Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost063

We had provided a thick canvas on the ground (groundsheets) around the fires with cushions for those who want to sit on the ground and chairs for those who do not - I did get rid of all ticks and other unpleasant insects by moving them elsewhere, just to be safe. After the first drinks, the meat was ready and everyone filled their plates and had their meal. As they finished eating the music got louder and a number of the guests and my girls began to dance.

Previous Post 062


I hate being the host. I was tense all the time and trying to see to everything. I’d worried that Dommi might feel this way, but she was cool, relaxed and apparently enjoying herself. I guess it was mostly Claire, Marian and my mother who helped me.

As midnight approached I took one last look around, called Gilli and the girls and nodded to Apostoli. As the song ended I gently dimmed the lights so that only the waterfall gave off its golden cascades of light. A CD prepared by Wendy began to play and all the talking died away.

To either side of the golden light, trees bearing thousands of flowers appeared. A cloud of multi-coloured motes of light came out of the trees and as they faded away the crowd could see a group of fairies floating. The impromptu dance we had created for Eddie was not a full production, this one had been rehearsed and perfected by the girls. They’d insisted I take part despite my protests that I cannot dance. They made me the king of the fairies (no smart-ass remarks please) with a potbelly and a long pipe. I floated cross-legged, watching over them.

They began to react to the music and slowly a dance began with Gilli as the main dancer. She had been the original fairy and all the girls wanted her to have the honour. Even though I sat among them and they danced all around me in their beautiful fairy clothes, their wings shining with hundreds of hues, I too was entranced and was caught up in the magic their dance weaved for us.

It was timed perfectly. As the minute hand came on the hour of midnight, the fairies danced into the golden waterfall and it exploded with every possible colour. The whole cliff side exploded with spirals, wheels and stars of many colours. Across the top the words ‘Happy Birthday Cherine - Sweet Sixteen” appeared in lights. There was applause and shouts to Cherine as everyone called their best wishes. As the normal lights came back to life and the cliffs returned to their moody sombre colours, the song ‘Happy birthday sweet sixteen” played.

I expected not to have Cherine in my arms for at least a couple of hours as everyone wanted to express their wishes and kiss her. She came to my side in less than half an hour. I bowed to her.

“May I have this dance?”

She came into my arms and gently I raised us so that we appeared to be floating on the breeze as we swayed in each others arms. She only looked down once and then just lightly clung to me, her head against my chest.

“Happy birthday darling.”

“It is. Thank you Robert, it has been wonderful. I love you so much.”

“You don’t have a choice - my heart is sending you so much love that you can’t help but love me back.”

We carried on with our sweet nonsense as we floated within the arena above the heads of all. As the second song ended and I knew I had to return her, I suddenly made myself invisible and made her appear within a translucent golden ball of light that carried her to the ground. As her feet touched the ground it disappeared, but there was a suggestion of a golden glow from her for the rest of the evening.

Cherine may have been apart from me nearly all evening, but we stayed so closely linked it was as if she were by my side. I felt every little joy of hers, felt the love she was sensing and knew she had been made to feel for this one night like a queen. I had my moments, dancing, telling jokes and holding one love or another for a short while until they floated off to be part of whatever the others were doing. Candy for once appeared as a teenager and was captivating hearts everywhere she went. Her age will never matter, for her sweetness will always show through.

I danced with my Dommi and it was intoxicating holding her in my arms; I looked at my little Greek goddess and wondered that she can still love me so much. I also danced with Marian and this night she was so proud of her daughter and so filled with love that I did not tease her even once. When our dance ended she softly touched my cheek, “Thank you Robert, it is good to see her loved so much.”

Ashiir drank something that slightly intoxicated her and got the girls to help her play a trick on me. Cassie pointed to the top of the cliff and I saw Ashiir. She called out ‘Catch me Robert” and jumped. My protector was faster than I was and caught her inches away from dashing her brains out on a rock that juts out from the cliff. When she landed, her feet on the ground again, she was dead sober. She pulled away from me and bowed her head.

“It was a silly thing to do. I’m sorry.”


“You nearly gave me a heart attack, that damn rock was too close.”

“I did not see it.”

