Toilet Paper and Salad Dressing: Lost at the Supermarket!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #simplicity5 years ago

Seems like you have to almost be a Rocket Scientist to survive the supermarket, these days.

Yesterday, I was at Safeway... needing something pretty basic: a bottle of Ranch dressing.

You'd think pretty much any idiot could figure that out, but evidently I must be a very special kind of idiot.

California poppies near our house...

There's "Lite" Ranch, "Low Sodium" Ranch, "Fat Free" Ranch, "Bacon" Ranch, "Blue Cheese" Ranch, "Parmesan" Ranch, "Garlic" Ranch... the one thing that doesn't seem to be there is just a bottle of good old-fashioned Ranch dressing.

Not "New And Improved" and not an "Exciting New Flavor!"

As I said, I must be a special kind of idiot because even though I thought I had actually found "normal" Ranch... I actually had ended up buying a bottle of "Lite" Ranch... which looks precisely how I remember the Ranch dressing bottle... except for a small Lite printed on the bottleneck.

It will now either rot on our pantry shelf, or get consumed next time our daughter visits. Maybe...

Then There's Toilet Paper....

Since when did a roll of toilet paper stop being a roll of toilet paper?

Variegated dwarf petunia

Now there are "rolls" and "double rolls" and "mega rolls" (some of which are "giant") and the packages of the latter are emblazoned with the words "The same as 24 regular sized rolls!" on a package of six.

Seriously? It's a package with six rolls of toilet paper...

Evidently, someone thinks they are being clever, but they are not so clever as to have considered that if you live in a somewhat older house with a "built-in" toilet paper holder, those mega rolls don't actually fit.

My friend — who's more on top of current marketing trends than I — says that consumers get "bored" when products stay unchanged for too long.

It's f!cking toilet paper! It's one of the most UTILITARIAN products on the planet! I'm not buying it because I need ENTERTAINMENT for my boredom!

It just sort of goes to show that "New and Improved" often is anything but...

Boredom and Olive-Tuna-Nut-Cranberry Bread

As I am sitting here, in the middle of this mini-rant, I am reminded of a friend from many years ago, back when I lived in Texas,

She was a very keen — and typically "adventurous" — baker.

Which frequently meant that she would come up with concoctions that had no business seeing the light of day, let alone the inside of an oven.

Blooming grape mahonia

Don't get me wrong, I love freshly baked bread. Bread. I even like a nice cinnamon loaf, and I like garlic bread, and I like lemon pound cake.

I do NOT, however, like "lemon-garlic-cinnamon loaf," and I do NOT buy into the excuse that it's "exciting." It's not the kind of excitement my taste buds are looking for.

And yet? I see more and more "unlikely combinations" of foods being marketed as "exciting new flavors."

Maybe this is what "getting older" actually IS: as the old truism goes: "Aging is the process by which the expansiveness of your thinking and the narrowness of your waistline trade places."

Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!

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Power House Creatives _night mode.png

(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190603 16:56 PST



Mega toilet rolls...sounds like a bad idea. I mean, unless you are going to use them as normal tissue paper (which I sometimes do), they aren't going to be used at can't put them in the toilet as they can't fit in the holders, and you can't put them around in the bathroom as well as they are so good at getting wet.

Or, well, you can just buy it as a toy for your cat (if you have one). They might love it, if you don't mind cleaning up...

I hate marketers too...loathe them in fact.
You might be interested in a new thing which recently became available where I am.(south of berkley east)

Grocery delivery.

My wife HATES to go to the grocery store. (she won't allow me too. I buy too much) SO....she makes a list of what she needs...then enters it online to the Grocery Store. A few hours later it's delivered to our door.

Cheaper actually, when you consider what your time is worth, than going to the store yourself.

BONUS! No more IMPULSE buys.

We're getting more and more stuff online. A few days ago the governor signed a bill allowing beer and wine to be delivered too.

Now just about the onliest place I go is the lumber yard. (75$ delivery fee...still too expensive)

I go for weeks and weeks at a time and never leave the house.

P.S. You're marketing friend is full of bovine excretion. I don't get 'bored with no change' rather I get annoyed BY change. When I encounter silly stuff like you mentioned I react the same way that you do. When I go to the store to get something and find that it's been moved somewhere ELSE in the store than where it used to be....that's not helpful.

It's alway where I can find it on line.

I don't go to stores any more.

Ah my friend. I guess one Roll of this toilet paper would make you smile a little bit at least. :)

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A Toilet Paper Rant...... Love it.

My wife behaves just like the cats when they move things around in the Supermarket She has been going to for many years.

Wanna upset the cats.? Just rearrange the furniture.

Oh and "The Lil Guy" has found the TeePeePaper dispenser. It is a good thing I have a lifetime supply of the cheap stuff. I haul paper products from time to time. And still have several boxes in the attic. The Wife will not use the borderline sand paper. So I let the cats go crazzy with it from time to time.

Here is SammiJo back in 2010. Tee Pee Paper Attack.!!

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Eschscholzia just as a decoration?

I live in an older home, too, and hate those "wont-fit" MEGA-rolls! I'm with ya on that one! But the LITE Ranch sounds pretty tasty to me! I'm with your daughter on that one. Love your flower photos, especially those magnificent dwarf petunias! 💛 😊

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