LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post063

“I wanted you to feel first what it is like to be made love to. In this home of yours, my love, I will make love to you and you will make love to me. We only make love, we never fuck. Fucking is what those animals did to you.”
“Can I make love to you?”
“Why don’t we make love to each other this time?”

Previous Post 062


I let her begin by kissing and licking me. As I felt my own body heating up I turned to face her. Her first soft lick was divine and I soon had to control myself, but only for about a minute. Once her own orgasm was trembling within her I let myself go until the knot of fire burst in both of us.

Both now satiated, I lay down by her side and kissed and felt the shapes of her sweet body. My lips kept returning to hers until I saw her eyes closing, a deep satisfaction like a warm blanket over her thoughts. Tenderly I watched her for a while, seeing beauty I had missed before. Suddenly she opened her eyes, looking straight at me and she saw the way I was looking at her. Abashed for some reason she threw her arm around me and buried her face against my chest. I held her without speaking until she fell asleep.

The next day she shyly asked me why I had not made her my woman.

“Last night was the meze. Next time maybe we have the full course. Aganthi, making love is just like learning to read. We must take time to get to know each other, to know what pleases the other and what does not. Once we know each other like that, when I enter you, it will be a moment of joy with no fear.”

Later we all heard her confide to Wendy. “Only you know how I felt. I used to look at other little girls and think, ‘I know what it feels like to be fucked. You are all dreaming of some man doing it to you. Just you wait until you find out how horrible it is - how much men like to hurt you.’ ” Wendy nodded solemnly. “I do not understand all of you. I never knew anyone like Roberto could exist, if he was mine I would never have shared him.”

“When I joined them there was already Cherine and Dommi. They let me share. After a long time I also shared him with someone new. And then with another and another. Every time, I discover that the more I love him and the more of us there are that love him, the more he loves each of us. Wait and you will see.”

“You mean there will be more!!” Wendy gave a delighted little laugh.

Now the training of Aganthi began in earnest. With every new gift she acquired, the more she blossomed. The day she found her own healer was the day I sensed the deepest satisfaction of all.

The next morning Cherine jumped up in alarm. She shook Dommi, not wanting me to know, and whispered “Aganthi is gone.” I sat up, felt for her and knew Cherine was right. She was still linked to us, but she was not in the house.

While the others hustled around, just confirming what their senses had already told them, I sat quietly thinking. Claudia came back to me with a cup of coffee. I pulled her onto my lap and drank my coffee.

“You are not worried. Everyone is trying to sense where she is.”

“She will come back. Unfortunately she will have caused us serious problems. Claudia, I have been stupid. I have always known the day would come when we would have to run, hide. I had decided to have us a home to hide in, but all was going so well and I had so many other things to think of, I let it slip.”

“You mean she is telling others about us!?”

“No, she would not do that. She is just following her heart. I think she has either gone to try and cure her parents or else she knows of other poor Albanian kids who are sick. The word will spread about her.”

“Oh no! How could she be so stupid!”


“It was not her love, it was me. Remember when I told her she had to pay a price? One of them was that she had to use her powers to help others. She has not lived long enough with us to understand the danger we are in. I should have explained.”

Claudia jumped off me and ran to the others. Soon they had all trooped in, staring at me in dismay.

“What do we do, Robert?”

“We wait Dommi. Nothing will happen within hours, it will take days. We will have another story hitting the headlines. It will not be about us, just a little Albanian girl who can heal. She will come running to hide and then we get involved. You all know how loyal she is, there is no intention to betray us.”

“Can’t we do anything?”

“Actually we can.”

I called Tasso and explained the urgency. I told him what I thought her motives were. “Can you find her? Be gentle as you can, do not frighten my little girl. She has had enough fear in her life.”

As is so often happening recently, Alki came over, sensing a problem. I explained what I thought had happened.

“Do not worry about having a home, why do you think I was travelling? I used offshore companies to buy property in a number of countries. Robert, I prefer to concentrate on staying here. We must find a way to defuse the situation. Maybe she just ran away to see a friend.”

“Alki, I sense you have some important work. Go, I will call you if we need you.”

We had to stay put in case Tasso called. This upset made me limp again when I walked. The girls were immediately solicitous (ανήσυχοι και φροντίζοντας) and forced me to sit quietly and tried to relax me with little silly games.

I gave them all a stern look. “You think I do not know what you little scallywags (άτακτοι) are up to? You got her to run away for a little while so as to skip school. Now that it is too late to send you, I would not be surprised to see her come back in.” As I pointed at the door we heard the key and it opened. Aganthi stood there staring at us.

