The 99 3/3 -- Number of Followers Award On Steemit ~ A Virtual Self-Awarded Award, Awarded to Myself Today ~steemCreated with Sketch.

in #selfawardedawardseries8 years ago (edited)


It's Finally Here...The Self-Actualized -- Muliti-Color 99 3/3 Award For Number Of Followers On Steemit.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you out there in SteemitLand that have come over to my site and viewed, commented, and finally followed me on Steemit. It means a great deal to me, and is highly appreciated.

I would sing Barry Manilow's "Looks Like We Made It", but I can't sing worth diddly, and I might get virtual garden fruits tossed at me while up on the imaginary stage, which would be rather unpleasant, so nevermind.
Instead, I will award myself the third in the series of 'Number of Followers Awards.'

The 99 3/3 Record For Number Of Followers

It's taken me awhile, but this momentous occasion has finally arrived. The 99 3/3 follower on my Steemit site. And for those with a penchant for nomenclatural accuracy in mathematics display, I guess we should call it a Full 100 Followers.

Once again, a hearty thanks to all for following my site, and now it looks like I need to get busy on the next series of Award photos...for 150, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000, 1,000,000 followers!!

"If you don't dream big, your dreams will always stay small." -author

Thank you so very much for visiting my post, and Full Steem Ahead.

A Historical Perspective

I have awarded three virtual awards to myself since becoming a member of Steemit. The 33 1/3, 66 2/3 and 99 3/3 Multi-Color Award For Number Of Followers. I believe in rewarding oneself in small steps, just to keep the world in perspective, and to assure a feeling of grand success in these endeavours.

I have included a historical perspective here, for those that would like to read about these momentous events:

LINK-Historical Award Series

Poste Script -- The original plan was to give these awards out to folks so they could post them on their sites, once they received a number of followers landmark, if they so desired. But there was little interest in this on my first two posts. I'll put it out there once more, and see how that bird flies. Thanks.

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 33 1/3 Award for Number of Followers

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 66 2/3 Award for Number Of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


Congratulation for nice posts! Your articles always make me smile!

For this post, I really like your statement : "now it looks like I need to get busy on the next series of Award photos...for 150, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000, 1,000,000 followers!! And absolutely agree with the statement : ""If you don't dream big, your dreams will always stay small." -author"

Keep on your good work! :)

Thank you so very much for the nice comment, I really appreciate it. You are one of my most ardent followers, and I greatly appreciate your kind words and support. Also glad my posts make you smile. That is usually my goal, as being serious is over-rated ( : Have a most wonderful day...though I think it is night there now.

You are very much welcome and you can make me smile again with your nice compliment! I always feel happy reading your post!

Have a pleasant day, too! (Yes, it's a night time when you wrote this comment, but when I read this, it's already day time; at 10.00 a.m.! Thanks a lot!)

Howdy. I'm writing to you on here, because I can't seem to get you in So, this will have to do. The following is what I am sending out. Just please send back on here, as a reply, as I'm trying to keep this relatively quiet until I'm done. Thanks, dds

CONTENT: Howdy. Wondering if you want to be part of a short post. I'm putting out a tribute about the international nature of Steemit, with the help of my supporters. It amazes me how I've gotten to know Steemit friends from all over the world. If you want to participate, great. If you'd rather not, that is just fine as well.

I'll be putting out a short writing, and your translation in your native? language, with your name/country behind it. EXAMPLE: “Bringing people together, one post at a time” - @ddschteinn USA
I don't have THAT many supporters, but those of you that so nicely follow me and contribute, will be in the post as a sort of thanks as well as the overall statement about the wonders of Steemit.
The statement to translate: “Bringing people together, one post at a time.”

If interested, I would like to have you translate it into your native language, and send it back on here. If it is do-able. Not sure if I can type some languages on my machine. Maybe I can just copy directly from here. I'll give it a try. Thanks for reading, and anything you can send my way. IF you want to send more than one language, since you may know more, you can. Not sure yet if I'll just use the one, or if you are truly international, add all. Probably just the one?? Thanks, - @ddschteinn

That's a great idea! I already gave you my reply at the

Wasn't sure if you had it yet, so tried both ways. Disregard this, as I have your great translation now. (unless I lose it, which I shouldn't).

Thank You. And I should be in bed. But I am a Steemit person. I don't think we sleep ( :

You're welcome! Yeah! It seems that we enjoy working here at Steemit all the time throughout the day and night, right? ;)

It is the middle of the night, and I am still here. Oh Dear...

Cheer up! You did good work! ;)

Thank you, it is humorous to think of all this time spent making enjoyable things for others to read/look at, etc. It is actually very fun to create.

You're welcome! That's really great! :D

Good idea! Give myself hugs every day and try to hug anyone who will let me...I award you with a hug for you winning your awards!

Thanks so much for the comment, and hug. One can't get enough of those.

Good job @ddschteinn, here's to an even brighter Spring!!!

Thanks so much for the view and support. A bright and fulfilling Steemit Spring indeed...

