My Art Venture: Acrylic painting “Heading home: Sunset”

in #slothicorn6 years ago

Hello my dear Steemians,

My topic this week is adventure of a Sailing ship that was on the way back home and I want to make is as a dairy of the Captain, who is bringing his crew home despite of hash long time.

“… Day 34 Dairy of Captain

Today after collecting our goods such exotic spices, clothes and silk we are heading home. The crew is exhausted but happy, we had no major problems with our ship and we were lucky with the weather. The doctor was glad that nobody of crew had health problems, like it was on our last trip. We have enough provision and the cook thinks that it should be enough till we arrive to our home port.


“Acrylic painting “Heading home: Sunset” by @Stef1

Today it was a beautiful sunny day and we have a North wind that fills our sails. Nevertheless I see some clouds gathering it may get windy tomorrow, but we hope for the best and let Poseidon be our Guardian…”

For today, I made painting with acrylic colors on cotton covered wood.
My process photos


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png


Trenner groß.png



“I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :)”


Thank you for posting @stef1.

Lovely painting and tale from long ago. Well done.

Something to ponder.....thank you.

All the best. ^__^


Thank you for viewing and I am glad you like my work, before doing my painting I always try to imagine what would be happening behind the scene and in the case if it is my favorite topic like sea, wooden sailing ships then everything comes up itself, may be in my previous life I was a seaman :)

This series is fun to watch develop, and a good idea as a catalyst for your creativity. Perhaps one day you could put this together as an illustrated book. Out of curiosity, do you do one painting a day or what is your average time frame? Also, what size are these paintings?

You are right the idea drives everything, I think it is just like you imagine you are a producer of movie and you see the story also you have to do the illustration. I have never thought that you could the text and pictures together, that would be really a good idea.

I usually have a weekend off Steemit and this is the time when I try to do my paintings, I use acrylic paints andas you know they dry up quickly but nevertheless it needs to be couple of hours. When I have such weekly plan for my blog I prepare already 5 surfaces and do the first layers on two one after another, because I love to just put the background colors and usually they are chaotic, that makes fun. Then the details take me usually 3-4 hours. So On weekend I usually finish at least 3 paintings. Then two more usually wednesday and friday. I use 30,5 cm x 40,5 cm textured paper for acrylic works. They are not small but also not big too.

Thank you for your interest was my pleasure to have a chat with you :)

Thank you for explaining all of this, I'm always so interested in other artist's routines, schedules, ways of working! You are creatively very productive especially considering you work a job as well - something to be proud of for sure. Cheers to a wonderful Wednesday of creative work for you!

I like how you made waves. They turned out to be transparent. In my opinion this is one of the most difficult moments in marine painting.

I really like the paintings of great maestro Aivazovsky. His waves also are carryng light...

Thank you and I absolutely agree with Ivan Aivazovsky brought it to its perfection maritime painting

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank for support :)

Wow awesom picture bro @romiyulianda

Thank you for viewing and your nice words :)

Ur welcome :),see you in the next article

Your favourite theme. And you have painted it beautifully.
The ship does seem to be eager and in an enthusiastic rush to reach home !
Gorgeous, @stef1

Thank you @nehab, you are absolutely right I was waiting for a while to re-start my favorite topic but wanted that some time goes on. Glad you like my ship :)

Очень красиво!

Спасибо, было не легко с этим полотном, я его не грундировала, думала что акриль как пластиц, первый слой должен был закрепить плотно но несмотря на это полотно просто всосало всю первую краску. Поетому много слоев получилось. Но результат довольно приличный

Impressive my friend ! :-)
i lov it.jpg

Thank you @agneslaczo for viewing and for your support :)

I always like your sunset, turmoil ship movement on the deep sea painting. It expresses its greatest historical adventure and also bring us back to the past :) superb @stef1 :D

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