LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post211

“When you come tomorrow, please bring with you your smile. I know you leave it at home when going to work, but I am a very sick man and need all the smiles I can get so that I will heal faster.”

Previous Post 210


When the police officer returned it was obvious he had heard from his most senior officer who had heard from Periklis (I just realised, this means Periklis still holds his position). He was more friendly than aggressive.

“It still annoys me Mr Teller. You obviously know far more than you will admit.”

“Of course I do. Officer, we are talking here about a new development in the IT market. Think of Microsoft and multiply that fifty times. Do you think the importance of catching these men can compare?”


“I should not say this then. You do realise that your book has been copied and there are experts working on it right now? They will break your code.”

“That does not worry me. I once estimated it would take all the computers in the world about a hundred years to do so. Once they crack the first layer, all they’ll find is part of a fantasy story. Beyond that they’ll not succeed.”

“I am a believer in men, not computers Mr Teller. A man might solve it.”

“I’ll grant you that. Our intuition seems to outperform any computer, of now or the known future.” I smiled. “I hope they enjoy my story.”

“I do not think I will be seeing you again. I hope you will agree to the operation tomorrow as Miss Howard promised.”

“If I need to. Officer, I hear so much about brutality of men in the police force. Why is it that every policeman I have met up to now has turned out to be nice?”

“Try us when you become a criminal Mr Teller.” He looked at me quizzically. “You are not a criminal are you?”

“My friends think I am crazy, but none have called me a criminal yet.”

He chuckled and gave his hand to me and shook mine gently, careful not to hurt me. “Goodbye Mr Teller. I am leaving my card by your bedside, if you need me, please do not hesitate to call me.”

I lay in bed that evening trying to call to Cherine, trying to find a way to go to the void. Nothing worked. I could not understand it. After all, we have taken many normal people to the void, so why couldn’t I do it? What about when I sleep and dream, was I being forced to stay within my body even then? I had been moved to a private room so I was surprised to hear the door open just after the nurse had been to check on me. I saw it was a little girl. “Solomon! Nice to see you.”

“There has been much distress because of you Robert. When Ordinx heard that one of his men attacked you he was most upset.”

“Please tell him his man was wonderful. He had to play a part, something entirely alien to him I’m sure, and he did so remarkably well. He must please thank him for me.”

“We understood the reason Robert. It is the idea of any of us hurting you for any reason that is upsetting. Alki has told your family of what happened and they are all upset.”

“I was afraid of that. Please tell them I am well. The only reason I have kept myself ill was to avoid causing further suspicion - to tell the truth, it has also been pleasant lying here warm and looked after.”

“You could have been at home with the girls who love you and you would have been warm and looked after.”

“Solomon, please do not try to tempt me. It has been difficult staying away.”

“Why must you?”

“I do not understand all the reasons. This attack has proved I was right though. I would have been a danger to them if I had stayed at home.”

“The danger no longer exists. That man was the only one who had the ability to see into your mind. He could not read all your thoughts, but was able to know most of what you did and where you were.”

“That is a relief, but I cannot presume they do not have other ways of getting at me. We do not know what talents lie within that organisation.”

“Periklis has spoken, told of what he knows. We were at your home and there was a discussion. Young Rob made a comment. He said, suppose there was the ability, for a small amount of money any elderly person could have his mind and soul transferred to that of a body of a child. He wondered how many would have the strength to refuse. On moral or ethical grounds. That was when Periklis told us that the upper echelon of the organisation do that. Only their master has the ability to do it, but if someone has served him well he will do it for them as a reward and to continue having the use of their services. He had been told that if he proved himself he would be given the same reward. It seems that getting rid of you was the price. He admitted that the offer had at first sounded tempting, until he thought of the child, of how it would be displaced and sent into his old body. They would not want his old body with the mind of a child to exist as the child might be believed, so they make certain the old body dies immediately after transfer is completed.”


“Do humans disgust you Solomon?”

“I have seen how strong the urge to live is. The desert experience taught us a lot. Since most humans do not know they have souls and will continue to exist afterwards, I suppose it is only to be expected that there would be those who cling to life at any price.”

“I could not do that to an adult Solomon; to a child, it would be unthinkable.”

“We do not include you in the conversation Robert. You are not a human. First of all you are a Cherinian, then you…”

“No longer Solomon. I am now mostly just a Terran. One touched from having been a Cherinian.”

“And I wish to ask you Robert, do you believe that a Cherinian is only one who has the gifts, the powers, or is a Cherinian one who thinks like one, who loves like one?”

“Who thought up that question? It had to be one of the girls, was it Meli, Wendy…?”


“Marian!! Tell her she has shamed me and I thank her for it. I would love to continue thinking of myself as a Cherinian and she has made it possible.”

“Come home and tell her yourself.” He sat back and closed his eyes. Soon as the eyes opened again I knew.

“Robert. Oh my love.”

“Dommi, it is you?”

“Yes.” She gave me a wan smile, “Everyone bet you would think it is Cherine.”

“There is a special feel to you my love. I’d know you anytime. Is this not risky my love?”

“We have to take some risks my love. It is why we did not let Cherine come.”

“You dare to think of yourself as more expendable!?”

“I am agapi mou. Are you in a lot of pain?”

“You cannot feel? No, no pain. The healer is fixing me so that I do not need to be operated on tomorrow. I’m going to cause more upsets again.”

“It is one of your gifts my love and even the spider cannot take that one away from you. That and your craziness.”

“How is Rob bearing up?”

“He grows more like you daily. It makes his Cherine love him more and our Cherine suffers, feeling him so close to what you are and yet not being the man she loves.”

“Dommi, I do try all the time to contact you girls. I cannot, I can’t even go to the void. Could you take me?”

She tried, but found nothing to hold on to. She could not touch or intrude into my mind, it was like a slippery ball of glass she said.

“You know what that proves? My gifts are not dead, the doors not shut or burnt out. A block has been placed. Tell Henry to check out my mind. Let him see if he can find a way to break through.”

“But it would have to be some kind of energy wouldn’t it? Why can’t a Sparkler get rid of it then?”


“Ask Solomon. I think it must be something else, perhaps a mixture of energy and…whatever. Hey, I just thought of something. You girls are all going to be jealous. I’ve got a pretty girl coming to visit tomorrow. She is from the Consulate. She thinks I’m crazy, but likes it.”

“You just make yourself happy Robert, we will not be upset.”

“Why do you have to spoil it for me Dommi? You should know I was only teasing, I’d never look at another woman.”

“I’m sorry, I forgot, of course not, since she is not a little girl.”

“Well, I did go with a twelve year old prostitute in Rome.”


“You really are a killjoy! I paid her fifty dollars for a plate of oily spaghetti. There was nothing I could do to help her.” I told her my experiences and asked that when it is safe they send Cherine to Sylvestro.

Next Post 212

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
4th April, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 4th April, 2019

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Αν κατάλαβα καλά δε έχασε τις δυνάμεις τους.. κάπως μπλοκαρισμένο ε?
Οπότε είναι θέμα χρόνου να τα ξεμπλοκαρει.... :)

Na sou po tin alitheia, den to eiha skefti etsi. Ekeinos apo mesa, den mporei na spasei to mplokarisma, kai oi alloi apo ekso den mporoun...Kai: Min ksehnas oti i arahni ehei tin dynatotita na parei tin psyhi tou kai na to moirasei, dynontas dynameis stous dikous tous, eno o Robert den tha yparhei pia. Ti tous empodizei...fantazome kati prepei na yparhei...

Ααααααααααααα...... Τώρα Με έβαλε σε πολλές σκέψεις :)

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