Howdy. I'm writing to you on here, because I can't seem to get you in So, this will have to do. The following is what I am sending out. Just please send back on here, as a reply, as I'm trying to keep this relatively quiet until I'm done. Thanks, dds

@cognoscere ...You've been a staunch supporter of my work on here forever, so would like to add you in, if I can make it work. Not sure how to tie the international and US stuff together yet, so who knows. Maybe humor? Local color to add? Just straight up? Any ideas appreciated. It may not work, but I'll try...

CONTENT: Howdy. Wondering if you want to be part of a short post. I'm putting out a tribute about the international nature of Steemit, with the help of my supporters. It amazes me how I've gotten to know Steemit friends from all over the world. If you want to participate, great. If you'd rather not, that is just fine as well.

I'll be putting out a short writing, and your translation in your native? language, with your name/country behind it. EXAMPLE: “Bringing people together, one post at a time” - @ddschteinn USA
I don't have THAT many supporters, but those of you that so nicely follow me and contribute, will be in the post as a sort of thanks as well as the overall statement about the wonders of Steemit.
The statement to translate: “Bringing people together, one post at a time.”

If interested, I would like to have you translate it into your native language, and send it back on here. If it is do-able. Not sure if I can type some languages on my machine. Maybe I can just copy directly from here. I'll give it a try. Thanks for reading, and anything you can send my way. IF you want to send more than one language, since you may know more, you can. Not sure yet if I'll just use the one, or if you are truly international, add all. Probably just the one?? Thanks, - @ddschteinn

Cool idea, sure, but I guess you already have my translation ;-)

Yeah, knew it was a bit of a long shot. Wasn't t too sure if there was any 'local color' you could add, about NJ, etc. without insulting anybody. Quote The Boss or something. Thought I'd put it out there. I'm working on how to approach it with several US/English folks in the mix. Some sort of off-tilt humor? Hmm. So, thanks for the reply.

Congratulations dear friend @ddschteinn for your achievements
Continue the success !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much @jlufer, you have always been one of my most ardent followers, I really appreciate it. Keep up the good works, and much more success to you as well. Onward we go into the future ( :

Howdy. I'm writing to you on here, because I can't seem to get you in So, this will have to do. The following is what I am sending out. Just please send back on here, as a reply, as I'm trying to keep this relatively quiet until I'm done. Thanks, dds

CONTENT: Howdy. Wondering if you want to be part of a short post. I'm putting out a tribute about the international nature of Steemit, with the help of my supporters. It amazes me how I've gotten to know Steemit friends from all over the world. If you want to participate, great. If you'd rather not, that is just fine as well.

I'll be putting out a short writing, and your translation in your native? language, with your name/country behind it. EXAMPLE: “Bringing people together, one post at a time” - @ddschteinn USA
I don't have THAT many supporters, but those of you that so nicely follow me and contribute, will be in the post as a sort of thanks as well as the overall statement about the wonders of Steemit.
The statement to translate: “Bringing people together, one post at a time.”

If interested, I would like to have you translate it into your native language, and send it back on here. If it is do-able. Not sure if I can type some languages on my machine. Maybe I can just copy directly from here. I'll give it a try. Thanks for reading, and anything you can send my way. IF you want to send more than one language, since you may know more, you can. Not sure yet if I'll just use the one, or if you are truly international, add all. Probably just the one?? Thanks, - @ddschteinn

If you have me for what you need, what should I do ?, ask me what you need and I'll get you

Howdy. Thanks for writing back. I would like you to translate this statement: "Bringing people together, one post at a time".
In your native language, and send it to me. I would use Google Translate, but prefer it come from my followers, that way genuine, and correct. I did a post in French quite awhile ago, and probably butchered it pretty good ( :
Thanks so much, you can send it to me here.

I ask you to send me the letter and I will translate or you will do something short about me and steemit in my language and I will send it to you?

Sorry, don't think I explained that very well.
I would like you to only translate this saying here, in your native tongue, which I assume is Spanish? :
"Bringing people together, one post at a time".
That is all I need.

Then I will write a post in English, talking about the different friends from all over the world I've met on Steemit. That statement above in different languages, English, Russian? , Thai, Spanish, etc, will tie it all together. Does that make sense?

These two are the translation for that phrase
Reunir a todas las personas, un post a la vez
"En cada post, voy a reunir a todas las personas"
Jose Luis Fernandez Corrientes Argentina
I hope to have interpreted your request
I do not know what to do.
Have a beautiful weekend

Thank you so much for doing this. That is exactly what I hoped for you to do. Are there 2 different ways to say it? Or do they mean different things?

Hello . I'm still working on this post for release in the near future. You gave me two translations for my saying: "Bringing people together, one post at a time". Here is what you sent:

These two are the translation for that phrase
Reunir a todas las personas, un post a la vez
"En cada post, voy a reunir a todas las personas"
Jose Luis Fernandez Corrientes Argentina
I hope to have interpreted your request

Just wondering if one is more correct, or if they mean different things? Thanks for the help on this, I really appreciate it. @ddschteinn

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