Little Cherine Book 01 - BPost052

“Afraid not love, not after a dance. You would not keep her out of it would you?”
“None of you would let me. I still want a hug though.”

Previous Post 051


A hug became a hug and a kiss and became another hug and a kiss. She was able to resist just long enough to ask, “Only the two of us?” and I answered yes. Afterwards, our love for each other was a cocoon softly wrapped around us, holding us in our own little world for a while.

When we emerged, I saw my girls had sensed what had happened and were happy all is back to normal. Even Dommi gave me one of her rare sweet smiles. Britta sensed the change without quite understanding, until she looked at the radiant face of Cherine. She was happy for us, but her own longing for Andrea, her worry about her sister were her predominant feelings. I went to her and kissed her forehead. I brought my lips to her ear.

“I have given up fighting it. You know what I am talking about?” She nodded. “Do you mind? Would you prefer...” She whipped around and stoppered my mouth with her lips. Funny thing is, I did not sense even one of my girls get jealous - this from the same bunch that were upset because I found her pretty!

“Just make her half as happy as you make all of them and I will love you forever.”

“I do not intend making anyone half as happy as anyone.” By now Claudia had realised something is happening that might refer to her and was staring at us.

“Claudia. I have been too sunk in my own stupid worries and thoughts to welcome you as I should have. Would you like it if the two of us go out for an ice cream…sorry I forgot, a chance to try Cherine’s favourite, a Baked Alaska? I would love to have your company. Girls, we’ll be going dancing tonight, after Claudia and I return.”

She was afraid to let herself go, be happy. I looked at her and thought of something. “If we hurry we can still catch the shops. I forgot you do not have clothes. Let’s go get you whatever you need. Come girl, move, chop-chop.”

She was reluctant to buy more than the basics. Having grown up in (relative) poverty and with parents who cared more for themselves than for her, she was not used to being pampered. I had to insist she try on and choose whatever I was able to sense she liked. After our shopping we walked over to have our chat and her Baked Alaska. On the way I stopped at a jewellery shop as my eye had picked on a brooch I thought suited my mother and I wanted to check on the price. I noticed her looking at some mod Swatch watches and saw she did not have a watch. As I was about to suggest I get her one, I saw out of the corner of my eye that her breath had caught and she was staring at something with an entranced look. It was a Swarovski crystal swan. To me there was nothing special about it, but I could see this was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. I decided, to hell with the bank balance and taking her hand entered the shop.

I bought first the brooch for my mother and got Claudia to choose her watch. She was flushed with happiness and was unable to stop herself from moving with her excitement. She was so much a little girl in her joy that my heart was truly enraptured by her. The flush and shining eyes had brought out her extraordinary beauty, making it almost unbearable for me to look at without wanting to touch. As the girl behind the counter was wrapping the brooch, I asked her in Greek, to also wrap the swan without the little girl seeing it.

I sensed she did not really like the ice cream sweet so I took it over and she ordered a hot apple tart covered with ice cream. She had gradually relaxed a bit, but was still wary of displeasing me. I think this was too much like a dream for her to believe it and my recent behaviour had taught her to fear me and not be so demonstrative. The best way to break through the reserve I’d caused, was to talk until she begins to respond to me without first thinking what she should say.

“Tell me Claudia, moving away from home must be difficult in some ways. For instance, I am certain you must have a special friend or two you miss?”

She nodded, but I did not sense her yearning for anyone. “I had lots of friends at school, but my best friend was a girl who is older than me. She lives near me. Whenever I was unhappy I knew she would listen and help me feel better.”


“You been thinking you will miss her?” Shyly she agreed. “You have not realised yet that going to visit your friend would be easier than coming here for an ice cream? You can see your friends whenever you want. I can’t take you, but any of the girls would be happy to.” I sensed she thought I meant I did not want to take her and I could appreciate her reasons. It seems she has developed an opinion that I am omnipotent and can do everything or anything I want to. I had to laugh.

