Little Cherine Book 06 - BPost028

“Is there any point anymore?”

“Of course.”
“Okay. It will be strange being loved by a Normal.” He laughed, knowing she will be surprised.

Previous: Book 06 - Post 027


They returned two days later and she looked like the proverbial cat that’s eaten the cream. Her first night back with us as a full Cherinian again, we did our best to drive her crazy.

Noelle and Irene are probably more often the favourite of many than the rest of us. We always keep in mind their special bond and never separate them, even with the ‘family within a family’ situation. We married Irene a long time ago and I think everyone must have taken a peek or two to sense whether Noelle envied her alter or resented our making her wait so long. She seems to be oblivious to either possibility.

I just thought of something and I can’t wait, I’m going to go off at a tangent for a moment - sorry. Taking about them being alternates suddenly made me realise something. Our alternates are never of exactly the same time as us. That means that when we meet them (and since all alternates originate from one person who is the original) we are also time travelling. Robbie then must be wrong to fear meeting himself of the past or the future. He has this idea that if he does, even if no information is exchanged (the meeting itself passes information since, for example, meeting a future self suggests we will survive to at least ‘his’ time), time will react. As far as I can see, time does not care. Even Normals have met their future selves when having a vision of their future. If time did care, surely the physical body or lack of it should make no difference?

Back to Noelle, our sweet bride. Robbie did not separate Cassie and Jade, taking them both. We felt he should do the same for these two. Robbie kept quiet, not even telling her when they would leave. I think we kept quiet mostly out of curiosity. Robbie and Diana had just spent hours making normal love (not allowing themselves to be extra sensitive to each other as they sometimes do) and she was lying in his arms. Her breathe tickled his chest as she softly asked, “When are you taking Noelle for her honeymoon?”

“Umm, Noelle? You mean I have to take her also, I thought taking Irene counted for both of them.” His face was sleepy, not teasing, so we all shot up in anger and his eyes stared at each of us as we told him off. When he looked at Noelle and a grin split his face, we knew we had been had.

“Do you want to tell them or shall I?” Not giving her time to respond, he continued, “Noelle decided she wants to have her honeymoon here, with all of you, like this, as we’ve been these two days.”

He had no chance of fooling us for a second time, Noelle was not able to hide her surprise. He was laughing as he stood up. “Time for coffee and a chat. Noelle, will you come with me?” He took her in his arms and carried her out of the bedroom.

“So, where does this little piece of my heart want to go?” We all groaned, it must be just about his worst attempt at playing with words, but Noelle was feeling too anxious to tease him.

“I want you to choose.”

“Why? You can’t think of somewhere nice?”

“No, it’s not that. Robbie, every time you go where we want. I want for our honeymoon to know we went where you want. I’ll remember that and it will be special for me.” When we felt his reaction we flooded her with love. As always, Robbie took refuge in humour.

“Oh Noelle, do you know what you’ve done to me? All these years I had a secret and now you’ll force me to spill the beans. I never could think of where to go, that is why I insisted my brides have to choose, I was cheating.”

She only looked at him, her heart pleading. He sighed and gave her a grin, flooding her with his love. “Tomorrow.”

None of us envied him, he’s been put on the spot and will feel the need to arrange something special for her. I gave a naughty look at Gina, knowing she is already in a panic.

“Anywhere in the North is too cold - unless you want snow. Noelle, I don’t really care where I go,” our hearts reached out to her as he hesitated. “Do you want to know what would really make it special for me? I’ve sensed the girls want me to ask Irene to come with, but I need someone else at this moment, if you agree.” He took Aganthi’s hand. “This special woman whose big heart won mine. She found you and loved you instantly as a daughter, making all our lives richer. What do you say Noelle, may we break with tradition and take my mother in law with on our honeymoon?”


Noelle threw herself into Aganthi’s arms as she burst into tears. Looking bemused, touched, but also not convinced it is a good idea, Aganthi did not answer immediately.

Cherine surprised and excited us all when she spoke up, a naughty look in her eyes. “If you are taking Aganthi then I am also coming with - and we’re going to the Sabi Sabi.” It is so rare for Cherine to want something that we all looked at Noelle with a tinge of envy. To say that Cherine had come with on our honeymoon would have made it extra special. Robbie shook his head.

