Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost024

“I have something very important to do tomorrow and will need to be strong enough so that I do it correctly...” I waited, letting her disappointment grow as she steeled herself to wait. “I could make it tonight, any particular time suitable to you?”
“You would be well enough?”

Previous Post 023


“I better not jump or do what we did yesterday. Anna, I hesitate to suggest it…would you be able to come here? I think it might be good as you could ask the girls questions that I’m certain you have.”

“I cannot leave Smaragda, I would have to bring her with.”

“The girls will keep her occupied so that would not be a problem.”

“Could I ask a favour?”

“You would like to meet Meli?”

She laughed, “I am that transparent?”

“You spent some heavenly hours within her mind, it is only natural. She will be pleased to meet you.”

“My loves, don’t overdo it. Just a little concern, nothing direct. Just that someone is always watching me, just hint at your concern. It will be far more effective than if you do it blatantly.”

Sam giggled, “I haven’t seen you so alive for a long time Robbie, you are really enjoying yourself.”

“Tell me when to stop Sam.” The healer drained me, my face becoming wan and pinched. Sam gestured and I told it to stop.

As Smaragda and Anna walked in they caught me folding a small blanket and hiding it by the couch. I got up with a smile.

Smaragda was concerned, “You are sick Kyrie Roberto?”

“Have you ever been told to stop eating sweets or cakes and not listened and then got sick? That is what happened to me. I was enjoying myself yesterday and overdid it. Teach me a lesson eh?”

“Why don’t you make it better with magic?”

“If I do too much magic that also makes me sick. Smaragda, I love it when your sweet face is full of concern, but I promise, no need to worry. Why don’t you and your friends go off by yourselves and have fun. I’m certain the conversation will get quite boring here - it usually does when adults get going.”

“My daddy showed me some pictures you made. They were pretty.” I looked at Anna.

“He got them from the internet and printed them out for us to see. It was from the Kaleidoscope series.”

“Ahh! They must have been a disappointment after…”

“You fishing for a compliment?”

The girls took Smaragda away while Dommi stayed by me. Sam brought us coffee and my hand trembled as I picked up the cup. I put it down.

“Dommi, I need a cigarette. Can the girls warm it for us?” She knew it was being heated by me, but pretended to give the order. I stood up.

“I’m sorry to trouble you, but I make a point of not smoking in here. Not with so many kids around.”

“It is freezing cold outside, I better get my overcoat.”

“You will not need it.” Dommi carried my cup as it was obvious I would spill most of my coffee.

She stepped out, saw the garden was open and at the same time felt how warm it was.

“Your magic?”

“The girls. I am trying to build myself up so I’m not going to use my powers.”

“They all have the same powers?”


“Every single Cherinian.”

“Every what?”

So I explained.

“Anna, I am guessing and I may probably wrong, but I have a feeling that you are thinking, if Smaragda will have these powers, she can do for you all you want without the bother of having to deal with me. If Smaragda uses her gifts for personal gain, the link to her will be cut and she will lose all her powers. I know I become boring, but I have to repeat myself; our gifts have to be used with love and empathy.”

“What is this link?”

I was not about to let her know that all of us depend on Cherine, it could make Cherine a target.

“There are two kinds of links. First there is the general one, it connects us all, empowering our minds so that doors are opened and we acquire powers that we call gifts. The second type of link happens when two or more people love each other and a link is formed. That is how Cherinian families are formed.”

“You and all the girls, you share this second link?”

“We do.”

“What about Smaragda? Who would she link to? You planning to make her one of your girls?”

I had to laugh and that made me cough. Four of the girls rushed to the glass door and looked out at me anxiously. Soon as I recovered they left.

“You do not think I have enough? I did tell you Anna, that your daughter will only become a Cherinian when she is older.”

“What happens if something happens to her before then?”

“If you want her to be safe we would have to take her to the void. Once our World knows her, if she should die, it will take in her soul before the void can affect it. Let me tell you of an incident that happened to us.”

