Little Cherine Book 12 - BPost015

After a night of feasting, booze and laughter, did we truly expect the crowds to fall into a reverent awe as they saw suns explode and galaxies form? I doubt that many from our own realities did.

Previous: Book 12 - Post 014


It is just as well that we did not leave when we’d intended. Too many of my loves had committed themselves to talk at the various centres for us to leave immediately (Haven is still the most popular guest speaker) so we postponed our departure by four days. It meant I was still around when little Cher began to cry to her parents that she doesn’t like Sebura and that he makes her do things that are too hard for her. I took the easy way out and had them watch on a screen the training and they were surprised at how little Sebura was making them do. They agreed not to take her side, but I also made certain that Cher and Piri spent time with me each day and encouraged them to tell me about their day and what progress they are making. Piri was disdainful of the easy training and Cher found it too embarrassing to complain because she has a case of hero worship for Piri ever since seeing her confront a lion. She too daydreams of saving her father from a lion and being adored as a heroine. I really wanted to take away her aches and pains (as did everybody else), but I would not be doing her any favours if I did. The day Sebura praises her, the memories of pain will make it even more special for her.

Just when we thought we were leaving, a representative of the various governments holding meetings in our conference rooms with the local leaders of the Earth of Cher came out to ask us to delay our return by another week if possible. That night, when everyone was enjoying a cold meat buffet, wine and music, Robbie interrupted to apologise and explain we have some unfinished business to take care of and will only be leaving in one week to ten days.

During that same evening I noticed Lusalith talking to Rob. After she departed I was told that Rob will be staying at her home as her guest for a couple of days. I wondered what she is up to.

I had nothing to do and was not in the mood to volunteer my services. I decided it might be a good time to visit an old friend - and make certain he is healthy. Saiama had tried to settle in the town, but his cattle had to graze a good distance away and he found it difficult. He asked permission to use a piece of land for building a hut, grazing his cattle and growing food. The Orati were not certain what they should do since they’d never had such a request. They finally decided to approve his request and suggested he use land close to the river and close to their border with the land of the People (the LOV Orati, Efineh’s villages). It meant that he was just as close to the People as he was to the Orati, but because of their simpler ways he felt more comfortable visiting them. His wife, Fibela, was not happy about it, but she discovered that if she went to the Centre there would always be a Cherinian willing to jump her home to visit her family for the day, so she soon settled into his way of living. She is used to working hard, but she refused to join him in caring for their vegetable plot. She prefers to fish in the river and uses that as an excuse, to get out of refusing to spend the day bent over hoeing or digging. Saiama enjoys eating fish so he does not complain.

Saiama’s cattle do not stray too far from his hut, but they are becoming wild since they are spread out and he cannot spend his days running around after them. The cattle have not suffered from his neglect and since there are few predators, they’ve increased in number. They strayed apart so that his herd of nearly thirty split into four smaller herds, each one with its own bull. Saiama was starting to worry about his cattle at the time I decided to visit.

As Saiama came out of his hut, a butterfly danced in front of his face and then it flew off to one side and towards the river. Saiama instantly recognised it as being similar to the butterfly that had followed me and quickly warning his wife that he has to leave he ran after the butterfly. As he entered the trees by the river he saw me sitting on a log. He came to stand by my side and then sat on the ground, waiting for me to speak.

I smiled as the butterfly flitted between us. “Did it bring back memories my friend?”

“Aiee, good memories Sam.”

I laughed. “Good? Why is that? Is it because you were not married? How is Fibela?”

“She is to give me a child soon. Those at the centre tell us it will be a son!” He came to his feet quickly as I went to him.

I put my arms around him and hugged him. “Your news has brought me great joy.”

Both Saiama and Fibela would have felt hurt if I had not visited at their home. I wanted to sense their son so I was glad to walk there with him. After the welcoming greetings, Fibela allowed me to place my hand on her belly and I lightly monitored the sleeping foetus. All felt as it should, but I asked my healer to make certain it will not have any defects or inherited problems.

As soon as I removed my hand from her abdomen, Fibela rushed to a bush and dug into the ground. From there she ran to the river and returned with a wet bottle of Coca Cola. Neither of them realised a bottle opener was needed so I had to harden my fingers to open it. I saw the expiry date had passed but I did not know the history of the bottle - it could have been newer or older than it seemed. My healer advised me that despite it not being good for me (a common complaint it makes now and then) it had not gone bad in any way.


Saiama confided to me his problem with the cattle. I had to be careful in how I answered him. “What is your purpose, do you only wish to grow the herd so that you have many cattle or do you wish to use one now and then for food and for trading for other goods?”

“I do not understand Sam, are not both questions correct?”

