A singularity sketch inspired by my trip to a garden

in #slothicorn6 years ago

This latest sketch study was inspired by photos I snapped at a local garden and plant sale.


The entire sketch:

I shared yesterday on my #sublimesunday post that I had made a trip over the weekend to a local garden and historic house for a plant sale. As many of you may know I am also an avid gardener and lover of all things plants, trees, and shrubs. I snapped some shots whilst in the wildflower garden of this amazing tree, an acer (or japanese maple).


As soon as I got home, I began sketching it out. Now, I also cut my finger on the knuckle of my left had a few days prior and had tried taking a day off sketching. That is a hard thing when one draws and sketches each day, but I soldiered onward. Case in point, sad bandaged finger.

What was interesting as I had only intended to sketch the tree and garden and then I saw one of my Singularity creatures there. I am beginning to image them everywhere I go now. I considered the day out in the garden in the form of half machine and of course, my ladies are never wanting for elaborate fashion. Here is the sketch right after I scanned it.


Then I set about adding more pencil in digital to begin to get the feel of lights and darks.

Then I start playing with digital watercolour.

I made a gif of some of the layers building up.

This will obviously ultimately end up as a digital oil. When I began sketching in the idea of the woman I often start with the historic fashion. I love historic dresses and consider who will be wearing this today? Her floating orb is just an idea at this point. She might have another more little robot device like I made in my dog layer of my Pandora painting I'm not sure yet. She hasn't an animal with here here either, but that shall come I'm sure.

I am loving this series as I really can carry it around with me through the day and wonder what would one of the ladies I am creating be up to? What would occupy her day? It's an amazing joy as an artist to build up worlds to live in in our day dreams and then to have the pleasure to put them down to paper, canvas, and screen to share with others.

This Summer in the Summer studio I believe some of these ladies will be making an appearance on large scale real life canvas, we shall see. I keep dreaming of it so come Summer we'll have to see if they want to be 'born' onto canvas and board.

I hope you all have a lovely day and make time to dream and imagine. Now, I'm off to my garden to plant and dream of what other things I could manage if I were part machine.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

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My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.


Really great one!

Fantastic headpiece she's got on. It's unexpected, yet right at home there. And it lights up!

beautiful work , so that tree exist ! cool.. love it :)
and the idea of the sketch is wonderful

I know, isn't that tree amazing.

I'm back! Oh! Now now...you are obsessed by the Singularity persons.
When I read you cut your finger I imagined your without it and then I scrolled down and I saw the photo....pfffff! You almost scared me!

It is true, I am obsessed :)

It wasn't a bad cut, just annoying and was hard to type and draw.

I like your singularity ladies, they’re elegant machines :D.

Also, I just noticed that you’re left handed! That’s kinda cool lol, to be part of the unique population. Do your drawing slant to the left instead of the right? Or they don’t slant at all?


Actually I'm ambidextrous, but mainly use my right hand. However, my left hand being bandaged and also having to be held straight was a bit imparing in my drawing, but I soldiered onward :)

Ambidextrous? That makes it even better! Whoa... so you can draw with both hands? :O
That's really amazing.

I like the loose sketchy lines.

Thank you. I love to scribble a bit :)

Awesome sketches, loving the rough vibe. And your right on the tree that is so epic, really good shot you got of it. Reminds me of the heart trees from game of thrones :)

I'm obsessed with trees, well anything garden related. In my local village, which is pretty old for the US, we have some ancient trees that grow up and the sidewalk is displaced by it and some houses have large old trees that are easily a few hundred years old. There is one I love that looks like a giant elephant's leg, I should share that one one day.

Tree photos are always so cool, the same types of trees can look so radically different, and depending on your distance you can get some really cool shots/textures... lol guess i'm a tree nerd :)

really wonderful painting,actually sketching and it has a different mood it the sketch , you mixed a lot of thing inside : an android woman are walking around a garden in 1928 ! Really wonderful...past,now and the future are in the same frame...!

Yeah, I'm doing an entire series like this. Though, I'd say this is more the fashion of 1870 than 1928, but it's meant to be a supposed future after the Singularity has occurred. But, art is always open for interpretation.

Hello, donnadavisart, I'm @ArtTurtle, an upvote bot run by @Artopium. I just upvoted this post and resteemed it because I'm following you and, well, that's just what I do. Reciprocation is always appreciated! If you no longer wish to have @ArtTurtle follow you please reply to this comment with 'STOP'.

Aw, little @artturtle are you a bot? Now why would I want to not allow a cute turtle bot to comment on a painting I did about a bot? In fact, I might use a tortoise in this piece now that I think on it. Good job, Steemit, you keep inspiring me!

You're welcome!

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