Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost056

I was confident nothing would happen, but Cherine panicked, thinking they were about to attack me. Next thing I knew they were all sitting on the pavement crying out as if they had been hit violently. They say that retreat can be the better part of valour and I decided I would show the best possible valour.
Guess I would have been angry if I did not find it so funny.

Previous Post 055


Dommi was back by the time we got home and the girls regaled her with our news, how this guy ‘hit’ on Diana and how I hit his nose and what Cherine did to the five. They made it sound funny, fun. Like some normal patriarchal figure I sat pretending to ignore them, but secretly rejoicing at the sparkle in their voices and eyes.

When they had moved on to other interests - examining their shopping, Dommi came to me.

“You know that you are distorting their perceptions. You talk of them as your ‘girls’, hardly ever as your wives. You often speak to them as a father would, hardly ever as a husband.”

I could sense she was mostly upset at having to go with Marian, so I teased. “I promised Cherine she would always be my little girl and I presumed the others would want to be thought of in the same way. As for speaking as a husband, I notice most Greeks talk to their wives as if they are their fathers. In case you did not realise, that was a ‘dig’. Anyway, I would rather speak more often as lover than as husband - for it is mostly as a lover I feel I love all of you.”

Not really meaning it, she said, “I really don’t know what kind of family we are going to grow up into.”

“Dommi, if we can love each other as we do now for all the ages to come, what else could matter.”

“You are a romantic Roberto. They will grow up into self-centred women, expecting you to always do whatever they want. You will weaken them if they do not become more independent, and they already expect you to handle every little problem they have.” I sensed she was sort of forcing herself to feel that way.

“That is a strange worry to have Dommi, I thought we have the most outspoken and independent bunch of girls ever. I have never seen another family with children so self-confident.”

She had the grace to admit I was right by keeping silent. While we had been talking, I had felt like I was being battered by a storm of sexual needs from my loves, even though most of them were sitting on the carpet, playing with Claudia.

“Talking about that, ti na kanoume me tin mikri? (what do we do with the little one)”

She replied, “We cannot leave her alone the rest of the afternoon and evening.”

“Well, if we are truly as husband and wives, then she must be as daughter to all of us. As most parents do, we will have to wait for her bedtime.”

“You really want to change the way we have been living?”

“For her sake?…yes. I cannot hurt her, love. To have her feel excluded would hurt her. Now that she is beginning to blossom I will not take a chance of arresting that magic in her heart.”

She sat next to me and hugged my arm. “Silly, I would never suggest we hurt her. How about four go in with you now. The other four later. That way she would have lots of company.”

“Which four wait for later to have their suffering added to as they feel us? Anyway, you can see, even as she plays and her spirits seem unquenchable, her eyes keep searching for me, to be certain I am still here, watching over her.”

She sighed. “Only someone as tender and sensitive as you would notice. Have you noticed how suddenly she is making them all play, just like you wanted?”


“Yes. That is why I am sitting here instead of working. I am enjoying it so much, despite it looking rather incongruous, a bunch of eighteen year olds playing like little children.”

Dommi gave up and moved to sit on my lap, her head resting against my shoulder as we looked at our loves. A few minutes later Claudia left the others and came to us. She stood staring at me.

“What is it you funny bunny? Why are you staring?”

“Why aren’t you all in the bedroom making love? I am getting tired of trying to play with them when all they can think of is being with you.”

“Dommi was just suggesting four of the girls stay with you and they swop later, that way you have company and we …”

“No. They all need to be with you.”

“I don’t know if you know exactly how this sex thing works, there is only one of me, no way I can handle eight girls at once.”

“They all need to be with you, even Sam. I don’t mind being alone. I have some reading to do - learn my English better.”

“You speak quite well already.”

“You think so? Then you do not really hear me? Sometimes half the words I use are Swedish, but you all understand me.”

“You must be projecting the meaning. A very handy gift. And you understand all we say - even when we speak in Greek? Remind me to take you with whenever I travel.”

“Now you will all go please?”

“Since you ask so nicely. If you get hungry, will you manage?”


