Little Cherine Book 12 - BPost016

“...there is one place you can find comfort if you are not too proud to ask.” Rob looked at him. “In the heart of your mother. Show her how it grieves you that you treated her badly, that you love her and she will be the happiest woman alive and then you’ll see how much she loves you.”

Previous: Book 12 - Post 015


Rob had not been to the void and he’d never left his body, that he recalled. He was terrified of doing so. Cherine suggested to Robbie that he enters his mind and plays puppy with him. Robbie had a good laugh and then did something very similar, helping Rob grow used to the idea that he really does have a soul. Robbie carried him to the void where we were all waiting for him.

The next morning, Robbie explained that at first they will not be going in their bodies. Rob was brought to our house and the two of them lay down on the guest bedroom beds and Robbie carried Rob’s soul to his home reality. Nearly two hours later the body of Rob disappeared and Robbie returned.

“He needed to be alone. I’ve asked his Greek friend to go to him.” He raised Cherine’s face and softly kissed her lips. “You were right love, I did not allow him to monitor her thoughts, but sensing the emoting of his mother has shattered him. I think he will now need the love of his Cherine.”

A couple of days later Rob spoke to me. “I’m ready to join Cherine in training. For how long do you think it will last?”

“I can’t keep Efineh away too long. We’ll return in six months and if you both need more time, we’ll go away and return again. There is no pressure timewise and when you are returned to your Earth, at most a day will have passed since you left, unless the politicians delay us. Is that alright with you?”

Sebura definitely is feeling harried. The idea that he now has to train both a Robert and Cherine and that he must facilitate their loving of each other he finds is a great responsibility. At least I can sense that he is growing fond of little Cher and so is she growing to admire and like him. Her parents are amazed that she is mature enough to see beyond the obvious, so we reminded them that she has been sensing other people since she was born.

It has been agreed that we will return to our reality so that the case against Craig can resume. The alternate politicians are looking forward to seeing firsthand how Cherinianism has affected our planet and they are happy to be coming with.

We returned in time for the court to resume the hearing on Wednesday, as the defence had been advised. The first thing Phil did is complain about Freddie travelling with his clients forced to spend months longer than was necessary as prisoners just for the sake of our family visiting friends. He claimed that the time a defendant has to spend deprived of his freedom should under no circumstances exceed the period of the trial. We could see that the Friend of the Court agreed with the defence, even if he could not say so. Robbie came to his feet.

“If I may comment? It is likely that Freddie will be used for holding prisoners with mental powers a number of times, so I have the following to suggest. If the defence insists on the point made, in the future the cases will be heard in Freddie. The only reason we are holding the trial on Earth is so that the public sees we are open about our system of justice. Would the defence prefer we continue the trial in Freddie?”

Phil asked the judges, “Is it permitted for members of the public to stand up during session and direct the court?”

Solomon answered, “As we presume you are aware, Prime Robert is not exactly a member of the public, he directed the court as the leader of our people and therefore as leader of our judicial system.” Oho, I did not like that. I waited for some comment that would result in the trial being declared a mistrial but, amazingly, nobody said anything. I guess they are so used to us being unconventional that they missed the significance and error of what Solomon said. I’m certain somebody will object within the next day or two.

Phil then complained about the distance and that his client is effectively inaccessible, but the court assured him he will have a Cherinian available to transport him to Freddie at any time of day or night. He then claimed he was worried about the health of his client and the condition he is held under. He reminded the court that it is accepted as only being humane that anyone held for trial must have a computer available to him at all times and that he must have hours when he is assured of total privacy. He asked the prosecutor whether he is in a position to assure the court that such was the case in Freddie. Of course we cannot guarantee such privacy, Freddie watches everything and everyone, he has to. The prosecutor surprised us by asking the court to call for Freddie to appear in court.

Freddie was read the objections and asked for his reassurance that the defendant has the required times of total privacy.


“The environment within the spaceship is artificial. I am not only referring to the ecology but also to matters such as gravity and daylight. For me to withdraw my attention from any area could lead to serious problems developing. However, there are certain spaces where all the inhabitants enjoy a degree of privacy. The bathroom and bedroom are such areas.”

“You do not monitor those spaces at all?”

“I do, but not in a way that could be considered invasive of their privacy. I scan the area through specific sensors for the possibility of certain problems, but the scan lasts no longer than a tenth of a second and it only occurs once every thirty seconds. The persons in the room are totally removed from the data before the data is scrutinised by programs that search for fluctuations in gravity, anomalous electrical discharges, unhealthy pockets of air or heat. Only should a problem arise would the area be examined more thoroughly. Should that be the case, I always warn the inhabitants of that space in advance of my impending examination.”