I laughed. “On my world there is a tribe who believe that cattle are their wealth so they never trade or kill them. They keep them for the milk, they bleed them and they use their urine for their beer. I was hoping you do not think like them. I agree that you have a problem and with a child coming you will want milk from your cows. If they grow wild they will not let you milk them and for meat you’ll have to hunt them - which is not as it should be. Let me think about your problem and I’ll let you know if I see a way for you to control your cattle.”

Most of the day was gone when I left them. I jumped for some fruit, stopped on my way back to leave some with them as I knew that with their limited diet they’d appreciate the taste and then jumped back to my Orati home. I was surprised to sense only Efineh and Samuel’s family. All my loves were in Freddie so I asked if there was anything special happening and they told me Jerry was putting on a show for them. I decided to stay where I was. Efineh and I ate and then walked into the trees to sit on a bench by a pool and rock garden.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that you have a serious problem.” She glanced at me, but waited for an explanation. “You know too much and you have experienced life on other Earths, even on alien planets, marrying a man of the Orati or any of the other tribes would not be good for you. You would soon become bored with him and it is difficult to respect a man who is less knowledgeable than you are.”

“You respect many who know less than you - what about Ashema?”

“I respect and admire him, but I could not live with him as my companion. Neither could he bear to live with me for long, even if he found me sexy.” She grinned so I quickly continued to forestall her comment. “On the other hand, a man with the culture and education you’d find interesting would not enjoy living here permanently.”

“Because Irfan did not?”

“Actually, he did, I think half his sense of loss when you parted was the fact that he could not stay here anymore.” I grinned. “It sounds as if I’m arguing myself around in circles, but I’m not. There are a number of men from my reality and others who would love to live here, unfortunately many would either tend to be men who would be what we call macho or else they would be men who think that by moving to a simpler environment they can survive more happily. Both of those types would only make you miserable. Even as a Cherinian, your chances of choosing a man with exactly the right characteristics is, to an extent, a matter of pot luck.”

“I don’t think so - at least I hope I’m right. I feel that when I meet the right man my instincts will tell me.”

“I’m going to be very suspicious of any man your instincts choose!”

“You’re just being nasty!”

“No love, I’m just being a mother.” I pulled her over and then leant against her since she was so much bigger than me. “Am I still allowed to?” She squeezed me really hard as she told me I always would be. We stayed like that for a long time, treasuring our feelings.

My curiosity was eating away at me, I could not imagine what Lusalith was doing with Rob for four days. Surely she was not talking about glory with him for this long?

Perhaps it is time I explain why I was so hard with Rob. I have already provided some of the reasons and they are enough to distance everyone from him. His comments about Cher being so young make a lot of sense and we would have found ways to help both of them since Cher also is not capable of loving him as a man at the age she is. Sex and the difference of ages is not the issue, she must love him for his heart to open to her and then his mind will flower into the gifts all Cherine’s bring with them.


As I said, we would have helped if we had not sensed him fall in love with Diana while she was eleven years old. Diana tried changing herself to a seven year old but he continued with his fantasies of making love to her, her smaller size only increasing his excitement. Little Cher is not able to understand as clearly as we do what she senses from him, but she did understand enough to feel hurt and bewildered. Hence my anger and harshness, even if it was not very Cherinian of me.

I’ve had some time apart from him for me to think more clearly and I decided I’ve behaved in ways that are not in accordance with my beliefs and if I were to judge my tactics on their own, they also proved to be unsound, perhaps even making it impossible for him to love Cher. I don’t understand why Robbie, my loves and others did not point out to me that I was wrong to behave the way I did. At least I have proven one thing - even as Cherinians move towards Cherine The Light, we do remain human. I have a feeling I might not be in synch with those Cherinians who are moving towards Cherine, but then I can console myself with the thought that it is possible that Cherine is not either.

I went to visit the lake Orati and while there I asked if they have any orphans. When asked why I told them I have a good couple who should have a son. I explained a boy in his early teens would be the best and they brought seven young boys. I chose the one I thought would be a good son to Saiama and Fibela while also a good worker so that he would not mind watching the cattle and moving them from field to field. I explained to him what his life would be like and he emoted only pleasure. I told him they are expecting a son, so he will have a brother and he gave me a huge grin, even though he was feeling shy of me.

Saiama and Fibela were astounded when I presented their new son to them. I told the boy to explore the surrounding area and then explained to them my thoughts. I asked whether their culture made it impossible for them to love him as a son. She did not understand, but Saiama looked off into the distance.

“This thing you speak of Sam, it is the thing that should have made it impossible for me to love you?” I am constantly amazed at how perceptive the locals can sometimes be and I hugged the two of them and made certain the girls would be with Fibela when she is about to give birth.

