LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post124

August is the hottest month of the year and for a woman bearing a child it must be hell. Natalie was obviously suffering, despite the healer taking care of her. They had come to our house for her to give birth with us, with her family, as she said Sam asked of her. Dr Maria was with, but by now she knew what to expect and was relaxed. Kostas had come with and he played with the babies, his eyes returning to Maria every so often.

Previous Post 123


“What is wrong Kosta?” One of those changes I welcome, after being linked, is that such a question from another linked person no longer calls for a response from the ego, with the foolish answer, “Nothing.” I called it ‘foolish’ because the question shows we sensed there is something wrong - so, if we do not wish to explain, it would be more honest to answer, “I don’t wish to discuss it” or, “Private please.”

“Maria, she is old fashioned. She still wants that we get married in church, the old way. She refuses to understand, even after seeing you…”

“Then marry her in church, as she wants, Kosta.”

“What? Are you serious? After you explained how the circle will grow and all will need to feel as one?”

“Will the church wedding still matter then? Since it does now, why not give her the happiness she deserves?”

Silently he looked at her then turned and smiled at me, a mischievous grin. If Marian heard she did not comment.

Samantha was born on the fifteenth of August, prompting all the Greek members of our family to suggest she should have been named Maria or Mary since she was born on the name day of the Virgin Mary. I did not know who had chosen the name Samantha. Had we or had she? Was she named Samantha because she had been named Samantha? That led Themi and Alki later on, off into an argument that served as a good excuse for a few extra whiskeys.

After her mother had held her and the doctor examined her, she was given to me. I sat on the edge of the bed and held her, supporting her head in the cup of my palm. My new and precious daughter had captured my heart already, though I sensed the love was as nothing compared to how I will grow to love her.

As I stared at her perfect little features, her eyes seemed to draw me in. I felt her enter me. I lay back quickly so as not to drop her, Dommi already rushing over to take her as I sank into that strange world we all love so much.

*I am Samantha.* I laughed in delight. *That we all know my love. I have been yearning for this day.*

As we playfully danced around each other Cherine arrived with Natalie. Soon all my loves had arrived and my world was lit from within as it never has been before. They all were sending off so many kisses of love that I felt as if I were made of love. We celebrated the coming of Samantha, forgetting the others who waited outside. Our auras raced in merriment and at times it was difficult to tell where the one of us ended and the other began. During this, Sam had accepted refuge within my ‘arms’ as had little Wendy once upon a time, sharing from there the joy her coming has given us.

I cannot say when the visitor arrived, we were all so enraptured by our little baby Sam, our souls pregnant with the motes of each other, binding us in love, that seconds must have passed before the odd glow of its presence drew our attention. Soon as I noticed I called urgently on the protector. It was not acting in a hostile manner, but it had breached some of our most important rules by entering my mind without being invited, so its presence had to be construed as hostile. At sight of the protector the visitor pulled back, obviously startled.

The visitor sent out streamers of light in greeting, no words touched our minds, just a feeling of goodwill. I gave Sam to Cherine for her to protect and advanced to place myself between the visitor and my loved ones. It paid no attention to me and passed by my protector, which did nothing to stop it - despite my orders - and approached the girls. A streamer gently reached for and probed each of the girls and then it touched Sam, staying longer with her. The streamer brightened and quickly withdrew. I was heartsick at the lack of my ability to protect my girls from it. I also felt betrayed by my protector and angrily called it into me, in the hope it would augment my small abilities.

The visitor stopped in front of me and a burst of streamers shot out and into me. It communicated with me, just a series of images, but no more was needed. It showed me the alien galaxy of Worlds as I had seen it. It showed a barrier between us which I understood to be an order that we do not pass through. It wants us to keep our distance. Despite this a fierce joy rushed through me and I sent it a message of welcome, hoping emotions cross the barriers of our differences.


It dimmed its glow a moment and now that I could see it, the difference of shape and structure was obviously not human. With the dimming came a mood of danger and I was shown a myriad dots of a yellowish-green colour, a bilious cloud that swarms and moves through the void. I saw it attack souls of the newly dead and then I saw my protector attack and being attacked. At this scene there was a sense of fierce joy and hope from the visitor. The scene faded before I could see the result and the visitor vanished.

The consternation this appearance caused us was not from just the shock of its visit, the fact that we had been contacted. As always uncomfortable with mind-speech, I asked them all to return. I would but delay a short while as I needed to find out from my protector why it ignored my command.

Obediently everyone left. I tried, even through my healer, but it refused to respond, just sending me the feeling of warmth and greeting the alien being had radiated. It only made me even more furious. It had no right to decide for me who is to be accepted as a friend or not. I coldly explained that it should have explained its perception to me, but should have still prevented it from approaching the girls. I asked it, what if it’s emoting had been a deceit for the express purpose of lulling us into accepting its presence so as to cause harm. First prime, I sternly reminded it, is protection of the girls, any approach or acceptance of others to only be decided by me.