Phil leapt at what he said. “For the presence of my client to be removed from the data, he has to be observed, so your claim of total privacy is not correct.”

“On Earth, apart from cameras in prisons, all areas are constantly monitored by smoke detectors. I believe smoke detectors also monitor temperature changes, but they discount changes of temperature due to body heat. We are talking of something similar.”

“Are you claiming to be as dumb as a smoke detector?”

“I’m certain you’ll do a good job of making me look as dumb as one. However, I…”

“Please only answer the questions.”

“Counsel of the defence, please note that you are in a Cherinian court and our rules are not exactly the same as those you are used to. In our courts anyone being questioned is allowed to make comments should they perceive such comments important to providing the court with information. Mr Freddie Teller, you were about to say?”

“The rules of privacy among Cherinians are extremely strict and they are more stringently applied to those who are not Cherinians - with regard to any Cherinian breaching such rules. We do try to be more tolerant of non-Cherinians as they do not follow the same rules we do. My presence throughout the ship is a compromise between necessity and obeying the privacy rules. If I were examined and obliged to reveal what anyone did in their bedroom or bathroom, I would not be capable of answering with any personal information. I could answer with regard to fluctuations in gravity and such details, but I could not tell you whether the inhabitant sleeps in pyjamas or in the nude, what they did or what they said. That is why there have been no complaints from any species about my presence.”

Phil shook his head. “They are there voluntarily for purposes of their own, so their lack of complaints or tolerance of your invasion of their privacy does not prove anything. My client is present without his consent so any violation of his privacy is illegal.”

The judges let Phil continue with his arguments for a few more minutes and then they declared his protests as not being valid. We could see that Phil had not expected to score any points with his arguments. I think he intends dragging out the case for as long as he can, knowing that we are likely to want or need to travel and our departure can be used to stir up sympathy for his client.

That evening, my comments about the trial while we’d been away, were broadcast by the media. That stirred up quite a storm as everybody had thought Craig and his group were to be sentenced. There has not been a death sentence in any country for the last fourteen years so the question was asked, if Craig and company are sent to be judged and sentenced in the reality they committed their crimes, could they be sentenced to death? Solomon and the rest of the Council members came to our home to discuss the issues before they are confronted by them in court.

Solomon looked pensive. “When you first asked me to lead the Council Robert, I asked Cherinians how could I lead something so alien to me. I asked, what instincts of which species must I make mine so that I am neither the lamb walking among lions nor the lion among lambs. Wisely I was told that you asked me to lead the Council because of the lack of certain instincts and I should not change. I was told that most decisions would be resolved by a mixture of logic and love. It has become apparent over the time we’ve shared since then that everyone was almost as ignorant as I was.


Then you added the role of Court of the Cherinians to the role of your Council members and again I was troubled. Which law should influence the way we try our cases? Terran, Unation, Anadir, Inguel to name a few? Again, those wiser than I pointed out to me that with our leader being a Terran, our political and economic centre and Council being situated on Terra, it is likely that most of the cases we try will be with either defendants or plaintiffs of Terran origin. They suggested I study the laws of your planet. When I turned my attention to the laws of Earth I discovered there is no such thing. There are laws of nations and the beginning of an attempt to form common international laws. For commerce to be truly international it became necessary for certain laws to become common. For war criminals to be prevented from taking extreme actions against civilians, it became necessary to have common laws. For the successful control of certain international crimes, again common laws were required.

I studied books and I spoke to those who teach law, but I did not ignore those who know little about the law but are the targets of the many laws - what you call the common man or the man in the street. I learnt something that was not obvious to one such as I. The majority of the world population do not respect their international laws, mainly those dealing with commerce and crime. The reason was self-evident once I learnt of the common attitude. They did not choose the laws. Their appointed governments and courts did not choose the laws. Most of the common laws were forced upon the rest of mankind by the might of the American economy. If any country refused to alter their laws to mirror those of the United States, trade was hobbled or other economic punitive measures were adopted.

I came to the conclusion that I must study the laws of Mankind, but not apply them. There is a vast history of mankind’s attempts to fine tune their laws so that they are fair while remaining applicable. Most of the laws reflect the customs and even in most cases the religious beliefs of the majority. I was surprised to find that even in countries that have tried to move away from religion deciding their laws, they are still affected by a large body of such law for the simple reason that they were implemented during the past and never repealed. In turn, I believe Cherinian law must not be a reflection of the laws of Terra. They must reflect our needs and beliefs as a family of species, including as prime part of our laws the needs and fears of the Normals of all species. That was my first decision.