“Fine, don’t just help yourself to the chocolates, eat some food. Do you think you can manage a bye-bye kiss?”

“You trying to make me want to come with all of you?”

I grinned. “That was not a question, you were just being saucy. What would you have done if I had answered yes?”

“I would have said…” for a moment her face looked confused, “I would have said politely, no thank you daddy.”

I laughed. “You certainly have the Swedish bluntness.” I stood up. “My loves. Claudia has just banished us from the lounge. It seems we all have to move to the bedroom. Not that I can imagine what we are supposed to do in there at this time of day.” At least my girls do appreciate my sense of humour now and then.

Claudia came closer to me and put her hands on my hips. “You love me because you find me beautiful, and because I can’t look after myself and need you, it made you love me. What of when I am old and ugly? I will not be your lover until I know you love me as I am, Swedish bluntness and all.” She reached up on tiptoes and gave me a peck on the cheek and with a smile in her eyes she stepped back. Helplessly I looked at her and left, going to the bedroom with my little harem.


Chapter Sixty Four

By the time we were in the bedroom I was fuming. “How the hell am I supposed to prove I love her for who she is and not because of qualities she has. What am I supposed to love her for?”

Dommi chose to answer me. “Roberto, it is not wrong what she said, but what she really needs is time for herself. She is only eleven and is afraid of loving you. You’ll think I’m being silly, but I have a feeling she is worried that you won’t love her for long if she comes to you as a child - most of the girls have that worry now and then, they keep thinking that as an adult you’ll get tired of their childish conversations.”

I forced myself to calm down. “The first one who ever! I did say I want to wait for her, enjoy her as she is now. Guess I better make patience. As for the childishness nonsense, surely everyone has felt how I yearn for it and sorrow that they are born speaking and thinking like adults, in so many ways?”

She nodded. “They feel you, Roberto, please don’t make an issue of it. It is not as if they can change the way they are born.”

Cherine cut in, “I would not wait for Claudia for too long, if I were you.”

“Why not Cherine?”

“If she grows to only love you as a daddy, she will never become our wife.”

“What am I supposed to do then? Woo her? I’m not very good at that.”

“I thought you were!”

“I knew you would say that Diana. I did not really woo you. I just showed you that I care for you and that you matter to me as a person.”

“What do you think wooing is then? Seduction?” They were all smiling at me, so I decided to drop the subject.

Diana said, and she was not teasing me, she thought she was helping me with a suggestion. “Poor Claudia, since Wendy joined us, she must be the only one you have not played puppy with.”

“Okay, I’ll go do so now.”

As I slowly walked to the door I was grabbed by a giggling bunch of them and pulled back to the bed. Being in a teasing mood I pulled a fast one on them. I projected myself back to a nine year old version of myself. Normally they would have been delighted, but they were all eighteen years old and feeling extra horny as they had removed the dampening and needed something almost violent, so they just stared at me. Wendy was the fastest. She changed herself back to a little six year old Wendy and as she stepped out of the jumble of clothing at her feet she gave me a huge grin as her eyes darkened. I have never seen a six year old face look at me that way before, it was awesome. The others pulled back, watching her with amazement on their faces. My joke had backfired on me, there was no way I could change back now.

Cherine caught my thoughts and smothering her giggles disappeared into the bathroom with all the others following her as she sent them my predicament and dismay. Wendy ignored them and on her knees by my feet she stared at my tiny penis which was already rigid. She ran her hands over my smooth thighs, enjoying the difference of my childish skin. It felt so nice having her hands running over my skin, touching me everywhere and the nice feelings were starting to ignite a fire in me.

The girls all came back in and I saw us through the eyes of Dommi. We made quite a couple, a small blonde girl with a dark haired young boy. The contrast was almost beautiful. I lay down and she pulled her body over mine and as she brought her mouth to my lips I rolled us over. I heard the clicks of the shutter as Cherine took photos of us.

Wendy exclaimed, afterwards, “God that was beautiful.”


I chuckled. “You are spoiling me love, I was supposed to say that to you.” I kissed her again as I rolled off to resume my normal size.

“Don’t do it! Stay as you are!” Little Dommi was crouched by us as she stared at me with a fever in her eyes.

