Little Cherine Book 08 - BPost048

Sam said, “I’ve had an idea, but I need feedback from all the species.” She was broadcasting her excitement so all conversations died as everyone wanted to hear. “I have been worried about the Akiards. If they show their normal obsessive traits for their family units, it could be counterproductive and kill our dreams for them.” Everyone nodded, we were all concerned about this aspect of their personalities.

Previous: Book 08 - Post 047


“You see a solution?” Christós asked.

“The Kaleidoscope Worlds. What if we encourage them all to join as one? Instead of each family having their own family circle and World, what if they all belong to the same one? Would that help them become more aware of themselves as a group and limit their obsession with their own family? Once they are able to do that, won’t it help them to become more aware of them belonging to all sentient life?”

As clever as the idea was and despite the original excitement it caused, we soon came to the conclusion that it could have the opposite effect, causing them to see their species as being one and their primary concern. Our family was very pleased when Alki was the one to find the right balance.

“Sammy mou, I feel it may be a little bit extreme, why not use your idea, but make their Worlds related instead? Look at our own Worlds, I am certain that nobody else here can know how it affected our two families when ours became related. The family circles should remain for families only.”

“I know,” Agapi called out, “why don’t their Worlds become related to those of their parents?”

The parents all joyfully agreed, only Iziko staying silent. He cannot form a World yet. Candy was aware of his sadness and I was aware of Candy. When Akiar and Simdi drew close to Iziko, showing that they felt him, I was delighted and touched.

I carefully put my hand on the boys shoulders. “Well guys, what do you say, do we allow him to escape his duty or do we take him home and help him create a family of his own for you to become related to?”

“Will Candy choose his mate for him?”

I shook my head. “No, we can’t do that. She will be too jealous of all the females and will say that none of them are good enough for him. I suggest the two of you and your girls convince him to take you with him. After all, his family must love you also.”

Iziko gave in and promised to take the kids to his home planet. A couple of hours later Akiar came to me for a private talk.

“We listened to all of you deciding for us. We have talked and like the idea of our pappou. Logic says there will be a problem. You have the answer?”

“I’m not certain of what is troubling you.”

“You asked that when we have our own children we should adopt from the old ones. They too will belong to our World?”

“I guess so.”

“And their children with those they adopt? We Akiards will never have more than sixteen Worlds?”

“Samantha will kick herself for not thinking of it first, but she will be very proud of you.”

“May I help her? It might be difficult for her.”

“Help her?”

“Yes, to kick herself.”

His emoting showed he was not just being logical, that he was aware of the humour and it made all of us laugh out of proportion to the joke.

I looked him in the eye and promised him the Akiards would have thousands of Worlds. Haven cried out so we all turned to her. Quickly she ran to join us.

“Akiar, you and Kairi, would you mind waiting a few years before having children? Would the rest also agree?”

“We could. Why?”


“We should have thought of this before! Robert, why not bring another two Akiard babies for each family? It should be easier with them having older brothers and sisters as an example.”

All those who had adopted the kids loved the idea. They had felt how these children had made their hearts richer and no longer consider it an experiment or a duty. I even felt how my girls were saddened that we could not adopt also. It is a fact that if one was adopted by us it would be treated as being special by the others and it could cause problems later on. It was not necessary for us to leave, as the Sparklers already hold a number of Akiard souls and we have their cells. The Unation scientists told us it will not take them long to provide the female bodies this time, so Akiard souls were taken by Sparklers to the same species we’d used so successfully last time. The Sparklers will wait there for them to age and die and as soon as the bodies are ready on our side a Sparklers will let them know at which time to return with the souls.

Back to the on-planet problems. When France offered to sign a treaty with us there was an uproar and German troops were massed on their Western border. England and the United States made noises about joining the Germans, all of them pretending that it was of no consequence that Russia had declared themselves to be on our side. The Russians made a statement, offering France their support if they are attacked and spoke of their two nations marching forward through time as friends and allies, helping the Cherinians free the rest of the world. Hettie explained to me that I should ignore all the public posturing as secret negotiations are being conducted.

