LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post061

“He must be the strangest leader any people have ever had.” Marian spoke fondly, but I saw the mention of Ydra had brought back memories.

Previous Post 060


“I am curious. Robert said there are two parts to his idea. He said this was the one he believed in, that the second one was more like a dream. What would the second one be like - if it is so much more fantastic than this one!”

“Sorry Dommi, one thing at a time. Something else crossed my mind. Meli?”


“If you make a world for the ‘bat’ people, would it be possible for the people of Ordinx to leave their Worlds, return to physical bodies, live their lives and return to their Worlds again?”

Her eyes withdrew from us, deep within her own mind. We waited, almost afraid of her reply.

“Ordinx came and took a physical form. It was temporary, but if the world moves closer to this reality, I think he could.”


I saw the joy in Sam and grinned at her. I let them wonder at this idea and rejoice for our friends. I waited, but nobody seemed to think of the obvious. Cherine turned with a quizzical look, but did not speak.

“Alki, you tell me in business, when I think of an idea I must think it through, all the way. None of you are thinking it through.”

Even with that hint they still could not see what I was thinking of, the dream that had caught fire within me. They pressed me to explain.

“You all know I have been the butt of many jokes for not liking the ‘I’ of our World. The idea of being stuck with it for an eternity has not been pleasant for me.” There were a few gasps as some minds saw where I was heading. “If what Meli said can be done, what is to stop us from taking ‘holidays’ from our World by taking on our bodies again in a world of Meli’s? Her worlds do not cease to exist while she is with us in our World, so it should be possible.”

“We could do that whenever we want?”

“I do not see why not. It should also be possible to have a number of such worlds so that we can experience a different life each time.”

Suddenly our future had blossomed and their need to believe in it made believers of them. I hope I have not given them a false dream.

Cherine stood up, her stance a warning to those who know her. “If this is true, then I have a million lives I can live with Robert. This makes him even more precious and I am not willing to risk his life in any way until he has healed. You must all leave so that he gets his rest.”

My face turned a bright scarlet, but they all meekly obeyed her. Once they were gone, she turned to the girls.

“Nobody, and I mean nobody, lets him see your pain. Nobody goes to him needing his loving. If he wants it, first the healer tells us it is okay. No dancing. We wait for his body to give strong healthy tissue so that we will never lose him.”

“Cherine love...”

“You keep quiet! You do not treasure your life the way we do. Ask them, they all agree with me.” I knew they did. “We will make these kind of decisions from now on, until you are the same as us, fully alive, your cells able to guarantee we will never lose you.” They all ganged up on me, so I gave in without a murmur, for how can I fight them when their needs are out of love for me. My sense of humour came to my rescue and I told myself, if it is any compensation, throughout our history, all great leaders ended up being bullied one way or another in private by their love(r)s.

Within days I was champing at the bit. Cherine had reverted to the Cherine of the past. I would even sense her wake up to check I am breathing. Everybody is walking on eggs, afraid to even smile at me. Except Dommi of course. She is the only one Cherine does not dare to try to intimidate. Dommi was sympathetic, but left it to me to handle.

It got too much for me when I overheard her telling the girls that they must take turns staying awake to watch over me while I sleep.

“Cherine love, there has to be some limits to this. You are making life miserable for everyone, including you and me. Quality of life…”

“…is not important. Not in the short term. In a few months you will be well. For now we look after you. You have spent your life till now looking after us, it is our turn.”

“You are using the same excuse every dictator uses. You will obey, you will sacrifice your freedom, your rights, so that the rest of your lives and those of your children will be safe etc, etc.”

“I will not listen to you Robert. I know that when you really want to, you can out-talk me. If I am wrong, then maybe it is right to be wrong sometimes.” She glared at me and I saw there was no point in continuing.


I called Nicko and asked if he could meet me for a coffee. He agreed and I ‘suggested’ he invite Alki and Themi. Cherine allowed me to go without her since Dommi would be with us.

I told them of what is happening. Dommi sat smiling, not saying a word.

“I cannot take this anymore. What do I do?”

“Therapy will not help you Robert. If she even agreed to see me, which she will not, it would take too long. Before then you will be cured.”

“Nicko, I think I will have to find myself a mistress or two.”

“This is so ironic. The man with the most girls in his life needs to find a mistress.” I let him have his laugh.

“Nicko, can’t you find a reason why I must travel overseas with you for business?”

“What good is that going to do? You think she will let you go without her?” At my apparent dismay he had another good laugh. Nobody was able to come up with a solution and when we left to return home, I saw Nicko walk off still chortling. Dommi made me put the seat belt on and drove off. After a few blocks she turned to me, slyly looking out of the corners of her eyes.

“Thank you Robert. You did that on purpose.”

“I was that obvious?”

“Why did you ask the others to come? Were you secretly hoping they would offer you a solution?”

“No. I knew what their answers would be. That damn Alki and his ‘your cub is ferocious’ bit, he is loving this. I had to call them love. Nicko needed to see me like this, begging for help, for sex in front of other men. Having you there was a bonus.”

“I felt his resentment or envy of you die. It was good. You turned something that is bad for you into something good and did it in such a way that Cherine had no excuse to stop you.”

“She will make me pay for making her look like the baddie.”

“Why do you fear her so much Robert?”

“I don’t love. I fear bruising (μωλωπίσω) that remarkable love and spirit.”

Without turning to look at me, keeping her eyes straight ahead, she spoke and her voice was soft and warm. “Every now and then you manage the impossible, you make me love you even more. Today I love you as I never have.”

“You sure you don’t want to sneak off, we park somewhere and indulge in a bit of loving?”

She laughed. “You may not fear her, but I sure do. No go!”

All that was left to me was to tease my girls. I got Sam by herself. “No secret cups of coffee and cigarette?”

“You must be joking!”

“You have given in to her too?”

“You expect me to fight her? Dad you must be nuts!” Claudia reacted in the same way.

Aganthi came to sit by me while I doodled around on the computer. She curled her feet under her and sat struggling to read.

“What is that?”

“The girls are trying to teach me English. They say I must also learn to read and write.”


“They are right, you are making me very proud my love.” I leaned over to kiss her and she pulled away. I was about to say something, but I felt her feelings; it was like a sad cold rain in her heart.

“Don’t feel bad my love. We can just put that kiss on the list. I’ll owe it to you. Okay?” First she nodded, then ran out of the room.

Next Post 062

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
13th October, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 13th October, 2018

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Stin arxi de katalava ti tha petixoun sto kosmo tis Meli? Me ayto ton tropo tha sosoun ypus eksogiinous?

mistress einai i eromeni?

Me ton Nicko thelei na paei gia na glitwsei tous periorismous???

Pwa perases tin Kiriaki ???


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