“Ashiir, why me? Why not Ordinx?”

“I spoke of my silliness Robert. Something I drank made me stupid.”

“You got drunk! Do you remember what it was?”

“I tasted many different things. Is it important?”

“No. Just interesting. I’d like to know what…now it is my turn. I apologise for being stupid. I was thinking of you as an Anadir. Of course in this body any alcoholic drink…it must have been one of those new fruit drinks.”

“May I go now?”

“Not enjoying talking to me?” I teased her.

“No. You are too serious tonight. That was why I did it. I thought it might remind you of the first time I met you and make you laugh.”

“Ashiir, my heart is so filled with happiness and love that it makes me like this. Have your fun love and don’t worry about me. Ordinx?”

He waited as she left. “I should have known better than to interfere. No Earth girl would have done that.”

“Nor any Anadir female either. She has total trust in you.”

“Teach her not to, please.”

“The teacher should teach the opposite of what he believes and feels?” He walked off smiling.

Jade pulled me to her and kissed me. “Thank you for not getting angry.”

“Are you going to talk, kiss or dance with me?”

“I’m a terrible dancer.”

“You got that from me. We should do well together.” It wasn’t really dancing, more of a swaying as our bodies pressed against each other. I tightened my grip. “Are you trying to set me on fire?”

She grinned as she leaned her head back, “Yup.”

About a minute later she smelt something burning and looked around and then stepped back from me and stared as flames licked at my body. She burst out laughing and came straight back into my arms.

The sky was getting lighter and the party was still going strong. I went to Apostoli and he faded the music as I took the mike.

“My dear friends. Day is breaking, an African dawn is about to come unto us and this is the day my beloved Cherine was born. I think it deserves something special. Why don’t we watch the dawn, which comes faster over here and then continue our party to celebrate her birth day.”

A few actually groaned. We watched the sunrise in Africa and settled back into our party. My helpers came along and we prepared omelettes for everyone with coffee for all. Lucy woke up and I carried her around with me until she saw the girls and I had to let her go. They took turns dancing with her and she had a great time being spoilt. At about nine the party began to fizzle out as groups sat and talked by the dying embers.

As everyone left they each helped to carry something back. I looked at the toilets and tables still to go - and of course all the gifts. I pointed to them.


“Cherine, those are yours so you better carry them home. I’ll take the tables and you girls can take the toilets.”

“No way. Gross!” and similar answers made it clear they were not falling for it.

Keith grinned. “Be careful you don’t tip them, it could get messy.”

“Cherine, could we do the trick you used before? Could we send the contents to the sun?”

“Not me! I don’t want to touch that stuff, not even with my mind.”

I looked at Keith. “It seems I’ll have to do it. What a shit job.”

Annabelle came from the girls she’d been kissing goodbye and hugged me. “It was wonderful Robert, thank you.”

“Is the baby communicating yet?”

“Yes. She is to be one of the last babies that can?”

“Unfortunately - unless anyone chooses to do otherwise, what was suggested is not a law, Annabelle.”

I had to leave the toilets for later that night. Being mid-morning, the yard where they must be returned to was full of workers. I looked about, but the ground had been mostly rocky, which I’d flattened, so there was no need to repair any damage. Taking the last tables I jumped home, my thoughts mostly on how pleasant it will be to get to bed and sleep.

With so many visitors dropping over from the other worlds it was just as well we had the extra houses at the back. Even then we had to farm them out to Alki and others.

* * * *

When I realised what was happening, I thought about it for a time and asked Alki for help.

“I don’t understand why any other Robert would want me to give him advice. Alki, they are beginning to depend on me and it is not a good idea. Each Robert, myself included should make his own mistakes.”

Marian had just brought me coffee and told me to light up a cigarette.

“How do you think of yourself Robert? Any different from when you first met my daughter and me?”

“Obviously.” I smiled at her. “Much happier. I suppose you mean do I still see myself as I was at that age? I think not. Time has ironed out a few wrinkles.”

“It has done more than that. I would bet you still see yourself as Robert the artist who is now a Cherinian. You were more diffident in those days, even shy. You are no longer that young man. There is only one word for you now: intimidating. For those who do not know you as we do, you are frightening Robert. Not only has your attitude changed, but also the way you look.

