Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost064

“Between us my love? Surely the love we feel in each other is all that needs to be said?”
“You are becoming quite glib.”
I grinned and my eyes closed as I fell asleep.

Previous Post 063


I timed my next visit so that Aganthi has had plenty of time for building houses. When I arrived, Robert told me that Aganthi has become very proficient and her houses are popular.

“As a woman, she makes them more comfortable and ‘homey’.”

I asked him about her attitude and he seemed surprised by the question.

“Just normal, a bit homesick. Why? Is there a problem?”

“No. It is just that it is the first time she has been apart from us.”

“I can sense there is something wrong, but I won’t pry. If there is anything I can do, let me know.”

I found Aganthi in the middle of building a house and I knew that she knew I was there, but she remained concentrated on the house. When it was finished I got up and walked over to her as she turned to me smiling.

“Want to come in and check it with me?”

She had done a beautiful job. She has not listened to me and the house has all the comforts. Knowing my thoughts, she answered them. “I don’t build houses Roberto, I build homes.”

“I can see why they are so popular. Feel like taking a break?”

“I can’t now. That couple sitting on the verandah, the one with a yellow awning, have been waiting so long for their turn. She is expecting and I promised them a lovely room for their daughter.”

“Are all the pregnancies daughters?”

“Oh no! They are not married to you.”

“You are all reacting to me on some instinctive basis, I would love to have sons also.”

“Now you can.”

“Do you want to have a son, Aganthi?”

“If I could have daughters to be loved by you I’d prefer girls. Since I cannot anymore, I don’t really care.”

“I thought we all agreed it was the right thing to do and yet everyone I talk to seems to be unhappy about it.”

“Why should you worry about it? As you said, we all understand the facts.”

I took her hands in mine. “Why should I worry? Has there been such a big change in how you see me?”

“Some. Roberto, I may not be returning with you.”

I felt my heart turn into a lump of stone. A painful process. Almost breathless with fear I asked, “How? Why?”

“You swore you would never send me away Roberto. Listen, I have to do their house, we can talk later.”

Numbly I stood watching as she did so. Cherine came over to me, ready for some pleasantries, but saw my face and with her empathy felt me. She took my arm. “Come with me Robert.”

“And now she sees it as a betrayal by me. I don’t have the heart to fight anymore Cherine. I think of our love as being so strong that nothing could touch it and then it suddenly gets affected by something silly.”

“You are depressed Robert and overreacting. She still loves you.”


I nodded. “Yes, I could feel that. What is gone is that absolute trust she had in me. The way she had been before, I could do no wrong.”

“I better tell you then since you are hurting yourself for nothing. She still loves and trusts you. She was just being spiteful because she feels hurt. She thinks that all you had to do was tell her to stop going to the apartment. You should explain to her why you did not. I sometimes wish you Roberts were not so sensitive; you despair so easily, always finding it easy to believe you are not loved.”

“So now I fit into the Robert category?”

She laughed. “You also all hate being put into a category. At least you can still tease.”

The house was finished and the couple had taken over, yet Aganthi had not come to me. Morosely I thought of all the local Cherine had said and wondered, can a Cherine be wrong after all? I went to Aganthi and found her sitting on some steps, a bunch of kids around her. She was telling them a fairy story. I wondered. They would not have been part of her childhood, what had prompted her to read them so late in life?

I noticed she was cuddling a tiny wisp of a girl, short dark hair and seemingly a face filled with huge dark eyes. Aganthi noticed me and beckoned for me to come over.

“Do you know this little girl? Her name is…”


“Yes. My Irene was not born in this world so her soul went to this little girl. Her parents are dead. I have to stay for her Roberto. Please?”

“I thought you did not want to return because you don’t love me anymore.”

“I’m sorry, that was nasty of me, I knew you would think so, but did it anyway. I do love you.”

“We’ll have a talk. Give me a moment my love.”

I jumped to Robert and Cherine.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Irene?” From their puzzlement I knew the answer. “You mean Aganthi did not tell you?”