As I considered laws of various species I found that there are a number of laws that are common to most species. Again I reasoned that I may allow myself to be influenced by them, but I must not blindly accept them as being valid to our family. After all, many of those laws were enacted to secure the position of leaders, civil servants, religions and the wealthy. We may be guided by such laws and the nature of each species, but we must follow our hearts as Cherinians and creatures of empathy.

With time and every case we hear, another problem grows more urgent. Do we begin to set down our decisions and judgements so that we begin to form our own body of law to guide us and future judges? I am wary of doing so, for I have seen how no species or civilisation has found it expedient to repeal laws that no longer are applicable to the society they control. Will we, as a society of individuals, be any better? On the other hand, if we do not have any laws to guide us, can criminals or contestants argue that if there was no way for them to establish what is permitted, they are not then accountable to our judgement as it only reflects our prejudices.

My last point. I did not give consideration to matters of procedures. I allowed the maximum latitude as our first cases would not have been affected by whatever procedures were followed. The way we started to evolve was to a large extent thanks to Samantha's method of arguing her cases and the rules she seemed to assume applied to us. I was not unhappy with the way we were evolving, but this case against Craig is going to affect us in the long term if we don’t make decisions now. Do we want to change to suit the methods and arguments of persons like Phil?”

Robbie looked stunned. “I thought we were here to deal with the issues brought up by the media, but it is not even mentioned and instead I find we need to review our entire legal system!”

I was afraid of that happening so I quickly cut in, “Not to review it Robert, the report by Solomon should be viewed as just that, a report made for us to stay aware of the directions we are taking and what is troubling him and our Council. Where any person finds a particular rule, procedure or law unsuitable for Cherinians, they must protest and if possible make their suggestions, otherwise, we accept that certain rules and laws are evolving, but that they are not written in stone and can be changed by any person querying or protesting them, if such protest is found to be valid and reasonable. Our laws must remain flexible and mortal.” I felt myself bite my lips and I stopped. “That might be one way of solving your problem Solomon. What if all laws we make are only valid for a certain time and must be reviewed and reinstated for them to remain valid? The panel that makes the decision should include judges, students of law and normal people who have little knowledge of law, but are known as true Cherinians in their beliefs and empathy.”

Robbie nodded. “I like the idea. If it is adopted, what period do you suggest?”


I looked around. I had hoped Robbie or someone else would argue against me, but I saw they were waiting for me to speak first. If I was going to have to take things to an extreme to force the change we needed, I would just have to do so and keep my fingers crossed. “Often laws are made that reflect current fears or beliefs. It is rare for the same mental attitude to last for longer than twenty years so I suggest the first mandatory review of any law should be made after twenty years. Thereafter, once every century. However, I foresee the possibility of it creating new problems.

What if a law is rejected at first review? Should persons judged under that law be pardoned? What if we make it a rule that all cases heard under that law must be heard again - unless the defendant does not wish it. I hope we can avoid the direction Normals have taken, as I do not believe that the legal system should be hobbled by fears of claims for compensation. If a law was enacted that should not have, it was a law of our people and should have been obeyed, we only have the right to challenge such laws - as from the first day of enactment. We cannot break the law because we considered it unjust and then claim compensation for wrongful imprisonment or punishment. The bad law that was enacted reflects the society that enacted it and all societies are living entities that grow, learn, fail and succeed in different ways. Society can be blamed for causing misery, but it cannot be sued for making a mistake - only if the mistake was deliberate, such as a dictatorship. I agree with what Robert has often said; a dictator can only survive if the people allow him to. Therefore society is to blame and should pay for their cowardice.”

Robbie complained, “I was hoping we’d find a way to evolve without the need for laws. Now we are discussing creating laws about laws! Samantha, how can we have laws without a police force?”

At last! I beamed as I said, “Solomon, do you find that a suitable method of deciding the issue? We make no laws, whether transient or not. Each case is decided according to the good conscience of the judge or judge and jury. Instead of laws, we apply the mores, morals and ethics of our society and the judges are allowed to use common sense.”

Robbie grinned even as Solomon and many others frowned. “I like that!”

I took Solomon’s hand in mine. “I’m going to break what seems to be a reasonable rule and make a suggestion with regard to the present case. Announce the decision by the Cherinians so that Phil knows under what conditions he is fighting us. Also announce we are requesting of the governments who will try Craig, if he is handed over, that they confirm to us in advance that final death will not be sought. A second point. If they are to be executed, they must each be executed within their home reality. For instance, Craig may already exist there and depriving our reality of his soul would not be ethical.”