We returned to Freddie, Efineh coming with for the trip, and we jumped realities. I saw from the screens that Freddie had not returned to the reality of Cher and Rob. Robbie confirmed that he felt we should take the politicians on a tour. The first stop was by the fire-world so that we could check that it is alright and go for a few rides. Goldi and Jodine (the Rodeo Girls) with the imps, took turns controlling it as a large number of people, Terrans and aliens, wanted to go. After that we went to the Lace world where we met with the Kinytians who have made the solar system their home. Robbie formally asked for permission to visit the Lace world and they protested, insisting that as their leader he does not need to ask permission.

“You are wrong, very wrong. No leader, Cherinian or not, has the right to enter the home or the home world of a people without asking permission.” He was obviously trying to make a point as he has hardly ever asked any species for permission to visit their planet. He turned to an Inguel who was strongly emoting his disapproval. “Ifola, if I hand over the leadership to you, would that automatically give you the right to enter my home - even my bedroom?” He turned back to the Kinytians. “We have created an anomalous situation by naming me leader of the Cherinians. A Kinytian leader has the right to enter your home system, whether it be a planet or the vacuum of space as it is with you. If you, as a species built homes for yourselves, then such a leader would still require permission to enter your home. My species of origin have made such laws and they are ancient, only broken by governments when they forget they are servants of the people.

In my case, I have been declared leader of the Cherinians and that includes a multitude of species. However, it does not mean that I am the leader of any species in particular. The Unations of various realities have their own leaders, so do the Muyzith and so do each species that have governments of any kind - I qualify myself because I’m not certain the Wirms have leaders.

No species is allowed to give me rights they do not accord their own leaders. I would prefer that you think of me as a symbolic leader, my title mainly symbolising your love for Cherine.”

Well, it has been some time since he last argued his beliefs about his position so we did not mind having to listen to it all over again - though he did have a valid reason for making it this time. It was also good for the politicians of the latest reality to hear him. His speech must have had the desired effect for we soon saw the politicians of our realities trying to explain to them.


We were given permission and even the politicians soon forgot to argue as they saw the beauty of the planet beneath us. Robbie created platforms and everyone took turns to go on a tour. The Terrans were impressed when they saw the remains of the Anadir spaceship - I guess that seeing it makes their age as a species feel very real. When they learnt about the history of the sun and that it would alter what they see someday, they asked whether the science of all species is not capable of protecting the planet from change. Robbie confirmed that scientists have been to the past and are studying the way the sun affected the planet previously so that we know whether we need to protect the planet or whether we should allow it to experience the changes if the planet will revert to becoming as beautiful as it is presently. Robbie made a good point when he wondered whether the destruction of life had not helped preserve the planet so that it is as it is.

Many of us wanted to show those who have not been there, the world and people of Kiris. Robbie disagreed but offered to take us to visit Orgg and Jeskine. Going to their reality does not strongly affect alien species new to us, but it always has a very strong effect on Terrans. For some reason, learning of their history and the ability of the Neans to hold their own, seems to deflate their ego.

I’d noticed that Rob had also been to ride the fire-world and visit the lace planet. He came to the Orgg planet with us, but he took the tour for all the first time visitors so was not with us. I was not in a great mood and sat back to watch the others joking and sharing new memories. Suddenly, Orgg sat by me, a frown on his huge face.

“What worries you?” I chose to open my memories of Rob for him to share and then asked him whether he could see what I should do. He gave me a toothy grin. “You want me to take him for a long walk?” I hugged his arm as I chuckled.

“Recently I don’t seem to be solving problems very successfully. First I abandoned Faiiis to the Akiards without helping him or his people. They’ve asked that I visit them and I haven’t because I don’t see how I can transform their rigid culture into something more flexible…so that they can survive as a species - and I don’t even know whether I should. Isn’t it amazing how many species seem to have a self-destruct button?”

Luigi lent over. “Samantha, the same was said of our species.”

“We were lucky, we found ourselves a Cherine.”

He gave a smug smile. “Exactly.” He turned serious. “Is Cherine the button of life for us Terrans only? I am still amazed and puzzled by the Reggheri. How could a specie with strong psychic powers, enabling them to share from their home world the growths of other species across solar systems and galaxies, remain locked within such a primitive way of life?”

Cherine answered, “I think they froze their culture because of their psychic abilities. What would our ancestors have done if they’d had such powers? Surely they would have found the existence of so many alien species with mental powers frightening and by freezing their own culture to simple rules they can understand, they achieved the stability they needed by ensuring they are not noticed.”

“There is one fact that makes me question your theory Cherine.” I let her see before speaking. “If the fear you speak of drove them, why did they allow Faiiis to announce their existence to all of us? Did they do so deliberately and, if they did, why? I’m still convinced I sensed something slightly different to their emoting signature in the background, while we should not entirely discount the possibility that their civilisation was highly advanced and then crumbled, which explains their reaching out to us for help.”

