Reflections from Australian battlefields: Kokoda

in #australia7 years ago

Today I met a returned soldier at work, a man who served in the Australian Army during the Vietnam war and post-war for over 20 years. He was such an interesting man to talk with, insightful and an intensely proud Australian, as am I. It reminded me of the sacrifices so many have made for our freedom and way of life.

As a keen history buff I've come to learn about the wars Australia has fought in and have had the privilege of visiting several significant Australian battlefields to pay my respects also. Inspired by Harold B, the veteran I met today, I came home to look at my photos and look through my note books from past battlefield visits.

The image below is from day one of a six day trek over the approximately 100 kilometres of the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea. Thousands of Aussie's fought and died there over battles between July to November 1942 in efforts to repel the invading Japanese during the Second World War. It was a brutal jungle campaign to prevent the enemy reaching Australian shores, one in which Australia prevailed.

I'll write some words about my trek, the challenges, fears, expectations and realities and post some more pictures in the near future. I hope my story inspires people to learn more about the sacrifice made by so many; Sacrifices to preserve and secure our way of life.

Thanks for reading.


Looking forward to see more photos of your trek experience. Following!

Cheers, just thinking about it brings all the memories and feelings back. The trek changed my life, I think it was one of those turning points in life. We all have them. Looking forward to sharing. :)

I can't wait to read more about this! Please keep writing and show us some new pics from your treck!
I am passionate about WW2 but in general most of the people knows nothing about Australia's role played in this huge conflict. Thanks for sharing man!!

Hi mate, thanks for your interest and enthusiasm. Australia has played a major role in many battles and wars. Unfortunately war is a part of life but at the same time our involvement has helped shape our nation and who we are today. I'll expand on the Kokoda campaign in posts to come and other conflicts as well. I also hope to convey the emotions and challenges I faced on the trek.

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