“You sure the little Dommi will still love me if I do?” In answer she just flung herself at me, the very action telling me that this was almost little Dommi in fact too. She was not going to give me time to recover so I pressured the healer to act fast. Movement caught my eye, it was Samantha lying down apart from us. I felt her enter my mind.

Even as I grappled with Dommi, a demanding hot little tornado, and responded to her with a keen excitement that bubbled up from the depths of my memories of my little love, I spoke to Samantha. *Welcome love, come to share from me?* *She is special to you as she is now, why?* *This little girl was my first ever. I’ll let you go into my memories; see for yourself, as I will be busy for a while, with another six to go!* She floated off into the depths of my mind as I returned to Dommi.

Wendy was pulling her stunt again, floating over us to get a better view. I wished she could teach me how to, it must feel wonderful to float like that. That made me think of floating with Wendy while making love and I wondered why we had not done so yet. I made a mental note to ask her later. Her face had a look of adoration as she gazed at me, I was fascinated to see her eyes change, darken until they seemed black and I saw the tiny flickers of fire in their deep well of darkness.

The pressure on my back lessened and soon I was not touching the sheets and I realised Wendy had heard my thoughts. I held Dommi to me as we floated. I lifted Dommi slightly and was not surprised to feel her weight has disappeared. Floating, we loved, and at the moment of our climax, Wendy spun us so that we revolved around ourselves. When the spin slowed and I touched the sheets again I felt relief. Sex, I decided, is not that much fun without gravity.

I spent a while just re-acquainting myself with the tiny body I so adore, tasting and deeply breathing in her scents. I refused to go further, just making small movements as my fingers and lips helped to build her up to her orgasm. She was disappointed, but saw the few drops of blood even though the little tear had already been repaired and did not complain at being frustrated by my reluctance to hurt her further.

I pulled Tina and Rosie to me.

*I saw your special Sunday. I loved the way you felt. Even then you were so tender and gentle. You have a caring soul Robbie.* *Not my fault love.* *I also saw myself as I appeared at your dance. Will I really be so beautiful?* Factually, I replied, *How can I know? That image was just the way I saw you.* There was silence for a while. My mouth tasted sour. As the taste got stronger I realised it was pure lemon. *My Samantha taking revenge?*

Her ‘voice’ had a chuckle to it, *Cherine is right, your sense of humour is going to get you into serious trouble one day.* *I just hope our Kaleidoscope World will also have a good sense of humour once we go to live there. Oh come on Sam, condensed milk after lemon is not funny!* *An acquired taste maybe?* *Okay, you bubble of fun, out of my mind.*

The two wee ones, as adults, were not so demanding. They did not expect full sex. To tell the truth, it was more of a pleasure for me to kiss their soft lips and caress their adult faces. I sat up on my elbow and traced the contours of their features and filled my mind with their beauty which is so different to each other. I looked to identify features that belong to their mothers and myself, but could not see much of myself in them.

I lay back to rest a moment, my eyes closing, giving my healer some time to rid me of the drained feeling. When I opened them I found my little dreamer gazing at me with a small smile twitching her lips.

“If you look carefully at Sam you will see more of yourself in her. She was daddy’s girl from before her birth.”

“Are you saying you all chose your looks?”


“To a degree. I would have looked even more Greek than I do, if I had not made some minor changes. Luckily the main features were good. Do you like my art work?”

“That must explain it!”

“Explain what Robbie? That we all have certain shapes that endear us to you?”

“I was wondering at my luck. For instance, lots of girls have brown nipples with the surrounding area, the areola, extending over a large part of their breasts. All of you have the lovely coral pink that I love. Not one of you has large or too tiny breasts, you all, with your minor differences, are my ideals.”

“You were being polite? You did not mention the shape and sizes of our sex. Like all of us have more prominent mounds. You kept on having sex during the pregnancies and all the girls felt what were your pleasures, sensed from your mind what excited you the most. Since you are the only man we will ever know, why shouldn’t we be all you dream of?”