Orgg grumbled, “It is King Illafayéd who should be sitting here with you, not I.” I refused to let go his arm so he stayed.

Cherine’s eyes wandered, tracking someone, and then she turned to me with a smile. “Our problem with the selfish and arrogant Rob has helped and changed the Robert and Cherine attacked by Craig. Isn’t it strange? His inability to see so many basic truths opened their eyes to those truths. I think they will soon be ready to return to their world to build their family and link friends as Cherinians.” Orgg gave a laugh of delight, just like a child excited by the way life twists our plans and fears.

That evening, during supper in the palace, I was asked by a politician of our reality what I expect will happen to Craig and his group if found guilty. Those around us who heard the question fell silent as they waited for my reply, so, by the time I spoke there was silence from all.


“I think your question holds within it an implied expectation than we will punish him.” There was a rustle of surprise from all around, but he nodded his agreement. “The worst crimes they committed were against the Normals of the planet he tried to take over. His attempt to place a nuclear device within every city with the potential deaths that could have caused must be the most horrendous crime we know of. Our court case is not for the purpose of punishing him or them, it is to establish that there are reasonable grounds for the international court of that planet wanting to bring them to trial - according to our own beliefs, thus justifying our binding their powers so that they can be handed over for trial on the world in which they caused so much suffering. As Cherinians we must establish a custom of holding such trials, for it would be wrong of us to block minds and hand people over just because the authority of some land demands it. I see it as being similar to the way your own courts first examine the charges - and the possible punishment and that they conform to the laws of their own country, before agreeing to an extradition. We don’t need to establish guilt, we only look for facts that justify such a person being charged with the crimes he or she allegedly committed.”

Without me thinking about it I should have been aware of what was happening in Freddie. Freddie was showing our dinner on the screens, focussing on whatever was said that might be of interest. From what I saw afterwards, when I spoke, Craig and his group screamed their complaints at Freddie. Normally nobody would have heard them, but it happened that Rob had returned and having just enjoyed a slice of cake he was not hungry and was in the mood to walk on his own. Chance took him close enough to the blockaded area and he heard their yelling and screams of anger.

Rob stood as close to the energy fence as he could without touching it and called for Craig. Seeing a Robert he came to swear at him, but Rob spoke first. “Do you know who I am?”

Craig had also seen Rob on the screens so he guessed, “The Robert from the last reality - a Robert without any powers.” He spoke to those with him. “A Robert without powers, not so impressive eh?”

“How did you get your powers? Were you a natural Talent or were you linked?”

Craig saw the reason Rob was asking and dropped his openly insulting attitude, so as to grab the opportunity it presented him. “I was linked by a Cherinian. It is amazing that they linked me, but they refuse to link you, isn’t it?”

“I think they would if I asked, but then I will not be like the other Roberts, I’d just be one more Cherinian if I don’t have a Cherine.”

“Is that what they told you? God, you can’t trust anything they tell you! So that you don’t think I’m lying when I tell you what I think, ask yourself this, do all Cherinians have the same powers? Are they all equal? Of course not! You are a Robert Teller and if you are linked you will become just as powerful as them, whether you have a Cherine or not. The only purpose having a Cherine served with any Robert is in opening their minds, the growth afterwards was through their own innate talents. If you don’t want to be stuck with a spoilt five year old kid, ask to be linked.” They talked for another twenty minutes and then Craig suggested he leave so that nobody notices him speaking to them. He asked him not to forget him when he has his powers.

It must be extremely frustrating at times for Freddie. He heard/recorded the conversation, but his principles demanded he treat it as private, as he does with everything he hears. He did not give us even the slightest hint and no other Cherinian had noticed Rob near the energy fence.

Rob found the existence of Neans to be of interest - it appealed to whatever was left of the romantic in him. He was taken to visit a couple of villages and talked to those who wished to speak to him. He must have also found the idea of bandits living in the mountains of interest for he went there and had a drink with their ‘king’. He can be charming when he wants to and by the time he was about to leave, the ‘king’ placed his arm around Rob’s shoulders and called him a friend. I found it amusing but did not comment.

At the suggestion of our politicians, those of Rob’s reality asked to sign treaties with all three leaders of this Earth, plus Orgg and Jeskine. The locals still find it flattering and quickly agreed. A few days were needed for documents to be negotiated, drafted and printed and then a big feast was prepared by the banks of the Nile. It was close enough for local Normals to walk (not many of them left) and we all helped keep the mosquitoes and flies away from us. Every so many metres there was a great fire with a full ox roasting on a spit and platters of vegetables, salads and desserts were brought from the cities. Since Jerry was still with us and he was willing, he put on a show that impressed all the locals. The papers were signed and that led to calls for a number of toasts, so more drinks had to be brought. I watched the Neans as they also were over-indulging, but not one of them became aggressive or careless of their great strength.