“Tell us what?”

I explained and they just had to come with to see her. Cherine nodded to me, confirming what I already knew.

“I’m not leaving Aganthi here and she won’t leave Irene. Would it upset you if I stole your little Irene?”

“You would have two girls with the same soul Robert. How would it affect them?”

“My twins are almost in the same position. Jade has exactly my soul. All it does is make those with the twin souls love each other even more. I cannot tell you how little Jade makes me feel. If you want, come into me and look for yourselves.”

“No thank you.” Robert replied. “Coming into you once a year is more than enough. It is quite a traumatic experience.”

“So. Would you resent me for taking her?”

Cherine replied, “We would never resent anything you do. You are thinking this is an opportunity for us to have our own Irene in our family. If we should have her, she can create one for us. This little girl will need many years before she can become a Cherinian and she needs a lot of love and attention. We would want to give her the love, but we are so busy Robert.”

“Thank you. Sorry Robert.” I pulled his little Cherine to me and kissed her.


I told Aganthi, “Bring Irene with. We’re going to walk on the beach.”

“Aganthi, what would have been the effect if the old man had come and told me about the problems on the worlds he sent me to? Would that have been a good way to teach me my lessons?”


“I saw a problem with you. I could have called you in and had a talk, asked you to stop going to the apartment. That would have been stupid. The obsession would still have been there. Aganthi, I know what having a home means to you, I could not do that. What I had to do was to help you put everything back in perspective. By having you build so many houses I thought it might help you see that for us a house is not that important, not when you can build one whenever you want to. What should be important is that where we live is a home filled with love and happiness. Your obsession was keeping you away from us and your daughter was beginning to dislike the apartment. How can you think that any house is more important than being with the ones you love?”

“But I only went there for a few hours every day!”

“And when you were with us your thoughts were there. You worried in case burglars stole everything. You worried there might be a fire. Can you see why I had to try this way, that I was not breaking my promise, just trying to do what had to be done in the best way for you? I might have been wrong, this may not have been the best way, but it was the only way I could think of.”

“It was not the best way Robert. It was the worst. All I saw was how happy everybody was to have a home of their own, how grateful they were to me and it made me even happier to know that my daughter and I have our own home. That whatever happens, even if you stop loving me, like you will one day, at least I can…Roberto, are you crying?”

“No. Just the wind made my eyes teary. You were saying...”

“You did cry, because of me. What did I say?”

“After all this time it hurt to find that you still think I can stop loving you. There is not one of you girls that I do not love more than life. I would gladly give up all my gifts and powers, even my eyesight, rather than lose one of you.”

She came into my arms, little Irene between us. The little mite looked up at me and I did not see any fear, just that sweet calmness I know so well. I kissed the tip of her nose.

“We can’t call her Irene also. Think up another name.”

“Her name is not Irene. Everyone calls her matakia (little eyes, an endearment) because of her huge eyes.”

“Then give her a new name. A real name, not matakia, that can be her haideftiko (you could say the word means ‘caress name’).”

“Why not Irene? They have a Cherine and Robert and…”

“It would get confusing.”

“What do you mean?” The thought crossed her mind, but she dismissed it, knowing my obsession with having as many of us in the alternate worlds as possible.

“I thought maybe you, Irene and I could adopt her. We are taking her with us my love. You two will be the best mothers she could have.”

She cried and kissed the little girl and kissed me and the little girl again, hugging her too tightly. As she slowly calmed down, her face still enraptured, a cloud came across her eyes. She stood still and then I felt her make her decision and knew there would be no bending of her will.

“Only on one condition Robert. You must promise to marry her. If you will not, then she must stay here where she will have a Robert to love - even if he is not you.”

I took the two tiny hands of the little girl in mine and asked her in Greek, “Will you marry me?”


Aganthi whispered to her, ‘say yes’, and her sweet dark eyes on mine she did so, sealing her fate. For a moment I thought my girls might get upset with me and then realised I am being stupid. How can they resist being glad to have her with us.

