LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post104

“Then you should have been present at one of our experiments. All the Cherinians were part of it and Cherine took all their love and built on that. When Wendy sang, the ring of love exploded and covered the whole area. Savva our police officer kept records of the result. The crime rate fell almost to zero for days.”

Previous Post 103


“I would like to be present at such an event.”

“I’ll arrange it. It will make Savva very happy.”

Solomon sat on the carpet smiling. “So my friend Ordinx, they played the same trick on you as they did on me! I see you enjoyed it.”

“I thought I’d been attacked by a whole cloud of Sparklers. Did Robert make love to you also?”

“What do you mean? Here, physically? No. You mean he did with you?”

“Let me say that he has convinced me to become a regular visitor at the world of Meli with a few old loves of mine. I think her world will soon be overfilled with people from my Worlds.”

“I trust that you will see to it Ordinx, that the present occupants are not overrun?”

“We will organise it.”

Solomon commented. “If laws are based on morals and ethics, I do not see Robert as a criminal. I sensed nothing but love and joy in the girls, even those who are still infants.”

“I think you forgot the twins are infants. Solomon, our people do not object to adults making love to children based only on the possible damage to their bodies. I agree with most of what they claim, but not with all of it. Physical damage, if the adult is caring should be minimal, if any. What worries them and me, is the possibility of damage to their minds and what might be called the corruption of their morals. My argument is that if both child and adult love each other tenderly and both wish to share such experiences, the laws and disapproval of society are what cause most of the psychological damage to the child. The social workers insist no child is capable of making an informed decision and therefore the child is ipso facto damaged, with no exceptions allowed, so they take the child away from its family and, if they earn a good price, the sell it to another family, for it to be abused mentally and physically.” I was being cynical because of the stories I’ve been hearing on the web about the way child protection services are now being run - and it was not fair to our guests, especially to Solomon. Luckily he did not seem to ‘catch’ what I’d said.

“Your belief extends to non-Cherinian children?”


Ordinx was thoughtful. “I must admit that sex with a child, however willing the child is, was not accepted by our people as normal. However, we did recognise that some children are sexually precocious and are responsible for initiating the affair. If I recall correctly, that rarely occurred if there was not love on both sides.”

I decided to change the subject. “Talking about love, we have a number of wedding anniversaries to celebrate in two days time. Cherine, Dominique, Wendy and Diana and I - with Alki and Marian also celebrating. I suggest a big night at the bouzoukia with all our friends. Wendy, you want us to go to your singer friend at her club, or to the club where she used to sing.”

“I don’t…Robbie, we can’t go back there, not with Aganthi.”

“Why not? If I were Aganthi I would want to go back. Let them see that she is the big lady now.”

“They will not think that Roberto. They will say they were right, that I work in a brothel and make good money or else I have found myself a wealthy lover who pampers me.” She gave her lovely wide grin. “It will make them jealous.”


“You mean it will make the men jealous of me? My love, either way, I will not have them thinking that! Your pregnancy is showing, I think we better go to the new club. Aganthi, the girls are known as ten to twelve year olds, except for Dommi. You will have to age yourself, why not be a lovely eighteen year old. Then you can hang on my arm and they will all see how much I love you.”

Cherine cut in. “Robert, your heart is big but your brains…what will they think if they see you with Aganthi like that, the other times they saw you with Dommi.”

“But they will see all three of us together.”

“Not a good idea!”

“Then I have a better one. Socrati told me there is now a good club in Limassol. We will go to Cyprus.”

“Not a good idea!”

“Oh come on Cherine!”

“That is where we will meet that horrible man.”

“Girls, this is becoming a problem. I keep turning up with a whole football team of beautiful girls. Wherever we go we get noticed.”

“I have an idea.”

“So throw it at us Claw.”

“Not if you use that horrid name.”

I told our guests, “Now do you see why it is not really necessary to have the laws about monogamy that we have? How many men would put up with this just for the sake of having a few extra female bodies in their bed.”

“Beautiful ones like us? A lot!!!”

“Come on Claudia.”

“Why don’t we all go to the casino up on the mountain. We all go as grown ups. Then we come home, where caterers have prepared for us all the loveliest foods. We can make enough money at the casino to pay for it all.”

“Ordinx, this serves as fair warning. If your people and ours ever need to sign a trade agreement, Claudia will be representing us. Okay, not a bad idea except for one thing. They will want to see documents, passports or ID’s. Why not get really exotic. We all go to South Africa. We could stay at a luxury hotel there. The next morning we can take a drive through the game park. Let our visitors see a bit of wild life while we still have some.”

“They will want to see passports when we check in.”

“Fine. I’m damned if I’ll let them spoil it for us. Meli, call your father to book us rooms at Lost City Palace. He must also book for us to have a private party with live music. You tell him that this is also our anniversary present to them. I will call Tasso to get the stamp in our passports. The rest of you, start jumping. Get everybody’s passports.”

“Can I get the ones from Taiwan? I want to see Lua.”

Old habits die hard. My heart lurched with fear at the idea of my little girl going all the way there alone. She laughed at me and jumped. Claudia left for Cyprus and I grabbed the phone and called Tasso. He was not amused at the short notice. He would not even have time to get a copy to have forged. I laughed.

