Shoe Shots -- No. 6 ~ Searching Far And Wide For The Secret To A Good Post -- Original Photography ~steemCreated with Sketch.

in #shoeshots8 years ago


This latest rendition of "Shoe Shots" was inspired by @felixxx, in his recent post How To Make a Good Post (High Quality)

After reading this particular post, it all seems to make perfectly good sense.

I've summarized the main points for ease and succinctality:

  1. Length of your post. The correct length for subject at hand. Crucial in all aspects of it's survival.
  2. Breadth of preparation. If the subject of support is too wide, your post just will not hold up over time.
  3. Longevity: How to make sure your post stands up to the "elements" of time.
  4. A Large Question Answered: What IS the greatest enemy to a good post?
  5. "Cover" Your Post: Assure that it can stand up to the inevitable scrutiny, and possible negativity it will it will receive from the outside audience over time.
  6. Understand the limits of your depth concerning the subject. Making sure your knowledge of the subject can support the post in-depth.
  7. Do whatever you can to shed negativity away from your post.

I'm off. And I'm now out searching for the ultimate example, that I might follow as a perfect role-model.

Thanks for stopping in. -dds

Self-Actualized ~ MultiColor 99 3/3 Award for Number of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


Well done dear friend @ddschteinn, congratulations on the excellent captures

Thank you for the look and comment.

You're welcome! :)

Sorry, I have just woken up....and I'm here now! ;)

Please don't apologize for sleeping ( :
I forget sometimes about the time changes. I will ask you what time it is in Thailand some time when we are both on here, and then write it down (( :

I sometimes forget about our difference about times, too! ;))

p.s. So, it's 09.00 a.m. now in Thailand.....what's about your time, is it 09.00 p.m.?

Sorry, I left the computer to go do some outdoor stuff. Right now, it is 7:42 pm, Sunday night.

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