I told her about my dream, how I ended up in another world. I told her about my despair when I returned and found out all my girls had died. As I told the story I projected it to her also, making it too real for her to bear coolly or remain detached. She listened with awe when I told her of how I fought against our World and found a way to bring them back. I sensed she recalled hearing or reading about it at that time.

“All of those who were part of us then, they are not in their original bodies. Those bodies were buried.” Tears were streaming as I re-lived those days, my heart still aching. Dommi pulled me to her, soothing me.

“You were one of them?”

“Yes I was.”

I explained. “We have created secret banks of our tissues in many countries. We would take a sample of your daughter and you would no longer need to fear death or any terrible mutilation. It takes us minutes to create her a new body from her own cells.”

Her temper got the better of her. “You bastard, you have been playing with me. You knew that no mother could refuse her child such an opportunity. I can understand you taking me to the void, it may have been necessary to teach me of what lay in store for my daughter. Why did you also take me to Meli’s world? Was that your revenge for my threatening you?”

I called my protector to me, gathered my energies and began to glow. Dommi pulled away, my power beating at her and Anna, threatening to short-circuit their nervous systems. She cowered in fear. I turned the energies to those of infinite gentleness and love. Her eyes widened and filled with tears.


“I looked for the child in you Anna. I wanted to reach under that cold hardness and let the child see what we offer. Can you set free that child and reach out to me Anna? Can you become the kind of person who could be a Cherinian?”

She wept, hardly daring to believe, her body trembling from her emotions. “You would invite me?”

“You have been taken to our World.” She stared at me blankly, unable to think. “Our World knows you Anna. The gift has been made. Will you wait till your next life to become a Cherinian, or would you join us now?”

“Now. Please.”

“Then make of yourself a Cherinian.” I let the powers flow back into me and sank back onto the chair. I sat forward with my elbows resting on the table, my face hidden within my hands, giving her time to regain her composure.

“Dommi, we have to take Smaragda to the void, we dare not let her leave our house without the protection I promised. How do we do it? Could it be a game the girls play with her? Make her think it is just a game of magic.”

“Oh my Roberto, you cannot protect her from knowledge. She will return from there knowing it was real. What about afterwards?”

I sat up. “Anna, do you know of what Dommi speaks? After I left you last night, apart from the joy and awe of what you had seen, were you affected in another way? Did you feel your body wanting to float away? Did you feel a need?”

“Ach men! You are all the same. Anna, did you need sex?”

“I thought it was from the excitement of what I had experienced. You…you mean Smaragda will feel the same way? But she is just a child!!”

Dommi told her, “A week old baby would feel the same way. Age has nothing to do with it. You are a mother, you did not notice your child, even as a three year old rubbed herself, was interested in things to do with sex? The least your daughter will need is to be held and caressed, but if she starts to have more erotic needs, would you act shocked or face the needs of your child?”

“I could not do that to her!!”

“Then let her stay with the girls tonight. They will help her through this night with honesty. Anna, Roberto spoke to you. He told you, make of yourself a Cherinian. Did you think that it is easy? The base of our gifts comes from empathy. Think what empathy really means, the English word, not the Greek, do not use it just like another word that your mind vaguely knows the meaning of.

If you have empathy you will feel the burning throughout the body of your child. An ache that she will not know how to handle. She will feel at times as if she is about to return to the void and lose herself there. Your daughter will be suffering and if you do not have empathy you will be condemning her to suffer, not because of it being bad for her, but because of your inhibitions and embarrassment.”

Gently I intervened. “Anna, when we danced last night I made you an offering twice. You withdrew in shock. What I sent you was love. Could you accept love from your daughter, could you give her love? Would you like to see the beauty of her soul and dance with it?”

“You would take me with?”

“I have to break through that hard shell you protect yourself with. Perhaps seeing your daughter, feeling her kisses of love in the void would help melt your heart?”

“I’ll try. I don’t know how to do it Roberto.”