“You forget we already have one from our previous trip.” His son jumped over and took my passport.

I arranged with my bank to have the dollars I needed the next morning and I waited for everyone to get back.


“For you all to get into the casino you must appear to be of age. I think you better change to over twenty and put on whatever rags you’ve got. I’m taking you shopping. We can also get something to eat while at the shops.”

“Robert, how will Ordinx change his age?”

“That brings up another problem. I want everyone there. We can’t have two people missing this.”

Diana gave one of her funny little laughs, the kind she gives when she is trying to hide her amusement. That was a mistake. I looked her in the eyes and she saw I had guessed. I nodded for her to go ahead.

“Make another two male Diana’s. Without a soul, then when they want to leave you can get the protector to …what would they do Robbie?”

“Ordinx, Solomon. You know how Diana was born. If we do the same, but do not put a soul in the bodies, you could use the bodies. I see that as possible. My problem is this. When you leave, would it be wrong of me to ‘un-create’ the bodies?”

“If you feel uncomfortable with the idea then it must be wrong.”

Dommi asked, “What if we create them with souls, except the souls stay asleep in our World until you leave?”

Cherine shot up. “Are they going to be male like Diana said?”

“I suppose so.”

“No!! I don’t agree to this. I do not want them in our circle.”

Next Post 105

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
26th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 26th November, 2018

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Μπορείς να μου εξηγήσεις την πρώτη μεγάλη παράγραφο? Από το I think ως το what i'd said....
Τι ωραία είναι να σχεδιάζεις να πας κάπου... Κι ας μη σου βγαίνει!!!!
Γιατί ο Ρομπερτ λέει στο τέλος ότι δε θέλει άλλους άνδρες στον κύκλο τού??
Αλήθεια τι θα τα κάνουν τα σώματα μετά??

"I think...
Epeidi o Solomon - oi Sparklers, einai anthropoi horis soma, dem mporoun na katalavoun giati o Robert eipe oti ean oi kyverniseis ikseran oti kanei erota me tin Cherine, Wendy kai ta loipa,tha ton thoerousan englimatia.

Tora, pou o Solomon aisthanthike pos eitan gia to soma (pou metaheirizete), eipe oti den vriskei oti o Robert kanei kako, epeidi den aisthanthike tipota kako, kai, oute aisthanthike pono. O Robert ehei poli megalo fovo oti alloi than ton paroun san paradeigma kai tha diimiourgisoun dikaiologies gia na kanoun sex me paidia.

Tote tou eksigi, se afti tin paragrafo, oti ta pragmata den einai etsi apla. Tou eksigi oti ean o antras einai prosektikos kai kanei prospatheia na min kanei zimia sto paidi, afto den allazei to oti kanei zimia sto esoteriko tis kosmo.

Ean o antras kanei mono oti thelei to paidi, me poli agapi, kai to paidi to thelei, akoma tis kanei zimia - epidi o koinonia kanei to paidi na aisthanete oti ekane kati kako.

Aftes einai skepseis pou tha ton vasanizoun gia pola hronia, kai kathos megalonoun oi dynames tou, tha einai poli skliros me osous vriskei pou katastrefoun paidia. Gia ekeinon, anthropos pou vasanizei i kanei paidi na fovate kai na ponaei, den einai anthropos kai den prepei na epitrepete na zisi. Afta tha tou diimourgisoun polla provlimata...den tha sou po perissotera, gia na min halaso tin istoria pou diavazeis.

Γιατί ο Ρομπερτ λέει στο τέλος

O Robert den thelei, alla, den einai ekeinos pou to empodizei - i Cherine kai ta alla koritsia den theloun. Opos eksigoun, pes vroun kapoion andra, poli kalo kai olloi tous ton agpane, akoma kai o Robert, epeidi einai i fisi tou andra etsi, tha ftasoun sto simeio pou tha thelei o allos na einai o arhigos tis oikegeneias kai tote ti tha kanoun? Tha agapane kai tous dio andres kai oi tha prepei na horisoun san oikogeneia, i tha prepei ta koritsia na dialeksoun me poion tha meinoun - kai tha ypoferoun pou ton hanoun.

Olles aftes oi sizitiseis ginonte epeidi o Robert ehei tin ikanotita na agapaei ollous, kai kseroun oti den tha vroun allo andra me afti tin ikanotita.

Ta somata einai koritsia. Dialeksa oi kopelles pou ta diimourgisan, na einai to idaniko gia ton Niko (adelfos tis Dommi) - kai katholou ekpliksi, vgikan se emfanisei na moiazoun me tin Diana..... :) Oi psyhes gia ta dio koritsia den yparhoun akoma, ta somata einai horis psyhes, gia na ta metaheiristoun o Solomon kai o Ordinx.


Ti tha ginoun ta somata meta? Isos tha ta fane?

hahaha!!!! fai tsampa diladi.... :)))
ok... tora katalava pola me tin epeksigisi sou!

Hairome pou se vlepo sta


kai se kalitera syntomos efhome

ki se esena to euxomai.... :)

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