LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post212

“You really are a killjoy! I paid her fifty dollars for a plate of oily spaghetti. There was nothing I could do to help her.” I told her my experiences and asked that when it is safe they send Cherine to Sylvestro.

Previous Post 211


“We should have known you would find a way to carry on. Is this your purpose in life now Roberto?”

“No. It would be a good one, but my purpose is to find a way to return to you as I was. Doing this Dommi, it is not only that I help others and teach them - I am also learning.”

“I think what we need you to learn is how much we are hurting by not having you with us.” As a reflex I had expected a reaction at the words, but nothing happened. Is it only the protector in me that reacts to their pain? If it is so, I do not like it nor what it says about me.

“Ask them to mute their pain, as they did when I was ill. That is it. They must just think of me as being ill and trying to find my way back to a full recovery.”

“Aganthi is still missing Robert.”

“That is part of what Rob must take care of. It is up to him and all of you to find her. Telling me only worries me and hurts while I can do nothing about it.”

“You will not return to help find her?”

“I will not put you all in danger. Have you heard from Petsas?”

“He has called to tell us that he knows what happened to you. It has made him their man now.”

“I still think he will come running for shelter. We will win this fight. Solomon forgot to tell me how our attack is working out.”

“It seems pointless Robert. We do not know how many of them there still are. We have already disconnected over two thousand of them, but they hardly seem aware of it.”

“They are, you can bet your sweet smile they are. They dare not show us how much we are hurting them.”

“Where will you go now?”

“I have no idea. Just following my feet, as I was instructed to.”

I asked her to lie alongside me for a while. It was good to feel the warm soft body even if that was all I could do. Not that I would have done more since she was not in her own body. When she left, Solomon took over the body and left the room. I wondered what does he do with it, does he dissolve the body? It upset me to think so after holding it in my arms and feeling the warmth. Strange that I had not questioned it before. It comes from trusting my friends I suppose, but I should have.

Miss Howard came late the next morning, probably half expecting to find I’d died during the night. She took one look at me and sat without speaking. The doctors were fussing in their own language and it was obvious some sort of argument was taking place. I’d had a busy morning of being probed in all the ways they could think of as they tried to find signs of the damage they knew should be within me. I behaved myself, did not crack jokes and patiently let them have their fun.


“Miss Howard, I hope you are not waiting for them to finish before talking to me? They are quite likely to spend the rest of the day coming to terms with what they see.”

An elderly doctor turned to me. “There is nothing amusing here.” He picked up two x-rays, waved the one. “Here we can see your rib broken and almost piercing your heart,” he waved the next one, “here there is no broken rib, no scar and no sign of breakage. How do you explain it?”

“I am not a doctor, how could I be expected to answer the question? I did mention to Miss Howard that my beliefs are that the body is capable of repairing itself. I trust my beliefs have been vindicated?”

“Doctor, do you mean he is no longer in danger?” she asked, her voice filled with puzzlement.

“In danger? There is nothing wrong with him. Some kind of trickery is involved here. If a bone is broken, even if it heals there must be signs of where it had broken. He had three broken ribs, but there is no sign of where or which rib. They are all whole.”

“Sounds like you owe me a supper. I should have warned you that I will go to extraordinary lengths for an evening with a pretty girl and a good bottle of wine.”

“In that case I hope you are able to find yourself a pretty girl.”

“Are you going back on our deal, you do not want to have supper with me?”

“You said you wanted a pretty girl. I am not a girl and I am not pretty.”

“That’s okay, I don’t mind if you are a transvestite and I find you pretty enough. You’ll do Miss Howard.”

“Doctor, when will he be allowed to leave?”

“Young lady, he may leave as soon as his bill is settled. He has caused enough problems. I tell you he is trying to play some trick on us.”

“I bet they think I am a twin of the person they first saw and we swopped places to play a trick on them.” At this idea the doctors became excited, seeing it as a solution to the impossible. “Of course that would mean I do not love my brother and by moving him have caused his death. I hope you will not be seriously suggesting that doctor?” That got them upset all over again. Miss Howard decided she had had enough and got up to leave.

“Miss Howard, before you go, do you have my passport?”