Unation ships arrived carrying food machines. I was asked to make a public broadcast telling the people what we will be bringing them. I altered it slightly, telling them we will first be giving a food machine to those who are in danger of starving. Over the next two weeks we covered most of the globe apart from the United States. A well known television preacher announced that the food from the food machines is chemically treated so as to sterilise their population so that we can take over their planet. He never even offered to make any proof available and yet our gifts were refused by the majority of the very people who needed them - the poor! Thanks to him, I shuddered to think how I would have influenced all Cherinians if I had remained religious!

Solomon keeps the Krebs family under observation, as they do not have the ability to jump to us yet. Jumping comes easy to those who are young, but it takes practice and time to develop the ability (mostly self-confidence) to jump large distances. Syrina likes Hilmar, so she checks on him quite often. One day he told her that his parents are worried about something. Syrina gave me her hand and we jumped to their home.

“It seems our past is catching up with us Robert. You asked me once before whether our liberal attitudes have caused us problems. They had not, but with everyone so tense and suspicious, we could be in trouble soon. The hotel reported you as having left without paying your bill and the police questioned us, wanting to know your name and how you are related to us. We got out of that by saying you are Dutch and not related to us.”

Her husband added, his tone gentle for her sake, “That has only served to make them even more suspicious. Immigration has no record of Dutch visitors.”

My face was burning with embarrassment. I’d forgotten about the hotel.

“Until the crisis is over, would the three of you come to stay in Freddie?”

“What would I return to Robert? I would never be re-employed by the Civil Service, not even if you sign treaties and are considered friends of Germany. We would be branded as traitors to our country.”

I smiled. “I would not worry about that if I were you. If you wish to return, you will be appointed to our embassy. I will insist that our treaties include the proviso that those who became Cherinians before the treaty are not persecuted in any way.”

Even though they are Cherinians, only Hilmar was overjoyed to be moving to Freddie. His parents were afraid and also sad to be leaving their way of life. A tree-apartment would not have suited them so we built a house near our vegetable farm and I marked off some land for them to grow a garden.

“Where do you have turbines for making electricity? I did not see any electricity lines.”


“There are no turbines and that is not really a light bulb, just as there is no light switch. Just wish for light and it will glow. You can ask it to be dim or glow brighter. Where you need electricity, as with the toaster and kettle or the computer, the cord taps into the energy Freddie is made of. There are a number of restaurants where you can eat at no charge or else you can use your food machines. If you want bread, please let Maria at the taverna know and she will bake it for you and send it to your bread box each day. You will soon be able to collect your vegetables from the farm next door. Why don’t you go over and introduce yourselves? Hilmar, the lady has two very nice daughters you will like. Be careful with them, they are not Cherinians and can easily be hurt.”

Heinrich showed what a good heart he has. “Robert, we have been very careful and have saved a small amount. Could you take me back to Germany for me to withdraw the money for you? I heard you mention you do not have any money of our world.”

“Ultimately that money does not belong to you Heinrich. Does it not belong to Hilmar?”

They looked flustered and then Hilmar asked them if it is true. His father said it is so. “But I also want Robert to have it.”

“Thank you Hilmar. I will be careful and only use it if I really need to.” My loves accused me of manipulating them, especially Hilmar. I pointed out that I was not, I was hopefully teaching them to be aware of a different way of thinking.

“Well my love, it seems we cannot go back to Dar. Where shall we go?”

“Can we go to England?”

“England? How would we stay in London? We don’t have any English money.”

“No, not London to stay, I meant we should try to find Cherine.”

“We have not felt her love. I think their history was too different for her to be born.”

“Can we try please?”

It turned out that I was both right and wrong.

Eric and Marian Blake were not difficult to find. People in small towns are not influenced by alternate histories to the same extent as people in cities. It was just after five when we knocked on their front door, but it was already dark.

“Good evening. Mr Blake, do you have a daughter called Cherine?” A tiny head peeped out at us from behind his legs. He put his hand on her head protectively.

“That is correct. Where are you from, do you have papers?”

*She is not Cherine!*

*She is love, just not our Cherine. Shall we pretend she is a sister?*

“No papers Mr Blake, I’m sorry. My name is Robert and I have come with my daughter Syrina to tell you a lovely story. Could we do so with Marian present?”