“You would agree to them killing him!?”

I stared back at him. “Yes. We’ve done so a number of times and I don’t see why they should not be allowed to do the same.”

Robbie paled. “You are talking of the lives I took?”

“No, I’m talking of those you did not take. Dad, we have already agreed that when we return someone to their early childhood so that they grow up under different conditions, we are in effect killing their present personality - which in most cases I’m quite happy to know will no longer exist. If I were a judge, ideally I would suggest that Craig is placed in prison for a long period and when he has served that part of his sentence he must submit to being reverted to a baby - back in his home reality.”

Cassie just had to add, “I wonder whether any Cherinian will be visiting that reality before our judges ask them what they intend doing with the criminals if they are returned to them? After all, they cannot consider applying the punishments Samantha suggested if they don’t know that Cherinians are willing to revert them to babies on behalf of their courts.”

Empathia giggled. “What you are suggesting may be illegal under the laws of the Normals. As Cherinians I agree we should send someone.”

Dimi said, “I’ll go.”

“Please don’t.” Claudia gave him an apologetic look. “Nobody from the families of those who are considered important nodes in our society, such as our family, the family of Hettie and Eddie, our relatives and close friends, should go. This should be initiated by an ordinary Cherinian who used his empathy to see that the correct decision is to be implemented by the other reality.”


Nodes! Actually, I sort of like it and I prefer it to the usual ‘leaders’ appellation applied to us. It helps us sound less important or puffed up with self-importance. On the other hand, it does sort of make us sound like computers - AI programs?

The announcements were made at the start of the session and Phil looked absolutely stunned. “Are you telling us that from now onwards this court has no laws, the judges make their decisions according to their personal moral code? How can anyone know where he stands legally? Are we talking of all law, only criminal law or does it include civil law?”

“Commercial law is excluded for the time being. As for knowing where the ordinary person stands with regard to the law, are your citizens any better off? There is such an immense body of laws that can be used against them that, strictly speaking, I doubt there is one person who has not broken some law. With us, the moral code of the accused is taken into consideration - it has to be as Cherinians originate from a great number of species and realities. If you know that what you did is wrong or anti-social in a way that harms society, why should the clever arguments of an attorney secure a not guilty decision because some technicality was not observed. Please keep in mind that our comments are not directed at your courts, it would be unrealistic of your system to judge a person according to their own sense of guilt since you cannot sense them.”

“Then there is no point in raising any arguments in defence of my client.”

“To the contrary. We are all human beings and you may have some valid points to make in favour of the accused, for instance, certain extenuating circumstances that we did not take into consideration. Our court does not exist for the purpose of punishing or controlling our citizens. We are only trying to protect potential or actual victims.”

He shook his head. “It can’t work!”

Phil was convinced to continue defending his client and he did his best, but the wind had been taken out of his sails and, to be fair, he should have been given time to recover. It was brought to the attention of the Friend of the Court and he privately asked Phil whether he would like the last days to be struck from the record so that he can reconsider the strategy of his defence, but he refused.

A Cherinian returned with an official document from the international court of the victim reality, advising Robbie that should Craig and his cronies be returned for them to be sent to trial, they officially ask for his assistance in keeping their psychic powers blocked. They also asked that should the court require them to revert those found guilty to babies, he assists with doing so plus, for those not from their reality, with finding them parents to adopt them anonymously in their home reality. The document was lodged with Solomon, but the wording was made public. Amazingly the tide turned, now more people complaining that it was not right that Craig could be responsible for so many deaths and widespread suffering and not be penalised accordingly. They felt that making him a baby again was not a fit punishment. It seems they are in favour of capital punishment now. I can see why so many governments have had to, at times, ignore the wishes of their citizens on decisions that are emotional.

Dommi: We all waited for Robert to respond to Sam’s last comment, but he seems to have decided to ignore it. Sam seems to be relieved, but she also wanted to argue her case. I’d say she mostly feels deflated right now. You may put a smilie for me, thank you.

The court made its decision and Robbie was officially asked to transport and deliver Craig to the law enforcement agencies of the other Earth. The case for the other defendants is starting next week. Their attorney was asked whether he felt they had a different case to answer to and he insisted they do, that the moral issue is not the same.

A representative of the defendants shouted to Freddie that he needed to speak to Robbie. When Robbie appeared he explained that none of them feel comfortable with being held in a common area with Craig, as their testimony in court could cause bad feelings. Robbie agreed to move Craig.