“Claudia, I did not say I do not want to take you, I said I cannot. I am still not good at doing this ‘jumping’ thing. To tell you the truth, it scares me. But all the girls, they are great at it. It seems to come naturally to them. I bet it will not be long before you are able to do it by yourself.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. I thought to myself, are you in for a lot of surprises, and felt only happiness within me. The sex part I refused to think of just now.

“Your friend sounds like a very nice person. How old is she?”

“She is fourteen. She lives with her mother and older sister. Their father used to get drunk all the time and beat them, so they left him.”

“How do they live, do they get any money from the father?”

“No. They get some from social services. I guess they must be even more poor than we are.”

“Than you were love. Now you are quite a wealthy little girl. Not that we have money to burn, but there is enough to buy whatever we need plus a few fun things. That reminds me, you do not have any toys. Anything you would like? A doll for instance?”

“Wendy gave me her Barbie. They have all given me some of their toys. Britta said I cannot have all of them, that I can only take the Barbie when I go to Cyprus with her.” Her eyes widened in alarm. “How will I take the clothes with me?”

“Oh Claudia, I’m so sorry. I gave your sister the impression I did not want you to stay. That was wrong. The girls and I would all love for you to stay. Would you like to be part of our family? I promise we will all love you very much.”

“You mean it?” Soon as I answered she burst into tears. I lifted her from her seat and putting her on my lap I held her to me tightly.

“When I saw a man with a lovely little girl I thought to myself that has to be Robert.”

“Nicko.” I was at a bit of a loss for words. He glanced at Claudia who had turned to look at him and even with a face splotchy from crying I saw his eyes widen at her delicate Swedish beauty.

“Oh no Robert, not another one?”

“Claudia, this is the brother of our sweet Dominique. I must warn you, he is not sweet like her. Will you excuse me if I talk with him in Greek for a while?”

I explained to Nicko all that had happened. I told him of the predicament I had found myself in and of the result. I asked him to be careful of what he says as she does not know the girls are my lovers. Or so I presumed.

“This one is a jewel. If she looks like this now, can you imagine what she will look like after your healer has given her that something special all your girls have? You are really collecting for yourself the most beautiful harem any man could wish for.”

“Can we drop the subject, it still makes me feel uncomfortable. I have something else very important I need to ask you.”


“No. A matter that concerns all of us who love you or consider you a friend. I know it is making Dominique unhappy.” I paused long enough to see I had his full attention. “Nicko, you have seen the results of being part of a ‘circle’ as we call it. You know that part of it is from going to ‘dance’ together in the void, in the form of our souls. The girls are all unhappy with me for not bringing you with. This is very important. Even if you decide not to join a circle, or create one of your own, by dancing with us it guarantees that when you die, as we all will someday, your soul will not be eaten by the void. Your soul will be brought into our Kaleidoscope World to live for almost forever. This may seem nonsense now, but please come with us, just once, and you will know for yourself.”


“I don’t know Robert. The whole idea frightens me.” His face had gone white and Claudia was staring at him. She looked up at me to see if I had frightened him. I softly explained to her about the dancing, of what happens there and what the result will be.

“Would you be a brave girl and join us at our next dance?”

She looked into my eyes. “You will be there?”

“Of course.”

“Then I will come.”

“You are not afraid to?”

“Not with you to watch me.”

I gave Nicko a challenging grin, “Nicko? You would let a little girl show more courage than you?”

“It is not the same - she is young and naïve enough to have total faith in you.” Claudia looked at me, worried I would be annoyed, but I could not help laughing.

I answered in Greek. “I know what you are afraid of. You heard how desperately sex is needed afterwards and you haven’t got a woman to help you out.”

“Fuck you! I can have any woman I want, whenever I want.”

I reverted to English. “Then you are coming. Tomorrow night I am inviting everyone over for a party to celebrate Claudia joining us. The party will be in her honour. We will all go dancing and this time you come with. If you want to keep it to a minimum, that will be fine with us. But first we make sure you will be called to us should you die.” He saw how determined I was and did not argue.