“Are you a salesman?”

“I’m not, this is just a social visit.” Cherine was still trying to peep out at us, but her mother called her and she left. I could feel her father and he was still too suspicious of us to invite us in. If I told him who I am, he would slam shut the door.

“Marian, we have visitors.” So much for my ‘reading’ of him! “What did you say your names are?”

“This is Syrina and I am Robert.”

He smiled. “Not a very popular name right now.” We entered the house and were introduced to Marian.


“What is your surname?”

I grinned, “That would be telling.” Syrina groaned in her mind and the girls echoed her. “It will be part of the story I have to tell you.” Again I got a chorus of groans and I was almost tempted to make another try.

“Please sit down. Would you like some tea?”

“We’d enjoy that, thank you. Marian, you seem to be much softer than I’d been led to believe. I’d expected you to be quite a hard woman.”

“Good lord! Where did you hear that?”

“That will become obvious soon. May I tell our story to Cherine? I think she will like it.”

“She is only four, you would have to make it very simple.”

“It is simple, but also magical. Somehow I don’t think you will want to believe me. Cherine, I know another little girl who has the same name as you, she could almost be your sister. She is nearly as pretty as you, is very cheeky and I love her very much. Would you like to hear about her?”

“Is she, is she my sister?”

“No, only sort of like a sister. Do you know what souls are?”

“Yes.” I doubted it, but smiled.

“Before you were born, when you were only a tiny baby in your mummy’s tummy, your soul came into you and you became the lovely girl you are. Just imagine that there is another world, just like this one where there is another Cherine, only, she has a different soul…”

“Good God!! You are that Robert!” He shot to his feet.

“Please Eric, do not frighten her. I promise, when the story is over we will leave and you will all be happier for having heard our story. You have guessed right, our Cherine is your alternate daughter. She is of all that I love, the dearest and most precious to us, so that makes you and your family precious also. We will only bring you joy. Marian, would you like to hear about your alternate daughter? This will be the version fit for a child, but I promise to tell you the full story afterwards if you want.”

Although they were both in a high state of anxiety and trembling, they allowed me to tell Cherine our story. I could sense the child was in love with the idea of having such a magical sister and desperately wished she could meet her to play with and be sisters.

“Marian, Eric, your Cherine, is wishing she could meet mine. Would you mind if she visits - she will be only six years old.”

“Six!?” I nodded. “How would she come?”

“By wishing to be here. Marian, what do you say?”

“Do we really have a choice? Alright, I would like to see her.”

Marian pulled her daughter to her when my love appeared, for they were terrified. Cherry ignored their fear and hammed it up. She concentrated on Cherine.

“Cherine, do I really look pretty like Robert said I was? I think you are prettier. Marian, Robert was right, you are nicer than my mother used to be. I think it was because I was a ‘daddy’s girl’ and she was jealous. Do you also love your daddy a lot Cherine?”

With such inanities did she manage to calm them down. Despite themselves, they were fascinated by her and we soon had to tell the more adult version (without the sex parts for now).

“All the other Cherines and our parents in Freddie are dying to meet the three of you. This is the first time any of us have met a Cherine who does not have the same soul. Robert is right, she is like a sister to us.”


“You are not going to bring them here are you? How many Cherines are there? I do not think I could handle it right now.” She was almost interrupting herself she was so anxious.

I was influenced by the Marians and the Erics that I know. If we gave them time to think about it they would only become more afraid of us.

“We have a lovely taverna we like going to for supper. Please come with as our guests.” My girls must have been of the same opinion as me, for without waiting for an answer they helped teleport the family.

In her brisk but kind manner, Maria made them sit and gave them each a whiskey. Cherine (I will carry on calling the little one Cherine and mine Cherry) was both wildly excited and terrified. Her fears soon receded and she made evident her curiosity. Cherry sat by her and explained all she could. When we thought they were ready, the other Cherines came and a little bit later the Marians and Erics. It was one of the strangest suppers we’ve enjoyed for a long time.

“We are here to try and save your world. Our political analysts think that if we had not come when we did, your world would have had an atomic war in the near future. Our Robert has a strange and sometimes highhanded way of acting, but he means well. You must not be afraid of him. Can you see the pleasure he gets out of talking to your daughter?”