The next day we were all busy with our goodbyes and it was late by the time Freddie jumped. He knew we needed to sleep and relax for a day or two so he only went to wait at a spot where we’d have a beautiful view of the Milky Way.

A couple of hours after our breakfast and the daily visit of the scientists, Robbie asked for another coffee and sat back with a relaxed look, Cherine and Candy on his lap, his eyes swiftly checking each of us with a pleased look. I guess if he’d made himself fat, he’d have looked like a self-satisfied pasha. Rob chose that moment to talk to him. “What is the purpose of a lie if the truth is easily discovered?”

Good-naturedly, Robbie answered, “I don’t know. I guess it depends on the lie and the circumstances. Were you thinking of telling a lie or did someone lie to you?”

“I was lied to, but I don’t know by whom. Who can I depend on for the truth?”

“I’d say your best bet is Samantha.”

“If she is one of the suspects that would not be a good idea.” I sat up, startled, and tried to think of what he could have taken for a lie out of all I’d said to him.

Robbie chuckled. “If she did lie, she would be the best choice as she would tell you. However, I can understand your reluctance to believe it, so I’d say that leaves you with a wide field, you may ask anyone, of any species.”

He turned to Luigi. “I have the impression you are honourable.”

Cynically he replied, “I am a poet.”

Rob did not catch what Luigi was implying and shrugged. “That is of no importance. Will you tell me who lied to me if I relate the details as told to me by two different parties?”

“I will.”

He turned to Robbie again. “If I decide I do not wish to be joined to the Cherine of my world or any other Cherine, will I be linked as a Cherinian if I ask?”

“Robert, the reason you are automatically linked by your Cherine is because she will not love you if you are not a good man. If you are to be linked without a Cherine, then whoever links you will need to sense that you have the qualities required of a Cherinian.”

“I find that to be an extremely illogical condition - seeing as to how your prisoner Craig was linked as a Cherinian.”

“He became bitter about perceived injustices, stopped using his empathy - or else he blocked it and stopped being a Cherinian.”

“Just as it is possible that by linking me I could learn to feel the empathy Samantha claims I lack?”

Robbie gestured for Maria to bring him another coffee and then upset everyone with his reply. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Rob looked lost for a moment, especially as he saw everyone else was also looking confused. “Could you explain that? I mean, why not link everyone then?”

“One of the most basic tenets, if you were to think of Cherinianism as a religion - which it is not of course, for those species who are made up of individuals, is the right of the individual to remain an individual. Sorry for using that word so often, but it is a very important word. If we decide to link everyone we dare not rely on hope that all will develop a strong sense of empathy for others. As part of the linking we would have to open that door within each mind so that empathy becomes a strong force in the way they think and live. If we do that we have arbitrarily changed the personality of the person. We do not have the right to do so, as we do not have the right to demand that anyone agrees to us making such a change. If the individual is not ready, then that person must grow and mature on their own until they are ready to be linked.”

“Again you are not making sense - it could be it is because you are using emotional arguments. If I know that I do not have an ounce of empathy in me, but I volunteer to have you open that gift in me, to refuse to do so would be tantamount to you denying me my rights as an individual to take charge of my evolution and future.”


Cherine spoke up, “You are making a mistake common to those who come from a Western culture. Cherinianism is all about emotions, not about logic, that is why so many supremely logical people depend on Robert the artist finding the correct answers for us. Now, if you wanted to use logic, why didn’t you take the next step and make the suggestion that you only want to have the gift of empathy opened in you. Of course, the stated reason you would wish for this to be done is because you can sense you are crippled in some way and want to be a whole and healthy human being. Who could resist such an emotional and logical request? Once you are oozing empathy, then you ask another Cherinian to link you and, voila, you are a Cherinian…or, a Talent, as you choose. A bit dishonest, but effective?”

Rob totally lost it. He stared at Cherine and then asked Robbie, “She can’t be serious!”

“Knowing my Cherine? I don’t know, maybe she is…with her sense of humour anything is possible.”

“How will you stop anyone doing as she suggested?”

Robbie laughed. “Why should I? Once the person has flooded his being with the demands of empathy, in the majority, how could that person be anything but a good Cherinian? That was the joke she was making Robert.” With mock seriousness he asked, “If you did that and empathy became a strong part of your personality, tell me, how would you react to sensing your Cherine suffering because you don’t love her?”

