Little Cherine Book 05 - BPost002

Be wise, this is the survival of your family, do not speak to your group of your private caches - after all, I bet they will be doing the same.

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Previous: Book 05 - Post 001


This is Sam. Robert wanted to take over, but I first wanted to tell you that I hope your readers take you seriously and watch the documentaries you mentioned with an open mind – or else, just maybe it will soon be too late. I really cannot understand why anyone would have such a blind belief in their politicians and corporations, since everyone knows they are corrupt.

Robert has asked me to write – this is Alki.

I told him that you have some practical ideas and we should work together to save everyone we can. Arthur, please add any other ideas you have, for us to pass on to the Normals – and I will see to the kind of site you mentioned being opened, on various servers all over the world and in as many languages as possible, so that many can add their own suggestions.


No point in trying to call him back, so it is time we revert to dealing with our current problems, even if they almost feel trivial after the serious matters discussed with the ‘future’ Arthur.

The conversation with Sharipya is affecting everyone, but Robbie refuses to discuss it. Since it is hurting Lucy, we do not understand why. The most promising development is that Dommi is starting to react and once she gets going, well, Robbie knows what that means.

Every time we try to open the subject, Robbie turns to look at Sharipya if he is with us. I wondered about his reason, but I can now see why. Sharipya feels Lucy and does not find it honourable that she suffers because of him. I think Robbie is trying to force Sharipya to find a solution, but I do not think it will work. We know from our own experiences that when someone is caught in the middle of two conflicting and equally unacceptable results, they never find the solution, even when it seems obvious to everyone else. Only an outsider who is not emotionally involved can see the way to cut the knot.

I’ll also confess that I sense for some reason Robbie is amused. I know he cannot stand suffering, especially of one of us, so what the hell is going on?

We expect to arrive in three days. When he told us, Lucy burst into tears and Sharipya changed back to his own shape and galloped away. Hours later he returned and resumed his ‘man’ shape.

“I will demand from my people exemption. Our honour does not give us the right to make Lucy suffer.”

Lucy brightened immediately and then burst into tears when Robbie spoke. “Oh no you won’t! You will face what honour demands of you.”

For the first time ever, all Cherinians showed a dislike of Robbie. Me included. ‘This is not the man I know and love’, I thought. He only smiled and that angered many. I did notice though that Jade and Cherine were not affected.

Luigi asked softly, “Robert, what does honour demand of him?”

“Not death Luigi. Something far worse for him.” He chuckled and walked out on us.

“Ahh!” was all Luigi said and smiled to himself.

If anyone dares tell me again that I am clever I will have proof that I am not. I know this man as father, lover, leader from before birth and I allowed him to fool me. My only excuse is that I do not understand why he would do it this way. How can he bear to hurt Lucy?

That night, when the family was alone, Dommi tackled him, demanding a straight answer. He looked at Lucy and shook his head, refusing. Lucy saw and flew into a temper. She went to him, standing rigid with anger. “You said not death. What did you mean?”

“This is between you and me; are you sure you want me to discuss this in front of them?”

“I don’t care. Tell me now.”

He leant forward as if to touch her and changed his mind. “Sharipya will be honoured by his people. In the distant future they will talk of the Elipian who faced Robert after a search of two million years and tried to avenge the deaths of a whole world. They will speak of the Elipian who had the brains, heart and sense of honour to see that he was wrong and make of Robert a friend for their species. Is that not enough for you my little Ukrainian princess?”


“Why wouldn’t you tell me? Why did you make me suffer?”

“Why did you make me suffer?”


“Lucy, when you first went into the soul of Sharipya, when we still saw him as our enemy, did I allow them to drag you out? Did I not trust you?”

In a small voice she replied, “Yes.”

“Yet you did not trust me. Because of your love for him, you closed your heart to me, not seeing the Robert I thought you knew, but a man you did not trust. How is it then that you say you love me and want to become my wife?”

Oh God!! How cruel that was! Lucy crumbled and her heart broke as she sobbed. He raised his eyes and they were stern, forbidding Theresa and Dommi from approaching her. Cherine looked at them, looked back at him and then as if she had seen nothing she went to Lucy and cradled her. Robbie sat back with eyes half closed.

Softly Cherine spoke. “You have changed. My Robert would never have done that.”

“I should have told you?”

“Yes Robert. At least Lucy.”

He stood up suddenly. “Not Lucy!” Even Cherine was shocked. He crouched by them. “Lucy, do you want Sharipya to live? Do you want him to be honoured as I said? Then I could not tell you. If you still want it to happen as I said, you must stay hidden, away from him.”