I did not like what I was hearing. “All this time and I did not realise what was happening, after all, it is not difficult for little girls to be perfectly shaped while they still wait for time to highlight the features which define them as women, and I lacked the experience to guess what you had done, but, I was surprised that even as eighteen year olds you are so perfect and similar.”

“You have not noticed that the shape of the sex of Wendy has changed?”

“I did not. Don’t tell me she got rid of her sweet little petal, I would have noticed!”

“No, on her you find it lovely and it remains the enchantment belonging only to Wendy. No, I meant the shape. Her mound is just that little bit more prominent, the shape less long and narrow than it was.”

“It really was not necessary. I loved her as she was. I do not need carbon copies, love, the variety is what makes it exciting. You said something else that worries me. Why would I be the only man in your lives? Are you saying I will not have sons?”

“Do you think your sons would not be sons of their father? They will want their own circles my love. Do not worry, their circles will almost be parts of ours, their Worlds will form a system that revolves around us; you will never really lose them.”

I was awed by her. “You can see the future?”

“No love, we make our futures. Unless you fight us for some reason. Or you do something stupid like finding a way to really die. Why have you become so suicidal? It scares me, even all my stories are now dark and filled with fear, even when I don’t want them to be. I don’t enjoy making up my stories anymore.”

“Oh god! You are breaking my heart girlie. You are my dreamer, please don’t let me take that away from you.” Tears, unbidden, flowed out of the corners of my eyes as I stared at the ceiling, no longer able to look at her and her pain.

“Why then Robbie? Why? Are we so terrible?”

I gave a weak smile for her. “This is bad enough without you needing to dramatise it love. I have already tried to explain. What else can I say?”

“Can’t we find a less drastic answer that takes away the need for you to kill yourself? You know, I tried to write a short story about you and all I could write of it was the title, I named the untold story ‘The Hedgehog Man’.”

“I like the title, but I suppose you’ll tell me I am missing out on the implications.” I was not, it was too obvious, but I could not admit it, not unless I can find the answer they need.

“Robert you are the most defensive man I know. You even use your humour to hide behind it. If you are not being adored, if one word of criticism is levelled at you, we all hold our breaths in fear. Feel the girls, they panicked when I said that!”


“You too Cherine? That I did not expect. Not with the way you tease me.”

Meli admonished me, “Don’t pick on her Robbie. At least she is willing to stand at the edge of the cliff for your sake.”

My heart had sunk as I thought of what she was saying. Surely she could not be right!? Deep inside I could feel the fear in all of them so I knew my dreamer had shown great courage in speaking of this to me. My heart went out to all of them.

“I do not understand, if I have caused this fear in all of you, why hasn’t the protector done something about it?”

“It identifies itself as being part of the problem and does not know what to do. You need to work this one out by yourself love. Even we cannot help you.” Her fingers turned my face so that I had to stare into her eyes. “Please promise me, on your love for us, that you will try to think this through without allowing yourself to get depressed to an extreme again?”

I was hurting, so I spoke without thinking. “What if I said to you that your dreaminess was making me unhappy; that I felt the worlds of your imagination were keeping you away from me. That I missed you and wanted you to stay in this world with me? What I’m trying to say love is that I love you, each one of you exactly as you are. Why…”

She was staring at me as I talked and I sensed a change come over her as she closed her eyes. She opened her eyes again and they were clear, direct. The dreamy look was gone.

“What have you done!”

“I blocked it off. What did you think Robbie? The only reason I was able to live in my worlds of the imagination were because I felt so loved and accepted as I am in this one. I do not use it to hide, I thought you knew I took the love I feel here with me there. I will stay here until you have found a solution.”

“I do not operate at my best when I am hurting Meli.” I saw her stubbornness. “Cherine, Dommi, can’t you explain to her?”

“It is important she dream Robert?”

“You know it is. It would be like Wendy never singing again.”

“Thanks for the idea. You do not hurt at our fear, but you hurt if we cannot dream or sing?” as Cherine replied, I felt Wendy change.

“In a way, yes. Without dreams and song, what is life. Okay, point made. But please don’t do it this way. I promise I will even go to Themi for therapy - he helped you, maybe he can help me.”

