#Smartcash - An Altcoin set apart from the rest - Venezuela

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)



I am no techie and got into the blockchain after reading End The Fed by Ron Paul...as well as learning of an investment opportunity that uses bitcoin. That was all last spring. It in turn led me into the steemuniverse and the rest of the decentralized world of currency. On steem I have made a few friends, and participated in a few contests. One of those contests had a reward of 10,000 smartcash compliments of @decentralized which landed me holding a coin that was valued at less then 1 cent and which I knew nothing about.

This was all in late July. So trust me and this post at your own risk...but let me try and convince you...

Two reasons you should look investing into SmartCash

  1. Ton's of $$ to be made
  2. SmartCash is owned and influenced exclusively by it's holders, with the capacity to meet real needs. I will show you below how its working in Venezuela compliments of the smarthive.

There are tons of different ICO's that come and go. People have become stupid rich off of them because of their incredible upside...people also lose money...such as the investing life...
You buy 1000 coin @ 1 cent/per for an ivesment of $10. If that coin goes up to 20 cent/per your investment goes up to a value of $200. Thats a 2000% gain. Pretty good...
Bitcoin being the originator of it all, with the early miners of BTC finding themselves with thousands of bitcoin. Back in the early days it was valued under $10. Now its @ $5600. Not sure those gains will be ever be seen again. Ever.

For investors this type of investment is quite appealing. Smartcash should be a coin that should be considered for anyone interested in these type of gains. I got into it while it was valued at $0.007/coin, it currently sits at Screen Shot 2017-10-17 at 6.47.08 AM.png

Most of us on this platform are into decentralized currencies not only because of the money to be made but because we understand the value of decentralized currencies.

  • immune to inflation
  • immune to governing bodies corruption
  • immune from government theft
  • no need for 3rd parties in your money management

Decentralized currency is only growing. If you believe that let me recommend SmartCash as a coin you should adopt.

  1. Smatcash is owned and influenced exclusively by its holders.
    This is because its built on what is called the:
    The smarthive concept you can think of like a beehive. All the bee's have a common goal, they all benefit from the success of the hive. The way it works is in the mining of the coin. When a block is mined the, miner gets a small cut (I believe its like %5) of the coin, the smarthive a cut (I believe %80), and the holders of the coin get the rest of the block distributed it out proportionally (this is called the smartrewards).

The Smarthive funds are reserved for holders of the coin that have ideas to develop the coin, or ways to benefit society to post their ideas and allow the other owners of the coin to essentially vote on if they deserve $$ from the smarthive to push their agenda/idea forward.

Now Initially I thought to myself must be a bunch of crazy hackers that are in the smarthive taking all the coins for themselves. I bought into alt coins to get away from any sort of governing body in my money. As I begin to dialogue on the forum- which you can find here - https://forum.smartcash.cc - I was impressed with my interactions with the few responsible for building out this coin.

I thought I will watch and see how this works out. After all it just dropped into existence in June.

Well the first idea that I followed requesting access to the smarthive was put forward on the forum by flatuxx - this link will take you directly to the proposal - https://forum.smartcash.cc/t/pre-proposal-for-food-distribution-in-venezuela/217

The goal of this proposal is two fold - to meet a real need of providing some food to a hurting community, the second being to push awareness of smartcash in a place that could desperately use the technology.

This proposal was made in early August. It was accepted by the Smartcash community, funded and is currently playing out in October. You can see the updates on this forum thread - https://forum.smartcash.cc/t/smartcash-venezuela-project-updates/825

You can also follow the project here on instagram - https://www.instagram.com/smartcashve/
Here are a few of the pics from the instagram feed:

Flatuxx and his team are doing some incredible work using the smartcash community. Serving real needs, and allowing the values of the community to play out in serving people that need it. Educating them, and inviting them to start adopting and using smartcash as a viable currency.

While this is still small scale in what is possible, smartcash is only 4 months old. The community is still small. However, this coin is set apart from the rest because its ability for the owners to utilize the smarthive - it essentially has endless possibilities of what its holders can dream up and implement to serve humanity. This is just one example of it working in Venezuela to not only benefit the holders but benefit an entire community thats been ravaged by corrupt government.

I think you should invest in smartcash

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit https://www.SmartCash.cc

Thanks for reading, and please let me know any thoughts...


SmartCash is definitely one of the most promising coins as for its real life use. I'm glad I'm one of the early adopters of this coin and I hope you are too! Great article, very informative.

Steem on!

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Smartcash Address?


Its really nice to see people helping others who suffered dearly under authoritarian centralized governments that invariably fail because bureaucrats don't understand how libertarian decentralization creates a better world for everyone. Some day I believe the whole world will run on cryptocurrency and I look forward to such a day. Save the trees (wink) Death to paper money!

haha its all gonna burn!

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