in #snax5 years ago

My friend @phortun was at the top of my feed with a strange post about SNAX. When it comes to rewards, blockchain, and integration with the STEEM blockchain, I love to check it out in the name of knowledge, adoption and opportunity.


In short, SNAX is a blockchain intended to reward users for creating online content. Sounds familiar doesn't it? The neat thing is that it is cross platform and the team are integrating with the STEEM blockchain which boasts a very prolific and tight community of content providers.

You can read the details here and here and see the post that first introduced me to it here

So, if you want to get in on the action, there is a bounty to be had to claim some of the 5,000,000 SNAX they are airdropping as part of their promotion/adoption push, have at it.


Here is my experience so far:

  • Discord - I joined their channel and was immediately welcomed and had someone answer a question immediately.
  • WebWallet - I installed the web wallet which is a chrome browser add-on I am not sure how I feel about chrome add-ons and the mysterious risks they can expose you to so do your diligence.
  • Twitter - @nathanmars and @davedickeyyall have digitally twisted my arm to dust of the twitter account and posted the promo post linked on their website. You can check out and follow @zekepickleman there if you are a twittererer.
  • Immediate reward - I have 50 SNAX in my web wallet now and would like to see that grow.
  • STEEM post - You are looking at it and it should get me another reward based on my legions of followers.


I am interested in your opinion on the viability, risks, opportunity with this new pseudo partnership with STEEM . It does seem to be a good concept in that it is platform agnostic and the developers are smart enough to leverage STEEM for a dedicated user base who have the ability to spread the word.


Another flash in the pan? Gold in them thar hills? Do you like SNAX?


Here is a helpful translation borrowed by @phortun to make sure the Czechs are included and I have reached the 1000 word requirement for the STEEM bounty reward ;)



Ahoj #cesky!

Rád bych vám dnes přinesl další, věřím, že zajímavou novinku :) Náš blockchain totiž brzy naváže spolupráci s blockchainem SNAX a žádný správný Steemař by u toho neměl chybět. SNAX přišel s nápadem odměňovat lidi za tvorbu obsahu na sociálních sítích (a to i těch mainstreamových) svými SNAX tokeny a zvýšit tak povědomí široké veřejnosti o kryptoměnách. Spojení SNAXU a Steemu se naplno rozběhne v úterý 14. května, odkdy budete moci za své posty publikované na Steemu dostávat SNAX jako bonus navíc. Podle všeho by k tomu mělo stačit jen přidaní tagu #SNAX k vašemu postu. SNAX navíc přišel s tzv. bounty programem, v jehož rámci můžete získat další SNAX za sepsání krátkého článku (minimum 1000 znaků), který bude SNAX propagovat nebo o něm informovat.

Více se dočtete v tomto článku.

Děkuji za pozornost a přeji hezký den.



I am not really sure about Snax Extension permissions.
I did a post on it yesterday and I was expecting some steemit users or someone from the snax team to answer, but no one did.
here is my post/question

Yes! This was a thought of mine as well when wondering about the plugin. Let me see if I can get an answer.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Here is the answer they have @prakashghai “the whole code of snax extension is open sourced. We use clipboard permission to copy mnemonic phase which can be used to create an asymmetric private key. Also we use it to copy your export private key: But that’s it”

What do you think? Difference between what the want to do and actually have the ability to?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would wait before signing up. Also, I first need to know the team behind this. Their website also does look kinda incomplete.

They are happily proclaiming anonymous status until the legislation permits blockchain and securities related are legalized.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha maybe add #cesky tag for that czech text haha :D cuz I guess except for me, noone really understands it :D

And congratz to 50 SNAX! I wish I was soo motivated to do these airdrops as I've used to be in the past..

Yah I don’t have time for the pennies much either. For this one, if it rewards for daily posts here on steem, it is the airdrop that will keep on dropping for what we are doing already.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I want to use it but it's not available for mobile

I will keep watching it and let you know when they go mobile.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for sharing this first time I heard of it I will have to go and check it out

Yah good to have many eyes on it. Neat concept.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Indeed I signed up for it 👍😎👍

Do you know if the tokens are on any exchanges or are they funny money right now?

It is an eos chain token interestingly enough!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looks like its funny money right now

Does it trade anywhere or is it going to be another Weku??

Good question. It is supposed to be on the eos blockchain and I have asked where it might trade.

As far as being a weku, maybe in terms of flash in the pan but definitely not when it comes to solution. It isn’t trying to be steem or whaleshares or twitter or anything. It is meant to integrate with all social media to reward content and be complimentary.

Not sure if it will take off at all but I am not doing anything extra until it does except maybe tag #snax to see if their oracle will find and reward posts. I will get back to you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Actually I was mistaken. It is not on the EOS blockchain but based on EOSIO engine which makes listing on exchanges more difficult. They need to build a bit larger community
aiming for 1500 users, and can have it listed then.

So, looks like weku as far as value so far.

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