I decided to change the topic. “Can both of you keep a secret?” Claudia eagerly agreed, while Nicko first looked at me thoughtfully and only then agreed.

“I am preparing a surprise for Dominique. I do not want her to know until she can see the results herself. I have been sending my healer to your parents Nicko. They are elderly and we cannot let them die without being called to us. While they are elderly they cannot be asked to join us, so I want them rejuvenated before we take them dancing. If you have also been, it will be easier to convince them to trust us.”

Nicko was touched and I saw Claudia staring at him before she looked back at me. She squirmed around and kissed me on the cheek. “You are nice like I thought.”

Nicko looked at me with an exaggerated mask of despair, only half play-acting. “Another one trapped by the spider.”

Tasso was okay with postponing their visit to the void and will be joining us tomorrow night.

Marian helped and Natalie came over from the morning to cook so that the party can be a special occasion for Claudia to remember for a long time. I got from Varsos their specialities and from Floka one of their ice cream cakes. Normally in Greece, people all arrive at least one hour after the time on the invitation. They all respected my non-Greek upbringing and turned up more or less on time. When Nicko turned up, the look on Dommi’s face, the glow in her eyes was noticed by all.

While everyone was eating, drinking and talking, Cherine and I went to my mother.


“Mum, Cherine and I wanted to give you something small from all of us. Just to remind you we love you.” I handed over the packet and when she opened it I saw my choice had been correct. She proudly pinned it on and the gems reflected the green in her eyes. She read me correctly too, for she gave her grave thanks and a kiss to Cherine.

Everybody made a fuss of Claudia and I saw Britta standing to one side watching with her face proud and happy; there was also a look of relief which told me she is now ready to return to Andrea. I called to Cherine and she disappeared from among us. Since Andrea was expecting her, she was back almost immediately.

Britta gave a cry and ran to his arms.

It pleased me to see that the young girls were with the two sons of Tasso and his niece. Watching them for a few moments, I realised Kleanthi is desperate for friends of her sex and I sent my realisation to the girls - who, it seems already knew and were helping her feel especially welcome. What pleased me even more was when I heard Cherine and Wendy talking to them in Greek. If they had prepared this as a surprise they succeeded and I could not resist sending them each a kiss. I left the room, going into the bedroom. All the babies were on the bed with Dommi watching them.

I laughed. “What is this? Why are you keeping my Dommi here? Dommi, get them some of the girls clothes for them to wear. They were all invited to the party and I want Claudia to meet them.”

When we all returned together everybody was happy to see them. When I called Claudia over there was a sudden hush. Everybody wanted to see her reaction. Britta smiled to herself.

“Claudia, I would like you to meet your new sisters and friends. This one here, with the wild look, she is actually quite sweet so do not let her looks frighten you. Her name is Tina.” Claudia smiled at her, but there was no reaction yet, just a puzzled look.

“Now this one, she is your second sister. She looks as pretty as a flower, but she was named after the Rose and has a few thorns to her, so watch out. Rosie?” She went to Claudia and gave her a hug. Claudia was no longer at ease. She was beginning to understand and it was frightening her.

“This is my third daughter, Samantha.” Claudia gave a cry and ran to her sister, hiding her face against her. When I put my hand on her I felt her trembling. Gently I took her from her sister and turned her to me.

“There is nothing to be afraid of love. You still trust me?” When she gulped and whispered yes, I explained to her. “Would you like to see me do it? We can see if you can guess who I look like. Think of this as a party game. Okay?”

I changed myself to look like her. Before she had time to react too strongly I changed to Britta and then to little Dommi. By now she was fascinated and had lost her fear. We were distracted by a sound. Nicko had gasped when he saw his little sister and had collapsed onto the sofa as he stared at her (me).

“Can you guess who I am?” Partly for Nicko’s sake I did it again. She looked closely, but could not stretch her imagination to see little Dommi. When Britta cried out “Dominique. That is her!” she gaped at me.