“I see he keeps himself surrounded by little girls.”

“You would be amazed if you met all the children who love him. Some of them are boys. Are you up to meeting some alien children?”

“They are not dangerous?”

“Dangerous? Let me call Iona, you’ll love her. She is so dainty and has such a loving soul.”

When Iona ran up onto the table they remained wary of her for some time, but as she gaily chattered and asked them questions, just like a normal child would, they relaxed. They watched as she ran up to perch on this shoulder or that and how she would lovingly caress our cheeks. Cleverly she ran up Cherry’s arm and when Cherine asked if she could touch Iona, she was told to be very gentle. When Iona lightly touched Marian she gave her permission to climb to her shoulder, but she sat rigidly as if afraid a sudden move might provoke Iona into stinging her with her tail. Gradually she relaxed and when Iona ran off her after a short cheek caress, Marian exclaimed, “She really is a child!”

Cherine does not look much like our Cherry did at her age and there are a number of differences in their personality, but we can sense that it would not be difficult to open the gifts she needs to become a Cherinian, but then that is true of most children. I guess we are prejudiced in her favour.

We invited Alki and he quickly reclaimed his Marian. Both husband and wife liked him and I let him handle them from there onward.

I could sense Syrina was bursting with her excitement, but that she was also afraid. She was holding a very vivid ‘privacy’ sign that blocked all of us from peeping in her mind. Naturally I was curious, especially the fear part was demanding of me that I find out what was causing it.

I know that Syrina is at her most relaxed when floating so we took an aerial tour. She knew I was curious, so I waited for her.

“Dad, I said you must ask me for a favour before our honeymoon is over. We are still on our honeymoon?”

“Yes my love, at least until we leave this reality - longer if you wish it. I have not thought of a wish yet.”

“I’m going to cheat. Dad, strictly private please, just you and me?”

“Okay, they have all withdrawn.”

“Can I give you a hint what you should ask me to ask of you?”

I chuckled. “I’m intrigued.”


“And I’m scared. If you cannot do it, will you promise never to share it with anyone? Not even Cherine.”

“You’ve already asked for privacy.”

“Could you ask me to give you a hint of what you should ask me to do for you?”

“Would it count?”

“It is huge dad, it has to count. I’m so scared you’ll say you can’t do it.”

“At last! A daughter who does not think I am omnipotent.” I swung around and gave her cheek a fleeting caress. “Ask my love, or should I say, can you please give me a hint of what I should ask? Boy, this is getting convoluted. You deserve a prize just for that.”

Our prize dad, if you can. Something really special for all of us, even you.” She hesitated, recognising the moment to commit herself had arrived. “Ask me to find a way for you to make Cherine happy. Really happy, like the worst thing never happened to her.”

I completely lost it and dropped, Freddie having to lower me gently until I stood on the ground. She followed me down, her eyes afraid. I forced myself not to grab her.

“The favour I want from you is…are you certain it is possible? Sorry, Syrina, can you find a way for me to make Cherine forget and be happy again?”

“No dad, I can’t help you make her forget, but you can make her happy again. Go back in time and save him dad.”

“Do you think I have not tried to find a way? My love, I was concentrating on them so hard that there is no way I could be there without me sensing myself - and that would create a paradox.”

“Not if you ask Samuel King to teach you. None of us can block like he does. Remember how he stood before you, but your senses said he was not there?”

“Jesus girl! I would have to use gifts or powers to save that half of me, I would sense something like that.”

“Why? Doesn’t it depend on how you save him?”

“I can’t do it as a Normal, I’d have to use some kind of power.”

“You would, but they would not realise it. Was there no moment you could have stolen the eraser-painter and substituted it with one that erases, but stores in the painter what it erased? Could you then substitute them again and bring it here, split some of your soul and have it paint him back in again?”

My heart was racing as I called the memories back in detail. Yes, there had been moments none of us were focussed on the eraser, all our thoughts and gifts concentrated on sensing my ‘brother’ as he prepared to die. I am far more powerful than I was then, with a bit of help I could pull it off! Would Samuel help me though?

“Why such strong privacy love? Even the possibility would give so much joy to all.”