The protector projected a scene of itself with the alien passing straight through it, waited a split second and it left me...well, vanished. The message was clear; it could not stop the alien. This made me feel vulnerable and as I returned to my body it was with a feeling of shame and despair. The first time one of mine has needed protection and I had failed!

“Why are you so worried Robert? It meant us no harm.”

“That is not the point. We did not know it in advance. Cherine, I thought I could protect you girls from anything. Today I found myself totally helpless.” I slumped in my seat, torn by guilt and anger, but mostly with the feeling I have let down my loves. I did not know how to cope with my feelings.

Sam must have communicated with Dommi, for she set her down on the sofa next to her. Sam projected herself into a girl of about ten. Totally unselfconsciously she looked at the room full of people.

“Pappou Alki, good to see you properly at last. Robert my love, please do not feel so bad. The visitor came to welcome me, in the future it will be my close friend, a friend of all of us. No, I do not remember this, it told me and I believe it - it had the feeling of an old friend. It also was recognised by your protector, as you should have, if you had paid more attention to the motes you shared from my future self. If your protector had tried to stop my friend, it is likely it would have killed it. The old ones are very frail daddy. That is why it showed you my friend going through it.”

“Samantha you have eased my heart while filling it with love at the sight of you. I think your mother is aching to talk to you and hold you in her arms.” The longing and love in the eyes of Natalie were almost painful to see - it was not necessary to look into her heart or mind to feel the glorious awe she felt at having given birth to this delightfully beautiful girl. We could already sense she has a strong personality, but at the same time, is also soft and tender.

Wendy brought her a small dressing gown which she casually put on as she went to her mother and sat on her lap. I was fascinated by the sight of her. She is maybe not the most beautiful of my girls, it would really take something extraordinary to surpass Diana, but her beauty is augmented by the strong character and lovely personality which radiates from her. She is totally self-possessed, without seeming to have any complexes or feelings of inferiority. This characteristic is most obvious in all the babies and I hope and pray our love will help them retain it, or as much as possible, for the rest of their lives.

Since my Sam had only just been born and this was the first time, I made sure she spent time with her mother and Themi and kept my distance. Today belonged to them. Before returning to her original form she took Natalie by the hand and went to Diana.


“I heard you tell Diana that she would be my mother for you. Diana, I will love you as mother, not only when I am a baby, but I wanted to make clear that my real mother will always be first in my heart. I am very lucky to have two mothers who are both so wonderful.”

“You do not mind that I am not a real human being, that I was created for Robert?”

There was a shocked silence. I doubt there was one heart that did not ache at these words.

Samantha did not emote any emotions, apart from curiosity. “Were you created with love?” Sam asked.


“Then you are luckier than most people in this world. I suppose that makes you very special and me especially lucky to have you as my mother.”

Diana just stared at her for a moment as the tears ran down her cheeks and then she rose to her feet and hugged Sam. I stared at Dommi, but she would not meet my eyes - her own were full of tears and the pain on her face kept me silent.

I was now forced to promise all and sundry that at our next dance I will give them the guided tour I had taken Cherine on. At least, I was able to whisper in her mind, she was the first to see them. While in her mind I sensed that something was worrying her. It did not surprise me; the question from Diana must be troubling all of them. It was troubling me too - not so much because of the pain it showed she is suffering, we will help her overcome it, but more important to me was that I have been proven again to have failed my girls. I should have picked up her worry and pain long ago. I could not understand how I could have been blind to it.

I was only wishing to change the topic of our thoughts, when I asked, “I have been visiting your minds for so long that it really felt strange to have you all in mine today. Was it Sam who caused you to come into me?”

“I was scared to come unless you ask me.” The admission seemed to be more frightening to Wendy, yet she was the first to speak, so I was gentle.

“Since you all know what a softie I am, I’ll take it as a compliment that even one of you could be afraid of me for any reason. It has done my ego some good…”

Even Cherine kept her mouth shut for a while, not instantly telling everyone what a liar I am. What did hurt me though was when they all admitted they do not visit me often either, for the same reason; that they feel they should not assume they can, and only visit inside me when they are invited. Under ‘privacy’ I hopefully asked Cherine and then Dommi if they were only saying so to make Wendy feel good, but they replied in the negative. It is so damn difficult to be depressed without allowing a bunch of mind-readers to notice it. Somehow I managed, but being depressed was not half as satisfactory as it should have been, not when I had to keep projecting a nonchalant frame of mind.

I took a walk out to the garden since they were all chatting with each other and my absence would not be felt too keenly. At least a bit of solitude, if not mentally then physically, was necessary. I don’t know how she did it, but when Dommi put her hand on my shoulder I was startled, I had not felt her coming to me.

“Pes mou (tell me), what’s wrong? Seeing Sam, the alien, or what Wendy or Diana said?”

“Just let me hold you a moment love.” She glided into my arms and put her head on my shoulder. Her arms tightly holding me were a comfort and I felt myself relax slightly. She was emoting the love of a lover, but so tenderly it felt like her ‘mother’ gift.

When she decided the moment had served its purpose she drew away and pulled me to the swing seat.

“Just tell me the truth, I won’t probe, I promise. Is it just that you need time to yourself, or is something making you unhappy?”


