LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post265

“Please. I want…”
“Later Lillian. I want you to see the effect of your returning. Come with me.”

Previous Post 264


I took her hand and jumped to the tree. As she arrived she screamed. I held on to her. Soon as she had recovered I spoke sternly. “You want to thank me. For what?”

“For saving my life.”

“I did not save your life. I brought you back after you died. Your body at this moment lies in the mortuary. You know the officer coming to meet me. How will you explain your presence to him? Do you want him to let Brian go?”

“What am I supposed to say? All I know is that I miss my family. They must be very worried about me.”

“They are not. They are grieving. They have seen your body. You have a strange way of wanting to thank us. You understand that for you to return to your previous life you will be betraying us and yet you refuse to listen or understand.”

She met my eyes without flinching. “I do not know why you gave me back my life, but it is my life and I have the right to live it as I want.”

“Are you really one of those people who only consider their own rights important? Here comes the officer. Wait behind the tree, it would not be fair to frighten the hell out of him. Let me prepare him first.”

As he walked from the car, he called out, “You have exactly ten minutes and then another car will arrive to take you into custody. You better speak fast.”

“You wanted to arrest me for killing Lillian?” He nodded. “So if she is not dead then you were wrong and I had a right to resist?”

“I have seen her body with my own eyes.”

“Then explain this. Come out now please.” Lillian stepped out and he gasped.

It took minutes for him to be convinced. He walked back to his car and told the others to return to the station.

“What is happening? I’ve seen her body and yet this is her. I need an explanation.”

“It will not be the kind of explanation you can put in a report.” He nodded his understanding. “May I call you by your name? Derrick, I am not just Robert Teller. As a matter of fact you will not find any records that prove I exist. Only my younger brother does.

I will not explain who or what I am. When you came to arrest me I was placed in an awkward situation. I do not normally interfere, but I had met Lillian and liked her. I did not want her to be dead. I could not stop her murder, for reasons I cannot go into right now, but I was able to return to the time of her death, take her soul and out of cells from her body create for her a new body.

I have friends and loved ones here and I want to be able to visit them. To bring me to the attention of the authorities would make it impossible, but I had to help bring in the killer. I haunted him, made him repeatedly experience what Lillian had felt as he stabbed her and she died. I did this for more than one reason. I personally do not feel putting him in prison is enough. I wanted him to feel her pain, know what he had done.

You have the killer and Lillian gets her chance to live her life. Have I not done enough, is it really necessary to insist on punishing me for escaping from you?”

“I would have to say I lied, that would be the end of my career. Lillian, you know I would do it for you.”

“You may not need to do it for her. She demands I let her return to her family.”

“There will be an uproar. How do we explain the body. We would also have to let Mr.. er, the accused, go.”

“I can make Lillian forget about me. She would remember Brian killing her and then she would find herself here by this tree and you would be driving by and find her. Derrick, what would happen to her?”

“Nothing. I mean, she did not commit a crime. Of course there would be a lot of questions. She would be made to go through a number of tests and she would be hounded by the press. We still have her body and the report by the coroner. The press is bound to make use of that and I cannot even begin to guess where all this would lead to. Just the religious nutters on their own will make her life a misery.”

“Lillian, it is your choice. Forget and go home, or remember and learn to be part of the miracle that brought you back to life. There is no halfway ground, you cannot have both.”

“The way you brought me here, that was part of it?”

“The least important part. Our gifts are made of love, empathy and a joining of our souls that I cannot begin to explain now. Your life would be very special with us. One more thing. You will not live your normal span, even if I make you forget, you will live at least twice as long as anybody else. As part of us it will be for far longer.”

“If this has to be a secret, why are you telling me in front of Derrick?”

“Because he loves you.” Derrick blushed, but she saw the truth, knew about it from before. “He will not speak of this, even if you do not want him. He would want you to be free to live your life.”

She was kind enough not to ignore what I’d said, “Derrick, I am sorry. Maybe later I could, I don’t know, but now, right after Brian…”

“I understand. He is right you know, I’ll say I lied if it helps you.”


“Derrick. Tell them I gave you proof as we were walking back to the station that I was innocent. My escape was a ploy to make the killer relax, think he had got away with it since you were all looking for me. I had undertaken to find the place the knife was hidden. Since you would have to release me anyway you saw no harm in trying my idea. Embroider it as much as you want, just don’t make it too elaborate or else they will trip you up.”

“I better not say anything about you finding the knife. We are not supposed to use civilians. Lillian, what are you going to do?”