You call Alki father, but to many of us you are beginning to look more like the father - despite your apparent youth. You have a way of looking at people that is disconcerting. Your eyes are stern and they seem to bore right through, as if you can see into our souls.”

“Oh god! You are making me sound like my father! You are saying that what I hated about him is now true of me.”

“No son, she is not saying that. From what we know of him, he was a cold man who could not show his emotions. You are the opposite of that. What Marian is saying is that being leader and responsible for the safety and growth of your people has forced you to make a lot of hard decisions and that has changed you. Roberto, you look and feel like a leader. It would not be easy for anyone to go against you.

As for the other Roberts, I am not surprised they come to you for advice. Think of how you met them. Each one was chosen as a lesson and you found them in the middle of a crisis. Without asking, you took over and solved their problems. Robert, how do you think we felt watching you on an Earth dead of all human life as you gave it new life and the Cherinians a purpose again? You touched their lives in such a way that not only they are in awe of you.”


“That is not fair! It is not as if I came up with any brilliant ideas, I did what any of them could have done.”

He smiled. “Not quite true, but even if we were to agree, Roberto, a leader is not a man who finds brilliant solutions. How many leaders do you know who are geniuses? A leader is the man who does what has to be done. You tend to rush things, doing them as soon as you think of them, but at least you get the job done.

At the party there was considerable discussion about the toilets. You did not ask others to do a job that was distasteful, you did it yourself. That is the sort of thing only a great leader does and it makes his followers loyal and devoted to him.”

“That was a stupid example Alki. All you have to do is look at my lifestyle. I spend my days playing with children and loving them. Every other single Cherinian has a job and earns his way. What kind of an example am I?”

Marian explained, “Alki, I do not think you will understand his problem, it is not so strong among you Greeks. Robert has grown up under a puritan way of looking at life. A man is defined by the job he does. He does not see his leadership of us as being a job. Perhaps if he had to go to an office, driven there in a limousine and be greeted by all as Mr President and had tons of papers to sign, he would feel he is doing a job.”

I laughed. “You ever do that to me and I’ll resign the same day.”

She nodded and changed the subject. “How is Lua? Is she coping with the pregnancy? Does she feel happy knowing Daniel is the father?”

“Huh? Oh, she’s fine, spends most of her time communicating with her daughter. You know she is happy that Daniel is the father! It does seem though that I have made a lot of people unhappy by asking everyone to change the way they have babies, reverting to the old human way.”

“There you are! Don’t you see Robert, you are doing a job. I could ask you about any of the Cherinians and you would know the answer. You care for all of us and that is a full time job.”

“You mean that because I know all the gossip, like all the women do, I’m a good leader?” I grinned at her and she got very frustrated.

“I give up Alki, you handle him.”

I got up and leaning over kissed her. “I understand what you are trying to say and when I think of it, I must admit it takes up a lot of my time. The truth is, I feel best when I am being creative and giving back something with my art work.”

“That is something I do not understand. As you handed your work in over the last year, I looked at it and saw how you have grown as an artist, but thought to myself, it is of no use for selling you as a commercial artist. As your name has grown and the demand for your art, so has the demand for sites to be created with your name attached to it. We substantially increased our fees and they still want you.”

“You mean that I have been able to earn you some money? I have not just been an expense to you?”

He looked exasperated. “I do not keep accounts of what you cost or earn for me. If I did I would not be surprised to find I have earned more than I spent on you. Our investments in your projects have earned some very good returns for us. You were a fool to refuse a share.”

“No thanks. When I got involved in Taiwan with that pharmaceutical company I found myself turning into a businessman.” I shuddered dramatically.

“Production from the moon manufacturing project is already earning me more than you cost me Roberto. We have a steady flow of orders for your delivery bed. Taiwan is making a good return and we have just increased our investment so that they can meet the demand for their products. Your idea of offering for free, tissue preservation, has increased our customers dramatically and will over the next five years be earning millions of dollars.”

“What you are telling me Alki is that the lazier I become the richer I make you.”


“Why do you think I adopted you?”