We had an interesting change from our usual experiences. We were sitting in a coffee shop in London when we became aware of drama at a table close by. A young woman was haltingly trying to explain that she needs time on her own before committing herself to a relationship with the man. We could sense she is not in love with him, but that he is very much in love with her. He steeled himself and told her she can take the rest of her life on her own as he does not wish to ever see her again. Out of pride he paid for their drinks and left.


As he walked out onto the pavement a little girl put her hand in his. He pulled his hand away in shock and looked at the child. “You are a Cherinian? Are you Goldi?”


“I don’t need your empathy.”

“I wasn’t offering it. I could not help overhearing and I was filled with admiration for you. What you did showed you have pride and courage - more courage than I think I would have. The reason I came to hold your hand is because I feared you might allow her to shut you off from all emotions. Let me walk with you for a while, just so that you feel my hand in yours, that’s all.”

Of course that was not all. She talked to him and it was not long before she found out what his dreams are and she explored them with him and then offered to take him to Freddie for him to study some of the strange plants we have gathered from other realities. She chattered away just like a little girl and by the time she left him (with an agreement to collect him early the next day) we could sense she’d helped him get over the worst of it. She did plant the idea that he should stop at his pub for a drink as she felt alcohol instead of shutting himself in might help him at this time.

Robert and Cherine, the ones attacked by Craig, have found the court case with the surrounding brouhaha upsetting, bringing back memories they do not wish to re-examine right now. At least they did not have to appear in court as witnesses, but they probably will have to back on their home planet. Everyone is taking turns trying to keep their minds filled with other thoughts and pleasures.

The second court case was very brief. Their attorney made an impassioned plea for a lighter sentence without anyone interrupting him. When he finished, the judge explained that the fact that many of his clients acted on orders out of fear of Craig does not affect the decision regarding extradition to the reality requesting their presence. He did tell the attorney that they would attach his plea for the new defence attorneys to make use of as they see fit.

Since we will have to leave in a couple of days, Michael, Dimi, Hettie and Eddie with children and some other friends who would not be travelling with us, joined us for a drink at the bar in Cyprus and then a long drawn out meal at Estella’s taverna.

Michael asked his father, “Are the Cherinians now to be executioners for the Normals?” Robbie glanced at him as he considered the question and Michael continued, “Cherinians are asking the question dad. You’ll have to explain to them.”

Robbie asked, “I suppose that those Cherinians all just happen to be Terrans?” He turned to our Manoli and Anna. “Isn’t it strange that they did not ask when we had to do so for aliens?” He sipped at his beer from the bottle as his eyes examined the face of Michael, each beloved feature being stored for those days we don’t see him and Ahní. “Michael, we undertook to protect the Normals from all Talents and that must include ex Cherinians. Part of protecting them must include their right to punish those who harm them. How else can they do so if we do not help? What do you say empathy demands of us?”

Haven put her hand on Michael’s shoulder. He turned to look at her and she said, “I think we should only take Terran Cherinians with us on this trip. Once we arrive we should make them sense the pain, fear and suffering Craig and his damned Talents caused.”

Assimé said, “Haven, we are Cherinians, we don’t make anyone do anything.”

Haven scowled. “I know! It would be nice if we could.”

I recounted the above to show you that even strict Haven at times finds it frustrating being a Cherinian. I think it is easiest for Cherine and I because we both tend to adapt the rules to suit us. Since neither of us do it for selfish reasons I feel I’m in good company .


I did not comment because I wanted to show them what Arthur wrote about them. Looking very sheepish they left to be on their own and since then we’ve felt that the panic has subsided and they are actually starting to share positive dreams. From all of us, thank you Arthur.

Craig asked for Robbie. He pleaded with him to revert him to a baby without putting him through the torture of being reviled by an entire planet. Sadly Robbie had to tell him he cannot, his victims need to feel they faced him so that they can get closure. It seems he has resigned himself to his fate.

Freddie has been coasting along so that we have a few days of relaxing at home by the pool. Our little baby face Candy left without an explanation (but we could sense her need to be alone) so we blocked off most of our link with her, Robbie and Wendy only maintaining just enough to know that she is alright - as if Freddie would let anything happen to her. When she returned at the end of the day she skipped supper and went to sit by herself, her emoting melancholic. Wendy went to her.

“You’ve made everyone curious, not that they’ll ask. I on the other hand am more concerned about what could have made you feel this way.”


“Yes - excepting Sam of course.”

“Then everyone will know when she writes.” She seemed to brighten. “Okay, private for now and until I’ve eaten.” Wendy giggled and nodded. “I went to speak to Craig.”

“What?” Wendy sat up. “Did you stay outside the fence?”

