LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post005

in #sfandf-fiction5 years ago (edited)
“Eddie, we are going to die. I think you really would want to have a part of her with you, do it now.”

Previous Post 004


He has a most penetrating gaze and as he stared at me I hoped he could not see to the core of me as I felt he could. He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning back.

The girls got me a coffee, some toast and honey and even let Rosie bring me cigarettes.

“You sure honey, I can do without it.”

“I only said it on purpose to hurt you Robbie, please smoke.”

We chatted about various things, but I refused to be drawn out on our present circumstances. It was a long three hours, but the length was itself a comfort. When Eddie opened his eyes he had a soft smile.

“What a strange complex mind!”

“Now you see why you love her Eddie?” I asked softly.

“Yes.” Aware of me again he looked at me.

I answered the question in his eyes. “I hope you realise that when I said we are going to die, I was not talking about any time in the near future?”

“You have a plan?”

“From when I first met you, I remember the look on your face when you wished we could see how lovely she was when you first loved her. I think it is time you show us.”

He sat up, his shoulders tensed. “What the hell are you talking about?”

I told him. Then I asked of him, “You must go in and block her off. In a sense knock her out. In the meantime, first show the healer when and where to find her as she was when you first met her in her original body. It will bring back a cell and create a new body for her. Then we have to transfer her soul. Anything wrong with my plan?”

“After what she did you would give her such a wonderful gift?”

“She will never need to take another body again Eddie, we will keep this one young for her.”

He shuddered and took a deep breath. “Damn it, I wish you had told me this at the start. I went into her thinking you were going to use me to kill her.”

“I’m sorry, but that subconscious presumption made you feel sad and she sensed it - making your story believable. I could not tell you before, but Eddie, there will be a price. I asked you to collect her memories for a reason. You will take Cherine in with you and we will erase all her memories that belong to the period after she fell in love with you. You will later return her memories, but they will not have the same immediacy and strength they have now. We will have also removed the hate and disdain she feels for all of us.”

Even prepared as he was, when I sent him to a guest bedroom he cried out when he saw her nude sixteen year old body lying on the bed. Without returning to us he instantly placed a block on his wife. The protector was about to react when I warned it off. I explained we are not hurting her in any way, the opposite in fact, she is being given her own body back. With all the girls backing me, it withdrew.

Taking Cherine with me we entered the foetus and found the tiny flame of her soul. It was confused, struggling to break out of it’s prison, it’s intellect collapsing to that of a foetus because of being blocked from the other Hettie. We soothed it and promised it would soon be free again in it’s own body. It did not believe, but Cherine was copying Dommi, sending out a strong motherly love and she pulled it to her, enfolding it within herself. In the same way she had ‘operated’ on me she took away the memories and cleansed her of her hate. She then jumped to the new body and released her. She stayed only long enough to help it understand where it is.

“I can’t believe I did that! I sent her some love motes.” Cherine looked pleased.


I sped off to the void. I called for the Sparkler, and Solomon who had followed brought it to me. The tiny soul was gently released to me and I took her within me, smothering her with my love and returned, entering the foetus. When I released her there I called to Dommi and had her welcome our daughter with her special mother love. I watched a little while until the beauty of it was hurting too much and I returned to my own body.

The poor girls were torn, wanting to stay with me, smother me in kisses, but also needing to go to Dommi and smother her with their joy and love. I sent them to her.

I laughed, my joy bubbling in me. “Jesus, I think I need another cigarette. I bet this must be the first time you have all seen me without any of my girls.”

Henry handed me a cigarette and Katerina came to me, a sweet five year old. “Can I be your little girl until they return? I’ve wanted you to feel how much I love you, for a long time now.”

I hugged her, “I have felt it sweetheart. Do you feel how much I love you too?”

She nodded her head against my chest and then looked up at me with big serious eyes. I took her face in my hands and softly kissed her and pulled her back into my embrace, sitting there just enjoying the feeling of her happiness. Sonja put her arm around Socrati and they both smiled at us.

“First round to you Robert?” Alki asked, smiling.

“To us Alki. I am only a part of you all.”

“You mean like your arsehole?” Nicko asked with a cheeky grin.

“His name is now Adam. How did you find out about that Nicko?”

He did not answer, but I knew my girls must have told his and I kept quiet. Dommi returned with all the girls and the look in her eyes filled my heart to overflowing. Katerina scampered back to her family and I took my Dommi in my arms. We did not need to speak, just the feeling of her heart against mine was all I needed.

“You have made her yours.” She whispered. I pulled her face back till I could see her eyes.