“I’m glad. At least I’ll be able to face Elia without feeling embarrassed. I’ve been feeling that he sees me as a sponger, taking his daughter and now living off him.”

“There is no talking to you!! Roberto, the penal world, what about mineral rights. Could we mine it?”

“No!!” I thought quickly. “We know where all the richest deposits are, you could end up flooding the market here. It would also cause a lot of questions to be asked. The penal world is beautiful Alki, totally unspoilt by man and the damage by the farming will soon be repaired - by us and by nature. If there is any mining to be done in the future, Lynda must find us dead worlds. You have just given me an idea. What if we could find a way to pump oil from one world to another? It would probably need Cherinians ‘sending’ the oil to tanks here.”

“Black gold! You think that could be done?”

“Not with the talents we have now. You know how Rosie can teleport small articles? If that talent can be strengthened it will be a possibility.”

“We’d have to show Certificates of Origin. That could be a problem.”

“Why” I asked. “All we would have to do is buy, for peanuts, a number of oil wells which are not economically viable anymore and send the crude from the same oil field into the tanks which were being filled by those wells. Who would refuse to sign a Certificate of Origin? Even if the oil is analysed, the analysis will confirm the origin. But, I’d rather not Alki, even if we learn how to strengthen the gifts needed. I prefer the way the world is being forced to look for cleaner energy solutions. If there is a disaster…my god! I am stupid! We already have a world in need and made up of only Cherinians! I must tell them…”

“Calm down Robert! Stop jumping at your ideas. Let Marian make you another coffee while you explain further to us how you do not work and contribute nothing in return for all the money you are costing us. I hope you can justify bleeding poor Elia and me, not to mention that you have also begun to cost Eddie and Hettie a lot of money.”

“You want to tease me? Then think of this Alki. Marian, you might like to hear this also. Us Cherinians, we are such a small minority and you call me leader. A joke isn’t it? Well, the joke has backfired on all of you. Over eight worlds that we are in contact with, their Cherinians see me as their de facto leader. In two of them we are the majority, and if you add the voids, there are I do not know how many trillions of Cherinians. You guys still think I should be leader of such a vast group?”

“All the Sparklers and Anadir have joined?”

“Yes, it did not need them to say so, they’ve shown they are. We will soon also have other species joining, well, I hope we will, soon as they are released by the Sparklers. Isn’t it amazing that we still have to hide ourselves from our world?”

“We are still less than one hundred Roberto.”

“Not if Hettie has her way. She has made a new list of people she wants us to accept as Cherinians. Her list has over seven hundred names, plus there are another eight hundred, or so, who are waiting to be approved by Cherine.”

“Is that a good idea?”

“They are all used to the idea that they have to hide their abilities - I will not accept any that Cherine does not approve. It is a pity Feizal and John and their men do not want to join us.”

I felt their happiness, but also a hidden sadness. I knew what it is, for I too have worried about it in private. “I would like us to think about a possibility Alki. As we grow into the thousands and someday into the millions, would it be correct for us to keep as a sort of nucleus, the original Cherinians?”

Marian replied for him, “It sounds like a good idea.”

“Hold on Marian. It is good and bad and we have to weigh things up properly. We would be creating a sort of aristocracy of Cherinians. Not now, but for the future. Would that not be a bad thing?”


“I see what worries you. I think we need to study this fully. A pity we do not have a political scientist among us.”

“I would prefer to have my Cherinians think about it. We should create two groups who have to debate it and if the idea is accepted, then we first have to lay down the rules - Cherinian rules, of course.”

Marian told me, “To a certain extent it has already happened Robert. You are the leader and everyone sees your family as being the prime family among us. You could say you are our royal family. The closest to your family is Alki, giving his family status also. Then come others, Nicko, Themi, Socrati and so on.”

I found that very funny and they waited it out, not seeing what was so funny.

“Marian, that must go into my diary. It is a real classic. Prince Socrati, the shepherd of Cyprus! I can just see his face when we tell him.”

The joking is over, everyone else is asleep and I sit here now worrying. What checks and balances do I put to ensure the Cherinians grow as a society, a nation and one day a string of worlds based on a just system. ‘Just’ as in fair, not as in the word Justice that we use nowadays.