“Not for Cherine, if we can’t do it. We would only open wounds she has learnt to live with.”

“How do I ask Samuel without anyone learning what or why I asked him?”

“You’ll have to be open with him dad. He’ll only help if you show you trust him. He might have a price though.”

“Whatever, I don’t care. I must talk to Solomon first.”

We went to his World and explained to him what is needed.

“The eraser will have to be mutated, but it just might be possible. Leave it with me while you talk to Samuel King. Syrina, if this works, the joy will not only belong to Cherine. We too mourn his final death.”


I asked her, “Don’t you think we should ask Sam to help? She is the closest to being his friend of any of us.”

“No dad, the pain must only be ours if you cannot.”

“He hates me.”

“No, I don’t think so. Even if you are right, especially if you are, it means he sees how precious Cherine is and he’ll help us for her sake.”

Luckily he was not blocking himself so it was relatively easy to find him. He frowned as he watched us approach him. “To what do I owe this visit? Has Samantha given up and the two of you are taking over?”

“Samuel, I am coming to you as a supplicant. I need your help.”

The silence stretched long enough to make me uncomfortable. “If that is true, why didn’t you send Samantha? I’m certain you’ve sensed my feelings for her.”

“I cannot risk the pain it would cause her if I fail.”

“Ahh, so she is the carrot!”

“No, Cherine is. We will all suffer if I fail, but for her it will be a calamity.”

“Did you foresee you would need my help?”

“What gave you that impression!? Syrina only gave me the idea today.”

“I was wondering why you tolerated my presence for so long since it would have been easy for you to send me home - or get rid of me.”

“I could not do either, certainly not the second.”

Syrina piped up, “Not even the first while Sam is interested in you.”

I did not sense any amusement in him when he answered wryly, “So, she is my angel, saving me from banishment. Robert, you would do better by explaining yourself.”

I did so. He got up and walked around, deep in thought, but totally blocked from us.

“Even should I decide to help, I cannot teach you.”

“Are you suggesting you should come with me?”

“No. I’m not suggesting anything, only speaking of facts. Your needs are opposite to mine. I need to protect myself by hiding and you strengthen yourself by being open and sharing. You cannot learn how to block as I do. You must find someone else who can and who would keep your secret if you fail.”

Only two names came to us. Alki and Angelos. Henry I refused to consider for even a second. Of the two, Alki would suffer more if we fail, his own feelings of guilt making it worse, but he is stronger. My loves, I confess, for anyone but Cherine, I doubt I could have risked our Alki.

Now began the hardest four days I’ve had to endure while we waited for Solomon to confirm he is successful. My loves felt how I was torn in my need to hold to me both Cherine and Syrina and Cherine may have been puzzled by my need and the fact that I turned only to Syrina, but I had to. She is a brave girl and stronger than she looks, but she was subject to the same fears I was and I had to stand by her.


While waiting for Solomon, I went to the void as often as I could and Sparklers helped a little as I tried to feed my soul off free motes. Splitting of the soul is far more difficult than giving of a sliver and drains me. I did not dare allow myself to become weaker or else I would fail. Even at that time my younger self was not easy to evade. I finally had to give in and taking Vincent to the void I confided in him. He insisted we return to our home reality and ask Adam to strengthen my soul. Secretly we left and timed our return so that my loves did not sense my absence. The exuberant reaction of Adam and Jo was just a foretaste of what I will feel from my loves if we succeed.

I knew it was dangerous, but it felt right. I asked Syrina to come with us. I felt she had earned a place by my side in what could turn out to be the most wonderful moment in our lives. Had Cherine known what we planned, she would not have begrudged her this time with me.

I had examined my memories a hundred times. I’d thought to substitute the eraser just before Cherine was handed control over it, but there were two Roberts watching and I also did not dare risk it with her present. Now that I’m beginning to see her potential, I worry that even then she may have been sensitive and powerful enough to sense me. An amusing thought; would she mistake me for the parasite if she did sense me?

Alki spent the days of waiting learning from Samuel and practising. I’d made a sound decision, he has a natural affinity for this gift (I don’t really like calling it a gift, but cannot name it a power). His family worried about it, wondering why he wants this talent and their worry was felt by my loves.