“We had a woman who was harder than you. She had lost her husband. As he was leaving her he had a car accident and was killed. She had a daughter, not much more than seven or eight. No money and no income. Can you imagine how hard she became?” She nodded. I ‘called’ Cherine.

“Ask your mother to come here please.”

“That was…?”


“Cherine, the girl we are named after.” I struck my forehead as I realised something that had been staring me in the face. I could not help showing my excitement. “Smaragda is special!”

Anna had the common sense to wait for clarification. Dommi was looking at me startled and that must have made her pause.

“The first time I talked to her she told me I made her fall. She repeated it later. Dommi, this means she was able to sense what I did!”

“A natural?”

“Anna, every person that joined us was able to develop a gift of their own to share with all of us. When such a person had abilities from before, their gifts afterwards tend to be rather special. I wonder what gift Smaragda will give us?”

“I’m glad she is special.”

“Anna, every single girl in my family is special. Every single Cherinian is special. The love she would bring would be enough to make her very special. Do not look for an edge all the time.” I ended off sternly. She tried to look chastened, but it was an act - she was too filled with pride.

Dommi smiled. “Robert, it is natural for a mother to feel pride.”

“I’m sorry.”

“He says sorry just like anyone else, it seems to come to him easier than to most people.”

“He is our leader, the force that drives us in the direction we must take. The Sparkler nation and the Anadir nation have both accepted him as their leader. He bears a terrible responsibility and that makes him humble. For that reason, amongst others, all Cherinians call him crazy and are proud of his craziness. Maybe when you are proud of his craziness is the day you become a true Cherinian.”

I laughed. “Dommi, you are not being fair, you are moving the goal posts. Just let that hardness crumble, let me see the softness of a heart filled with love and she will be Cherinian enough for me.”

“That will be the day she will see your craziness and love it - I did not move the goal posts, the two belong together.”

Marian walked out of the house, her little son on her hip. She set him down on the grass and took off her coat. “Phew! You got it too hot here Robert, can’t you cool it down a bit?”

“Robert is doing this? I thought he was too sick!”

Marian saw the foot in her mouth and wisely kept quiet.

“I have been augmenting the energy from the girls. I like it very warm. Marian, you think you know the lady who sits here?” She nodded in agreement. “Let me introduce you again. Marian, this is the Marian of five years ago.”

Cherine piped up, “Robert is telling you mum that Anna is as you were and wants to melt her heart.”

Marian put her hand out and touched Anna. “Oh you poor woman. He is going to make your life hell.”

“Thanks Marian. That was a great help!”

“Anna, has he called you his friend yet?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Then watch out. He never lies to his friends, at least that is what he tells us. To those who are not friends? He loves lying. Let me tell you what he did to me. I was set against him; I hated him. I could feel he was a threat, going to take my daughter away from me. I came back to where we were staying to find that Robert had died and my daughter had forced his soul to return to his body. At that time the void was not safe for us. It was only where souls went when the body died. The void had eaten his soul away, like an acid. I did not know all this, all I cared about was he was taking my daughter away and I wanted to force her to leave with me.


Cherine attacked me, tried to kill me. She put me to sleep and only allowed me to waken for a meal once a day and to go to the toilet. I was weakening, would have soon died. Robert woke from the coma he was in.

You should have seen him Anna. A skeleton, his face drawn from his suffering, his body almost totally paralysed. Do you know what was the first thing he said? He accused Cherine of killing me - demanded she wake me up and bring me to him. Dominique had to do it as my daughter would not.

He made me eat the soup they had made for him. He then whispered to me that he was afraid, Cherine had done this to him, that we are both in danger. The bastard made himself my ally so as to convince me not to try to take her away.”

“Did you forgive him?”

“Well, in a way he told the truth, Cherine had closed her heart to him and that had killed him. It was what sent his soul to the void. I saw him die a number of times because of my daughter and came to realise that he is just as much her victim as I was. Now I know better of course, it was the gift, their link. He cannot live without her link and love. Nor can my little Cherine.”