How do we prevent some rising above others, whether because of talents or accumulated wealth? Should we? I do not subscribe to the theory that we are all equal. We should be born so, but then every person should have the right to raise themselves (to a defined maximum degree?) through effort and achievements. Should there be a ceiling imposed, or do we allow Cherinians to build their wealth into the hundreds of billions and trillions, so that they end up becoming wealthier and more powerful than some of the wealthier nations, such as certain banking families have already done?

Would it be moral to limit individuals if we continue to give the corporations and financial institutions so many rights that humans do not have? When corporations, with their money and their media coverage of the elections can determine who the winners are, irrespective of what the voters want, what rights remain for the citizens? Are they still citizens, or just serfs? I can see the world is moving in a wrong direction, on almost all fronts accentuating the inequalities it theoretically was, until recently, striving to eliminate, but I am still too ignorant to make rules for ourselves. If the Normals have given up on their dreams for themselves and their children, how do we ensure we do not allow our dreams to die?

Even within my own family I want to know that I have provided for my loved ones, my children and future generations. To say they have to start from scratch without benefiting from my achievements, it goes against human nature, however fine the theory of equality may be. However, if I do secure their futures to whatever degree I can - as long as it is reasonable and also not harmful to them, I must be careful that none of them ever grow to be treated as being above others and the rules of society.

Should there be prime Cherinians of our reality? What of our alternates, who are already so close to us that we think of them as family? What of future Cherinians who become close to us? Does our love for them qualify them? This is all above my abilities, I cannot design an ideal society and the truth is, I do not trust anyone else to do so either. I’m really caught in a dangerous web of my own making.

All I can think of doing is trying to guide the way we grow and hope that the empathy, the legacy of Cherine, guides them and I to make the right decisions.

By insisting that our ‘circle’ does not grow much larger, am I setting the stage for the existence of a ‘royal’ family, with future generations, our own children and children of theirs, not belonging, or only peripherally? I wish the ‘old man’ would return to advise me, help me see the problem clearly.

I think the only person who can help guide me is Ordinx, even if he is an alien and does not truly understand the dynamics of our society. I’m certain that the basic problems must be the same and I would like to know how they solved them.

* * * *

The time for heartbreak has arrived.

“Aganthi, I asked you to come to my office as I have a serious problem and I want us to talk in privacy. The truth is that you are the problem. I have been watching you for weeks now and it appears matters are only getting worse.”


“I don’t have a problem, Roberto.”

“You do. I think you need a vacation from us. I’m asking you to go to the world where they had a war with the Sparklers. Work with them and help them for a month.”

She swayed, her face pale, as she protested, “Please Roberto, I don’t want to go.”

I did not answer her. She became desperate. “Please. I don’t want to be alone for so long.”

“You don’t want to be alone, or is it that you are worried about your apartment? Aganthi, when you go, you may not return here during the month, not even for one minute.”

“You are doing this because of the apartment?”

“It has become an obsession. Give me your hand.”

I took her to the Kalahari desert - since I have to use an area I know is empty of human life. The moon was bright and we could see quite well. I had put up a building, a far larger version of our home. Using my energy, the lights went on inside. I opened the door and ushered her in.

She walked around looking at it with awe. All the furnishings were there and the extra rooms had a pool table, a table-tennis table and so on.

“Feel everything, make sure it really exists.” I sat myself in the kitchen and made myself a coffee while she walked around.

“How do you do it Roberto?”

“All that you see is basically desert sand and stone, the power of my mind brings it together and forms whatever I want it to be. An empty house, just bare walls, no taps and so on would take about an hour. The extras took me more than an hour to make as I have to visualise every object.”

“Why did you make it?”

“Have a look in the lounge and our bedroom.”

She returned. “I see two big red boxes with wires going out the front door.”

“Let’s follow the wires.”

About a kilometre away was another box with a push down handle.

“The boxes you saw inside are dynamite. Put your hands here and push down. Blow up the house Aganthi.”

“But why, it is so beautiful.”

“We enjoyed it and don’t need it anymore. Push the handle.”

“Why don’t you do it. You built the house.”

“Push it my love.”