I turned back to myself. “You want to finish meeting the babies now?”

“This is the daughter of Tasso and Stella. Her name is Agapi, which is a Greek word that means love.” Shyly Agapi extended her hand and then ran to her family. This was the first time they had seen her as a five year old and they were ready to collapse, partly out of superstitious awe and partly out of amazement and joy. They hugged her and cried, even the boys and Klo hugging her. I guess that once Agapi learns how to project, Klo will no longer feel the lack of female companionship.

“Claudia, this little girl with the dreamy look, she lives half the time in a world of her own. She let me see it and I can tell you it is beautiful. Maybe one day she will let you also go and play with her there - when she does, make sure you get to taste the raspberries, they are delicious. She is the daughter of Alki and Marian and is half sister of Cherine. She also belongs to our circle. Her name is Meli, which in Greek, means honey; it is short for Melina.”


Chapter Sixty Two

Maria and Kosta came to me, hand in hand and with her pregnancy starting to show.

“We have decided to get married. I know what you say will happen Roberto, but I come from a very conservative background. I would shame my family and myself if we did not marry. It is bad enough that I am already pregnant.”

“Do your family or people of that circle know you are pregnant?”

“Not yet but...”

“Good. Then there is nothing to worry about. You conceived about three months ago?”

“Two and a half.”

I double-checked with my healer before committing it. “We will slow down her growth and she will be born about eight months from now. When born she will be more developed than a newly born usually is, but I presume none of your family are doctors? In the meantime, if you want I can project you as being slimmer at your wedding and whenever you visit your parents. There will be no stigma for you to worry about.”

“You are not angry with me for being so old fashioned?”

“Good Lord, why should I be? We each must decide our own path, and the truth is, our path is usually determined by the way we grew up and the society we live in as adults. There are certain rules which are independent of our background and I demand we all adhere to them - for instance, anyone uses these gifts you’ve gained from being linked by Cherine at the expense of normal human beings or you hurt innocent people, I will attack and remove or block the link and all the gifts.”

*You can do that Roberto?* *Who knows, will find out if it becomes necessary. I am hoping the protector can do it Dommi.* *He can do it Dommi.* *You think or feel Cherine?* *What is this ‘think or feel’ every time I say something?* *If you think so, you are no better off than me. If you ‘feel’ so, that I trust.*

We all made ourselves comfortable as Dommi and Claudia watched the infants return to their normal size, in preparation for visiting the void, and brought them to us in their carry cots. Claudia was ecstatic at being trusted and at seeing the girls change. For the first time since I met her there was no fear in her - not a trace of it left.

“This is a very special day for my family. We have welcomed our new member, Claudia. Now she goes dancing with us for the first time and hopefully she becomes part of our World. Claudia, the girls wanted to give you a small gift for you to remember this day and that we will always love you. In your darkest hours, all you need to do is look at it, as it represents our eternal promise of love, and we hope it will help you find the courage to see you through any dark days you may have.”

Wendy gave her the small package. When she opened it and saw her crystal swan she gave a little cry of happiness. Ignoring Wendy who was still standing by her, without thought she ran into my arms and thanked me. Sort of embarrassed I looked at the rest of my girls, but there was only love on their faces.

“Today is also special as our friend and brother is coming with for the first time. Nicko, Claudia, all you need to do is relax, you will feel as if you are being called, you may or may not actually hear us, but as long as you feel you are being called to us, let yourselves respond, answer that call by feeling positive about coming to us. You do not need to try and help or do anything, your soul knows how to get you to us. Just relax.”


Nicko responded to the call of his sister and appeared, afraid but trusting her, once he recognised which of the glorious beings was his sister. Although Britta had helped us call Claudia, when she appeared we sensed a total panic and she disappeared, flashing off into the void at tremendous speed. This had never happened before and I was caught off guard. I dashed off in pursuit, afraid we might lose her.