“What you are saying is that he lies, but his lies are not entirely lies.”

Marian sighed. “The way he twists the truth…I will say this for him. He never does it without good reason. Another strange fact. It always turns out that he was right to do it. Have you been warned about his craziness?”

“Yes. Dommi says the day I love his craziness is the day I become one of you.”

“Not entirely true. He used to drive us nuts! We would get so frustrated and angry you would not believe, but we trusted his strange intuition and we would see afterwards that he was right.”

“You say he used to?”

Even Anna was able to see the sorrow in her eyes. “Yes. A few things happened that made him afraid and he stopped being crazy.”

“What could make him afraid!!”

“He became too powerful. Suddenly he found he could destroy the whole world with but a thought and it terrified him.”

She whispered in total disbelief, “I can’t believe that!!”

“Anna, just a few minutes ago you saw and felt some of his power!”

“But the whole world!”

“If he told the moon to crash into Earth, what would that do to us?”

“Christe kai Panagia!” Suddenly she was shaking. “I dared to threaten you! Why didn’t you kill me?”

“Robert does not kill. The night you threatened him, do you know what he did when he came home?”

“He laughed at me?”

“Laughed!? Cried is closer to it. He was terrified. He could not think of a way to handle you without leaving you in a nightmare for the rest of your life. He agonised over it, called other Cherinians in to help him. Anna, he is the closest to Cherine and her gift is empathy. How could he fight you if it meant he hurt you?”

“This is crazy!”

“Robert, you are smirking.”

“And your heart is rejoicing my love. You’ve been dying to hear someone call me crazy. Marian, think you and Alki would be able to join us for the traditional supper?”


“Traditional supper, what do you mean?”

“Whenever we have a difficult situation and the new person we want to have join us reaches a moment of decision we take a break and go for supper. Nobody noticed this moment always seems to arrive at night?”

“Marian, can I ask you? He says Smaragda would need sex. She is only ten!”

“Cherine was only eight. Robert fought it, felt that to touch a girl of that age was a monstrous act. He tried to break away so as to stop himself and went into shock and only Cherine was able to bring him back...his feelings of guilt killed him a number of times. How can I resent him?”

“No, he is not asking to make love to my daughter, he wants me to.”

“That is silly Robert. Even I could not do that yet.”

“We offered to let us girls help her through her first time.”

“And then Dominique? The next time?”

“What would you suggest Marian? Not take her to the void and make her soul safe?”

“No.” Marian turned to Anna. “You see our problem. I have three daughters and was forced to let all of them become part of his circle as my husband and I could not bring ourselves to become their lovers. Now of course we are proud that they are part of his circle. You would not believe how gentle and tender he is, Robert is the most caring lover that ever existed I think.” Her face reddened. “I have not had sex with him, Cherine let me feel one time that he made love to her - she wanted me to see how good it was for her and how wonderful a lover Robert is.”

I intervened. “Anna, this is too much too early, they will frighten you. Let us take Smaragda to the void. When she returns she will need to be loved. You cannot avoid her learning about sex, at her age it is likely that within the next year she would learn to masturbate anyway. If you want, let the girls teach her. It will not be their right to bring her to orgasm, I don’t want her first experience to fixate her on females - I assure you, when it is possible to feel the sensations in the other person’s body the orgasm is something spectacular and the girls would make an impression on her. I would prefer they only teach her how to masturbate while they hold her so that she can anchor herself to her body. Do not worry about the next time - we do not need to take her to the void again until she is old enough and probably by then she will have a boyfriend. If she finds someone who is worth bringing in as a Cherinian he will also be gentle and tender.”

“Robert, you cannot imagine what a horrible choice you have given me.”

“I can. Anna, what about your husband?”

“What about him? He is good to us, provides all we need. Never forgets a birthday or anniversary. Otherwise,” she shrugged, “he has his women and friends. He used to wait for Smaragda to go to sleep before going out, but now that she is older and sleeps later, he does not.”

“Does he love the two of you?”

