LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post195

When Cherine gave a little squeak and hugged her friend, she did not have to explain, I knew we can now return home.

Previous Post 194


Before doing anything else I had a long talk with Pavlo. I explained our problem, since he knew the rest, having sat through my explanations to the Kent family. He asked a number of questions that showed he had misunderstood quite a lot. I had to explain again, this time in Greek. I ended off by telling him that I am convinced his parents are not ready for something like this. Once he is older and they accept he is an adult, he can then take his time preparing them.

“Once you learn to jump with us, you can visit, dance with us and so on without your parents even knowing you left your home. Pavlo, to say that cost me, I do not like doing it this way, but I have to, Cherine is adamant that she will not wait any longer.”

We danced that same evening. This time I called my babies to me and then the others and we formed our World. Tasso and family formed theirs also.


For those who have not seen my rendition, I should perhaps mention a few of the basic points. We call it a World, but that does not mean it is of physical substance. Perhaps a fair description, something that would enable you to visualise it to an extent, imagine that Mother Earth has a soul, I think our World looks the way her soul would.

As we grow in number the details become clearer, or perhaps they are formed then. Imagine a silvery blue ball that scintillates with all the colours of the rainbow. Unlike a rainbow, the colours shimmer in groups, one part of each group being reflected a number of times in the other parts, giving rise to the name Kaleidoscope World. As we learn more about the human brain, some scientists are suggesting it may be holographic, every part reflected in every other part. That is, to my mind, how our World is formed.

This time, the forming of our World was almost a catastrophe that turned into a miracle. First, as the others described it, it began to pulse with a green glow. Ishivered like a crystal bell would, trying to rid itself of the alien green motes. Even though I was part of the I, I refused to let go. I felt a sort of pity for our I entity; it must have by now begun to see me as a troublemaker. Once it saw the full extent of my memories it tried to solve the problem by allocating one part of its surface to the greenness. Even though it was beautiful, glowing and shimmering, I saw it as a sort of scum on our surface. I got angry and the I decided to allow me to create the effect I wanted - I was later told by the others that even from outside, they had been able to sense the struggle and tension between the I and myself. They could not understand, or believe, that I could even think of fighting it.

I created the appearance of a tropical island, overgrown with plants. Everything had to be green, even things like stones and the beach sand. The girls fell in love with it and wanted to visit it. Nobody knew how though. Meli took over. Of course the I did not even consider refusing her, maybe because the girls feel closer to being a part of the I, unlike me.

She created ‘bodies’ for us, based on her imagination. She ‘took’ a part of each of us from the I and placed that in our bodies, which I decided were basically made of motes of light. Meli stuck me with a ‘body’ I did not enjoy having, human shaped, but massively muscled and wearing a turban with a large emerald in the center. I told her she has shown the least imagination with me, all the others looked exotic. Of course the girls took her side so I dropped the matter, it was not as important to me as it was feeling their enjoyment.

We could not ‘walk’ as there was no gravity, nor firm matter under us, nor had we real feet of bone and flesh. However, Meli decided our World has to revolve so that we have a sort of gravity. Based upon that childish view, our World slowly revolved and we had ‘gravity’. It can get boring looking at fulgid ‘plants’. Wendy asked why there were no butterflies or birds. Claudia said she wanted dolphins. Diana wanted shells on the shore.

Meli was feeling the strain, but she created a sort of parrot, with a very strange beak and hairy feathers of the full green spectrum. The ‘sea’ was provided with five green dolphin-like creatures that she made intelligent. I had the shock of my life when one of them greeted me within my mind.

The I was sending all these happenings to the others and they had stopped dancing, concentrating on us. The World of the Tasso family imploded as they left it so as to be direct viewers-sharers of this miracle.

Tina asked Meli, ‘what will happen to all these creatures when we leave?’ She had not thought of that. I pointed out to her that it was cruel to create intelligent beings that will have such short lives, less than an hour at the most.

Wendy sang her sorrow for the dolphins. She became the second person to affect the I emotionally (well, I did manage to annoy and anger it). The dolphins sang back to us a song of joy at existing. It suggested we take turns staying, so that It could maintain a permanent existence. I had to refuse It. So of course I became the bad guy as far as the girls were concerned - they felt I should have at least considered the possibility. I did not see any of them asking to stay when it was time to go.


For the first twenty minutes Alki was insufferable. The pride he felt in his daughter was too big an emotion for him to hide. Jonathan Kent is not used to open demonstrations of emotions, but tolerated Alki, as he was after all not British, the poor chap is a Greek. From his point of view, what we had seen/done was truly awesome, but that was all the more reason to control oneself. His thoughts were so transparent it ended up amusing us. He thought that my being British, I would see eye to eye with him. I would have loved to point out that I have become more Greek than many Greeks are. I love their way of life, the easy way they show their emotions, but I felt it was more prudent to avoid antagonising him, even though he irritates me.

The girls went to the bedroom to freshen up while Pavlo sat with us. When they came out and had all, except for his daughter, changed clothes, Jonathan became thoughtful. I saw that he had finally woken up to the fact that I am living with all these little girls. The crunch had come and I cringed, for I feared the worst.

“I know Cherine is Marian’s daughter and I understand about Dominique. I can even understand about Wendy since she has no family. What puzzles me is, why is Cherine living here with you. After all, her mother lives next door. And the rest of these girls, why are they living here? Something strange is going on.”

Next Post 196

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
6th August, 2018
* posted on Steemit: 6th August, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of sequels
@nikosnitza - @jaisaluja
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


sti fantasia tis einai olos o kosmos i ton diniourgei pragmatika??

Otan pane sto void kai horevoun mazi san psyhes, tous travaei i anaggi na enothoun kai na ginoun oloi tous mia psyhi.

Otan afisoun ton eafto tous kai ginoun ena, den ginonte ena, diimourgoun, gia ligo, mia kainourgia psyhi pou einai ftiagmeni apo olous tous.

Sto void, afti i kainourgia psyhi pairni tin emfanisi enos planiti, horis omos na yparhei homa, petres, nero aera... Ola einai ftiagmena apo energeia.

Ean eheis fantasia kai tolmas, mporeis na epireasis tin energeia gia na fani san na einai...oti theleis.

O Robert einai ypohreomenos to na kratisi ta prasina motes gia na mprei na epikoinonisi me tous Sparklers otan gyrisoun, alla, otan ginane to Kaleidoscope World (i kainouriga psyhi tous) to World den ta thelei ta prasina motes, alla o Robert den dehete na ta 'petaksi'.

To entity (οντότιτα) afini ta prasina motes na pleoun san sapounada se mia 'maza'. O Robert thimoni kai ta allazei gia na fanoun san nisi, me dentra kai fyta. I Meli to allazei, 'ftiahnontas onta san to pouli kai ta delfinia. Oti kai na ftiaksoun prepei na einai prasino. Gia na ehoun 'soma' na pane sto 'nisi', i Meli plathi ta somata apo tin idia energeia, kai etsi, ypohreotikos, ola ta 'somata' einai prasina.

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