LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post105

“I suppose so.”
“No!! I don’t agree to this. I do not want them in our circle.”

Previous Post 104


I found myself being vetoed unanimously. I (maybe a little dishonestly) explained the mania the girls have about not allowing another male to join our circle.

“Then Henry is not of your circle even though you call him brother?”

“He is not!” Cherine stated emphatically.

“I regret I do not understand. You speak so strongly of loving everyone and yet you will not accept another if that person is a male. You would accept another female?”

Passionately Cherine agreed. “Another fifty if we have to. But not one male. It is very difficult for me to explain to you. Even Robert still cannot understand.

Whenever another girl is born or joins us, our circle gets bigger, but our love grows. That is because of Robert. He is the opposite of all other men. I’m sorry, that is not fair. He is the opposite of all other men or women. When he loves another person, his love for all of us grows. That makes our love grow also.

If another male joined our circle that would not happen. Oh Robert has a heart big enough, but the circle will not grow. It will start to split into two. If we girls love both males, with which one do we end up with? With either, we lose the other.

Robert, I promised you that one day in the future we will have sons. They will split off from us, but their circles will be almost a part of ours. We cannot do that now.”

“It still does not make sense to me, but we have a problem. The gift of Dommi is that she has the extraordinary instincts of a mother. Mother not of just our children, but of the whole family, even of all the Cherinians. When she speaks out against me I have to listen to her, whatever my opinion. I have learnt at my cost that she is always right.”

Dommi considered the problem before answering. “It would not matter what sex the bodies are. Even as girls we can age them and change them to males for as long as we want them to be males. Robert, you are the one who has to decide, you keep saying there are too many of us.”

“For now, it is so. Dommi I think the answer is staring us in the face. What is your biggest concern, outside of us I mean. Nicko. We must see to it that the two girls bond with him.”


Dommi sat silently staring at me as if I had struck her. Tears began to fall. “Oh Roberto, you would give two girls made up of our souls and bodies to Nicko?”

“Is he not flesh of your flesh, is he not a brother to me also?”

She put her hands to her face and sobbed. “You do not realise that you too will love them, that it will break your heart. Oh my sweet Roberto, what have you done. Whichever way we decide now it will break my heart too.”

I could sense she was right, but I was determined to see my friend happy. “If they agree Dommi, would it break your heart if they were made up of Annabelle, Klo, Agapi and Nafsika? If I am so foolish as to let myself fall in love with them, surely it is my problem?”

“Would they do it?” Her dear face, those lovely eyes were so full of hope I could not speak truly.

“If not all, then at least a couple of them would. Dommi, it is a chicken and egg situation. Do we ask Nicko whether he agrees first, or do we ask the girls?”

“We don’t need to ask Nicko. If he is so stupid that he does not love them then Pavlo can. If he doesn’t, then Henry can. If none of them do, then we will.”

“That is true Cherine, but we are all forgetting one thing. What about the girls themselves? Look at what happened to me.”

Dommi had recovered. She spoke quietly now, “Either way the girls will be loved. That is what is the most important.”

“Ordinx, we need our little girl back. She and her sister need to be together for this. I do not need to be here to see this, but I think you would want to be. Can you move over to my body for a while?”

“If you are certain, I would wish to see this. Two new lives created in this manner; I fear my people will find it difficult to believe.”

“I am first going to visit the girls who are to be, in a sense, the mothers, to ask for their agreement.”

I paid a courtesy call to Keith first at his work. He had no objection if Annabelle agreed. The darling girl cried at the idea of having two daughters and agreed.

Tasso was already out getting a stamp prepared so I had to ask his wife Stella and the two girls. The girls agreed, excited by the idea, but Stella looked frightened.

“What do you fear Stella?” I asked gently, “Your girls lose nothing, well they lose one cell from their body. The souls will be new souls, like Diana. Your girls will be bonded to them in a way since they will be partly their mothers.”

“I am not saying no Roberto. But Agapi is still a baby, how can we decide for her.”

“Ask her. She is not as other babies.”

I left there with their consent. My last stop was at the clinic. Maria and Kosta listened to me and I got the feeling it was Maria who was going to be negative. She did not even look over at him, they were obviously close enough for her to sense his attitude.

“I will only agree on the condition I will be included. This will then be shared by us as a family.”

“Maria, you are beautiful. Thank you.” The girls were already celebrating. I jumped home.

“That was easy. I never expected them to all agree.”

“You are so blind my love.”

“As always Cherine. You can enlighten me another time. A thought before you girls get working. Get into the mind of Nicko, find what is his ideal - as you did with me for Diana. I’m ready now, Ordinx, shall we go?”

I decided to visit our World, see if the I is still as pigheaded.


I welcomed the Robert part. I told him of what I have learnt from watching the other parts that have been joining me. I explained that he was wrong to think that I, his I, is stubborn. I am only what he and the girls had made me to be. I mentioned to him that I have noticed something that does not come from any of my parts: The Sparklers dance.