Eddie came to tell me of a problem they have with the American government, but he quickly realised he was wasting his time and left.

“I’m sorry to be leaving you like this, but we have planned something special for Syrina. You might be told what it is when we return.” They thought I was teasing and only pretended to want to know. Dommi did stare at me without speaking and I wondered why her eyes were so dark and broody. That girl is just too canny at seeing deeply into me. At least Cherine’s magical smile was the last thing I saw as we left.

I’d carried our bodies to the Sparkler World. Leaving them there we jumped to our reality. Alki activated his gift and we jumped back in time. I had chosen the moment the two Roberts were saying goodbye to each other in the void. I had to time it carefully for the short period ‘Robert who died’ danced with his loves. Distracted and filled with emotions that were tearing at him, he was not sensitive enough to sense us as I reached in, my motes mimicking his, and exchanged the erasers. We then shared the feelings both Roberts and the girls were broadcasting, leaving for their material bodies only seconds ahead of him.

Alki was struggling to maintain the absolute block, his own emotions and guilt alive again as we watched. Syrina sobbed and curled up within me as Robert handed over the eraser to Cherine and his pain was just as terrible as I recalled it. His love for Cherine, even as she erased him, made my own heart break.

As soon as Cherine let the eraser go, we swopped them again. I decided we should all stay until ‘I’ joined with my Cherine. It was all I had to offer to heal my sweet Syrina and Alki. When I felt joy blazing in them I jumped back to the void and instantly forward in time. Only once we were home would I know if I had created a paradox and I was anxious.

Back in the Sparkler World, my healer took cells from my body and created another body. I instructed it to create him slightly taller and better looking than I am. Simultaneously, Solomon helped set the eraser into its painter mode and it ‘painted’ the part of my soul I’d given. Alki and Syrina shared with me and we were jubilant as we felt the personality returning. Once mostly the memories were being sent back, I asked Syrina to go and get our family.

Stunned they stared at the ‘new’ Robert. I felt a terrible dismay in Cherine so she did not surprise me.


“Why Robert! Why create a permanent copy of you? Must I also now split myself, or do you expect us to accept him in our circle?”

“Either will make me happy my love. He deserves to have each of you. Syrina, tell Cherine and all our loves what you asked of me.”

“No, you do it.” She was terrified!

“Cherine, Syrina asked me to return in time and save the Robert who died to save the Shadow Robert.”

I did not have time to say anymore. She collapsed to the ground, her legs unable to hold her as she sobbed. Dommi and then most of the girls of that time collapsed, huddled on the ground weeping, their eyes fixed on him. I could feel their hearts pouring out their love to him and I do not know why I was not jealous of him.

Cherine was holding his face in her hands as she wept over him, crying out ‘Robert, oh my love, my Robert’. Her tearstained face and voice that was filled with a passionate love and pain were the first things he became aware of as he joined us. His eyes opened and he stared into hers and though he was shaken by this unexpected turn of events, his joy and the overwhelming burst of love from him set Cherine sobbing again.

At first he was only aware of her as he struggled to find the words to soothe her heart. He kept on repeating that he is alive, that he is so happy she had not killed him, that he will make everything all right for her and so on. Despite his own strong feelings, Alki opened himself to me and put his arm around my shoulders, squashing me to him.

“I’ve never been so proud of you, nor have I ever loved you this much.”

I made time to send him my love, but my eyes were glued on the two of them as he pulled her face to him and kissed her. Only when his lips left hers and wildly tried to kiss every inch of her face did she recall me. She pulled back and he became aware of us.

He was about to speak when he sensed me. His eyes widened and hardly believing his senses he looked around. “Where are we? You are much older! What have you done!!”

“It had to be done.” I stepped closer and took his hand in both of mine. “You have been a darkness in our love for far too long. You made the supreme sacrifice and won our love back, but she has still not forgiven herself. It was time you returned to light up her soul again.”

He stared at me, only his emotions speaking for him. “I feared I was losing my craziness as time passed. I could never have done what you have done, your craziness is terrifying.”

“Look at our loves, feel them. Can you truly say you would have done otherwise if I had been the one to die?”