I made one more attempt. “May I make a suggestion? There is no hurry. Give us a day, let us show you what you could be a part of. Do you really want to live the boring ordinary life you were born to?”

She nodded. “Derrick, my family…”

He was pragmatic. “If you return you can explain. If you do not, well, they have been through the pain of losing you, it would be better nothing more is said.”

“Thank you Derrick. I’ll be seeing you when I return to visit again. We’ll talk.” I extended my hand to Lillian.

“Lillian,” he spoke softly, “I envy you. Some kind of magic has come into your life. It saved your life and now will show you things most of us only dare to dream of.”

She gave me her hand, her eyes brimming as she looked back at him.

“He said the right thing Lillian, you will see more of him.” I jumped. (Of course I did that on purpose.)

“What do we do now Robert?”

“We take these two with us and go to Cyprus. I think it is time they find their own Socrati.”

“That’s a marvellous idea!”

“Can’t we go to the Alki of this world, it would be so wonderful for them to have him.”

“I know love, but it will not work. Alki and I had a relationship already. I think we will have to come back with our Alki for that. Maybe he will know what to say to him.”

“What is wrong Robert? After you pull off something like this you are usually like a kid wanting to be patted and told how wonderful you are. This time you seem a little sad.”

“Not sad, just troubled. I would not like to be in the shoes of Lillian. It is a terrible choice she has to make. I also can’t help thinking of her family, the grief they feel for no reason.”

“If she stays, this Marian and Eric can form their own circle with her.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions Wendy. She is also loved by someone else.” They waited for me to tell them. I grinned. “The police officer who tried to arrest me.” The impossible had happened, I caught them by surprise. We returned to the lounge.

“Cherine, it is about time you show Cher how you do the golden glow.”

We sat, most of them on the carpet and Cherine looked to me to start off. She felt me and changed her mind, starting off with little Cherine who had nestled in the arms of Rob. When she got to me I felt the sweetness of little Cherine and I was happy for Rob. My Cherine took her time, slowly building up the love, letting us take our time to sense the love as she came to each one. I saw the look on Lillian’s face and knew she was already enraptured. When the flow came around to her again her face glistened with the tears rolling down her cheeks. By the time the love was flowing around in a band of gold she was lost to this world. I felt Cherine hand it over to Cher and though it faltered for a fraction of a second she balanced it in her mind and kept it swirling.

Cherine was able to relax and just enjoy it and she let me see how deeply affected she was. I had never realised she was not enjoying it as we were.


Cher let it grow far too strong and she lost control as it exploded, inundating the neighbourhood and stunning us. She gave a little cry and buried her face into Rob. His arms tightened around her protectively.

“You did well Cher, I could not have done better. I also sometimes let it get too strong, we even do it on purpose so as to make other people happy.”

Cher glowed with pride and as I looked at her, enjoying her childish showing off to her parents, I felt the eyes of Rosie on me. I chuckled. “Okay, so I am a bit of a hypocrite. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

I gave Lillian time to recover. She had curled up into a ball and was weeping. When she sat up she looked at me defiantly.

“To make me feel that was not fair. You know I cannot stay and let my family suffer.”

“It has been troubling me. If after feeling that, you can still stand firm, I definitely want you with us. We will find a compromise, I promise.”

She did not dare to believe, but for some reason she relaxed, deciding to trust me. I asked her about her family, who they were, their names and so on. She talked of them openly and I soon saw she is very close to them.

“Lillian, too much has been happening and I forgot to mention it. You are no longer expecting, we could not re-create the foetus within you. I don’t know if it will please you, but you are also a virgin again. You can start off with a clean slate.”

“It might be better this way. I would have always remembered it’s father tried to kill me.”

“He did kill you.”

“I know …Tina. I just can’t think of it that way because I’m still alive.”

“Robert also brought me back. I was dead for longer than you,’ little Cher bragged, “for about two years!”

This opened a discussion with the girls explaining. It was not necessary for me to take part so I quietly slipped out of the house to take a walk.

Dommi sent me a message. *Please don’t get involved in anything new Robert. We need a break.* I chuckled in reply.

Next Post 266

I hope you enjoy reading this long, long story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
13th June, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 13th June, 2019

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Δε κατάλαβα τελικά θα μείνει μαζί τους η Lillian ή όχι...

Sto epomeno post that matheis ligo perissotera...

Diavasa eos to telos tou vivliou 2...all meta apo tois epomenes selides, den anaferete i Lillian...isos sto trito vivlio? Prota ehoun alla provlimata (kai polemo) na lisoun.

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