Although I was able to catch up, every time I tried to get next to her she veered, darting in all directions to get away from me. I stopped trying to get closer and maintained enough distance that she would not spurt off in terror. I gave her time so that she saw I was no longer a threat and I hoped that would open her to me. It took longer than I expected, but she finally recognised my voice.

*Robert! There is something chasing me. I’m scared, please save me!* *That something you are so scared of is me love. The other ‘monsters’ you saw were your sister, the babies and the others. You are seeing our souls.*

She slowed down and I felt the hot burning shame in her so I was careful not to laugh. I encompassed her, arms of love motes encircling her and as she felt and tasted them she took on the mental equivalent of sucking her thumb and relaxed in my embrace. I gave her time until she began to give back motes of her love. I then suggested we return to the others as they must be very worried.

As we approached, they did not give her time to be embarrassed, they all showed such joy and love at seeing her that she quickly forgot and was soon part of many dances. After we had all mingled, exchanging our kisses and gifts of love, we gradually drifted into separate circles. We quickly led Claudia into our circle so that soon only Nicko was left on his own. I left my circle and went to explain why none of us can dance with him for this dance. I warned him he will see us change into the Kaleidoscope World and then left him.

Though Meli danced with her parents for a short while, she came to join us and we were complete. Our dancing grew ever more intricate, a lace work of love flowing between us. We all touched upon each of the others, giving and taking so that we were all bound as one. First the babies all flew into me and then Diana brought Claudia with her and as Wendy, Cherine and Dommi flew in with my healer/protector following them, we knew the ecstasy of being one and imploded into the Kaleidoscope World.

I reacted with joy at the growth of the family that make the I that I am. Of all the possible future paths I had seen, the best is being achieved. With all the faults, weaknesses of the individual parts, they have still achieved a miracle I had not expected. I showed them I am pleased with them. I examined all the parts so that each part knew all other parts.

I ended by welcoming the Nicko part that waited in solitude and then examined the World of the Tasso family. All was good there and it acknowledged us as it’s leader without I asking. I examined the other families in their dances and saw none are ready yet. With the birth of Laura I hope the next World will be ready soon.

As usual, the Robert part of the I showed it’s insecurity and doubt of itself by trying to ask that I advise him of what further steps he should take. I refused and giving of love to them all I sent them back to their separate existences.

We danced, giving of our love to reassure Nicko who had been overawed by the World we had become. The Tasso world reverted to their individual components and we greeted them with love. Claudia wanted to know whether she is now part of our circle. This made me realise that something unique had happened. We returned to our bodies after I had seen all the others do so.

As we returned we all felt it. Our circle shifted and expanded to enclose Claudia, making her a part of us. She felt it too and tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks. There were ecstatic kisses and hugs as she was welcomed by all my girls, even the wee ones briefly taking on their older forms in their nudity to kiss and hug her. When they had all welcomed her I went to hug her, but stopped short as I saw her eyes blinded with tears look up at me.

“I am part of you now Robert?”

“Yes my love.” She sobbed and flung herself into my arms, emoting such happiness and joy, such relief at belonging, that it was felt by all of us. Her feelings, though so strongly directed and dependent on me, were so pure that none of the other girls resented them and they were able to rejoice for her - and me.


“Nicko, you are now safe, we no longer need fear losing you. Should anything happen to you, you will be collected and made part of our World. That is, until you create your own circle and World. Do you regret coming with us?”

Being affected by our return to our bodies and therefore unstable, he did not control himself. “How could I? Oh Dominique mou, Robert, I look back on what I did and I am so ashamed. That you would give me so much love…” And big strong proud Nicko, my dear friend, wept as Dommi put her arms around him.

When he had quietened down Dommi spoke of what was on our minds. “Nicko, as we took in Claudia today, so we could have taken you. They all love you. That we did not is only my fault. I do not want you as my lover. It is wrong of me, but I think you understand and forgive me?”

“Will I be able to find a circle of my own?”