She blushed and took it out of her bag, one of those flat things used for carrying documents. As she handed it over, apologising for forgetting, I took hold of her hand.

“Miss Howard, do you know why I wanted to have supper with you? When you introduced yourself it was as Miss, not Miz or Ms. It seems to be rare to find a woman who enjoys being feminine.” I let go her hand. “That was the reason I wanted to, why you wanted to we’ll never know now. I think it is a pity, you would have had a good time. By the way, did I mention that I am married and very much in love and so wanted nothing more than a few hours of good company over a meal?”

“You did not and all the more reason why I should not.”

“Fine, in that case, did I mention that I am not married and am incredibly good company?”

“Yes, you did mention you were crazy.” She gave a bright smile. “Goodbye Mr Teller.”

I let her go, my mind busy now on deciding what to do. If it was true that the spider could no longer track me, would that make it attack them in Greece? I now realised I should not have destroyed the man’s powers. I had been afraid and had not been thinking clearly. As long as they know where I am, I would not have been perceived (αντιληπτός) as being of danger to anyone.

“Miss Howard, please give my greetings to the spider.”

She turned to look back, “Who?”

“You know, the one called the Master?” I saw the thin white lines around her nostrils even as she denied knowing what I was speaking of.


“If you do not know of him it is not a problem. In case you do, please tell him I would like to find a way to keep in contact with him.”

Nobody had thought to clean my clothes so I left looking filthy and covered in bloodstains. I also had five thousand dollars in my pockets thanks to Alki. First thing I did was buy new clothes and have my old ones washed. I got myself a shoulder hitch-hikers kit and, wiser now, stuffed my money in various parts of my clothing and left town.

I was lucky enough to find a lift. As they were going to Genoa I ended up there. I find it an interesting city. The northern Italian is very different from the southern. Here it was as if the two met and have come to some sort of tolerance of each other. Of course most of the wealth seems to belong to those who are lighter of colour - the northerners.

I stood on a high point overlooking the city and harbour. I sat on a rock and tried to decide what to do. I did not want to move any further North. Deep in thought my eyes rested on something without me noticing it for a long time. I realised I was looking at a Greek flag.

I went down to the harbour area and looked for bars and taverns. Finally I heard some men talking in Greek. I greeted them in their language and offered them a drink. We chatted a while before I asked my question.

“What are the possibilities of buying cabin passage on a cargo ship, I’d also be willing to work.”

“Not on our ship. It has been years now since that was allowed, insurance does not cover it.”

Another sailor said, “He might be able to on one of the old ships.”

They argued about it, but agreed to introduce me to the crew of an old and small ship. After a few more drinks, that I supplied, we left. They kept their word, introduced me to an officer of the ship and they left.

“How much you pay?”

“I do not know, what should I pay?” It was like begging them to cheat me, but I did not care, not once I had heard their next destination. They were going around Africa, stopping in Cape Town and then Mombasa.

“Maybe the captain will agree if you pay one thousand dollars. You will also work?”

“For one thousand I should not have to work. I am a painter so if there is any small painting needed I’ll do it.” I did not want to end up having to paint the entire deck!

They grinned at each other. “The thousand, it is in cash?”

“Of course.”

“Wait. I go talk to the captain.”

I suppose the captain wanted too large a share of the money for they upped it to twelve hundred. I agreed, but on condition I was not entered as crew, otherwise immigration would not allow me to leave ship at the other end.

The cabin they gave me was tiny, dirty and it stank. I got a bucket of hot water, soap, a hard brush and some rags. Stripping to my underpants I got down to the job of cleaning up. I did not want to sleep in the years of accumulated filth. The cabin looked a lot better when I had finished.

The members of the crew had walked past my open door and made joking remarks about my occupation. Now, as I stood to check I had not left a spot untouched, a large rough looking man appeared at the door. He was carrying a suitcase and an assortment of bags.

“They gave you the wrong cabin. This one is mine, get out.”

Next Post 213

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
5th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 5th April, 2019

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Χαχαχα.... Αφού την καθάρισε του είπαν να φύγει από την καμπίνα.... :)))
Μου ήταν κι αυτό το μέρος της ιστορίας εύκολο να το καταλάβω.

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