“Anybody else?”

“With the three of us coming you need more?” Cherine asked and he laughed.

At Cherine’s request, Dommi jumped back in time and booked at ‘Sabi Sabi’ near the Kruger National Park. It is perhaps the most exclusive game lodge in the world, even in our time. Aganthi made certain she took our video camera and, being such an exclusive place, Dommi first took them to the most expensive boutiques in London to buy clothes for the trip.

They travelled by car from Johannesburg, Cherine driving. Noelle sat up front with her, while Robbie sat in the back with Aganthi in his arms. We all teased Robbie that Noelle got the better end of the bargain as she has interesting views to look at. As soon as they arrived, Cherine started playing her games, keeping Noelle by her side as she explored the camp. Robbie raised an eyebrow, but Aganthi could not enlighten him.

Cherine was travelling as an eighteen year old. She had persuaded Noelle to be the same age while Aganthi was told by her to remain an eleven year old. Even with the place being so exclusive and guests never staring at other guests, they were the center of much speculation. They decided that Cherine and Noelle are lesbians and poor Robbie is stuck with watching the child. They evolved various theories. One was that one of the lesbians is filthy rich, so Robbie does as he is told. The other was that Aganthi is the child of a billionaire or multi-millionaire and Robbie is a scoundrel, trying to seduce Aganthi in the hope that soon as she is old enough she will marry him and provide him with an easy life forevermore.

Cherine thrives on that kind of situation, so she hammed it up. Noelle just looked puzzled. Cherine took a moment outside on the verandah to mindspeak her privately (we listened, but kept the secret). She explained that Robbie needs to make love that night and that it should be Aganthi. *Let that be your gift to her. By tomorrow morning he will be mellow and in the mood for bonding with you. Would you enjoy a night in my arms?*

I realised that it was only a partial truth. Cherine has decided she needs to bond with Noelle. They’ve never been especially close; not because they don’t love each other, but because Noelle is too much in awe of her. We kept our amusement hidden from them as we watched her seduce Noelle, not sexually, but as a friend, and by the time Robbie was given a chance to spend time alone with Noelle, she felt she is best of friends with Cherine. We agreed that it is a wonderful gift, to be able to say that Cherine and her became best of friends on her honeymoon. She’ll never forget how special it was for her.

On their second evening they were invited by a couple from Selma in Alabama, to join them for supper. They ate in the boma and had us screaming with laughter as the wife hit on Cherine. She was very determined to convince her to spend the night with her. The more she praised or flattered Cherine, telling her that she was originally attracted to her by her fiery spirit and contempt for the opinions of society, the worse Cherine felt. As part of her seduction technique she was using the little that Cherine prides of herself and turning it into something ugly for her. The husband tried, light-heartedly, not expecting to succeed, since he thought she is a lesbian, to flirt with Noelle and then concentrated on eating, drinking and making phone calls to his associates back in the States. He never even pretended to be polite and talk with Robbie or Aganthi.

We are aware that Robbie is sexist and old fashioned but, given the choice of a husband like the American or Robbie, I’d pick Robbie anytime. To make a play for another in front of my husband without any consideration for his dignity and have him sit there smiling while I do so would make me want to kill him. I’d consider his tolerance an insult to me.

The time Noelle spent with Cherine changed her so that she was more confident and opened up to Robbie as he’d wanted. As we’ve always known, there is only beauty in her and he felt his love for her grow, boosting her self image even further as she feels him responding to the deepest parts of her. When he teased her, she responded cheekily, Cherine prompting her if she faltered. She had her special nights of loving, but she ended up treasuring her days with him far more. Cherine told them that she and Aganthi are returning home and they should spend a few extra days together. We agreed to meet them for New Years Eve in London.


“Imagine you are a primitive woman and all I have is a spear to protect us with should a lion attack us. How does it make you feel?”

“You are not going to try to turn the lion into a friend?”

He chuckled. “Not likely. Noelle, I’m not much of a warrior, wouldn’t you have chosen to take this trip with a stronger man, a real warrior?”