“All you need to do is love someone Nicko. Bring her or him here and we will take you dancing and then you will have your own circle.” He flushed at the ‘him’ part of it, but did not make any comment.

I felt I should clarify for him what was meant. “Nicko, what Dominique is saying is, find someone you would want to love. Feel something for that person. Love cannot come out of nothing. On the other hand, it is not necessary that you already are passionately in love with her. The little bit of love and liking for each other that you start off with, can be built on afterwards. Just choose someone you feel you could be happy with, not just because she is pretty.” At least I’d done my bit as a friend to show him I know he is not gay - I don’t know why Dommi was willing to give the impression he might be. (She has explained, she felt he needed to be shocked for him to be stabilised and start thinking for himself.)

We let Britta and Andrea use the guest room and the others left.

Now comes the hard part, I thought to myself. How to tell a girl we just recently saved from rape, of what happens between us and that we want her to be a part of it. It would not be right if she sees it as being in any way similar to the intended rape.

The wee ones thankfully stayed at their true body age, depending on Diana to provide them with the release they need. As the girls huddled together, I went to their cot and softly kissed each of them and whispered of my love.

Cherine had taken Claudia to her side, but it was Dommi who spoke to her. I stayed out of their circle, letting them handle her. I sensed Dommi emitting her ‘mother’ love and wondered whether it was truly appropriate for the matter being discussed. Dommi looked up at me as if worried by my criticism and then she gave an uncharacteristic giggle and the ‘mother’ love changed back to a ‘normal’ love.

“Claudia baby, do you remember when it was you first met Robert? Fine. You also remember what that horrible man was trying to do to you?” Claudia looked around till she could see me. I nodded it was okay and she answered yes.

“What that man did was horrible. He was changing something that should only be done with love into something evil...”

As Dommi explained, as gently as she could, and told her what we will be doing tonight, what she will see, but kept on reminding her that whatever she sees, it is only happening with love for each other. I went to the bathroom to refresh myself. With so many girls to exhaust me, I will be smelly soon if I am not absolutely clean. As I washed, Diana stepped in and I washed her too. Without the protection from Cherine, we still find ourselves over-reacting to each other and touching her, even if in innocence, sends shivers of fire through me. Finally I had to let her wash herself. I leaned against the wall and shut my eyes.

“You are a true little witch. You enchant me and make me helpless to resist you - not that I would want to. Are you relaxed enough that you can wait for me to love all my girls before returning to you?”

“If you say things like that, then I won’t be able to wait.”

We smiled at each other and I dampened my reaction to her so as to give her the luxurious pleasure of my drying her perfect body.


Because of Claudia, I put on my bathrobe before returning. Dommi had stopped talking and Claudia turned to look at me as I entered, her eyes curious, without any sign of fear. I sat next to her.

“Claudia love, Dommi explained to you what we do and how we love each other.”

“Oh I knew already all about sex. They taught us at school.”

I smiled. “Sex? Sometimes it is sex and sometimes it is just a way of adoring my loves. At school they also warned you about strangers, grown ups who will try to touch you or have sex. As you can see Dommi is the only other grown up here. All these girls, including the babies when they are in their older shape, have made love with me. But I do not make love, or even touch anyone who does not want me to.”

She did not reply, but I sensed, courtesy of Cherine, the turmoil that was making her heart race, a mixture of passion and…not quite fear, but a reluctance to take part.

“We have various options here. If you like, one of the girls, maybe Diana to start, can go with you to the sitting room. When we have finished making love, you could then come back as I would love to have you fall asleep in my arms. The second alternative is that you stay, but I do not make love to you, unless you come to me of your own volition (θέληση). The third is that we do make love. In the last case, you would have to choose, would you want the first time to be just the two of us or would you like to feel and be part of the amazing amount of love that flows between us. Do not try to choose the option you may think we want - we can sense what you feel and would soon know it was a lie. Tell me from your heart what you want and I promise I will love you just as much, whatever you choose.”

