An unexpected visitor.

in #sndbox7 years ago


I hear the dogs barking outside, but not the normal bark, this time sounds different, I know my dogs and I can tell the difference. I jump out of bed, quickly grab some clothes and head for the front door. It was full moon just a couple days ago, so its really bright outside. As soon as I walk out of the house, the dogs stopped barking and were now chasing something around the barn.

When I get there I realized this is pretty unusual and in the rush I forgot to get my rifle, so I improvise and grab a machete from the gardening tools. At this point the dogs are starting to really worry me, they are normally very well behaved and now they don´t seem to be listening to me at all. Running around, in and out of the barn and in the bushes by it. Like they are chasing something but I can´t see what.

Torchlight in one hand and machete in the other, I venture to the bush and suddenly everything gets quiet. The dogs stop running and everything comes back to normal for a second. A chill runs up my spine, I am starting to get scared so I walk back to the barn and try to find the dogs. One of them comes straight to me when I call for them, but the other is nowhere to be found.

Credits I head back to the house and freeze when I see many of the lights on. Somebody is inside the house I think. Fuck! Somehow I´m not scared anymore and rush to the front door, open the power distribution box and Click!. I hope you dont mind some darkness. Quickly run to the back door, and wait there in the dark, trying to listen what´s going on inside the house. I hear footsteps, thats pretty obvious, even a breeze make the house crack. I wonder how many could they be, I don´t think anyone is crazy enough to do this on its own.

I remember the hand gun under the seat of my car. Consider going to get it when I hear somebody shouting "Hey you redneck piece of shit, I know that you are holding shit tons of money in crypto, your big mouth got you into this, you better keep that shut now and listen up!" Man am I scared now, this guy knows his shit. "You are going to give me access to your accounts now or I´m setting this place on fire. Your tires are destroyed, don´t try to do anything stupid! I know you wouldn´t want you baseball cards collection to burn together with this shit hole you call home. I bet those cards are worth more than this place".

I´m speechless my mind is racing, who is this guy? Some really desperate looney that knows me or someone I know. I shouldn´t have bragged about my crazy ETH ICO and STEEM profits, DAMN! . Ok, I rather die, I couldnt live in peace If I lose all my money, my precious 5k ETH and 200k STEEM . I walk around the house, and go for a big window. Break it with the handle of the machete and unlock the door next to it. Im inside. I decided to leave the power off since I know my house better than anyone else. The torchlight comes very handy now that im inside, no moonlight here.

When I get to the living room i see something I was not expecting. A guy I have never seen in my life with two kids, maybe 5 and 2 years old. I´m shocked. What kind of bizarre thief strategy is this? bringing kids to the crime scene? This confuses me and I just freeze there staring at the scene. The daddy had already put some candles on so theres quite an atmosphere in the room. I finally open my mouth for the first time and say. "Ok you really have some balls, I give you that. But if you think the kids would make me refrain from fighting you I tell you you are very wrong", and run towards the crazy man. Out of nowhere I swing the machete and stab him straight in the ribs making him fall on his knees quietly expressing pain.

The kids start screaming, but not for long. The toddler made me consider it... letting the kids live, but as the Khmer Rouge genocides said while killing almost half of Cambodia´s population: The younger ones have to be killed also, to avoid them coming back for revenge in 10-20 years. So I run outside to the garage. Grab a big bottle of petrol and start an arson. My shitty wooden house is completely on fire within minutes, the constant breeze make it quicker. I imagine the kids suffocating in the dense smoke, oh well... It was their father who brought them here.

I clean the machete very carefully and then cover it with dirt and chuck it in the barn. I check my car, tires are sweet, that daddy burglar was really full of shit. Make sure I have my phone, with all my private keys. SHIT ! my phone! Left it in the house, I feel like passing out for a second, What the fuck. The insurance, the police is going to ask me so much shit... wait, i´m in my car. Grab my .38 from under the seat, I know its fully loaded, gun in my head, pull the trigger and BANG!




That’s some hard core shit Bruno! The Dawg likes it! :)

Thank you man!! I am glad to know you enjoyed it :)

See you at the tables!

Wow, I really enjoy this. very well written. got caught in the story till the end, the descriptions, the emotions !!
Thank you

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!


Nice piece I really enjoyed reading through

Thanks for posting things in both English and Spanish. Creative writing, but a .38, also known as a ballistic wimp, isn't the best thing to keep under the seat. ;)

Good point!

As you could tell... I have no clue about guns, my bad.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Make no mistake, getting shot with a .38 is not fun, and even a .22 is deadly and not useless, but .38 has been known to bounce off Car windshields so it wouldn't be the best thing to keep as a matter of self defense under the seat of a Car. Some folks use the .38 for target practice in their .357 mag. as the .38 is much cheaper, but the .357 mag. is a much better round for self defense. I used to restore old guns, but rarely felt the need to carry them, and never in my Car unless going to the range to test them out. I don't have any now; I sold them all. Still really like your post :) Saludos!

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