He felt them and his love was just as fierce as mine has ever been. He shook his head and admitted, “I don’t know if I could have done the same. I really don’t know.”

Feeling my loves made me love him with a love that shook me. I pulled him to me and said softly, “Didn’t you do the same? Didn’t you die so that she could love me? Didn’t you picture her in my arms, making love? Your sacrifice was incomparable. At worst I only have to share them while you gave them to me only. Do not speak of craziness my beloved Robert. Speak only of love.”

“Crazy. Crazy…it is not the same. I cannot share them.” By now the girls were silent, their solemn eyes watching us as they felt the first stirrings of heartbreak awaken within them. The truth is, I too could not bear the thoughts of any of my loves lying under him as he loved her. I cursed myself for being so narrow-minded and prudish, but it did not change how I am.

“I’ll split myself.”

I turned to Samantha. “What do you think, how will it affect her?”

“As The Light? Dad, you should not need to ask me, feel her. There is no hidden pain, no secret darkness to eat at her. We will all have to split ourselves so that he has his own loves and for us to love him. He is a real Robert, just like you, not an alternate, only younger.”


“Younger and more innocent.” I murmured.

I felt eyes staring at me and turning I realised Syrina had brought Samuel King. Our eyes met and I felt as if we had communicated, but I did not know what had passed between us. I left him as a puzzle for the future to solve and concentrated on Robert and my loves.

“Why didn’t you bring me back in a soul and join with me? Surely that would have been better than this?”

“What? And lose Rupert Taylor, our wonderful artist friend?”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

I laughed. “How could I when you’ll have a Cherine by your side? Robert, I will leave you alone with our girls. They still need to laugh and cry and be made to feel all is forgiven. I think I’ll be at the taverna having a drink or two.”

I blocked myself and pulling Alki by his hand went to Samuel. “Will you join me on a binge?”

“I’ll be a companion, but I think it is his shoulder you need to cry on.”

“If I give you my shoulder Alki, will you lend me yours?” Tears sprang to his eyes when he saw mine.

I could not get drunk and my healer had nothing to do with it. I could not even enjoy my misery for it seems everyone in Freddie had heard and we were surrounded by a sea of faces. Allan spoke and I thought to myself that he can be very unfeeling at times, but then I burst out laughing. He’d sat solemnly thinking and then said, “All our wives are going to give us a hard time. Because his wives have accepted they must not have a child whenever they want one, so have ours. Now, within one day he is increasing his family by over fifty people! What do I tell my sweet Jessica?” She grinned up at him and he pretended to be terrified.

Because of so many people being at the taverna at almost all hours, we have set a room apart just for us and close friends to jump to. I felt her as she arrived and I sent out a privacy symbol to all.

“It is not necessary Robert, I do not mind them all hearing. I just had to come to tell you I adore you. If I live a million years I will not forget this day and the love you showed our wives and me. As Allan says, you are one of a kind and the most wonderful man anywhere.”

I just stared back at her, allowing my feelings to speak for me. With a cry she ran into my arms. As soon as we had recovered I had to ask. *He is a nicer man than me, purer and sweeter. I thought you would be staying with him.*

She twisted around so that she was kneeling on my thighs. She looked sideways. “Pappou, Robert says the other Robert is nicer, purer and sweeter. What do you think, is it possible?”

“Theé mou, einai trellos!! (My God, he is mad). You just tell him kori mou that there is no man with a bigger heart than his.”

“I know one man whose heart is just as big.” She paused to give us time to think our crazy thoughts. “You. If I did not love my Robert, I would have been happy to be loved by you.” She jumped the six metres to him and knocked the wind out of him as she landed on his lap. Quickly she kissed his cheek and then curled up against him, her eyes fixed on mine.

“Pappou, now that he has freed me from the worst nightmare ever, do you think his heart is big enough to bear another pain?”

“I don’t think so kori, have mercy on him.”

“I can’t pappou, not when it is damaging one of our loves.”

My heart sank, but I sat up. “Tell me Cherine. Who and why.”

“Maybe we should leave it for tomorrow?”

“No, tell me now. Sam?”

Next [Book 08] - Post 049

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

8th February, 2020

  • posted: 8th February, 2020

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