He flushed, thinking everything said had been designed to make him appear to be foolish. “There is nothing stopping a non-Cherinian Talent helping me to open my mind. What if I asked Craig?”

“Ah!” Robbie sat back. “He is the one that caused you to make an accusation against Samantha. What did he claim is the lie she told?”

“She told me that I could be linked, at best, as just another Cherinian if I don’t have a Cherine. He told me that if I were linked, because I am a Robert Teller, my brain has the same strengths as all the other Robert Tellers and I would not need Cherine to become as strong or powerful as any of you. He insists that a Cherine is only necessary for the initial opening of the mind if there is nobody else to do it.”

Robbie turned. “Luigi?”

“It seems you did not watch the telling closely or else you did not understand what you saw. Surely the answer is self-evident Robert? You have a number of examples present, perhaps an extreme one is Mr Campbell. He was linked, but went on to open new powers on his own and is perhaps one of the most psychically powerful men of our world. Why hasn’t he surpassed all Robert can do?”

“The reason he is more powerful has little to do with Cherine, most of his powers he gained from Eddie.”

Eddie shook his head. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing! During the telling, did you see him use even one of the powers I gave him so as to best the alternate Eddies and Hetties - who were just as powerful as I was? Young man nobody will tell you that you cannot become powerful, so there is no need for you to grasp at straws. If you intend to persist in following the course you seem to be set on, I must remind you that it does not matter how many powers you acquire, collectively the Cherinians, Ipohin and Talents of your reality can burn every single power and gift out of your brain. Even the prime Robert cannot beat us if we decide to stand against him as one. It is our love that makes him our leader, not his so-called powers.”

Allan added, “Not just our love for him Eddie, add to it our love for his Cherine.” Everyone volubly agreed, making Cherine blush.

Everyone sensed I was about to speak so they gave me the silence I needed. I spoke softly so that Rob would not mistake my intentions for hostility. “Robert, in a sense you and Craig are right, but you are also wrong - as they’ve hopefully shown you. All that I’ve heard you say has saddened me. I know I’ve acted aggressively and spoken sharply to you, but I’ve never hidden from you that I only wished one thing for you. Not for you to become a Cherinian. Not for you to have powers and eternal life. Those would not define you, they will soon be common among all human beings. What I wished for you is the one thing that only a Robert can have - the love of a Cherine. You refuse to see from the telling the splendour of having such a love because you do not want to. Is it because you feel we are trying to force her onto you?” I came to my feet and approached him. I rested my fingertips on his cheek. “It seems that the only way you’ll allow yourself to see that only love for you has guided us is by my linking you. Welcome me into you mind Robert.”


“No Sam…” Cherine saw my thoughts and stopped. She nodded and I left my body.

I did not link him to me. All I did is strengthen his healer without giving him command over it and I enabled (opened the doors) to empathy and telepathy. I then invited him into my memories of him and allowed him to sense my emotions and feel the reasons that pushed me into bullying him. Even before I left his mind I’d called for Luigi and Allan to take hold of him and move him to a distance so that he can recover in privacy.

I felt him and was pleased with the changes in him. Theresa called out, slicing through my happiness like a splash of icy water. “Samantha, what you do is out of love, but you could have achieved the same ends in a more loving way.” Coming at that moment, her comment felt like an attack in public. I sensed all eyes on me as they waited for my reaction and it took a second for me to breathe again and then my eyes filled as I said, “You’re right” and jumped to my apartment before Robbie could get to me.

I knew that my loves would not respect my need to be alone and, every time, after I’ve recovered, I see they were right - just as I sometimes don’t respect their wishes. Isn’t it funny how we make rules to show our love for others and then break them to show those we love the most how much we love them? As they arrived they sensed me and made way so that none stood between Theresa and I. We hugged each other but did not get a chance to cry as everyone threw themselves at us. Oh well, it wasn’t really a day for crying.

Back at the taverna, Robbie asked me whether Rob was ready to return to his Cher or to his planet. I felt the dismay in everyone when I told them we would have to return him to his planet and leave him on his own for a year so that he learns that if he wants to be special he needs a Cherine. Looking troubled, the elderly president of Greece came to his feet and walked away.

“Mr Teller, may I sit with you a few minutes?” Rob realised he was one of the VIP’s but could not recall who he was. Politely he came to his feet.

“Please do. Are you from Turkey?”

Greece and Turkey in his reality are also enemies, dancing at the edge of war all the time. The old man only smiled. “Unfortunately I am not, I am the President of Greece.” He waved away Rob’s apologies. “This trip has shown us that we are all one family. As it is with most families, we fight each other, but it now has to stop, especially once we have our own Teller family to help us grow. If you will forgive an old man, there are a couple of things I wish to speak of.”