“At least give my wife-to-be a name.”

“A Greek name?”

“Greek, Albanian, Anadir, I do not care, as long as it suits her.”

“It is nearly Christmas here and she is like a special Christmas present to me. Can I call her Noel?”

“Spell it as N-o-e-l-l-e. For someone who is going to be as wonderful and as loved as she will be, the name is perfect.” We walked a little, swinging Noelle between us so that her feet went high in the air and her delighted screams and laughter were music to both of us.

“That brings you all up to date. Noelle will come with us and I can tell you, you are all going to regret letting me steal from you such a wonderful little girl.”

“Roberto, I can’t leave now. I promised another five couples I would build their house for them.”

“We’ll stay another two days then, love. Just please don’t make any more promises.”

I made myself useful also. I collected about a dozen who had helped transport food and took them back to our world.

“I need a power plant. Something big enough to light a small city.”


“Yes Alki, now. That is why I brought them with. I also need a small refinery. Something that can produce enough diesel for the plant.”

He pulled at his hair. “You don’t know what you are asking for Roberto. You do not go to a supermarket and buy them. They have to be ordered a long time in advance.”

“I think you have forgotten you are a Cherinian? Go back two years or however long it takes and order them. Eddie and Hettie will pay for them, they did say I could have up to two hundred million.”

“Where do I have them delivered to?”

“Have you got some land without neighbours close by? I’ll put up a warehouse and offices. Have them deliver them there by tomorrow morning. Take these people with you and have them trained. They must know how to assemble the plants and maintain them. Alki, I think you also better supply them with enough money to live for two years.” I turned to them. “Half of you will train on each plant. That means you have jobs when you return home tomorrow. Can you do this? I know that two years is a long time.”

They all agreed, as I had chosen those who do not have families so they will not be missing someone special. They were also excited by the idea of living in civilisation again (as they think of it, because of being nostalgic for what they’ve lost). “Please remember, what I am going to ask of you, in this world it is the most important thing you can do for us. Never let anybody guess you are Cherinians or have any special gifts and please stay away from your alternates, as they are not Cherinians in our reality. You will be tempted, as you meet people, to help someone, perhaps to cure them. Do it secretly and never let them guess it had anything to do with you.”

Alki went back in time to his old house, knowing he would not run into himself there and did whatever businessmen do when ordering that kind of equipment. I’d forgotten to mention storage tanks, but presumed he would not. Surely the manufacturers will ask him?

He came back, a satisfied look on his face.

“Both have been arranged and the men you sent are being trained. I had to stay there for two months so I kept skipping the days in between.”


First he showed me his land and I quickly erected the buildings. I also had to make a road suitable for the trucks that will be carrying the extra heavy loads. Alki grinned when I was done, saying I have just increased the value of his land. We returned to his house and talked a little, I had a few cups of coffee and then Alki realised something is up.

“You are waiting for something?”

“You are not, Alki?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

“This is the only place they know where to find me. I’m guessing some of them will be jumping here to ask my permission.”

“For what?”

“To get married of course.”

“Oh.” He grinned. “You are a conniving bastard. You are hoping they will?”

“I could not tell them, but yes I am. It will help to increase their gene pool. Of course Cherine will have to approve each one.”

As I’d hoped, they came with stories of how they have met this wonderful woman…I was disappointed that only four of them came. I told them to arrive by normal means early in the morning with their prospective brides. If I find they are good women I will agree. I told them to pass on the message to the others that we will be happy to see them find someone to love.

“I’m going to jump forward in time to early morning, can you get Cherine and come over?”

“We’ll speak to her tonight and have her here for you.”

“Marian, I can see through you. You just don’t want me to be alone with her. See you in the morning.” I jumped and jumped back, sitting in the same seat. “That was quick for me. Hello love.”

She just had time to kiss me and the others arrived. I was disappointed again to see that only five women accompanied them. I made sure they were also introduced to Cherine who shook hands with all of them. These men are all Cherinians and they had chosen wisely and Cherine approved them all.