“You are not real? Robert, how can I say it? I know you, so I would prefer to be with you. Maybe the big strong man would decide it makes sense to sacrifice me to the lion so that he can escape?”

“Now there’s an idea I didn’t think of! I must remember it for next time.”

Teasing and laughing at their games they walked for hours until a Land Rover came to a fast stop by them. “Mr Teller, you are not supposed to walk outside the camp alone without an armed guide. Please get in the vehicle.”

Noelle piped up, every bit a naïve girl, her first time of deliberately trying to get him into trouble. “Oh, we were just talking about what we would do if we came across a hungry lion. He explained to me that he would leave me to play with the lion while he runs for help.”

The man took her seriously and his face tightened as he stared at Robbie. “Please get in sir.” His face was red as he did so, but inside he was laughing, scoring a point for Noelle on his mental blackboard.


They announced they are dismantling the big wheel so it was impossible to get tickets. Most of us have been on it so we did not mind too much. They have built something new, but Robbie is not too happy about us wanting to try it (his stomach goes queasy just imagining us in it). They erected a tower a little bit taller than the wheel and snaking around it on the outside are a number of tubes, for people to drop down within them. At places the descent is gentle, then it goes back up a little to reduce your speed, then it drops at a very steep angle for thirty metres or so, then it slopes gently again. Going through that again and again until you get to the ground is terrifying and many people have thrown up in the tunnel so you have to wear a mask. What makes it worse is that they constructed the tube out of a new plastic so clear that you feel as if you are falling in the open.

We obliged Robbie by appearing as adults for the New Years Eve dance and it was difficult for him to walk without strutting as the men around us reacted. I’ve just had an idea, but I’m going to wait years and years before trying it (I’m so tempted not to wait).

Alki had a couple of lambs from the mountains above Salonica on a spit, so we had to spend the first day of the year in Athens. It was lovely being surrounded by so many of our closest friends and we let ourselves go and had a crazy day of fun.

On the sixth of January we had his birthday celebration on our World. That was Jade’s idea and we loved it. Adam went all out and provided a table of foods that catered to everyone’s tastes. The island had to be expanded to fit all the friends, Terrans and aliens, that came. It was funny seeing so many species all an emerald colour. The dolphins joined in and some of them took on bodies like ours so as to be part of the party.

Nobody is saying anything about Gina’s honeymoon. We sense her desperately trying to think of something to make it unique for both of them, so we keep ourselves busy with other things while waiting for her.

“Mum, I don’t know what to do.”

“You’re going about it the wrong way my love. It is not where or what you do that will make your honeymoon unique, it is how the two of you will feel about each other and what you’ll learn about the deeper part of your heart and his.” She just stared at me woefully, not bothering to reply.

“Why is it so difficult love? There are many ways you could make it special.”

“Can you think of one?”

I laughed. “Sure. What if you asked Robbie to block his Cherinian gifts but you do not. Every day you project so that you look like one of us. Luckily you’re good at mimicking us, so you can talk and act as the person you’re supposed to be.”

She clapped her hands as she laughed with joy. She gave me a quick but crushing hug before speaking. “But that means my honeymoon will have to last for nearly two months! Will he say yes?”

“He will. It will take longer than you think love, after all, you are supposed to be spending time getting to know each other, bonding. I suggest you spend two days on being someone else, then one day being yourself and repeat the formula till the end. Gina, make the days you are not yourself funny, amuse him. On the days you are you, be more serious and open yourself to him, speak your thoughts so that he comes to know what a lovely heart you have.”

As I’d told her, Robbie agreed. He did have to make a change though.

“We can’t do it here, it would not be fair to make everyone wait for us - I’m not talking about your wives, I’m betting they’ll want to come with. Which alternate reality would you like to go to?”

She was limited in that she had to choose one that is Cherinian so as not to get Robbie into trouble as she plays her game. Cassie asked her if she intends making love with Robbie when she projects as her, and Gina grinned at her. We were amused to see Cassie was the one who blushed for once. Gina excluded Cherine, Dommi and me, but we all told her not to be silly, we’ll enjoy it.