“That will be wonderful, then we all can dream and sing again.”

Two of my babies were being amputated and there was nothing I could do. I shut my eyes and sank into my despair. That I should be responsible for this was a wound that would eat the heart out of me. I needed to find a solution. A thought, a feeling, something made me open my eyes again.

“What else. You might as well speak up, get it all out in one go.”

“I told you Meli, I knew he would feel it.”

“Feel what?”

Meli stared at me, suddenly anxious. “This is a difficult one Robbie. I do not know how to tell you without hurting you.”

“Then hurt me damn it!! Just tell me!”

“You are making it impossible for us to relax. You…are you sure I must Cherine?”


“You want me to tell him?”

“No. Robbie, you keep idealising us. We are not just normal girls with our little flaws that you love. You see us as perfect creatures and we are forced to try and be what you see in us. That is why we cannot even play anymore. We want to be loved for who we are, not because we are what you think we are.”

“I thought I knew your good and your bad points. I thought I even loved your flaws. Seems even the most basic part of me, my love for you is wrong.” It felt as if a knife had been plunged into my heart and as it twisted I cried out. “Then why do you love me. Is everything just a lie!!”

“Oh Robbie...” the heartbreak in her voice sent me tearing into myself, pain and anger tearing at my sanity. There was a white flash and I felt myself trapped, held by acid cobwebs - and then darkness, no self-awareness that I can remember.

I was sitting on the ground, the pebbles digging into my palms, my face hurting. I looked up and saw a man dressed in a suit. I saw the face and my blood froze. It was my father. His cold eyes were boring into mine without any emotion as he talked, his voice filled with the utmost contempt and loathing for me.

“I brought you out here to tell you I’ve had enough of you. So many damn years wasted! I have warned you again and again that your fantasising, your ridiculous sentimentality, would bring you nothing but pain. I have tried to be an example, but when you withdrew into your make believe world I realised I was wasting my time - you are a child of your mother; you think love is the answer to everything. You are incapable of learning that to be a man and make a place for yourself in life you have to be strong and hard enough to protect what is yours.”

I stared up at his face, as if a part of me was fascinated by the disdain he was showing and the cold anger in his eyes. His eyes bored into mine and for a moment I felt his fury was going to unleash violence. The idea of my cold father exhibiting such a passion of hatred for me held me frozen.

He continued his tirade, “You are a weak and useless good for nothing. No guts to you boy. I have wasted a lot of money on you, so you cannot say I did not give you any opportunities or try to help you achieve what you dreamed of, whether I agreed with your ambitions or not. You said you wanted to be an artist, but all you painted was gibberish. This is the final straw. I paid for your treatment at that nuthouse and now I have done my duty to you. From hereon you are on your own.”

As he pulled out a thick file from his briefcase, waving it at me, incredibly his rage seemed to grow. He threw it on the ground at my feet.

“I read your story or diary, whatever it is you call it! You are disgusting! Even in your imaginary world you did not have the guts to go with grown up women. For god’s sake, how could you dream of sex with little children!! You did not even respect the memory of your mother. You turn her into a disgusting creature and discuss the possibility of having sex with her, even while having sex with your own baby daughters. Your mistake was bringing that Swedish girl into your dream. At least she saw through you. And at the end even your child lovers turn against you, with some of the same criticisms I have used for years to try and make you come to your senses.

Because of the last pages of your diary, the nuthouse said you could be released now, but I do not believe you are cured - there is no cure for weakness. Here,” he threw a slim envelope to the ground, “one hundred pounds. When it finishes you better have a job or you starve on the dole, do not expect another cent from me. I never want to see you again.”

He walked off, stopping once to look back and call out, “Fucking babies, you sick son of a bitch!”

I remained sitting on the ground, stunned. None of this made sense. I felt a pain in my jaw. I fingered it and realised my father must have hit me, which explained why I was sitting on the ground. Why could I not recall his hitting me? I tried to call the girls, my healer. Nothing. Could this be true, had I imagined it all?