The house looked beautiful in the moonlight, the warm lights shining through the windows. She stared at it and tears running down her cheeks she gave a push and it exploded. The explosion was really just my way of returning it all back to the dirt it was made from.

“Next lesson. Look in my mind and I will show you how to build a house. When you go to help the other Robert, you can build them houses.”

I had her create a small house. I pointed out to her, as we went through, the details she had forgotten to include. I had her build a second one and it was far better.

“Now build an exact copy of your apartment, with all the furniture and antiques. Let’s see how much of it you remember.”


It was morning when she finished. We went in and I looked around. She had remembered every detail. I opened the fridge and it looked like one on the inside also.

“I’m impressed, you’ve done a very good job.”

“Thank you.” Without thinking of it her hands were tidying and brushing off imaginary dust. She was very proud of her achievement. I let her enjoy it and took her out into the desert.

“Push the lever again. It is now connected to your house.”

She looked at her house with a sadness in her and pushed the lever.

We jumped home - it was getting too hot to stay there.

“Try to make each home slightly different for them. They do not have electricity and water yet. Put the connections though. Otherwise, just provide some basics; beds, chairs, you know.”

“When do I have to go?”

“Did I say you have to go? I remember only asking you to.”

“You know that if you asked, I have to. Anyway, you told me I am not allowed to come back so that means I have to go.”

I nodded. “Fine. We’ll go together.”

“I can go by myself.”



“While you are there, think about why I sent you. Once you have understood and worked the problem out of your system, come back to me. I’m going to miss you terribly.”

She did not reply, her back stiff with hurt pride as she disappeared.

“Why did you send my mother away Robbie?”

“I had to. That apartment was taking over her life.”

She nodded knowingly. “You think sending her away will help?”

“I sent her to build houses. I taught her last night.”

Irene smiled. “That was clever. How many will she build?”

“Probably one or two a day for the first week. She should soon be able to make three.”

She giggled. “You want her to get fed up of houses.”

“I’m not certain it works that way my love. I was hoping it would show her that houses are not important, we can build one easily. I wanted her to remember that other things are more important.”

She reached up and kissed me. “Thank you Robbie, I was beginning to hate the apartment.”

Two days later I had to go fetch Aganthi.

“I’m sorry, I was not thinking. It has not been often that I’m with all of you on our anniversary. Come home for the day.”

“I suppose I’m not allowed to go to the apartment.”

“Do you mean you would give up the few precious hours you have to spend with us and your daughter to go and clean an empty apartment?”


I had bought small gifts for all of them and hidden them all over, some in the house and others in the garden. They ran around squealing as they found them. They could not find three of them and I had to give some clues.

“I’ve booked a table for us in London. Age yourselves to adults and get dressed.” I pulled a face, pretending it upset me. “I’ll have to put on a suit also.”

They made a big thing of my being in a suit. Even Dommi was pleased. Her parents are members and had booked for us. When we walked in, many heads turned in amazement at my collection of beauties. Not one of them acted like a child. They looked so cool and sophisticated and remembered their table manners. As the night passed and I teased them, they did laugh more often.

As was suitable, I had Cherine and Dommi to either side of me and after some wine Cherine put her hand on my thigh and it began to creep upwards. I took it and put it back on the table. Dommi saw and her hand came under. Soon I had both of them to contend with and when their hands met at my crotch they looked at each other and smiled.

“Behave yourselves. You are going to embarrass me.”

Cherine looked across at Dommi. “I wish I had put on some bright red lipstick. Then I could get it all over the fat little thing we are feeling.”

Dommi fished in her handbag. “It’s not bright red, but it is all I have.” Cherine made a mess of putting it on her lips and then using the Natalie gift so that she would not be noticed, slid under the table.

“I can’t take you girls anywhere!”

I couldn’t believe it when Dommi said (gleefully), “Maybe you can’t take us anywhere, but we sure can make you come anywhere.”

“Dommi, you are getting to be as bad as Cherine. Ow!!”

I’d put my hand over my crotch, but Cherine anticipating me had taken my lighter and singed my fingers. Soon as my hand was out of the way she pulled the zip down and dug in. She took hold of my already dripping member (what else can I call it when in a club?) and pulled it out. I felt her pull the skin back and then the delicious sensation as it slid between her lips.


