LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post166

I wish my mind would not stray all over the place when I am trying to make a point. I made a mess of what I really wanted to say, yet I sensed that I still affected them in the ways I’d hoped to achieve.

Previous Post 165


When Alki and family left I looked over at Claudia. The previous night she had slept alone in the guest room. She gave her small crooked smile and mouthed ‘Thursday’. I made sure that she at least got the hugs and kisses that belong to her.

I did not plan it, for we can see if the other does, it happened more from a need and from the gentle joy it brought. I spent more time that night loving and being loved by Wendy than all the others together. She was not just loved by me, the girls became extensions of myself, their hands, lips and bodies, their fragrant warm breaths a part of all I was giving my little lover.

Having Wendy as a lover is good for all of us, at least for as long as they choose to come to our bed as young girls, instead of as women. For me it forces me to re-examine our relationship, I as an adult with a number of young girls. Sometimes I find myself forgetting how vulnerable they are because of their gusto and passion in bed. Being with Wendy tends to make me even more gentle and tender in my loving of all my girls, including Dommi - and she seems to need it the most.

Over the next couple of days, ideas flowed, I worked as productively as I had on Monday. Alki is a nice boss to work for; he never comments on the work I send in, especially if it is not completed. If there is something he especially likes, he says so, otherwise he remains silent.

We made time for the parents of Dommi, explaining or answering questions they had. Dommi told me that because they love and trust me, they are not as afraid as they would have been. I wonder what they saw in me as a child for them to love. I mentioned to Alki my last comment and he kept a poker face as he told me that it is not necessary that there be anything special about me for them to love me, since adults tend to love children…even if they are not very nice. A pity I’m not comfortable with the idea of hitting him with a pillow.


We had our friendly police officer Savva and his wife over. Though tough and practical in so many ways, he is still treating me as some kind of holy guru and that frightens me. At least his wife has her feet closer to the ground.

Keith called and promised to join us with his love during the next week. My healer has been spending time with them also and he sounded younger, vibrant and happy. We all felt the happiness and joy, the love they feel for each other and we rejoiced for them too.

They do worry me though. His attempted suicide showed how strongly he fought against loving a minor. His sensitivity and devotion to Annabelle also means there is no chance of anyone ever joining them within their circle. I want them to have their own World, I feel it would be a wonderful one, but we will have to wait for Annabelle to have a child. Deep down inside me I know he will be fighting that possibility, determined not to change the relationship they share. After losing her and being given a second chance, he treasures every second alone with her more than most couples in love do. There is also the question as to how broadminded he will prove to be with regard to loving his own children sexually. We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

I think for me, the biggest problem is Savva. This man, a police officer, the one who should have been the hardest, the most cynical, he is the biggest fanatic of us all. He has decided I am some godly creature deserving of his adoration. Perhaps it is the life he has led, the pain and suffering he has seen man cause to man, his need to believe in something better. I fear that as he sees my many Achilles heels over time, he will grow disillusioned and turn bitter. He has still not recovered from seeing the dead bodies of the girls, seeing them cut open in post-mortem, buried and then brought back to life. He confided that even as a child, the story of Lazarus had done more to make him religious than most of the rest of his religious instruction.

On Wednesday the girls again asked to go dancing. I did not want to. The aftermath would take off that keen edge of need that is growing in me for Claudia. Samantha and Diana were joined by Tina and then Rosie as they came to agree with me. Finally the others gave way, shamed by the babies, asking I promise we will go on our return from Cyprus. Meli was stuck with her parents and did not voice an opinion, but she also joined in on the clamour for my promise.

I offered to take Claudia wherever she wants; London, Sweden, Amsterdam, Israel, Italy or Morocco. She wanted to return to Paphos. It is strange how that ugly little town has captured our imagination. It is the kind of town where we can be ourselves, without needing to put on airs and because we are comfortable there, it has almost become our second home.

Chapter Sixty Seven

One of the great side benefits of renting the apartment is that we no longer have to keep on throwing away our new clothes - it is a relief not only because of the expense, but more importantly, because it increases our risk of visiting Cyprus. We went to the apartment bedroom to repack our suitcase and Claudia was the first to notice. As we got our things together for moving over to the hotel, Claudia stopped, stiffened as she looked around her.

“Somebody has been here. The flat has been cleaned and tidied.”

We went downstairs to find the ‘thiroros’ (concierge). He was puzzled. “But the young lady told me you had arranged for her to come and clean the flat. She described both of you. Was I wrong?”

“Did she tell you her name, was it Estella?”

“Yes. That was the name. She looked like a schoolgirl, pretty, with lots of things on her ears. I thought it was alright as she comes from a good family.”


Immediately that got Claudia interested, she wanted to ask about her family. I had to butt in. “Okay, don’t worry about it.”

As we walked over to the hotel, carrying a suitcase (we could not find a cab, not even our gifts can ever help me on that, unlike Nicko), Claudia was upset.

“Why didn’t you tell him she is not allowed in our flat?”

“Because she is.”

“You are crazy Robbie. You do not even know her. Maybe she has a spare key made and uses our flat for screwing with her boyfriend!”

“I do not think so. Anyway, so what if she does? As long as she cleans up. It’s not as if we have food and booze to worry about. The rest is just rented stuff.”

“But what if we jump there and she is in the flat with her boyfriend?”

I chuckled. “Yes, I suppose that could be quite amusing. Come on Claudia, stop worrying. I know it is the Swedish blood in you. It costs us nothing, we can take precautions to avoid them seeing us, and, more important than all, you are getting all het up about something that is very unlikely to happen. I bet you any key she has made is only for cleaning the flat. I imagine it could also prove to be useful as a place of refuge, a place where she can think her thoughts without family to bother her. I hope she enjoys it.” I then added, “I wonder how she learnt about the flat and where it is.”

“Robbie? Would you feel the same way if she was not pretty? What if she was fat and ugly?”

I gave an exaggerated shudder. “Oh good lord Claw! What a horrible idea. A fat and ugly girl in our flat. You mean like the feminists of today? No, that definitely would not do!”

She took my teasing seriously, but her attention was diverted for a moment. “I do not like that ‘Claw’ you called me!” Her little face was set in a most ferocious look.

Next Post 167

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
5th July, 2018
* posted on Steemit: 5th July, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of any sequels
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


τον Σαββα γιατί τον φοβούνται;; δε το κατάλαβα. :)
πως είσαι;;; το χέρι σου;

Den ton fovountai. Aplos, o Robert kserei oti ean afisi to na yparhoun anthropoi pou na ton latrevoun san na einai theos, opos eitan ta palia hronia me ton Ceasar, ton Mega Alexandro kai pollous allous, tha erthei i stigmi pou tha ton doun san anthropo pali - kai afto mporei na tous kanei na ton misisoune. Den thelei na yparhei kanenas pou na ton theorei pio spoudaio apo tous allous - propantos apo tin Cherine. Gia ekeinon, i Cherine panta erhete proti.

To heri mou? Pio heri? Ta ekopsa kai ta 2 kai tora eho robot heria.

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