“Yes. I think he does, but as his possessions,” she said bitterly. “A pretty wife who can maintain his position in society when he invites his friends home. A sweet, pretty and doting daughter who provides him the role of fatherhood. He has provided that everything goes to her so I cannot say he is a bad husband or father.”

Softly I whispered, “But he leaves an emptiness in both of your hearts.”

She bent her head to hide her tears. Dommi and Marian stared at her till they recalled good manners. We had all felt a little of her hardness melt.

*Cherine, afterwards, a ring of love please?*

“Excuse me ladies. Please wait here.”

I went to the bedroom where the kids were playing. I realised I had slipped up, when designing the house I should have provided more rooms for them to play in.


“Jade and Cassie, please stay here. The rest of you, Smaragda, you too, would you please go to the garden. Wait for us there. Just a moment, Wendy, you also wait here.” Soon as they were gone I told them what I wanted.

“Will she keep our secret daddy?”

“Yes Cassie. Wendy, you bring them soon as I have finished the introduction.”

I returned to the garden.

“Anna, we have a surprise for Smaragda and you. Smaragda, we are going to show you some magic, but this magic is the most wonderful you have ever seen. There is one condition, you have to be very careful and keep this a secret. Don’t promise me you will keep it a secret, promise your mother and the girls - you would hurt them if you tell. Do you understand?”

“No. But I promise.” Her face was filled with her eagerness, but there was a certain proud cheekiness I loved. I grinned at her.

“Do you remember the imp toys?”

She clapped her hands. “You are going to let me play with them?”

“Oh but you have already played with them. I told you this was going to be real magic. Watch as Wendy brings them to us - Smaragda, please try not to scream too much.”

Wendy came out, one imp in each crook of her arm. I stood up and gestured for her to sit in my place.

“Go on Smaragda, you want to touch them?”

As her face came close, as she leaned forward to touch them, both imps grabbed her nose and pinched it. She screamed and jerk backwards. I was laughing and she looked at me, her feelings hurt.

“I told you not to scream too much. It is okay to scream a little. Take another look. Smaragda, why don’t you talk to them?”

Anna was staring, fascinated - but she had not guessed the truth yet.

“What are their names?”

“Ask them Smaragda; maybe they will tell you.”

“What are your names?”

“I am Jade.” “I am Cassie.”

They both grinned at her and she screamed - this time terrified. I put my arm around her.

“Smaragda, it is only a little bit of magic, just a fun thing, nothing to be afraid of. Can you see now why we would not let anyone touch them at the coffee shop? Would you like to pick them up and hold them?” She shook her head ‘no’ vehemently. “If you are careful, very gentle, you will not hurt them. You realise that by making themselves that size they can be hurt very easily?”

Anna was now standing up, horrified, her hand to her mouth. “You did this, used your power to do this to your children!!”

“Not me Anna. They did it by themselves as a prank.”

The imps had put their arms out to Smaragda for her to lift them. Gently she picked up Cassie and then Jade. She stared at them from close now, in wonder.

“How did you do it?”

“Oh, we just wished it.” Jade answered her.

“It’s easy Smarry.”


“Smarry Cassie? How can you butcher such a lovely name?”

“I like it, only they,” she swivelled her head to include all the girls, “can call me that. It is their secret name.”

“Okay. Anna, want to take a closer look before they change back?”

Smaragda asked in a pleading voice, “Do they have to?”

“We are going out to eat - I think they would be miserable if they have to stay hungry. Smaragda, I think these two can eat a whole horse between them. Never seen two tiny girls with such a huge appetite.”

With Smaragda accepting the imps so matter-of-factly, Anna could not make a scene. She shook her head in disapproval, but kept quiet.

Smaragda took the imps to the bedroom, most of the girls following.

“Anna, imagine our secret gets out and those who fear us try to kill us. We could change ourselves so that we look like other people and get away. This gift came to us before the ability to jump. It has other uses. But of those we can discuss them later. I’m hungry.”

“All of you can change?”