“Guys, have you told the ladies where you are from?”

“You said we must not.”

It seems I have saddled myself with the job.

“I see you are all looking puzzled and worried. The man you love has not lied to you, on my instructions they did not tell you everything, that is all. As I tell you, you will understand why. Before I do, if any of you are having doubts, you better leave before I tell you the whole story. You must love your man enough to be willing to put up with some hardship. You will be going elsewhere and you may never be able to return to your Athens. Does that frighten any of you, are you having second thoughts?

Of course it did and they were. I left it to the men to handle their own loves. Some of them took a walk outside while dealing with scared, angry women. They all finally came back.

“Now comes the hard part. Ladies, your husbands come from a place where there was a terrible war. Everything is still being rebuilt, but there is plenty of food. Your husbands are lucky in that they have jobs and you will each have a new house of your own, fully furnished. There are some hardships you will have to put up with. At this moment there is no water in your taps, but we hope to have that fixed soon. If you are willing to put up with those conditions then you are really wonderful women and must love these frightened men very much.

One good thing I can tell you. There is no sickness there and you will never have to fear for your children. I cannot tell you more at this moment, but you have the important information. If you agree, then you will have until tomorrow afternoon to get ready before leaving. The men have some hard work to do."


There were protests and I had to give in - because it was the right thing to do. Tasso is going to be very busy as the five men will need documents. The ladies insisted on getting married here and wanted a proper wedding and party afterwards. I could have kicked myself, I should have thought of it. I agreed and told them we will cover the costs.

With the women sent home we got to work - and just in time, as the trucks were arriving.

Due to the sizes, many of the parts had to be carried across by all of us working together. There was one piece we needed more hands (sorry, minds) for and we got Robert and some more from his world to come help. When we stood on his world and looked at it all there, I felt some pride in what I have helped accomplish.

“Do you have the designs for the foundations?”

They were handed to me and after they explained them to me, I got working. I did the landscaping needed to contain oil spills or fires and built the foundations. I think I can safely say they are far stronger than planned for, since we do not have to take costs into consideration. We have the two plants separated by about a kilometre so that an accident in the one will not necessarily affect the other. I then left it to the men to assemble. At first they were stymied and then with rueful grins used their own abilities to lift and place the equipment. There was still a lot of manual labour involved, bolts to be tightened and so on. They are not skilled enough in their gifts to do it all the easy way. I did not speak as I felt that they will derive greater satisfaction from doing the job the hard way.

“When you are finished and have everything working and the houses hooked up to the system, jump to us. Come two days before your wedding so that we have time to get you dressed right. If you want to bring friends with from here do so, just caution them. See you then.” They all gravely shook my hand and I was touched when I felt, as I shook his hand, that one of the men has the altered body of Wendy. It reminded me of where their bodies come from, saddening me for a moment.

“I presume you will want us to jump with the fuel we need. Robert, it will cost you a lot of money.”

“Why should it cost me anything? Don’t you have fuel on this world? You should know where the oil fields are. Just get the wells pumping again into storage tanks and then jump the oil here. Oh dear, I had not thought of this. Get them to practice with water first. Find some tanks and have them filled with water. Practice jumping the water from one tank to another without spilling any.”

“I hate to ask. Would it be possible to get some extra tanks for water? That way we can connect the houses to the water supply.”

“Not unless you first find a solution to the sewerage problem.”

“Your Cherine showed us a good way to solve that.”

“Throwing it into the sun? Forget it. What you could do is build underground tanks. Just harden the sides to mimic concrete. Each house can have it’s own. What they should do is use their minds to treat the sewerage in the tanks, perhaps once a month, purifying it. Once it is clean water they can then jump it, dropping it into the sea. A waste of good clean water, but they would not be happy re-using it. Robert, please be very strict, anyone sending the effluence to the sea without purifying it completely must be disciplined in some way. Perhaps the best way would be by having them feel how disappointed you all are in them.”