“It has been quite a day. Our Samantha has arrived. She must really be special for one of them to come to welcome her. How did they know she was being born today? Dommi, how could it know they will be friends if it cannot see the future?”

“What convinced you it cannot see the future?”

“It was startled when it saw my protector. If it remembered the future when we will be friends, surely it would have known?”

“I never was taught at school that you can use the past tense to describe something of the future tense, not like that!” She was grinning. “So Roberto? That is good, it shows they are not god-like beings. Even we babies, as you described us, have seen into the future as the Kaleidoscope World and thanks to your healer.”

“Of course! They must have entities for their Worlds and it must have known about Sam. But, I think you missed the most important point...” Cherine had walked out and was quietly listening, “If protectors were commonplace why would it have been so startled?”

“It could be that protectors do not usually appear so early, which again shows we may be...”

“Sorry Dommi, Robert is right. It was not surprised, it was startled, even shocked I think. I bet you one thing. That line they showed Robert we must not cross - I bet they will cross it soon. They will be coming back.”

“Roberto, I think our guests are ready to leave. We better go back in.” She gave me a kiss on my cheek and got up.

As she walked ahead Cherine whispered, her voice for once soft with understanding. “You took quite a beating today my love. Bet you are feeling like shit secretly.”

“Oh I’ll probably come back fighting soon as you start needling me again.” I tapped her bum softly, then deciding I liked the feel of it kept my hand there, softly feeling its contours.

She pressed herself against me, careful not to displace my hand. “Not today my love, not till you are better. No fun in teasing you if it is just going to hurt you.”

“You feeling sorry for me!”

“No. I would never do that. It would be horrible of me to do that. Robert, I feel like the fight is gone out of you. This is not my monster I love.”

“I don’t really feel like discussing it. Can we drop it please?”

“It won’t be fun having sex with you if you are feeling like this.” She walked away, back into the house.

I had sensed it, but I still enjoyed seeing Rose and Marian cuddling Wendy and Diana.

Dommi spoke in Greek to Natalie. “I’ll get you some nappies and her bottle.”

“I’m not going to need them. Diana will need them.”

“Are you not taking Sam with you for a few weeks?”

“Oh no, I can’t do that! Diana must be her mother from now.”

I went to Natalie, took both of her hands in mine and kissed them. “You are a very brave and wise girl.”

“I had the best teacher.” She smiled at Dommi.

Our doctor asked, “May I come back to check on the babies every now and then?”

“Maria, you are not only our doctor, you are a friend. Please come by whenever you can.”

Next Post 125

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

* posted 5th May, 2018


Μόλις το διαβασα... Αυτό που τους επιτέθηκε ηταν εξωγήινος;;;
εκει μπερδεύτηκα.. οπος και η Σαμανθα.. δε εχει γεννηθεί;; είχα αυτή την εντύπωση.. η τώρα γεννήθηκε...;

η Σαμανθα eihe epikinonisei me olous prin gennithi - tha deis oti olla ta kainourgia paidia tha epikinonoune me tin oikogenneia tous prin gennithoun.

Opos eipa, afto einai to simantiko post gia mena, epeidi η Σαμανθα γεννήθηκε, alla, i episkepsi tou εξωγήινου anoigei kainourgies portes kai ginetai i zoi tous akoma pio endiaferon.

Ean thimasai, o Robert pire tin Cherine na dei (sto Void) ta Worlds ton εξωγήινον. Aftos pou ekane episkepsi einai apo ekei.

Ean den to eihes skefti, gia na ehoun ta Kaladeiscope World tous sto Void, einai apeidi olloi tous ehoun pethani kai menoun sto Void monimos. Eirthe na episkefti tin Samantha san psychi, gia afto emfanistike mesa ston Robert, otan i psyhi tis Samantha eitan ekei.

οκ... κατάλαβα..
καλό βράδυ, αύριο θα διαβάσω την συνέχεια...

Isos den to prosekses: O εξωγήινος tous edeikse oti iparhei kindinos sto Void....kai elpizoune oti o 'protector' tou Robert tha tous sosei.

οχι.. νόμιζα ότι είναι κακός..

To onoma tou einai Ordinx.
O Ordinx eirthe episkepsi molis gennithike i Samantha, epeidi aisthanthike oti i fili tou (sto mellon) gennithike, kai eirthe na tin heretisei.

Simera doulevo - strono hali sto diadromo, wall-to-wall. Den to eho ksanakanei kai elpizo na kano kali douleia

οκκκ.. Τώρα κατάλαβα..
είναι πολύ δύσκολο να βάλεις χαλί απο τοίχο σε τοίχο..
προσεχε το χερι σου...

Sorry Niko -eheis poli na diavaseis afti tin fora. Elpizo na aksizei

Afto to post mou ponese ta heria kai tha stamatiso (nomizo) gia simera...

@skapaneas - vlepo to upvote sou sihna sta post mou, kai thelo na se efharistiso poli. Vlepontas to onoma sou stin lista ton voters mou anevazei to ithiko...

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