“You enjoying it Roberto?” The other girls were giggling, all sharing with Cherine.

“You are all a perverted lot.”

Cherine was sucking as hard as she could and then she would stop a few moments to flick at it with her tongue. Being an adult she had more space and made an excellent job of it. I stared ahead woodenly trying not to show my reactions. She took it out of her mouth and licked all around the head while her one hand dug into my clothing and took hold of the sack, lightly squeezing and letting go alternatively. I felt her long adult nails digging into me and I loved it.

She took me back into her mouth and knowing that I was close to coming she pushed me down her throat and it blew me. She gagged, but valiantly made sure she did not waste a drop. Having to control myself and not show the rest of the diners what is happening was killing me.

Being a proper gentleman I passed her my handkerchief and she wiped her lips before returning to her seat. She grinned at me, turned to the girls and gave a satisfied lick to her lips.

“Are you ready for dessert sir?”

“Yes, thank you.” Cherine giggled and I looked at her reprovingly.

Soon as the waiter was out of earshot I whispered to her. “I bet you are wet and dripping in there.” My hand was over her crotch.

She laughed, triumphant at cheating me. “You can’t get in. I’m wearing a long tight dress, all the way to my ankles.”


“Oh? Really?”

I made certain nobody would see and disappeared.

“Hey!!” Cherine squirmed and her hand came to her crotch. I heard her say in amazement to Dommi, “Fuck! Do you know where he is? He has made himself about that big and he is inside me!!”

“What! His whole body!?”

“His head is outside and his little hands have grabbed hold of my labia so that he can push himself in and out. Hey! He’s kicking with his feet inside.”

They all had immediately entered our minds, Cherine and mine and there was a dead silence from all of them. Cherine giggled.

“His hands keep slipping, I’m too wet. Ow! He’s grabbed my hairs. Robert, that hurts.”

She felt me as I stopped pumping in and out and my tiny fingers searched, feeling her under the hood and over her clitoris. To me it was huge, but bravely I tried to rub up and down. She had to be careful not to squirm too much and nearly clamped her thighs together before remembering me down there.

Her dessert arrived and she leant over to make space for the waiter to pour the sauce. That nearly crushed me, but it excited her as she felt me.

“I think it must be like having a tampon. Do you want me to ask him to come to you Dommi?”

I bit the tip of her clitoris and she yelped. I embraced it and moved my whole body up and down it and I felt the ripples start. As she hit the height of her orgasm I prudently jumped back to the apartment, showered quickly and dressed, then, watching through the eyes of Dommi I timed my return so that I would not be observed.

“That did wonders for my ego. Even mouse-sized I can make you come.”

“Please don’t try flea sized. Robert, that was evil!”

“You telling me! For a moment there I thought I was about to slip right into your vagina and suffocate. What a way to die!! Heavenly.” I suddenly started laughing, struggling to control myself because of being in the club. “Can you imagine if I had died and you then had to explain to all the Cherinians why I died?”

Theresa leant forward so that the other tables would not hear. “You would have looked like a little abortion.”

“I’m glad you said I would have and not that I do.”

We were all in too good a mood to just go home and I asked the maître to arrange for us to be admitted at the small disco ‘Saddle Room’ close by. He returned with a smile. “I told them sir, that you have over twenty beautiful young ladies with you and they are eagerly waiting you.” I slipped him a good tip and thanked him.

They did not have space for such a large party downstairs and put us up on the ‘balcony’. I think they did it more for the pleasure of looking at my girls as they went up and down the stairs. We must have disappointed them as we spent most of the time dancing. The men were disappointed also to find that they were welcomed as dance partners, but that the girls were not interested in anything else. A couple of them also proved they are capable of handling unwelcome advances.

Exhausted after a night of dancing and then lovemaking I lay back to sleep. Dommi said, “You didn’t make any speeches.”

“Between us my love? Surely the love we feel in each other is all that needs to be said?”

“You are becoming quite glib.”

I grinned and my eyes closed as I fell asleep.

Next [Book 03] - Post 064

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
16th September, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 16th September, 2019

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