She found herself surrounded by a rough bunch of sailors, big hairy men. The girls changed back, giggling, and ran into the house.

“Dommi, we have not been to our favourite taverna in Cyprus for a while - shall we go there?”

“Roberto, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go to London.”

“Anna, that alright with you? Dommi, can the kids come as they are, or you want to go to one of your posh restaurants?”

“No, we can go as we are.”

Soon as the imps had dressed we all jumped, taking Smaragda and Anna with. Only Marian stayed behind to watch over Lucy and the baby boy.

From the apartment we took cabs (I cheated, we phoned and got five of them). At Leicester Square we walked around, Anna quiet and thoughtful, Smaragda excited, wanting to know why we did not catch an aeroplane to come here. We found a decent steakhouse in a side street and ordered our meals. The kids all chose hamburgers. I felt the girls sending Smaragda to me and turned towards her.

“Roberto, is this also your magic?”

“No love. This is our magic. You want to be able to do this also?”

“Yes please.”

“You certainly brought her up to be polite Anna, not like my girls.”

That earned me a number of scowls and threats. I mind-spoke them. *Did I lie? You are a disgrace, you hardly ever say please or thank you. Dommi and I are to blame and maybe it is time we start to look at improving your manners.*

Dommi spoke out loud, “Roberto is right. From now on you watch yourselves.”

“You did it again! I’m sure I only heard half the conversation.”

I tried. *Anna can you hear me in your mind?*

“I heard that!!!”

“We do a lot of our talking like that, when not amongst strangers. It is unusual that you could hear me Anna.”


We had finished supper when Wendy announced: “Lua invited us for tea.”

“What about her parents?”

“It’s okay Robbie!”

“You too Wendy? Since when do you speak to me like that. I’ve heard the others do it, but not you.”

“I’m sorry.” She was, so I let it go. Dommi looked at me and her look was a promise. Better her than me, I thought wryly. Bringing this bunch of savages back to civilisation is a job for Hercules. Dommi grinned and I knew she was up to it.

“Okay. A vote. Do you all want to go?”

They were not keen to taste Chinese tea again, but all wanted to see Lua. I was pleased to feel their love for her.

“Back to the flat then.”

“Oh Robbie, to find five cabs to take us back!! Can’t we just find a dark street and jump?”

“Where are you taking us Robert?”

“Oh, Anna, I’m sorry, that was rude of me. We have been invited to tea by our fellow Cherinians in Taiwan.”

She looked as if she was about to faint. I realised she was in shell-shock, we were exposing her to too much too fast. I called my healer to help her. Within moments her eyes were bright and alive again. That reminded me and I sent the healer to wipe away any fatigue Smaragda would be feeling.

We had a good time, the girls did not have to drink tea, they had their usual soft drinks while I was offered instant coffee. Afterwards we took a walk for the benefit of our guests, letting them soak up the fact that we really are in Taiwan.

“Roberto, this Lua, she is the daughter of Daniel?”

“Yes. Lua? We saw Daniel yesterday, he was asking after you and sent his love.”

“I had so much to do I have not been for some days. I’ll go see father tonight.”

“Cherine, the golden circle, how about doing it here with Lua and her family?”

She shrugged, “Okay.”

“You getting blasé about it love?”

“No. Sorry, was just tired. I’m okay now.”

“Oh my love, I’m thinking we should do the imp trick with you, then I could carry you next to my heart always.”

As we walked and talked and joked, we were all conscious of Anna watching us intently. She could not believe how we interacted as a family and the oodles of love that flowed between us. The first couple of times I’d kiss a kid she would frown. Soon she was not reacting to it. Smaragda seemed mostly oblivious to the undercurrents, skipping and full of beans, a little girl having fun.

“Thank you Roberto. Being an only child she is not used to being so carefree and having fun. It means a lot to me seeing her like this.”

“Would you believe me if I said I have the same problem. They all play with each other - when I am not around. Soon as I am present they are serious. On rare occasion they forget themselves and they break my heart with the loveliness of their childish voices, their screams and laughter. I wish I could change whatever it is about myself that deprives me of seeing them like this all the time.”