“I’m certain your advice will be wise.” Rob was torn between being flattered by the assumptions of the old man and being annoyed, suspecting he was there to put pressure on him.

“It was with great interest and pleasure that I saw the love of all the Roberts for Greece.” He gave a mischievous smile. “It was also a great pleasure to feel the envy of the other leaders.” His face maintained the friendly look that reflected his inner emoting - that Rob could now sense. “I wish to invite you to visit our country when we are returned. Mr Teller, whether you are returned with powers or as you are for the time being, the invitation stands. I would like to introduce you to the Greece I love, in the hope that you will grow to love it also.”

“Thank you, I would be honoured. Does our reality have an Alki?”

“You did not know? He was killed by one of the mutants, but he has been returned to life.” His amusement was felt again. “Of course his relatives expressed great joy at his return to life as they handed back to him his wealth, homes and businesses.” Rob chuckled. “Thank you for accepting our invitation. Our government will see to it that a house in Kefalari is made available and we hope you grow to love the beautiful suburb as the prime family do. May I now speak on a more personal level without offending your sensitivities? I am aware that you British do not usually tolerate others intruding on your personal business, but I am an old man and only wish to help you resolve a problem I think you are finding unpleasant to deal with.” Rob’s eyes turned wary but he nodded, giving him permission to speak.

“What they expect of you, for the majority of all decent men, is unacceptable. No adult man who is not twisted in his soul could want to make love to a child. We have all sympathised with you when we saw how you fought them, but it may help if we discuss openly what is expected of you so that the problem is simplified?” Rob had blushed for he’d thought of his passion for Diana and guilt flooded him, but he did not indicate he wanted the old man to stop. “I am an old man so it is easier for me to ask questions. I asked about the other Roberts, how is it they all loved small children sexually. Do you know what I was told?”


It felt as if Rob came alive as the old man talked. Hoarse with tension he asked, “What?”

“Not all of them did.” He paused, just like a Greek he appreciates a moment of good melodrama. “All that is needed is for you and the little girl to love each other. The sex can come later when she is ready.” He waited without speaking when he saw Rob turn bright red with rage. As Rob was about to turn away, he put his hand on his arm. “Think of what waits for you. Health such as you have never known. You will never age like me and death will never frighten you. You will have a love such as few men have dared to dream of - Roberto, look at prime Robert and Cherine, two hundred years they love each other and they cannot bear to be apart more than minutes! As a normal man, would you have ever dared dream of such a love being yours? You are Robert Teller of our reality and men like me, leaders of countries, will speak to you with respect because we will know that you and Cherine are the protectors of our world. What more do you want Robert? What more can any man ask for?” I guess it is true of every Robert, reach in and touch their hearts and it does not matter how cynical or bitter they are, they return your gesture with gratitude and fondness. The old man has made himself a good friend for life. Rob expressed his gratitude and they talked in earnest for another hour before they returned to us, walking side by side, Rob showing him the respect and deference the old man had earned.

Rob came to stand by my side and it felt as if he were punch-drunk. I pushed the chair back and stood, facing him with a smile. “I think you’ve done enough walking for the day, you’ll enjoy the view from my apartment.” I stopped my fingers just short of touching him and waited. He nodded and I jumped us to my balcony. Telling him to take a seat I brought out some cold drinks and chocolates (the cherry liqueurs on a stalk that my Robbie loves).

I cautioned him. “Neither of you asked for privacy.”

For a moment he was irritated with me. “Why are you so aggressive? I was aware that I am among Cherinians!”

“Sometimes I am forced to lie so as to help someone. Robert, I hate lying and not pointing out to you a truth can also be a lie, even if the truth was obvious.” I gave him a few seconds to think about it. “I am also confused. I do not have any precognitive gifts and yet I am being bombarded by a feeling that you and I are going to be close friends. I really did not like you when I first met you, so I find it difficult to believe. I suppose you also do?”

He avoided answering me, “Are we going to collect Cherine?”

“I was thinking of taking you home and leaving you on your own for about a year so that you have time to think about what being the love of a Cherine means. As for Cherine, Sebura is training her so that she learns how to become a warrior.”

“You’re joking! Haven’t I got enough problems? Now you expect me to love a little girl who’s being trained to knock me around?”

I felt his indignation so he might have carried it off if I hadn’t sensed Cherine snigger. I widened my eyes with amazement, “You do have a sense of humour!”

“Actually, I was only half joking, what is her training like?”

“She’s not actually learning how to fight, Sebura is teaching her how to endure when the times get tough…what a great idea! We must return there immediately so that you can join them.”

“Don’t even joke about it.”

“I’m not joking. Freddie, whenever you’re ready, please return us to his Cherine.” I turned to him. “Do you need the telling again to know how to make her love you?”