The girls were in shock. They had known I was teasing and now they were convinced I was serious. They wanted to run to her, to get her to explain they had not put her up to this. Mentally I gave them an order to sit still.

“Dommi, call Tasso on his mobile phone.”

Aganthi closed the door and coming to me gave me her key. I could see she had been crying and felt a deep pain in her.

“What is this for?”

“I should not have the key, you must take it.”



“Samantha, would you make me a coffee? Claudia, if you got one of those…you know, hidden away, bring it to me in the garden. Would you also like a coffee Aganthi?” She shook her head. “Okay, then bring her a Coke, she is thirsty.”

I took her arm, leaning a little on her as I walked out and sat in the shade.

“It will soon be too cold to sit out here. Did you have a nice morning?”

“Why aren’t you angry with me?”

“You tell me why I should be - then if I should be I will be. Fair enough?”



“Having a problem getting started? Let me see if I can help. Just a guess of course. You went to pay the price I told you to pay. I said you had to use your powers to help normal people. Want to carry on from there?”

“How did you know?” Her eyes were huge with astonishment. I saw behind her Dommi, Cherine and Marian were standing, listening.

“As I said, a guess. What happened?”

“I took a bus to the station. There is a girl who used to be kind to me when I was hurting, if my father beat me up or one of the customers…if they hurt me bad. She is sick and cannot always do her work and then she gets beaten up. I wanted to make her better.”

“Why did you stop, come back.”

“On the bus I started imagining how glad she would be that she had been my friend, when I make her better. Then I imagined how she would tell all her friends and they would come to me to help them. I started to get afraid when I realised how many people would be chasing after me to help them and I realised why you do not go out and help everybody. Why you help them secretly. I got so afraid that I had nearly hurt you and…my sisters.

I promised myself I would not let her see me and help her secretly and then come back for you to punish me. I got where she always is, but she was not there. I asked another girl and she told me that while my friend was begging at the traffic lights, where she always does, she became dizzy and fell into the road. A car rode over her and killed her.”

No tears, no grief, just a small voice speaking that tore at me. I put my arms around her and she began to tremble violently.

“It is alright for you to cry. I share your pain Aganthi.” She looked up and saw the tears in my eyes and burst into sobs. She let the grief tear at her, but I relaxed, now she would get better.

Even as I held my little girl, I saw Dommi and Cherine put their arms around Marian and lead her back in as tears ran down her cheeks. I waited until the painful lump in my throat subsided and rocked and caressed my sweet loyal baby.

Samantha waited until I gestured for her to come. She brought our drinks and silently handed me a cigarette and matches.

I took the cold drink as I felt she needed the coffee. As I lit up, I saw her look at my cigarette with longing.

“Aganthi, you smoke?”


“Then we better share this one. I don’t think they will let me have another one.”

Quietly we sipped and smoked, sharing, drag by drag. She was studying me, trying to hide it, but it was obvious.

“Why do you never get angry with me Roberto?”

“If you do something stupid I will. You are thinking you did, so I should be angry. If you had gone to your friend and found her alive and tried to show off your powers, I would have been very angry. Angry because you were stupid and did not think of how it could harm your sisters. Since you did think of it and were going to be careful, what is there for me to be angry about? You did frighten us, but I do not think you will sneak off like that again. It is always better to ask for help. If you had told me about your friend, do you think I would not have found a way to help her?”

“I already owe you so much, how could I?”

“Did she die instantly or did they take her to hospital?


“She died last night in hospital.”

“Which one.”

“The government hospital in Piraeus.”

“Wait here for me love.”

I called Tasso, explained and told him I need a piece of skin. He must hurry and bring it to me.

“Samantha, take Cherine with you to find Solomon. Tell him a soul they collected last night from Greece, show them, I want it back. A young female. They must have it ready for us to collect.”

“Jesus Robert! What are you thinking?” Marian looked frightened.

“I want to try and bring her back. I owe it to Aganthi to try.”

“You are going to play god?”

“If you could, would you? You heard her story.”

Next Post 064

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
15th October, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 15th October, 2018

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aaaa!!! an to kataferei kai tin epanaferei to voıd de tha eınaı kaı toso anageo!!!! e??
allazoyn ta dedomena e???

Den thelo na halaso tin istoria me apantisi tora (to giati) alla, to void tha einai panta anageo - isos kai pio poli.

I diafora einai oti o thanatos den tha einai toso tromaktikos...propantos ean gineis i gennithis Cherinian.

Tha anamenw na mathw.... :)))
Egines 59!!!! Oleeeeeeee.... :))))



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