“No. At first I did but then…maybe I should tell you what happened?”

“Wait.” Wendy jumped to the kitchen and took back with her the cold remains of a leg of lamb and some salad. Candy nibbled as she told her story.

“What Sam wrote about Craig losing his spirit, giving up, it made me think. Wendy, I don’t like anyone suffering, I mean, maybe he must so that those he hurt stop suffering, but it is like daddy; we felt he had to suffer and were glad he did and then it made us sad for a very long time. I thought that maybe he feels so bad because he knows he can’t change his future, but it must also be because he doesn’t have a friend to talk to.”

I’ve pieced together what happened from what she said and from sharing later on.

Candy arrived close to the fence and walked to it so that he would not get a fright having someone arrive next to him suddenly. She knew he was aware of her, but he did not greet her, so she put on her best smile.

“Hi, I’m Candy. Would you like some company?”

“I’m not in the mood for playing with children.”

“Would you prefer if I come as an adult?”

“Candy? Sorry, I should have recognised you. Why have you come? Is this an attempt to cause me more trouble?”

“Oh no, I was thinking I’m so lucky, I have a big family that loves me and if I’m feeling sad they find a way to make me happy again. Then I thought of you and it did not feel fair, nobody should be alone all the time.”

“I don’t need your pity.”

“Cherine says no Cherinian should ever feel pity for anyone. We are only allowed empathy, compassion and love. Compassion is nicer because it is a sympathy for the suffering of others without insulting them by being pity. Did I get it right?” She stared at him anxiously and he fell for it.

“I’m not exactly famous for knowing a lot about compassion.”


“That’s okay, I just wanted you to know it is not pity or else I would have to leave.” He did not reply and she sensed him sinking into a depression. “Would you like me to sing you a song?” He did not reply, I doubt he even heard her offer. Candy chose her song carefully. She sang without looking at him so he felt free to stare at her as he felt the notes thrill their way through his mind to shiver through his body. Images of days when he was young seemed to respond to the music and float to his consciousness, the memories bittersweet and painful when he glimpsed faces of those he’d loved for that short time of his life. Candy knew what was happening in his mind so she made the song last longer and then allowed it to fade away.

“You remind me of a faërie tale from when I was a child. It was about a nightingale that sang so beautifully it enchanted hearts and a king put it in a golden cage. Be careful that there are no kings around, I don’t think you’d be happy in a cage, all on your own.”

“May I come inside to sit by you?”

Almost laconically he asked, “You wish to join me in my cage?” Candy entered and sat by him. He touched her hair lightly, as if reassuring himself that she exists, and then did not speak to her or look at her again, lost within his tides of melancholia. No wonder she returned to us feeling so despondent.

The pity is that Freddie would have noticed earlier that Craig needed help, but because of his cross-examination in court, he’d done his best to respect his privacy. Candy gave permission and everyone shared and then we discussed what we should do. One decision meant that Freddie slowed down so that we do not arrive while Craig is so withdrawn. As to what else we could do, we saw no other options and followed the advice given by Aganthi. She suggested we leave him to Candy. Candy was told that she may take him to other parts of Freddie and even to the taverna if she thinks the company will not upset him. Robbie withdrew the energy barrier and Craig is now free to move about should he wish to.

Robert and Cherine of the reality we are going to, sat with us as we discussed Craig and they even shared from Candy. Robert spoke for both of them. “It is distressing to sense a mind that is falling apart. Seeing him this way now, it makes me wonder whether he wasn’t already falling apart when he first arrived on our planet. To be honest, neither Cherine nor I feel up to being Cherinians and keeping him company, but it would please us to know that some of you are helping him.”

We discussed for hours the possibility of Robert being right, none of us finding it easy to accept the hypothesis, as it then absolved him of some of his crimes, to a degree at least. I guess we were still too angry at what he’d planned to do and the memories of what he did to Cherine were still livid, possibly sharpened by the experience of watching and sharing in the death of the composite Cherine in a different universe.

The days went by without us drawing any closer to arriving at out destination. Craig adopted my favourite rock by the side of the big river and if a person was lucky and happened to pass close enough to them at the right time, the sound of Candy’s sweet voice would carry as she sang for Craig. She tried to hold his attention with cheerful conversations, but she accepted that most of their time together he would retreat as he fought his inner battles against the darkness trying to engulf him and she hoped that the feel of her tiny hand in his would help him or at least be an anchor for his soul. If he had still been unblocked and could have sensed her, she would have broken his heart.