“I’m not certain I like the idea of a little girl being cheeky with me. All my friends are going to laugh at me.” He raised his hand. “That is a genuine concern.”

“We’ll solve that problem if it crops up. Rob, did the old Greek guy really get through to you?”

“Yes. I mean, he’s the president of a country and he wants me to be their Robert!”

“A last word of advice. Whatever time is available to you, spend it talking with and learning from Dommi. I wonder whether a Dominique exists on your world?”


Chapter Three Hundred and Two

Efineh was amused by how brief her trip had been, but I made certain she understood she would be leaving with us again. From the point of view of Cher, we had been gone three months and she was very glad to see us. We had left food machines with all her favourite foods, deserts, cold drinks and sweets and chocolates and she’d used them to ingratiate herself with the local kids. She even had kids of up to eleven years old at her beck and call - older than that they think of themselves as adults and as much as they yearn to share, they have to stay aloof. I was amused when I found out that she’d even tried to bribe Sebura into going easier on her. Of course he only gave her extra work to do. Her hero worship of Piri had vanished for a time, for Piri was contemptuous of her whining when she was sore. However, when they both survived an especially harsh day out in the field, Piri spoke of her becoming a strong warrior and the implied admiration inspired Cher to try harder. Piri is not quite the naïve little child she looks like and she realised she’d affected Cher so she also learnt something from the incident and Sebura is hoping she has learnt her first lesson about good leadership. He did point out to her that she must be sparing in her praise or else Cher will not pay any attention to her compliments. Robbie teased that I should join them so as to learn a few things about leadership, but I told him I’m happy emulating him; with a cheeky grin I explained I have learnt that I was very wise to do so - when I succeed, I’m the clever girl, but when I fail, I then am able to admit that perhaps doing as Robbie would have is not always the wisest tactic.

Rob is still quieter than the other Roberts and when we tease he does not take part very often, but he now does pay attention and appreciate some of the jokes. He asked to speak to our Cherine in private.

“I’ve tried to understand how the other Roberts felt about their parents as they grew up. I can’t see them the way they do. I really like the alternates of my mother, but my mother, herself, I don’t. When I think of her I just see this woman who gave up on me and life when I was still a child. As for my father, he is cold and hard, but he has provided for me and does try to direct me to making a success of myself.” He half smiled. “When the other Robert appeared and then took over, both of us found ourselves being blamed for things he did. Anyway, what I was trying to explain is that my father may not have found it easy to talk to me and make jokes like the father of your Robert has learnt to do, but he did show he cared by the effort he put into steering me in the right direction. For me to become the kind of Robert my Cherine could love, I would become the kind of man my father feels contempt for. I can’t repay him that way, not after all he’s done for me - and yet I do want to be like all the Roberts.”

“Whether you like it or not, you no longer are the man your father wants you to be.” She felt that he’d already tried to face that fact and it was why he’d asked to speak to her. “I suggest you put your father on the back burner for a while. First look at yourself and decide what kind of man you want to be. As for your mother, I wonder in what ways her life was so different, why she stayed with your father. When you saw what happened to most of the others, I sensed you thought your mother stayed because your father had made a lot of money. I think you are wrong, I believe she stayed because it was the only way she would be allowed to remain a part of your life. She paid a terrible price for that and you repaid her by showing her nothing but contempt. The Greeks have a story about a man who kills his mother. He cuts out her heart and carries it in a box with him. One day he stumbles, tripped by a rock and he nearly falls. His mothers’ heart calls out anxiously, ‘Did you hurt yourself my son?’ Would you like my Robert to take you back through a few years of your childhood while you use your gifts to sense your mother? Don’t agree lightly Robert, it will break your heart.”

It seems the Greek president, Manoli Kefalos, is temporarily replacing Alki in Rob’s life. I like the old guy (even if he is an anti-royalist) and when we return to our reality I’m going to search him out. I wonder why he did not become president of our Greece. As I was about to say, Rob went to Manoli and told him of his conversation with Cherine.

“I am terrified of doing as she suggested. If she is right and I see how my mother has suffered for my sake, how can I ever like myself again when I see how I treated her, insulting and belittling her without reason.”

Manoli saw the bleak look in his eyes and wondered for a brief moment about the sense of empathy I’d awoken in Rob and questioned whether it could bring anyone happiness. “As Alki told his Robert in the tellings, you are a pallikari and you will have to do this. If what you fear happens, there is one place you can find comfort if you are not too proud to ask.” Rob looked at him. “In the heart of your mother. Show her how it grieves you that you treated her badly, that you love her and she will be the happiest woman alive and then you’ll see how much she loves you.”

Next [Book 12] - Post 016

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

  • posted: 12th Aug, 2020

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