They used the house in Dar, going from there to the beach, the hotel and sometimes into town. Dommi went with for blocking Robbie. When he opened his eyes he saw Dommi was sitting by him alone, watching him.


“Your touch is gentle as always love - I nearly fell asleep.”

“Roberto mou, I hope you don’t mind, Gina wanted me to stay for today. She felt she owed it to me for helping her. Do you mind?”

“You also want a day with me as a Normal?”

“I’ve always wondered, would it be like it was when we first loved? Will you be able to sense my love for you? I was very tempted to have myself blocked also so that I can also feel what it is like not being certain of how you feel.”

He stroked her cheek softly, his eyes filled with love. “We can do that after the honeymoons are over. A week for just you and me.”

She lay on the bed next to him and cuddled up, her head on his shoulder. He stroked her hair and turning over slightly he kissed her. The scent of her breath set his faint doubts aside, this was his Dommi. He spent the day showing her all the love he could, they made love twice and the second time Dommi was more like Cherine sometimes is, fierce and passionately trying to sense him in every way with her body. As he was about to go to sleep, exhausted and thoroughly satiated, he smiled.

“You certainly let me know you love me. I owe Gina for gifting us such a lovely day and night.” Dommi pressed her face into him, almost shy. She kissed him and then, sensing how tired he was she made herself comfortable as she curled against him and went to sleep.

We were all up and watching them from before dawn. We were determined not to miss the moment Robbie wakes up. As he did, he felt that the eleven year old body of Dommi was no longer lying against him. With a start he opened his eyes as he felt a tiny body curled up against his side. He rubbed his eyes, still slightly sleepy and smiled at Gina who was staring at him.

“Good morning. I didn’t sense the two of you exchanging. Why so young love, you want me to get to know you again from three years old?”

“Each time one year older dad.”

We need not have woken up so early, he did not realise he’d been tricked. Dommi complained that he should have, as Gina had not portrayed her as she is. We all told her she was wrong.

Gina had a lovely day as a three year old. She was in every way that age and Robbie found it a bit strange. He’d never realised how much his gifts help him handle children that young. By late afternoon she’d exhausted him so they went to the hotel for supper. John smiled when he saw Gina so young and prepared a special meal for her. He came to greet Robbie and asked why he was so tired. Robbie explained and John left them, chuckling at our strange ways.

By the fourth projection, Robbie was not only amazed, but also spellbound by the projections. It was not that he was so much amazed by her ability to be the person she is projecting, he’s grown used to her gift over the years. It was more the fact that he is seeing his loves as she sees them and this revealed new aspects of their personalities and he is enchanted. On the days she is herself, he floods her with love and despite her growing older each time, he is just as tender and devoted to her as he was on her first appearance.

She nearly botched doing Cherine. She can hear our comments (we kept those to zero while she was projecting so as not to influence her) and they made her nervous but, what worried her the most (same with Goldi) was her fear that she would not capture-portray that something special about them. We left her to work it out on her own and though the two girls moaned a little, she did so well that after both projections, the girls could feel that Robbie loves them more deeply, so they soon stopped complaining.

She spaced out the projections of Cassie and Jade and at both times she had us in stitches. I’d never realised my little girl could be so funny! I kept quiet, but the others teased the two, daring them to try to be funny after this, pretending they do not think the two of them can compete with her.

She left Diana for the end. I had not thought of it, but she obviously had. She is aware that Robbie does not feel that something special for her because of her looks only. There is something else, some kind of magic that we have not succeeded in analysing (or else maybe we’d have tried to ‘copy’ it from her?) and the problem Gina had was very real. With Robbie blocked, how could she hope to succeed?


She is smarter than we’d given her credit for. She did not try. She projected so that not only she had the looks, but also the same scents (as she’d done with all of us) and she concentrated on portraying her personality vividly. The truth is we all fell just a little bit more in love with Diana thanks to her original way of bringing out the best in Diana.

“I bet you are the envy of all our loves. You are one amazing girl, did you know that? You’ve turned our honeymoon into a gift for all of them and me. I now want a few days with you as you.”

“I wasn’t that good Robert.”