Vincent did not ask, he returned to our reality and brought Themi with his family. Our hugs and kisses were slightly dampened in enthusiasm because of our worry for Candy and Craig. Themi allowed us to explain, refused to share and waited until the next morning so as to meet Craig and spend some time with him. Then he asked to share with Candy.

“Does he have any family?”

“We don’t think so, not immediate family. All we know is that he was linked by a Cherinian, so we have to assume that he was considered a good person. He worked as an estate agent and was fairly successful until his boss learnt that he is a Cherinian. He was instantly fired, even though there wasn’t the slightest suspicion he may have used his gifts to make a sale. Apparently he felt bitter and used his gifts to earn profits, but he was not greedy. Themi, at the time, when he spied on us and other Robert-Cherine couples, I went back into his past, why don’t you share all I learnt of him?”

He refilled his glass with beer, munched salted pasatembo (roasted pumpkin seeds) and slowly spoke to us, gathering his thoughts and understanding as he went along. “When you monitored Craig you were only interested in establishing whether he is a threat or not. Being forewarned I concentrated on the tone of his mind. Robert, he was already mentally unstable at the time he mimicked you. I do not see that he hated you or anyone, he only saw you as a tool he could use to establish his own kingdom. He probably thought of how you could become absolute dictator if you wished, wondered why you did not and then saw the possibility which he exploited.


Being aware of your powers, he planned for them and once he was safely in his own reality, lord and master with no Talent strong enough to fight him, he probably forgot all about you. Did you ever discover how he teleports without an image of his destination in his mind?”

Robbie smiled. “I did ask him, but he laughed at me.”

“If what I suspect is true, then his secret is useless to all of us - unless we wish to follow him down the same path. My healer has found signs of multiple personality disorder. I cannot be certain, as I would have to examine his thought processes and he is not likely to give permission. If I am correct, the second personality pictured the destination and of course you were only monitoring his first personality.”

“Why is there no sign of multiple personalities now? All I can sense is his depression.”

“From what you and Candy have shared with me, I’d say that the forthcoming humiliation increased his stress levels to the point where one of the personalities could no longer cope and it went into hiding. The personality in charge is weak and needs the other for it to cope.

I have a question to ask that is unethical for a doctor to ask. When you arrive at your destination, he will be met by a barrage of hatred and the court case and his sentencing will cause him to feel great humiliation. Unless you are motivated by a need to punish him and want him to be aware, what is the point of curing him? If you are not looking to maximise his suffering, why cure him, you’ll only be undoing all my hard work by reverting him to a baby soon anyway. Let me put it in another way - if you are about to shoot a man, why must you wake him so that he agonises and trembles over his impending death? Why not shoot him while he sleeps?” I wish he hadn’t put it that way, we’re already finding it difficult enough because of Candy.

Dommi spoke, her voice ice cold, “Can you cure him?”


“Then there will be no talk of killing him.” Her voice gentled as she turned to Robbie, but her face remained implacable. “Roberto mou, it could turn many against us, but you must not hand him over for punishment.” I cringed at the thought of how many would hate us and Vincent gave me a look that seemed to say, ‘right, let’s see what you are made of’. The thought of all my loves being subjected to so much anger and hate forced my mind into overdrive. If I said I did not want my loves to come with they would object, I had to find another way.

“Dad, we must not cure him first. They must see him as he is and their own psychologists must meet with Themi and examine Craig. If we don’t, word will get around that he was a Cherinian and everyone will think we made up this story so as to protect him. Until they have agreed that Craig is not responsible for his actions we should leave his gang in Freddie - as a matter of fact, it would be better we do not arrive in Freddie. Let Freddie wait in this reality while, you, Themi, Craig and I pay them a visit.” I sensed my loves about to protest. “Going in a smaller platform will also be less intimidating and they won’t be able to claim later on that they gave in because Freddie hung over them like a malevolent green moon, ready to kill them if they objected.”

The conversation became very loud and spirited, but I stuck to my guns and would not even agree to our Cherine or the local Robert and Cherine coming with. Finally I had to give in and allow Allan to take my place. Just when we thought we had come to some arrangement that would work, Candy piped up in a very determined voice, “You’re not taking Craig without me.” Without waiting for our answer, she jumped to Craig and took hold of his hand. Robbie and the rest of us do not have the right to deny Candy, so he prepared a platform, including four apartments and a nice garden. The floor of the platform was extra thick because he included a septic tank. The sides were double shields with water in between. He would be able to land the platform and live in it and in answer to a question, he showed us the shields can turned smoky so that nobody can see inside.