“I realised too late what I had done, are you upset?”

“Don’t be silly, she would have been anyway.”

I sensed Hettie was about to come around. I quickly reminded Eddie that as far as she is concerned she is somewhere between sixteen to eighteen years old, so he must alter his appearance to suit her memories. Discreetly we then left them alone.

I got cornered by Ordinx and Solomon.

“We have spent enough time with you Terrans to know what anger you must have felt at her taking over your unborn child. Perhaps the word rage would be more suitable? What we do not understand is how you found it within yourself to avenge yourselves by giving her the sweetest gift possible. What would it take to provoke you to the point where you would hurt another Robert? We know it can be done, we have seen you kill.”

“Ordinx, you said a long time ago that we Terrans are as infants and you were right. As infants we too have been learning. I have killed as you say and I may do so again. As I have changed though, so it becomes less likely that the same reasons will provoke me into killing again, so I honestly cannot answer. Each time I have killed or hurt another I have suffered and it becomes progressively more difficult for me to forgive myself. I truly hope nothing can force me to kill again, the darkness it brings to my soul is not worth it.”

“But why the gift to her Robert?”

“Was this not the best answer? Our friend Eddie will have a second chance to love the only woman he has ever loved, we have found what was the weakness within her that made her take the wrong turn and excised it, she may even become our friend and ally. What revenge could be more fitting or sweeter?”

“To Solomon your attitude, your beliefs, they are close to the way his people think. We, during our planetary life tried to achieve the same moral plateau, but the truth is we never did. It is a pity we never had a Robert of our own.”


“This is the biggest compliment I have ever received, thank you Ordinx.”

“The two of us have a favour we need to request of you.”

“You hesitate? It must be important.”

“It is, but we do not hesitate because of that, it is because we fear you may not wish to grant us the favour.”

“What could I refuse you, please explain.”

“We fear that you may not refuse us.” He smiled at my confused look. “We do not hope for you to agree because you do not wish to refuse us, but because you too will want this. Robert, we are here in the forms of young girls and hopefully they are attractive. We would like you to give us one night of loving so that our people will be able to say we have been loved by Robert.”

I had been trying to second guess them, but this had not even been remotely one of the possibilities I’d considered. I sat back flabbergasted, not quite sure of my reaction. The whole room was in shock - not my girls though and I wondered about that.

“I hardly know how to answer you. I cannot say yes, take you by the hand and just do it! I would need to spend time alone with you, to think of you not only as my friends, but as little girls. That might be difficult, for I cannot help thinking of you as Solomon and Ordinx. I was stupid in giving you a male name for it has made me think of you as a male, even though your little girl bodies have made it feel incongruous at times.” I hesitated a moment and felt I had not seen the whole picture. “There is more to this Ordinx?”

“Yes. We would have wished for such loving to produce a child for each of us, a child with a soul partly made of us and partly of yourself. Children who in their beauty and love will be the bridge between our species. The cells and DNA of these bodies are fully Terran so there should be no reason we cannot conceive.”

“Would they be able to assume your shapes and live with you or will they be stuck here with us?”

“We were hoping they will be stuck, as you call it, here with your love.”

“My heart cries out for me to answer yes to both of you, but I need some time to think it over. I must do so for the sake of the children we would have.”

“We understand, we also would not wish this to happen now at a time when you have forbidden all Cherinians to become impregnated. Are we not Cherinians too, does our love for all of you not make us part of you?”

“Do all your people agree with this, there are no voices of dissension?”

They both answered ‘none’. I grew aware of my people as they silently sat watching us, torn by a storm of emotions. I searched them for even one voice that did not see this as the most beautiful request I, we, have ever received. I caught a few edges of fear, but each of them were overcome by the honour being shown to us and I knew that if we are to have these children they will be loved and treasured by all. I nodded my assent.

“We are humbled by your request, there is not one of us who will not love your children. Would you want that one be a girl and the other a boy so that they may someday produce children who belong to all three species?”

Solomon and Ordinx looked at each other and Solomon then smiled at me. “You wish the Anadir and Sparklers to love each other, that is your purpose?”

“It would not hurt.”

Ordinx spoke up, “We too need to think on this.”

“The children need mothers. Would both of you stay here to be their mothers?”

“It will not be possible Dommi, though I shall spend as much time as possible here. I would wish for Sam to be the mother of my child.”

Solomon looked thoughtful. “I too face the same problem. I am equally fond of each of you, but if I have to choose, I think it would be Wendy and Meli.”

Next Post 006

I hope you enjoy reading this long, long story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
3rd July, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 3rd July, 2019

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