“Can I choose the first one for tonight?”

“Good, you are a brave girl, you were honest. Diana love?” As she came to take her, I pulled Claudia to me and tilting up her face gave her my first ever kiss, a soft and gentle kiss of love.

Cherine wanted to include her within the swirling of our emotions and passions. I had to sharply forbid her. She must only come to us on her terms.

The bravery of Dommi telling the truth when she turned her brother away had opened my heart to her and I felt the need to hold her slim beautiful body in my arms. She came to me, her lips slightly apart with her eagerness. As much as we normally control ourselves to remain civilised in our dealings with each other, the after effects of our dancing thrum (δονή) throughout us, ridding us of most of the inhibitions that spoil so many moments of loving.

I sat in my bathrobe, my legs crossed under me and indicated I wanted her to lie down to show me her delightful body. She lay down, spreading her dark mass of hair and with one knee slightly raised over the other thigh she posed, with a slight smile, stretching out her arms in their slender beauty. She hardly looked sixteen years old anymore.

“God but you are beautiful. I could look at you forever.”

“That would not be much fun.” Her little smile was now saucy.

“Girls, come here, stand up by me and look. You tell me, am I right about her or not?”

They came, Cherine cheekily sitting on my shoulders. They were silent for a long while as they looked at her. Then Cherine, the little minx, responded. “She is the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever seen. Robert, since you only want to look, can I make love to her?”

The other girls gave a titter. Dommi’s eyes were fixed on mine and I could no longer toy with her hunger.

Cherine was driving us all crazy with her emoting and with myself already open and sharing with Dommi our body sensations, the available time was being eaten into by our rising lust. I sent a plea to Cherine and she dampened us - but we quickly rose to a fever pitch again.


Afterwards, by the time I had recovered, Dommi had turned onto her side in a deep sleep. I just sat there stunned that she could already be asleep; far as I know, it is usually the woman who complains that the man is not interested in after-play and falls asleep. Still, she did look so lovely I just had to take my time adoring her. Her sleep never lasts long, but I wonder why she needs it so often after our loving.

Wendy and Cherine had already directly experienced a little from Diana and indirectly from Dommi our lovemaking and were not in urgent need of me. They clung to each other and waited, their eyes so warm in the deep well of their desires.

“If you two lie down on me, I would love to sleep for twenty minutes.” They came, lying on my chest and listening to their breathing and heartbeats I sunk into a happy but dreamless short sleep.

As I awoke I felt Wendy pull away, sliding off me. Cherine moved over so that she was now fully upon me. She had pulled herself so that her eyes are level with mine and she stared into my eyes as if looking for something. She would not let me into her mind, obviously, I thought, wanting me to guess.

*You can’t want me to change you or myself - not at a time like this. I really can’t guess what else it is love.* *Was only wondering if you really feel like it. I don’t mind if you want to wait.* *Would like to get a bite, but we can’t go through the lounge, they might be sleeping. That was considerate of you love.* *Not really. I could feel you. It is funny. Funny strange I mean. Diana says Claudia first cried a bit, she hugged her and Claudia put her head on her lap and she fell asleep. Diana says if we are careful, we can walk through.*

We walked through and had our toast, Cherine had a glass of milk, but I needed the stimulus of coffee. The girls get irritated when I say I need coffee, since my healer can provide me with the lift or energy I need more efficiently. They cannot understand that I do not want to always use my healer and I enjoy my coffee.

Our snack, which seems to be in danger of becoming a habit with us, is also a time for us to chat, get a smile or two, but more often, we end up learning a few more details about each other. It relaxes both of us and the relaxation seems to help the libido, making our lovemaking sweeter and more passionate. Even if it had not, I would have treasured it anyway for the intimacy it brings us.

“I am nearly ten, will be in five months. Have I grown any bigger Robert?”

“Not that I can see. Try putting on old clothes, if they fit - no growth.”