“Yes master.” He bowed.

“I’m talking too much and trying to cover all the bases. I’m sorry. A bad habit of mine.”

They all grinned and Robert hugged me. “Stop fretting, I was just being funny. We welcome any ideas you have. You are welcome to cover every base you want, except mine.” And he nodded towards his Cherine.

I grinned. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare. All the Cherines would turn me into mincemeat for even thinking of it.”


Quickly I let Robert see how they can mimic the concrete water towers that used to exist. Since they will not be pumping water in, just letting it flow back down by gravity, they only need one lot of pipes.

“I’ll make a few suggestions on that if I may. You have seen the pride the men have in being given jobs, even though you don’t have money to pay them with. People like to feel useful and to know they are helping their community - it also makes them feel they will be respected. Appoint people, give them jobs. Teaching and caring for children. Those who will collect water from lakes or dams, purify it and jump it into your water towers. And so on. You are the only one who is permitted to be lazy and have no job. Don’t worry, you will be too busy to hold a job also.”

Aganthi put Noelle on my lap and looked at them with shining eyes.

“Isn’t my husband something special!! Within days you have electricity and fuel. Within a few more days water! He is helping you to plan a world with almost no pollution.”

“Aganthi!!” I turned scarlet and could have wished for the earth to open and swallow me up. They all laughed and Cherine reassured her.

“Don’t worry, we all appreciate what he has done. Our biggest problem, Aganthi, is that we do not see how we can ever repay him.”

“Nonsense Cherine. You have already repaid me. What I do here and on other worlds is teaching me a lot. The more I know the better I can look after my own Cherinians and that puts me in your debt.”

“What he means love, is that he can experiment on us and whatever works, he can then use for his own world.”

“You make me realise that I’m quite a prick at times Robert.” I intended what I said to have a double meaning, but he ignored the possibility.

He laughed. “There you are, now you are even further in our debt - or should I say your wives are?”

I was right not to worry. From the moment of our arrival, Noelle was loved. She followed Irene everywhere like a little puppy and Irene took over in caring for her whenever Aganthi was busy. We called Alki over to meet his newest grandchild. When we explained, he was filled with love as he welcomed her within his strong arms.

“I should have realised you could not spend more than a few months without finding yourself another child bride.” Nicko teased.

“I see you are back on form again. Just because your wives are expecting and have to be adults you feel free to tease me again. Nicko, what happened to your ISP company?”

“We sold the company to an American corporation. They paid in shares which we have to hold for two years.”

“Your company was not American?”

“No. Registered on the Isle of Man. Why?”

“Surfing on the net brings up odd bits of information. By law no American company can ask you to hold their shares for a period longer than six months. It does not matter what your contract says, you are not an American company or citizens and you are free to sell soon as the six months are up. Nicko, soon as you can, sell. I see signs that internet companies will drop in value.”

He shrugged philosophically. “The two years are almost up so we might as well wait a few more months.”

“It has been that long!? I’ve really been out of touch. Nicko, forget about being mister nice guy and sell now. If you want, get your attorney to point out the facts to them and offer them first chance to buy back their shares, but sell now.”

“What is making you panic?” Elia asked.

“The oil that kept the wheels spinning for most of these companies was the projected advertising revenue. That was how they could afford to give nearly everything for free to the public. The advertisers are beginning to kick, they are not seeing the benefits they expected. I think that once that starts, then it is a matter of weeks and all advertising will be affected. A few sites are already starting to talk about a crash.”


“Nicko, you call the attorney tonight and do as Roberto says. He just might have saved us a lot of money.”

Nicko looked curious. “Robert, can you explain how you just did that?” I looked puzzled and he explained. “For a couple of years you do not ask about my business, then at a critical time you do. Please do not say it is coincidence, you keep on doing it to all of us.”

“I have no idea. I think it is part of my being the protector. I’m sorry if I interfered.”

