FRANK BACON turns States o{ELEMENTS}f Evidence with moc.AIAG about BEING Groovie | DISCOVERY

in #snaxbountyprogram5 years ago (edited)

In a series of three quietly released video interviews, former moc.AIAG TV PRODUCT FRANK BACON – if he is in fact telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – turns States Evidence and publicly confesses to journalist BeING Groovie to having aided and abetted corporate criminal fraud and abuse by corporate “UFO & Spiritual” media giant moc.AIAG of its Federal and Colorado regulated broadcasting and business permits and Colorado-regulated corporate Member subscription Rules of Service over the course of 2016, 2017, 2018 and into 2019.

Pike Arrives on Discovery | Star Trek Discovery "Brother"

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

moc.AIAG TV’s broadcasts of criminally intentionally hoaxed programs are in direct violation of applicable integrity in broadcasting federal and state statuTes and regulations.

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In order to cover moc.GAIA TV’s intentional hoax media crime, FRANK BACON in these three States o{ELEMENTS}f Evidence videos – which provide probable cause for Grand Jury Felony Fraud Indictment of Directors, officers, Producers and Contractees of moc.GAIA TV – turns States o{ELEMENTS}f Evidence to BEING Groovie and provides evidentiary testimony as to the rationale why Directors, officers, and contractors of moc.GAIA made the intentional criminally motivated decision to attempt to divert public and prosecutorial attention from its producing and broadcasting hoaxed UFO & Spiritual Broadcasting by FRANK BACON,...

A GOOD XO Owns His Data 


Are moc.AIAG TV and its Directors, officers, Producers, employees, and/or contractorsat times acting as conscious, covert, or unwitting agents of clandestine COINTELPRO intelligence agencies of federal, state, and local US and other governments?

So late FOR Illusion - S2E8 Discovery

The latest public sharing of priviledged evidentiary testimony by moc.AIAG TV PRODUCT FRANK BACON in the above 3 videos suggest the respose may be: “Yes”. Please refer to the evidence of corporate COINTELPRO below.

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Sinister force targeting multidimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, and a 2016 US Presidential candidate with DEW directed energy weapons, causing blindness & paralysis

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DRAW your OWN Conclusions!






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