“I know I have not. Just wanted to be sure you do not feel I have. I feel the pleasure in you when you look at me and see how every part of me is so small - and pure, as you seem to think of it. When you put your hand over me and it covers so much of me, I feel that extra pulse in you. I don’t want you to lose that pleasure.”

I thought this would be a good time for me to make my point. “Remember how you thought ten was so far away and now you are nearly there.”

“Yeah!” she gave a cheeky smile, “and I have lost my virginity, had a baby, lost my virginity again and who knows what by the time I am ten. Doesn’t that sound more exciting than, I was a virgin, am still a virgin?”

I gave up. “You are definitely a wonderfully strange and exotic creature - thank goodness! I can’t help thinking that if all little girls were like you, paedophiles would not be reviled, they would be admired…and treated as heroes.” She laughed and kissed my cheek, but I could sense she was not certain of how she should react to my words, so was reacting to my emoting.

When we passed through the lounge again I probed and felt how tired and uncomfortable Diana was. I asked Cherine to make sure Claudia does not wake and lifted her so that Diana could get out from under and go to our bedroom, and I waited for a cushion to rest her head on. Cherine attempted to slide under, but I refused to let her.

Cherine insisted, “She should not wake up on her own.”

I felt she was being overly sensitive and, any way, I always get selfish if anything is about to deprive me of my Cherine. “I want you and you want me, she will just have to wake up alone. She slept in the guest room so many nights, one more alone will not hurt.”


“You can be quite insensitive. Of course it is different. She refused to sleep with us. If she finds she is alone now she will think we do not want her.”

“Just put the damn cushion love. Keep her asleep until I am ready and I will sit here with her for when she wakes up.”

Diana was holding Wendy to her as we walked in and we noticed she had been crying.

“What is it baby? What upset you?” Wendy would not say. “Come on love, you are with your family, you know how we all love you. Tell me?” She hid her face against Diana. I saw from Diana that she does not know either.

“Cherine how did she hide her pain from us?”

“I think she did not. We were concentrating only on each other. I am so sorry Robert.”

“Not your fault love. I am more angry with my protector - why didn’t it call me? What do we do now.”

I did the only thing I could, I joined our bodies so that I could sense what she was feeling and hoped for a hint. She was muting it and I gently tried to undo her seals. She felt me and cried out to stop me. That woke Dommi who looked at us through sleepy eyes that cleared as she found out what was happening.

“Robert! You get out of her mind and body right now. If you don’t, I swear I will leave you.”

I pulled back so fast it made me dizzy. “Dommi!!”

Suddenly she flared into an uncontrollable fury. “How dare you! Diana, Cherine get the babies. We are leaving.”

“What the hell is this. You told me to stop and I did.”

I could sense her fury and was puzzled by it. She abruptly told me, “I’ve changed my mind. I will not live with a man who would do this to any one of us. Wendy, you too, get dressed.”

I sensed the rebellion in the girls. They had not understood the reason for her anger, not that I could either, but I could not allow them to break up, have words because of me. I had to buy time for Dommi to cool down.

“Dommi, slow down, I will leave. I think you better explain why to the girls, since they do not understand either. I guess you can find me if you want me back.”

I got dressed, took the few extras I needed, picked up some cash I had stashed for our impromptu trips, wrote a few cheques and signed them. I left a note with the cheques and pulling out my hard drive and some data CD’s, I left, sensing the argument in the bedroom, but trying to stay out of it.

Once on the street I realised I have nowhere to go. Self pity nearly made me call on Alki, but I pulled myself back together and walked away. I must have walked about two blocks when a police car pulled up. The door opened.

“You will please come with us to the station.”

Now I really was puzzled. Dommi would not call the police, I could not think of anyone having reason to call them. I felt Cherine still monitoring me and she wanted to whisk me away. She was in a panic, but I ordered her to leave me alone, I have to know what I am wanted for. I calmed her when I pointed out she can still get me out, whatever happens.

Next Post 053

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
9th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 9th April, 2019

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