“You interfere whenever you like Roberto!” Elia forcefully answered. Alki just sat back smiling at me. I knew he was recalling our conversation and felt this had reinforced his argument. I shook my head, puzzled by it all.

I had wanted Noelle and Lucy to be moved to a guest bedroom, planning to convert it into a colourful room for them, filled with their toys.

The girls protested and I told them, “Lucy is old enough now to understand what we do at night. Many times we emote so strongly that she wakes up and watches us thrashing around in our orgasms. Noelle is also old enough to understand. They are normal kids, I don’t want them being twisted by us from now.”

“You haven’t changed Robert. Still prudish and thinking it is wrong to love kids.” Cherine had the floor so the others kept quiet. “What is wrong with them seeing us? They will only accept it as natural. You want them growing up not knowing about sex?”

“Dommi, are you siding with them on this?”

She had the grace to blush. “I am Robert. I can’t believe it, but I am. You have agreed to marry both of them soon as they are old enough. Whenever they decide to come to you for loving, why should they not know they can? You would never hurt them, only teach them how precious their bodies are and how much they are loved.”

“But they are only five and four years old!”

“So was Candy.”

I gave up and it was not long before they became curious and then interested in trying what they were seeing. We had made love and just when things were settling down the girls wanted to try the tail thing again.

“Robert, remember what happened in Dar, the night the animals joined us? You said we should only do that once a year. Can’t we do it now?”

“Not a good idea in a city, love. As the animals joined us so would all the people around here. That would let the cat out of the bag.”

“Can we do the tails thing?”

“What about Solace and Orshiir?”

“Same as Candy and our other virgins. They will only be stroked while they are able to use their tails on us or you.”


This time, without warning them, I textured my tail, giving it small rubbery knobs. My tail went into Nicole and it drove her wild. The girls quickly found out what I had done and altered theirs. I was not grateful to Claudia for doing so, but neither did I complain. When we climaxed, all as one, they must have felt us in Taiwan.

Lucy and Noelle woke up startled, their hands rubbing their crotches. They looked across at us and urgently clambering off their bed, came over. They were only dressed in their panties as they climbed onto the bed.

“Me play also.” Lucy said, looking at our tails.


Theresa said to her, trying to hide she is a little shocked. “This is only a game for wives darling.”

Noelle piped up then. “I am wife. Robbie asked me to marry him.”

Dommi raised herself to look at me as our tails disappeared. “It seems to have happened earlier than we anticipated. Don’t send them away love, feel how they are affected, their little bodies are on fire.”

“Which one first?”

‘Lucy’ they all suggested.

I lifted her so that she was raised over me, her face above mine.

“My little diamond, you want your Robbie to love you and make you feel nice?”


I put her lying on my chest and softly rubbed her back. She was so tiny, a well built little girl, but still tiny. My hand on her back covered so much of her. Her flesh was cooling down from being out of bed, but there was still a trace of that delightful sleep-warmth. Gently I massaged her and when my hands came to her panties I left them on and massaged her buttocks over them.

I turned and put her on the bed and raising myself I massaged her legs as she stared at me and rubbed herself.

“Is it nice baby?”

“Umm, this bit feels lovely.”

“That is your little clit. Feel lower down now. Can you feel a little hole down there?”

“It is wet there. Must I also rub it?”

Jesus, this was just as exciting as doing it myself. She went back to her clit and flicked her finger up and down it, her face contorted by her rich sensations.

“Do you want daddy to help his baby girl?”

“Yes. Please.”

I smiled at her politeness, but I still had to explain one more thing.

“When I do this to you, will you also do something for me. Take this in your hands and rub them up and down. That feels lovely for me baby. Okay?”

I positioned myself and hunched my shoulders down and traced my lips down her tummy; her mound was no longer a pure white, but had taken on a rosy glow as the labia filled with blood, swelling from her arousal.

I could hardly believe a little girl of five can get so wet. I sniffed and she has a lovely sexy scent. I pointed my tongue and softly licked her. She was startled, so I stopped.

