most cases people usually get carried away by the emotions

I am not sure its in most cases, but yeah, its certainly normal for emotions to take over in some people. As long as there is a balance there should be no problem, but, is our community balanced? What do you think?

Well, I think it is more or less balanced, in general it would be difficult to tell you if it is balanced or not, because I believe that within Steemit there are different groups of people, many of these groups are balanced and others are not.

Yes, this is a long term play and everyone is acting like it might be over tomorrow in their voting habits. I make sure to try my best to upvote everyone equally, even tending to upvote larger users at lower percentages sometimes because the newer users need more help. I haven't been curating much content that isn't on my feed lately due to time, but I try to catch new users in my comments and when I see them on other people's posts

Thanks for stopping by jakey! What you are saying makes sense, besides, the feeds tend to be very varied so its a good way to fairly spread our support.

You have been upvoted by the @sndbox-alpha! Our curation team is currently formed by @anomadsoul, @GuyFawkes4-20, @martibis and @fingersik. We are seeking posts of the highest quality and we deem your endeavour as one of them. If you want to get to know more, feel free to check our blog.

This is a courtesy of @GuyFawkes4-20

Everything evolves and so does Steemit, it seems now that using bots is the way to get noticed, I personally think that paying bots is wrong and time will show that it is so. Steemit inc is working on tools to strengthen communities like hivemind and that is where the wind is really blowing, thank you for your opinion and explanation

I think that’s the best opportunity this platform has to fix those issues. I hope it works.

For sure Steem will become the biggest platform in the future ...

What do you think? Is steemit a community of rational individuals or emotionally driven individuals?

I might say that we can find both of these types for now ... they are all driven by the idea of making money and get frustrated if they don't get rewarded as the rest of the high users after one month ... this platform can use somekind of test when you sign in for the 1st time, so maybe not all of them can use it,just the ones that can write actually ... and this way the curators can have a break from time to time 😂

this platform can use somekind of test when you sign in for the 1st time

What do you mean?

I couldn't have said it any better, so I won't.

Your write ups and the amount of research you seem to do, keep amazing me. Are you really only one person? ;>)

Have a great day!

Hey mate, yep just me glued to my laptop all day long :P

But its not easy keeping up with a daily post, especially since I also would like to scout users for a community I am part of as well as other activities, but I certainly try my best to keep up.

Cheers bro!

That's impressive!

I feel you here, my friend. I put in hours a day myself, just on posting. And then some more on chatting on Discord, reading other people's posts, commenting and replying to comments on my posts. It's work but it's merely fun. I wrote an atypical sndboxpost myself today. Make sure to check that one out when you can find the time ;>)

And don't forget to take time off every now and then. people with 'normal' jobs do that too.

I'm not too good about understanding people's motivation, but it is undeniable that minnows are being crushed here. I watch the daily reports of @arcange and our biggest growth category is "dead fish." This category is growing very fast now. We used to have minnows and redfish growing, but in the last 6 weeks those are both sinking fast.

At the same time - that report shows less than 10K in people above redfish status. This is after two years! And as you say, many of the big guys do not like little guys and mute them when they see them anyway.

It's all well and good to talk about the joy of posting to steemit and the great connections here, but if no one can make money except a few at the top this is not sustainable.

Also - many people I used to be able to count on for a vote of over $1 once in a while have now delegated most of the sp somewhere else - possibly to bidbots, but I don't really know.

acrange stats Mar 2018.png

That is worrisome I didn't knew the dead fish category was growing so fast.

Yes, the bid bots trend worries me too, steem was clearly not designed to work like that.

I see 2 majors things that could change that.

  1. the hivemind/communities feature the developing team is currently working on

  2. the steem competitor that is being developed by dan.

There is other option of course is that people setting up and backing the bid bots changed their mind and started to focus more on the community, but I suppose this is not easy.

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