“Ha! Talented and modest.” He laughed as she blushed. “For these days, do you want me to stay blocked?”


“Okay. Tell me, I’m not quite certain how to consider all the times we’ve made love while you were projecting. Do I still treat our making love as if it is the first time on our honeymoon?”


He let go his block and after kissing her he sent greetings to the local Cherine and Robert family. They asked whether the honeymoon is over and he explained it is not.

“I want to change locale for these last few days. Can Dominique arrange a suite at the best hotel in London? If you are free tonight, the two of us would like you to join us here, in Dar, for supper. I’ll convince John not to make steaks and fill you with lobsters.”

We moaned about being excluded from the invitation, but Tina suggested we have a party of our own so we invited a number of locals such as Alki, his family and others. Our favourite club is closed in this alternate reality, so we asked Alki to choose the venue for us. Cassie voted that half of us go as men so that we are partnered and can dance. We all felt we did not like the idea - it is amusing that even as she made the proposal, we sensed Cassie also did not like the idea…I guess it has something to do with what I talked about before; how the process of speaking alters the way we think - maybe by making images more vivid?

Gina had aged herself by now to a sweet and tender looking twelve. She kept a tiny part of herself within Robbie, enjoying his good mood, his laughter as he made jokes and teased their guests. The guests were also enjoying seeing this side of Robbie and Robert even had too much to drink without using his healer.

“Our family has decided to have a party. What do you say we gatecrash their party and join them?”

Robert shook his head violently. “No way! Alki would never forgive us, he’s in heaven having so many young women to himself. I’ve never seen him dance so much.” He laughed. “We must arrange another visit by you so that I can also experience having so many girls in public. I bet all the men are busy hating Alki.”

Robbie replied, “Only if you have your Cherine with you.” Gina giggled. “What’s so funny my little magic girl, I was serious.”

“I know, that’s why I laughed.”

The hotel they went to is new and does not exist in our reality. It is outside of London, but they have a regular helicopter flight for those wanting to go into the city. It is built on a massive estate with beautiful gardens and it has just about every sport facility anyone could ask for. It was all wasted on them, since Robbie is one of those people who believes that sports activities should be confined to the bedroom.

For the night Robbie was to make love to her, Gina reverted to about ten. She explained to Robbie that her healer had seen to it that he will not hurt her in a bad way, but that, at that age, he will feel huge. Robbie pretended to be hurt and asked whether we have all been wishing we’d found a larger man to love so that we would not have to constantly be so young in bed. She was wise enough to ignore his teasing, probably making his pretend feelings real.


There was more tenderness than Gina wanted, slightly less wild lovemaking, but by morning she was drained and she knew how beautiful and sexy she is to him. They spent another two days on their own cuddling, talking and making love. It is strange how the conversations are so different - or feel different - after passionate nights.

On their last day in the hotel Robbie booked a table for all of us plus our local Cherinian family and close friends. They had music for us to dance to and it was a beautiful ending to Gina’s honeymoon, with her in his arms and all of us showing her how much she is adored by all of us.

I must say one more thing about her projecting, as I did not comment at the time. She was brilliant with all the girls, but for some reason, because I am her mother(?), she was not that good with me. She did me more superficially, which is a pity, I would have enjoyed seeing how she thinks I am.

Robert: all the girls are angry with Sam. They feel she has, for the first time, misused the diary and hurt Gina because of her own complexes. As Sam has mentioned, Gina portrayed each of them so realistically that I would sometimes almost forget they were Gina. As for her trick on me, I did not guess that Dommi was not Dommi for a long time. I only woke up to her trick when I realised I’d learnt something new about Dommi.

Having said that, with Sam having written about how each of the girls protested Gina was not portraying her correctly, she should not have added the above. She got Samantha, with all her mannerisms, perfectly, to the T as they say.

As for me, I no longer know where our relationships are taking us. I have loved each of my girls with all of my heart, certain at every stage I could never love them more than I do - surely there is some limit to the heart? Well, it seems not. After what Gina did, I have found that my love for all of them has grown. Sometimes it almost hurts me loving them so much.