I pulled the file to me and saw the name of a British mental institution on the cover. My name was on it with a patient number. I opened it and saw pages of notes and a letter to my father. I read it. The gist of it was that I had withdrawn into an imaginary world and that with the use of drugs and many hours of treatment I have re-emerged. The writer told my father that they feel I need further treatment and he should arrange private therapy. but that I am now able to interact with my environment and so they have to release me; would he please arrange to collect me.

As an addendum they mentioned that as part of my therapy I had been encouraged to set down the details of my imaginary world on paper. The full story, to the moment almost of my recovery, is enclosed in the file and would he please ensure that the file is given to the therapist who will be treating me.

There was some of the usual gumph about the National Health benefits he can claim back on expenses he has paid. I skipped that and went to the pages of my story. I felt a lurch in my stomach. This was our story, the one I have been writing on my computer…

Despite myself I began to read. I read till night fell, tears streaming and my heart filled with despair at my loss. If this was a make believe world I was reading of, it was my world, the world of my Cherine who still filled my heart. Of my Dommi and Wendy and all the others, of my three daughters. I lay through the hours of darkness with the file clutched to my chest and I wept without stop.

At the break of dawn I began to read through eyes blurry from the hours of weeping. How every detail brought back a thousand more memories, how every moment of sweetness tore at me. I read for the whole day, stopping at times as sobs tore into me, unable to read from the shaking of my hand, the tears that blinded me. Strangely, none of the sexual scenes moved me or were of as much interest as the other moments, conversations and even fights. Even remembering our friends, Alki, Marian, Tasso and so on, they felt more real than my real life does.

Another cold night of pain brought the next day and I read on. I could not have imagined all this, despite the notes in circles written alongside, analysing parts of what I’d written. Even though not all that was written used the same words I recalled using and I noticed some minor errors in the facts, it was almost exactly the same, all the important parts a true copy of my memories. Of course there were no pictures. Still, Cherine had to be real, I could not love so deeply someone who does not exist. But, if I did not write this copy of the diary, whoever did, he too must have believed in Cherine and loved her, despite her not being real for him, which led me back in a circle to myself again.

I knew that another night in the damp cold and the lack of food would be my death. I had found a stream nearby and used the cold water to fill my belly. I could feel the weakness and lethargy that tempted me to give up and realised it is a time for decisions. It was far too easy to just stay - and hopefully fade away.

“there is no cure for weakness”. The voice of my father, the cold emptiness of his heart would win. My mother would be proven to have been wrong. If Cherine was but a dream, then to live with love for a girl from my dreams would have to suffice. Cherine in any shape or form, real or not, she was worth living for. I could not allow him to win. Hate myself as I did, I crawled back and found the envelope. I would need food and somewhere warm to sleep until I could make my way back to London.


I later realised I would not have made it to the nearest town, as I did not know where I was or in which direction to travel. Fortunately a dog appeared and not far behind him a thickset middle aged man. I tried to stand, the file clutched tightly, my only tangible link to my girls, to ask him for directions. I suddenly felt woozy and collapsed to my knees. I managed to look up at him. He hesitated a moment and approached me cautiously.

“Are you alright?”

“Where am I? Where is the nearest town?”

He came closer. Bluntly he asked, “Are you on drugs?”

“No.” I showed him the file. “I just came out. My father brought me here and left, three days ago. I’m lost.”

He took a long look at the file and relaxed slightly, though his dog continued to stare me in the eyes and it did not look friendly, its body tense as it waited for the command to rip me to pieces. “An honest blighter. Come, I better feed you before I send you on your way.”

“Thank you, but it would be better I get to town. Another night in the cold…I feel too weak. I have some money. Is there a hotel nearby?”

“Come with me.” His tone was gruff, but carried a tone of command and I was too dazed to resist as he put his hand to my arm and helped me to my feet and I let him lead me. We came to a farmhouse. He called out to the other dogs so that they left me alone and he pushed me through the door. He took me straight to the kitchen, half pulled out a wooden chair and with a wave of his arm indicated I should sit. He moved around, getting a plate and from the fridge some stew.

“You will have to eat this cold. Hunger is not finicky.”

