A Brobdingnagian stack of silver...

in #silver6 years ago (edited)

I have been asked to stop referring to my stack of silver as small. @themanwithnoname was the asker and as I have a great deal of time for the man I have decided to acquiesce to his request. My stack is indeed small however today I shall refer to it as brobdingnagian as I think it may bring the aforementioned man some pleasure.

Today I want share one of my coins with you; A thing I have done off and on over the last few weeks or so simply because apparently it's a thing here on steemit.

This coin is another one ounce piece that has a military tilt being a commemorative coin for the Kokoda Campaign fought in Papua New Guinea during World War Two. As an avid history buff and war history researcher I have done extensive work in understanding the campaign and of course, have trekked the Kokoda Track myself back in 2007. It's a brutal mountain track of 100 kilometres that goes up or down with no flat bits starting at Owers Corner and ending in the small village of Kokoda.

You can see both sides of the coin below with the left image showing the printed image on the coin depicting some Australian troops crossing one of the many rivers on the Track.

Below are four posts I did on the Kokoda Campaign and my trek on the Kokoda Track. You may find something of interest there, or not, but take a look anyway. Conditions were horrendous for me and my trekking team however nothing at all compared to what it was like over the seven month campaign for the troops back in 1942/43. Oh, they were being shot at and bombed as well. Just another small inconvenience.

Click here for the first of my posts Kokoda One and on this one for Kokoda Two. You've come this far you may as well read this oneKokoda Three. Oh what the hell, complete the package with this one right hereKokoda Four.

Every now and then I get to add a little bit of the shiny stuff to my stack. It's small...Sorry, brobdingnagian in size, and I do it to have something tangible here that has some sort of value over the paper (polymer) tokens the government call money. I also like to collect these little things that, whilst having some monetary value, also have some sentimental value to me. I refer to it as my pirate treasure and one day it's all going to go to my nieces and nephews. I have started them off early by sending/giving them a coin here and there so that in the future they will come to understand the value, monetary and sentimental, these little things have.

So, there you have it, another coin from my brobdingnagian stack. (In truth it's small and not brobdingnagian at all but who am I to disappoint @themanwithnoname?)

Photos are not great, sorry. Taken on my camera-texting-interweb-computing-device (Formerly called a mobile phone).


Thank you for taking the time to not disappoint @themanwithnoname :) And one of the many things I have learned from him is yes, sharing your coins is a "thing" here.

Truthfully, I like the photos of your niece better though :)

I agree, she's cute and funny, silver is neither of those things. :)

This is historical and beautiful. Do you arrange exhibitions to display these coins?

No mate, they sit in a box in a safe.

I've got no silver coins but I do have some regular coins. I just don't know what metal they are made of. Maybe I will start sharing mine here too. I will have to do some research though.

Is there a numismatic community on steemit? It would be good to know.

You should. If there's some sort of story behind them or something interesting then why not huh?

Hahahahaha, be proud of your treasure cpt Jack. I feel me be a pirate to, argh thanks to your competition.

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