Dommi: Robbie fell for Samantha's trick, just as we thought he would. He is feeling so filled with love for Gina, and so protective of her now that he has seen deeper and understands how vulnerable her heart is, that he could not think clearly. As he said, neither would Sam use the diary for her own ends, nor would she use it to hurt her daughter whom she adores. Okay, the truth is we were all angry with Sam until Robert came to write and we realised what her game was. Using her diary to play a trick on any of us is allowed, so we do not hold it against her.

They both, in turn, insisted on entering the above. Gosh, if they’re going to spoil my diary by arguing in here then it is not worth me playing my games here.

Since we were already in this reality and the family have some problems they need to discuss with Robbie, we stayed a few extra days. The local Cherine senses that some of the newer Cherinians, those not linked directly by her, are keeping to themselves some new gifts. She is worried, so her Robert worries. He too implicitly trusts her instincts. Robbie explained that it is happening in even smaller Cherinian communities, our own included, and there is nothing we can do apart from regularly meeting with our Cherinians and doing all we can to influence the way they view their gifts.

We are back home and Goldi has just had her honeymoon also. I must make an exception and write of her honeymoon with far more detail regarding her sexual memories, for she discovered a unique way to pleasure our husband.

Goldi asked Robbie to skip a day and night after Gina, who had been the last before her. He thought it was wise of her and agreed. The night he had to wait, he did not make love with us and slept with Robyn on his chest.


What he did not know was that Goldi went to Cherine and Dommi and asked them for a favour under privacy. Goldi, as the rest of us, has shared every single loving till that day and has enjoyed her turns with Robbie, his hands, lips and body touching her as intimately as possible. She wanted the girls to go through her memories and block them all, placing a fake memory that will be vague and dreamlike of her only watching him love the rest of us. Not one single orgasm will be recalled and the only gestures and embraces she is to be allowed to remember are those of love and tenderness. The procedure will be reversed when she returns, so she is not losing the memories permanently. She’d have to be crazy to want that.

Goldi was aiming for real virginity! Not just that of the body, as we so often revert to every time we re-invented our body age, but that of the mind also. She wants to give him the gift of her innocence again. I have not looked deeply within her mind yet to know whether she thought of this for her own sake or for Robbie. It does not really matter, for it affected them both.

*Be very careful with her Robert.* Cherine warned.

*Careful? What do you mean?*

*Be extra sensitive to her Roberto, you’ll see.* As a smile accompanied Dommi’s thought, he did not worry.

Alki had given the keys to his house on Hydra, at the request of Goldi. It seemed like she is on a memory trip for Robbie, though I cannot see why. First she has chosen the wedding site that will remind him of Cherine and Dommi, and now the house, to the very same bedroom that is bound to be associated with the early days for him. They jumped there and Robbie showed her around the house. Goldi then asked if they can go to the tiny taverna at the port.

Robbie had done as he’d been asked to and found Goldi a puzzle. He was not checking on her thoughts, just her emoting, and he could feel her responses are not as he would have expected.

Goldi had not aged herself, so they could not publicly cuddle and act as a newlywed couple would. They sat more like father with daughter. Goldi chattered throughout the meal and she is not a chatterer. As time passed and they were close to the end of the meal, she seemed to become more frantic. Now Robbie was disturbed; he could sense her nervousness.

“Would you like to tell me what is worrying you Goldi?”

She shook her head, showing she does not want to. She was losing control of her gift and her fear was keeping Robbie away from her. When the meal ended he found he could not suggest they return home. They took a narrow road that climbed steeply and when they found a spot with a view of the sea rippling under the moonlight, they sat down. He had to force himself to pull her to him despite her increased nervousness and settling her against his chest, but facing the view, he tried to soothe her with gentle strokes along her arms.

“The ancient Greeks had so many stories about mermaids, can you imagine what it would have been like if they did exist? I can almost see them in the silvery water, the moonlight shining on their hair as they sing.” He chuckled. “Maybe that is where Wendy gets her gift from - a great, great, great grandmother fell in love with an ancient Greek sailor and had his baby.”

“Robert, are you cross with me?”

“What for? Of course not my love.”

“For being such a baby. I can’t help being scared.”