We got back to the flat and cushions had been set out for all of us to sit in a circle. I had to make a decision, risk exposing ourselves. I looked at Cherine, but she only smiled back at me.

“Anna, I am going to take a chance. It is a big decision and it scares me. If you or Smaragda betray us, the knowledge we are about to give you would put my loved ones at risk. The girls are about to tell you the full story of the Cherinians.” I nodded to Wendy and Meli. They drew in Candy and Lua. I was surprised when they also brought in Jade. I was not aware of any talent she has that could contribute to the story telling. Suddenly I was excited about hearing it again.

Three voices, softly bringing my pain back to life. Cherine entered the garden and the story unfolded, all the magic of Meli and our three singers enough by themselves to touch any heart. What Jade brought in completed it, bringing to life the story as it had never been before.

Jade was projecting to all our minds the actual scenes. Not a continuous projection, but edited highly important scenes that would fit the story telling and music. Her projections were like holographic pictures in real-life colour, even able to convey the feel of textures. By the time they ended I was totally drained. I picked up Cherine who was silently weeping, she too was overcome with watching all the good and bad parts. Seeing me die again and again being the worst of it for her. Watching my body waste away. Seeing herself as she held my dying gangrenous body. The magic of the music making every emotion, each nuance come alive - this was too much!

There was no sound, not a voice or cough for over ten minutes, only the silent sound of hearts weeping at having watched something so real - the birth of a people, the costs and the benefits all part of it.

I said silent - not completely true. The violence to Wendy, Claudia and Theresa - even her daughter, it had all been too awful and raw for Smaragda. She had not known there was such evil in this world. Her mother held her until Wendy put out her arms for her and Anna handed her over.

No clapping or shouts of ‘bravo’ could have meant as much as our silence to the performers. They sat humbled by the effect they had on us. I knew that at their next ‘performance’ there would not be one Cherinian missing, the ripples of our feelings had spread out to them all.

I had become sensitised, the feelings of all of them superimposed upon my own consciousness, depending on how I viewed them, they would merge with my energies or I could zoom in on each one separately. This was an amazing new gift that I had acquired and that is the only excuse I can give for my blindness. It took a while for me to see that this gift was given to me, it was not mine.

I did not need to search for the origin - I just could not believe it. It came from Smaragda!!!

She had not been to the void, had not been linked by Cherine and she had woken to her own gifts and passed them on! I then saw from Cherine that she had linked her.

*You are wrong Robert.* Her mind-speak was filled with an excitement. *I did not stretch out to her and link her in to us. She did it! Some need in her made her mind search for me and I could not refuse her.*

“Jesus!! Two miracles…three, all within the same night!!” I stared in amazement at Anna. “How did you do it Anna?”

“Smaragda reached in to me, she did it!”

“Do you know what else she did?” She shook her head, hardly able to trust herself to speak. “For the first time ever Cherine was not able to refuse a link. Your daughter, her mind or soul, it reached for the link and Cherine could not refuse her. As if that were not enough, she bestowed upon us all a new gift.”

The subject of all this was still held in the arms of Wendy, but she was fast asleep. As the new gift flowed around our planet, it was too much for all the Cherinians to hold in their reactions. The flat is not big enough for all of them to fit comfortably, but they all came. Even the babies like Lucy and the others who were adopted and could not become Cherinians yet, they were all brought, for no Cherinian was willing to stay away.

Through her link to Cherine, Smaragda had shared her gift with all Cherinians, wherever they were in the world. They could barely contain their excitement, but were all silent, all staring at her, but not willing to wake her up. The emotional wringer she had been through, the shock of what she had seen, the linking and unfolding of her gift, they had all taken their toll on her. Gently I wrapped her in a cone of silence.

“You can talk, just keep your emoting low key so as not to awaken her.”

Next [Book 03] - Post 025

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
13th August, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 13th August, 2019

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