As I ate he watched me closely. “You better have a bath, you stink. No hotel would take you in looking like that - not that there is one within easy walking distance.”

While I was in the bathroom, he placed a pair of his trousers and a shirt on the bed for me to find. They were far too big, but I suppose it is easier to wear clothes too big than too small, so I was grateful. I put the clothes on and having a spell of weakness sat on the bed. I thought if I could just lie down for three minutes I would feel stronger. When I woke up it was morning and from the light I could see it was late morning, nearly lunchtime. I was surprised at how quickly I had recovered much of my strength.

I quickly washed and tried to slick my hair to look presentable and went looking for the kind Samaritan, to apologise and thank him. I found him sitting in the lounge, my file by his side and he was reading my story. He must have spent the night reading for he was well into it. I was instantly furious at the invasion of my privacy.

“Sit down. I will get you some tea and a bite to eat just now.” He looked up and saw my anger. “For goodness sake, don’t take on so. Sit. We can talk afterwards.” Ignoring me he read for another two minutes, placed the file down carefully so as not to lose his place and went for tea. I felt at a disadvantage, even angry as I was; I had been fed and slept in his house uninvited. I wanted to grab the file and run, but remembered the dogs outside. I would have to wait. I looked and saw he had reached the part where Wendy had come into my life. Just those few words brought tears and the heartache back in a rush.

He placed the tray on a stool in front of me. “Cry later, you will not let the tea grow cold. Come man, eat, you are going to need your strength.”

“For what?”

“This Cherine, she sounds like she is worth fighting for.”

“With everything I’ve got.” I looked at him. “Please do not patronise me because you see I have come out of a mental asylum.”

“Are you admitting, even to yourself, that Cherine and the other girls are not real?”

“No, I cannot do that. They have to be. I have too many memories of them which are not in that document.”


“Then do as I say and eat up. We can talk afterwards. I will be rude and read, I have to find out what happened with Wendy.”

I ate and finished all he had brought; I had not realised how hungry I was. He put down the manuscript.

“Your name is Robert Teller?”


“Can you give me the name of the school you went to?”

I did so. “Even if you call them and they have my name on file, what would that prove?”

“Would they have the name of the Greek boy?”

“Yes. Nicko is real.”

“So if they confirm all this, it proves nothing. What if they do not know of either of you - what does that prove? And my name is Keith.”

“Keith I feel your questions are leading somewhere, but I do not understand where. I mean, you have the documents there that prove I was in a nuthouse. One other thing worries me. Why are you not disgusted with me? As my father said, I am disgusting, making love to children, even if they are only figments of my imagination.”

“Have you ever made love to a child, in this reality?”

“Reality? Are you suggesting this is not my reality? I do not know. Did that Sunday with Dominique happen? Does she exist here?”

“A good question, though also meaningless. If this was the reality of the story, the girls would find you I think. Then what about your protector. I am sorry to tell you, all things point to this being a different reality.”

I spoke with a frantic urgency, “Keith you are frightening me. I had become almost convinced it was the work of a mind deranged, even though I still feel the love burning through me. Are you saying it might be true?”

“One step at a time Rob. Sorry, I forgot you hate that name, though I always loved it, one of my favourite stories as a boy was Rob Roy.”

My typical British politeness automatically spoke for me, “I will not mind you calling me Rob.”

“Robert, be patient. Let me ask the questions.”

I went back over our conversation, trying to ignore my feelings, and decided I was right. “You do not give me the impression of being a typical farmer.”

He rudely ignored my comment. “Do you speak Greek?”

“Yes. I think I sense I did not learn it in this world, it belongs to wherever Cherine is…not if my life here was different.”

“Nicko never taught you while you were at school together?”

“My memories of that world are that I only learnt a few swear words while at school, that is all. As it says in the diary, I only learnt to speak Greek once I was living in Greece.” I was growing more and more puzzled…by my answers. If my real memories are those of my life as in my writings, and if Keith is right about this being a different reality, how is it I also seem to have a few hazy memories of the local Robert, or is it that we share certain memories? It sounded too crazy to be real, which is why I did not tell Keith.

Next Post 056

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
12th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 12th April, 2019

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