“Scared!? What have I done to make you afraid of me?”

“Nothing.” Hardly daring she spoke honestly, “I’m afraid you won’t like me, that you’ll think I’m not exciting like the others.” She sobbed, “For five years you didn’t want me and now you only do because you married me.” She was inconsolable and Robbie sat holding her tightly, stunned by her words. Even Dommi and Cherine were at a loss as to what to do, neither of them, including Goldi, had foreseen this eventuality. Our sweet golden girl has come to the conclusion that he had not made love to her, alone of all the girls, because he did not find her attractive or thought she was not sexy.

*Dommi, you better explain what this is all about.*

Both Cherine and Dommi explained and though we sensed a flickering amusement at how her plans had gone awry he was also touched and love for her blazed out from him as if he had gone nova.

“I thought you knew Goldi! You did not feel how I struggled all these years to stop myself from making love to you? God, holding back all these years when your sexy little body was in my arms! Goldi, I don’t know how I managed to control myself.”

She held her breath. “You wanted me?” Still miserable she asked, “Why Robbie, why me? Was it because you made me be like you wanted?”


“I was being selfish Goldi. All these years, so many wives, so many wedding nights and not one of them was a real virgin. Your body, the sweet scent of you, it drove me crazy with desire, but I held on until tonight. I was hoping you understood that I wanted our first time to be the most special of all.”

Once he had reassured her, her heart blossomed and she was the happiest little girl in the whole world. Her body aflame, she twisted around and threw herself against him. He allowed his passion to make him harsh, rough with her fragile body for a short while and then he visibly reasserted control over himself.

“No love, not like this. We are going to take it slowly and drive each other crazy with lust again and again before I take your precious virginity so as to make you mine forever. That is your gift to me my love and I want you to feel how special it is to me.” He cupped her chin and pulling her face up sadly said, “I wish tonight could have also been my first time ever, just for you.”

She stared solemnly into his eyes and then giggled. “I’m glad you are not. You’d keep on trying to kill yourself. I don’t want to go through what Cherine did.” Still, her heart responded to his wish, which was all Robbie was reaching for.

The imps came up with an idea and we all acted swiftly. From where Goldi and Robbie sat they could see the small pebbly beach of a cove. We checked the few houses overlooking it and seeing that the occupants were not looking out (in Winter everyone closes their windows and wooden shutters and curtains) we jumped to the water.

Robbie stretched his hand out, pointing for Goldi to see as a swarm of mermaids pulled themselves out of the water to sit on rocks to the one side of the cove. Their green scales had a silvery sheen to them from the moonlight, only their long hair black, which they promptly began to comb. As they combed each other’s hair a song was sung in their minds, inviting the two of them to join the mermaids in the sea where everything is beautiful. The song told of the brightly coloured fish, the long silvery bodies and loving, playful natures of the dolphins. It spoke to their hearts of silvery moonbeams dancing on the water and the golden beams of the sun that make their world grow rich with food for all. Wendy outdid herself, almost tempting them to join us, like the sirens of mythology.

They both knew it was us, but they pretended and allowed a little bit of magic to become part of their first night together. Robbie was not surprised when Goldi became a baby. Tenderly he held her to him as, sucking her thumb, she stared into his eyes. Gentle Candy sang her a lullaby and she fell asleep, happy that she is in his arms and can hear his heartbeat. We waved to him, sent him our kisses and returned home. Robbie sat without moving, his thoughts filled with memories of love until it was almost dawn.

Goldi gave him a sheepish look when she reverted to eight years old, so he pulled her to him. “Last night ranks up there at the top, as one of the happiest wedding nights of my life.”

Robbie spent the day charming his bride, mostly by making her laugh when he could and by tenderly hugging and caressing when he could not. She kept on kissing him all over his face and telling him she loves him. Her gift was making mincemeat of his heart and he had to use his own gifts to help him control himself.