As they prepared to leave, food machines and bins all installed, the only one able to joke or tease was Cherine. She whispered to Robbie, “The only reason you don’t want us with, is because you want Candy to yourself.” He pretended she’d found him out so she laughed. “You’re not going to get much time alone with her, it doesn’t look like she’s willing to let go of Craig’s hand.”


There was no way we would stay away. We followed them in Freddie, but we went to the void and watched from the cameras Freddie sent into normal space through his tip. Some of the cameras were released and went into a low orbit while a few of the really tiny ones went to Earth disguised as gnats.

The reaction was exactly as expected. Despite Robbie reminding them that not one person will have paid with his life for all Craig did, the crowds rioted and demanded that Craig be handed over to be executed. The governments sent psychologists and after examining Craig and talking with Themi, they returned to give reports claiming that he is capable of standing trial and is aware and understands what is said to him. For the first time ever we saw Themi ranting and raving in a rage. Robbie only sat quietly, waiting for everyone to calm down.

“I don’t know why you’re all so upset, we foresaw what would happen and you know that I will not hand Craig over, whatever they say. It has been a long day, let’s have a good sleep and we’ll decide our strategy in the morning.”

Although the platform was ringed by the army, a missile from an underground group exploded against the shield of the platform in the early hours of the morning. It did not damage the shield and the water absorbed most of the shockwave and the sound, so, apart from Robbie, the rest slept through it.

The news about the missile circled the globe within the hour. When Robbie walked out of the platform a few hours later, it was to a planet holding its breath, worried what his reaction will be. Robbie walked over to the stand with microphones that had been placed there at their arrival. He flicked his thumb against a microphone, but there was no noise. A technician rushed out of a caravan and gestured for Robbie to try again. This time he heard noise.

“Are you recording? Thank you. Good day. I have no speech to make, so I’ll be brief. I travelled back to you in good faith, intending to repair all damage caused by the man who came from my reality. I looked forward to healing all those who suffered and then every single man, woman and child would have been brought to perfect health. I knew that you needed to feel that the man responsible for all the pain has been punished, so I secured a court order permitting me to bring a citizen of our reality to yours for you to punish him. However, I would not have handed him over if you insisted on executing him. We believe that our way is more humane. I would not have objected to him serving a prison sentence and then I would have reverted him to a baby so that he grows up under different influences which hopefully would lead to him evolving a better character.

On the way between our realities, Candy sensed that Craig was falling apart, so she chose to become his companion for a few hours each day. It quickly became obvious that he was desperately in need of medical attention and we called for a psychologist from our Earth. He has diagnosed Craig as suffering from multiple personality disorder and has confirmed to me that the man is not capable of defending himself at trial. So as not to be seen to be acting in an arbitrary manner, I asked that you send your most respected psychologists to examine the man. What all of you seem to have forgotten is that I am a Cherinian which means that I can sense the emoting of all around me. I know that Craig is ill and almost unaware of his surroundings, only recovering for a few minutes at a time before sinking back into his world of darkness and despair. The psychologists you sent also forgot that I am a Cherinian and stated they found him competent to stand trial. I have spent the night thinking of how I should react. My gesture of goodwill has been reciprocated with the typical attitude governments show to their own citizens, so here is what I have decided. All lives lost, those that have not been returned to life will be brought back. All damage of property and where possible of a monetary nature, will be compensated for to the value we deem fair.

You have all suffered a number of years under dictatorship, so I need to do something to compensate you for those years. Your science has followed the same route as many other realities and your ecology is damaged. Teams will be arriving soon and they will heal your ecology, reintroducing a number of species that are extinct but required, while ridding your world of the pollution that has gathered over nearly a century. The Robert and Cherine of your reality belong to your world, they should be here to help you grow in the same direction as our realities so that you can join all your alternates as brothers and sisters. However, I will not leave them here to experience your anger and hate. I intend offering them the choice of returning with us and when we sense that you want them, soon or in a century, they will be brought back to you.

As for Craig and the others who joined him in committing crimes against you, the following will be done. We are returning to our reality and psychologists will be brought from at least ten realities for the purpose of examining him and a number of alien Cherinian psychologists who have made a study of Terran psychology will also write a report. All this is to be done to forestall any claims by you that we are lying and protecting Craig. In the majority of your countries, your own laws demand that a person who was not mentally competent and whose judgement was impaired at the time the crime was committed, is not to be punished and instead is to be healed. That is our belief also and Craig will be provided therapy so that he can return to a normal life. He will never have his gifts and powers returned to him, but he will be assisted so that he can live his life in the manner all humans are entitled to.

Next [Book 12] - Post 017

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

  • posted: 13th Aug, 2020

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