He became excited, but I had nothing further to tell him. He thanked me. He gave all of his memories to date and I was amazed at all of it. My Robert part has grown since our last fight.

He was called and I let him go.

I refused to go into the bedroom to see the babies until Nicko had seen them. The girls laughed at my fears. “Silly, there is no soul in them, you will not love them. They will come out just now anyway - unless you do not want to see your friends again. Robert, we forgot that we will need passports for them.”

“I don’t think so. With so many of us checking in, surely we can see to it that they do not notice an extra two.”

The door opened and the twins came out and behind them came the two girls. The first thing that hit me was the resemblance to Diana. The second is that they look as if they are related, but are quite different. If they are the ideal for Nicko, he has damn good taste. They are both stunners.

“Robert we have decided it is not necessary for us to change them to males. To tell you the truth we dare not, it would feel like sacrilege. They are miracles and their creation is still not to be believed. The girls created them within such a short time!!”

“Ordinx I can understand your amazement. I am pleased that Solomon is not enthusing to the same degree. Solomon, you gave me the information, but you also gave me the history of a people that spans such a vast period of time that I could not assimilate it all. I have now understood something new.

Cherine, remember when we danced and the Sparklers came and mimicked us? They were not only mimicking us. We just were not looking closely enough. They were dancing their own dance. Sparklers dance. Is it for the same reason we do Solomon?”

“No. That is what confused us. We dance so as to join and create our offspring. When two dance and join they give a part of themselves and a new Sparkler is born made of both.”

“Your original forms were of the material world, even if they did not live on material worlds. After the explosion that killed off your people, you became the Sparklers as we know you today. How can spirits, souls or energy forms create new lives?”

“The differences between our previous forms and those we hold now are very slight. The way we procreate now is the way we did then. It still happens that out of so many millions being created, a handful are created in the old form.

Those we show special care for, as they need to be assisted to feed. You may have noticed them. Their colour is slightly different, more yellow than green. They are the ones we train. They are always Thinkers.”

“But…but then you are saying your Thinkers have a material form and they can exist in the void!”

Ordinx seemed equally stunned by this revelation.

“This world we are on, these bodies, they are all within the void. I think you misunderstand our original forms. They did not consist of material as you know it; there were a small number of energy levels that were stripped from us by the explosion. However, all Sparklers contain and have contained in all generations a few molecules of matter within our energy forms.”

“Our scientists believe that matter is made of energy. I think they call matter cold energy. This is too huge a concept to discuss within the time we have now. I have one question I need to ask. The Thinkers, do they also dance and procreate; if so, do they do so amongst themselves only?”

“That is more than one question, but the answer is one. No, we do not procreate. Not since the void became our home. Only the green ones do.”

“I think that was to be understood by your comment that they need assistance to feed themselves. I suppose they would need to find a cloud with the same conditions of your earlier existence.”

Next Post 106

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
27th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 27th November, 2018

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Αυτό που δεν κατάλαβα είναι ποιος έδωσε τα motes για να δημιουργηθούν οι ψυχές?
γιατί ο Robert δε θέλει να τα να τα κρατήσουν τα δύο κορίτσια στο δικό τους κύκλο και θέλει να τα δώσουν κάπου αλλού? Αφού τα κορίτσια είναι δεν είναι αγόρια τελικά....

Ta motes (kittara) gia to soma einai parmena apo tin Dr Maria, tin kori tis, apo tin iokogeneia tou Tasso kai apo tin Annabelle.

Den piran akoma ta motes gia tois psyhes tous, epeidi tote tha prepei na perimenoun sto Void ospou na erthei i ora gia na gyrisoun o Solomon kai o Ordinx sto Void.

Giati den kratoun ta dio koritisa gia ton eafto tous? Nomizo o Robert ehei arketa koritsia - den nomizeis? Den einai aftos o logos. O Robert thelei na kserei oti o filos (kai adelfos tou) o Nikos, ehei kapoion na agapisi - kai na einai 3 gia na mporoun na ftiaksoun diko tous Kaleidoscope Word.

Gia afto, zitise o Robert apo ta koritsia na koitaksoun mesa ston Niko, gia na einai ta dio koritsia ta idanika koritsia gia ton Niko.

Oi dio psyhes tha ftiahtoun apo ta motes apo tois miteres tous, alla, skeftikan na valoun kai kati 'extra' gia na min einai ta koritsia didimes psyhes. Mia idea einai i mia na ehei mote apo tin Cherine, kai i alli, apo tin Wendy.

Aaaaaaa.... Ok.... Μάλλον αρχές του χρόνου θα πάω μία εβδομάδα Kύπρο για δουλειά.... Θα σου βγάλω μπόλικες φωτογραφίες για να δεις το μέρος..
Αλλά σίγουρα θα ξέρω τέλος του Δεκέμβρη..

Ean pas, pou tha pas?

Lefkosia - Lemesso - Pafo - Larnaka ?

To aeroplano tha se parei sto aerodromio Pafou i Larnaka?

Otan matheis...pes mou

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