[Fun science!] #5.The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics

in #sndbox7 years ago (edited)

Fun science!

The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics

Thank you @leesongyi for drawing

[Fun science!] list

[Fun science!] #1. The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics
[Fun science!] #2. The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics
[Fun science!] #3. The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics
[Fun science!] #4.The story of Rutherford and quantum mechanics

If you throw a baseball between two gaps, this pattern is created.

Throwing a golf ball,
`A little smaller pattern '

Throwing a bead,
`Smaller pattern '

If you shoot a BB gun,
`Much smaller pattern '

In all cases, two rows of patterns are created.

What happens if you throw a very very small object?

What happens if you throw an invisible atom or an electron that is smaller than an atom?

In 1927, Clinton Davidson, a researcher at the Bell Labs in the United States, and Lester Germer experimented with electrons.

As it called, ** double slit experiment **

This experiment changed the 'double slit experiment' in 1801 by Thomas Young to 'light' and changed it to 'electron'.

“All of the quantum mechanics are contained in this experiment.”
Richard Feynman

That is a very important experiment.

Equipment Required for the Experiment

  • Electron generating device electron gun: Use hot wire to eject electrons.
  • Intermediate plate with longitudinal gaps
  • After that, a screen that the electrons strike a position

The electrons are ejected and pass through the slit to touch the screen.
One slit creates one line,

this pattern is created by passing through a plate with two slits (double slits).

Image Credit : Wikimedia Commons

Unlike baseball, it is not two lines.
This pattern occurs in waves.

It is called interference pattern.

interference pattern, Image Credit : Wikimedia Commons

The electron is a particle, but the pattern of the wave is drawn.

It is not a pattern produced by particles.
The particles must make a double line like a baseball ball experiment, but an interference pattern was created. It's strange.

Close the right slit and shoot an electron.
There is only one line of pattern.

That’s right

This time, close the left slit and shoot an electron.
Just one line of patterns is created.

Yes, that’s right

If you open both sides of the slit and shoot electrons, you should see a double line pattern,

but, an interference pattern is created.

Could it be that the electrons are interfering with each other?

Slowly, one at 10 seconds, shoots an electron.
There is only one electron, so electrons do not hit each other.

The electrons are particles, obviously …

Interference patterns are gradually created.

What’s this

Ah. The interference pattern is also drawn.

But that is not all.

Please let me know if anything has to be corrected :)


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