She called out, demanding, “again’ and so I did. I licked up every tiny drop within her and my lips clamped on her. Her body did not react as strongly as I’d hoped, but I felt the knot of her orgasm, the tremors in her lower abdomen and she shoved her little flower against me in her agony of pleasure. What had the biggest effect on me was sensing within her the surprise she felt at these delicious feelings and I felt my own boiling climax erupt. She flinched in surprise and then concentrated on holding it, pushing up and down as the evidence of her ability to make me feel so nice filled her little heart with glee. Once my climax was over, hers already gone, I turned and kissed her on her lips, just breathing in the sweet scent of her.

She lay there for a while and opening her eyes asked, ‘More?’

“Not now baby. You had your turn. What about Noelle?”

“Can I watch? I want to show her how.”


“Okay.” I looked across at Theresa and she smiled back at me. None of my girls had orgasmed with Lucy and me, but they had definitely all become very aroused. I wanted to do my best for Noelle so I took a break, had some honey and a cup of coffee. Noelle, still in her panties, sat on my lap and her sweet squirming swiftly boosted my libido.

“Noelle honey, do you know how old you are?”

She put up four fingers. “On my birthday.”

“Which month is your birthday?”

“September. Eight.”

“Eighth of September? You are getting to be a big girl. We must get you to eat more, you are too small and skinny. You want to have a nice round tummy like Candy?”

She nodded, her eyes big.

“Girls, this one is only a little over three and a half. Makes me feel like a cradle lover.”

“I was a baby.”

“Yes, all of you were, but you were older in your minds. None of you were this innocent.” I hugged her to me. “Dommi are you sure?”

“Why do you ask me Robert, you can feel her yourself.”

We were sitting in the nude, only Noelle still with panties. When she saw I was not talking to her, her attention turned to other things.

“Noelle, you are prettier than me.” Lucy reassured her generously.

“Not true Lucy, you are a pretty little diamond, pure and shiny and full of happy colours.”

Kids have this marvellous way of catching you by surprise. As I drank my coffee we were all silent for a few minutes and with the need in her body disappearing, Noelle fell asleep in my arms. To tell the truth, I was relieved. It was not only the age that worried me; she is too new to us. I thought she still needs time to get to know and love me. Gently I put her to bed and felt most of the others fall asleep within minutes. I lay there feeling the last of them, except for Cherine, who still tends to wait, drift off to sleep. I rubbed her back softly.

“Go to sleep love. I think I’ll be awake a while.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just feel wide awake.”

I padded silently to the computer and got on line, aimlessly drifting from site to site. I saw I had some emails, but I was not in the mood. I cracked a porno site and saw they have hidden a section with pedo stories. That woke me up a bit. I was curious to see how others, whether from memory or just through their imagination, describe the situation. I knew they write only to titillate, but out of about thirty stories I only found two that were ‘decently’ written.

I see nothing wrong with such stories being available. At least no kids are harmed. What I found very alien to me was, to give one story as an example, the father, who it is said adores his daughters, has sex with his twelve year old daughter, then the ten year and eight old daughters see them and they too want their daddy to do the same for them - it looked like fun. Up to there I could relate to the situation. The author then takes the story in an entirely different direction. After the father has penetrated all three, within weeks he is wanting to do depraved things with them and to have other men fuck them too. He buys them a large dildo for them to stretch their vaginas! I mean, for god’s sake, the author has just gone through how delicious it felt for the father, making a big issue of how the father enjoyed their tightness. Now he wants them to stretch themselves with a dildo bigger than his penis - why? So that his penis can float around in there?

I realise they do not need to make sense, they are writing to stimulate themselves and their readers, but a story that is inconsistent is not pleasant to me. The other thing I noticed is that they all have the kids talking like sluts. I know that it does not happen, not where the family try to give their children a certain upbringing. Do the writers feel the need to justify their writing by making it look as if the kids are naturally sluts?

Next [Book 03] - Post 065

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
17th September, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 17th September, 2019

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