Before going out for supper they went home for a shower and to change. Shyly Goldi joined him. Even in her ‘memories’ she had seen him naked many times, but this time he was there just for her and it made a huge difference. For one, it made her feel more vulnerable because he will not be distracted by a number of us. Robbie kept it low key, only washing her and letting her try to wash him, as he was aware now of the imagined scenes going through her mind. She was recalling various times he had made love to us and, in particular, the sight of his adult penis. What encouraged her was the obvious joy and passion we emoted and showed in our cries and efforts to grab at him, as we tried to force him deeper into us.

Robbie stood her on the wooden toilet lid as he patted her dry.

“How much do you know about sex Goldi?”

“I know it will hurt the first time.”

He knew she would not suffer much, her hymen is not thick and stubborn. “You’ll hardly notice it love. I was just wondering, did you share with the girls how it felt when I made love with them?”

“Of course!”


“You are about the same size Cherine usually is. Did you feel me hurting her at all? Good. I promise I won’t hurt you either.”

“I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me Robbie.”

“What are you afraid of then?”

“Maybe it won’t feel so nice for you with me.” She admitted shyly.

“I’ll tell you what, from now on you keep yourself open to me and share my feelings. Instead of fearing, you will be filled with amazement at how you make me feel. I’d also like to feel how it is for you. Fair?”

You could say that by sharing with her he was cheating himself of all those small fears a girl goes through when she is a virgin, but on the other hand, he enjoyed the way she was filled with wonder, her surprise, her curiosity as she learnt about the male body from him.

That first night he only massaged and caressed her until she exploded in her first orgasm. After that he showed her how to pleasure him and they shared the next orgasm. It was fusing his mind, his excitement and pleasure at sharing experiences that were new to her. Long after she was deep in a satisfied sleep he lay next to her, his eyes on her sweet face as his heart swelled with love for her.

It was only on the third night when he raised her legs and he wrapped her fingers around him that she knew she is to be his woman and wife at last. For two days and three nights nearly, he had brought her to orgasm after orgasm, taught her all he knows about her body and helped her understand his. She has been sated as she has never been, even in her real memories, and yet there has remained within her a sense of not being complete, of not having known all there is to know about passion. She yearned for the feeling she has sensed in us, of his maleness being within her, filling her. Despite her yearning, she still trembled as she felt how rigid and large he is as she guided him to her entrance.

Robbie had insisted her healer make her vagina more elastic than it had been and yet she felt a sudden fear that she would be too small for him to pierce her. As she felt herself open she gave a cry and he paused. He waited, basking in the sensations, giving her body time to adjust. Goldi did not wait as long as he wanted, thrusting her hips up at him.

He could not reach down to kiss her face as he wanted, but his one hand caressed her. She parted her lips and sucking at his finger bit on it as she simultaneously counter thrust.

Robbie caressed her tummy softly, but he also felt the reactions of her body and mind and knew he is not damaging her. Goldi’s healer was taking care of her, preventing any bruising or tearing. Holding her to him he rolled over so that she can sit upon him. Helping to hold her up, he held on until he felt the tremors gathering momentum and as she exploded he let his own climax arch his body.

They spent another two days and nights loving each other. She could feel every reaction of his acutely and now used her gift to drive him to a frenzy, no longer afraid she tried everything she could think of to give them pleasure and Robbie did not put up any defences, allowing her to almost make a puppet of him.

By the time they returned home we all needed a night of sleep. Before sleeping though we took our turn at welcoming our bride and our lips, tongues and fingers saw to it that she shared a few orgasms with us first. We slept in one sweaty mass of bodies lying all over each other, only Robbie comfortably sleeping on his side with Haven and Empathia pressed to either side of him.

Goldi’s real memories were released the next morning and she was shocked and upset for a brief moment at discovering she had not really been a virgin. Robbie drew her into his mind so that she could see how much he appreciated her gift and she soon settled against his chest as she went through her memories again. She giggled, awe in her voice.

“It wasn’t this good the real first time in Meli’s world!”

“I thought it was good! Both were special love, but it felt like this time was better because we both knew that now we have taken that extra step and given all of ourselves to the other. Goldi Teller, you are a creature made out of the sunbeams gathered from a golden summer day, I can hardly believe you are my wife.”

Next [Book 06] - Post 029

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

13th December, 2019

  • posted: 13th December, 2019

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