“If he knows I intend speaking for him, he will find a way to thwart me. I have to catch him by surprise. Your grief, your pain, they have already forced him to examine what he calls his honour. Show him your joy and he will revert. I have come to realise that his species are worse than the Japanese of previous centuries were. Honour, not as seen by friends, but by himself, is more important than anything else. How many times have I had to remind you all, each of us is our worst critic, our sternest judge. If he knows what I plan he may decide to die before I can lie – for that is what he will think I intend. I used you to give myself a chance of saving him. Was that a sacrifice you would not have agreed to?” He touched her hair and stood up. “I’m sorry my baby. It has been hard for you, but it gave me no joy either. I looked for some sign that you believe in me, but never saw it. Why, what have I done to make you not trust me?”

I truly love Lucy. Not as I may love Cherine or Diana, but I love her with all my heart. His words seemed unfair and cruel and as I saw their effect on her, I snapped.

“How dare you! Is this the Cherinian way? You speak of trust! What trust did you show Lucy or us? You ask why she did not trust you, why did you not ask also why I did not? Why not ask them too? You behave in a way that our Robert never would and expect us to excuse you, to show trust blindly? Lucy, do not blame yourself. He is to blame.”

Dommi moved to my side. Slowly the rest did too, only Jade and Cherine hesitating. Cherine looked up at him. “They are right Robert. You were foolish. I’m glad.”

We all stared at her as if she has gone bananas. Robbie stared at her for a moment as if he could not believe what he’d heard either and then chuckled. “You’re glad? You better explain love.”

“When I first met you, you said and did many foolish things. Since I came back as I am, you have frightened me, for I see a man who has grown beyond me. At last you showed me that under all that power and love, the man I fell in love with still exists. I think you better explain to Lucy. You broke her heart. One thing more, Lucy, you have the memories of my older me in you? Look and you will see that Robert told us that if we see him hurting someone, he expects us to stand against him. It took courage to do what you did. I wish I could be that strong.”


Who was wrong, where the blame lies I do not know. We are all too emotional to see things clearly right now. Perhaps a few days will help clear my mind. What does matter is that Robbie knelt in front of Lucy and begged her forgiveness. I still have a sore spot within me though, for I feel that he hides within him a feeling that Lucy should have trusted him and if he allows it to, it may end up becoming a wedge that drives them apart. Lucy spent that night sleeping on his chest, comforted by his arms around her. I’m hoping that if he allows himself to feel her, he will let go any childish hurt he has.

We have arrived. Sharipya stood staring up at his planet and it was wonderful to see the awe and joy within him. Robbie zoomed in till we seemed to be flying over the terrain at treetop. Sharipya gave a start.

“You have brought back the predators? Why Robert?”

“All life in it’s many forms is precious Sharipya. I hope this time your people will learn to make room for them.”

He understood and smiled sadly at Robert. “I think you ask much of us. If you insist though, we will make the sacrifice.”

“You better explain that.” Robbie showed his displeasure, as he had expected Sharipya to have opened his heart; he has been hoping he will become a Cherinian and that will not be possible if he does not treasure all life.

“We are their only source of food. We will have to allow them a number of our people if you wish to keep them alive.”

Robbie, and us, stood there shocked. “Are you certain Sharipya? Are there no other animals they may feed on?”


“That puzzles me. The Inguel brought them back thousands of years ago. What has fed them for all this time?”

Sharipya was not the only one who felt stupid. Seeing them should have proven to us that Sharipya was wrong.

“We must find some of them feeding so that we know their prey. The Inguel have moved on to other worlds long since, so we cannot ask them. Their descendants would not know.”

The number of hunters was very low, which probably meant their prey was also. We searched for some time. When we found some of them feeding, Sharipya gave a cry of grief. The carcass was still complete enough for us to see that it is an animal that closely resembles him. “They feed on our ancestors!”

“The Inguel would only have brought back non-sentient creatures. Are you certain Sharipya?”

“Yes. They are from the time before we learnt to use our minds. They are potential Elipians.”

“Luigi, what are the ethics?”

“You are wrong to ask me, Robert. We speak of chimpanzees being our cousins, the great apes too and yet they have almost been driven to extinction on our planet. If the Elipian feel reverence for them and call them ancestors, are they not far more ethical than we are?”

“Robert, Sharipya is right, even if they are not sentient and are defined as being animals, their potential makes them unique.”

Robbie was deeply troubled. To have to choose life for only one of the two species caused him pain. “Are you certain? Sharipya, you had ancestors living at the time your people were attacked by the fire-world?”

“We did.”

“Did any of them, or their offspring ever become aware?”



“Themi, am I wrong to presume that they never would have? I seem to recall reading that gorillas and chimpanzees had reached the end of their evolutionary road. Could it be that far in their past, only certain of this species mutated or had the ability to mutate and those that remained did not have the ability to grow?”

Luigi said, “Careful Robert. If what you suggest is true, it makes your decision even more important. Could some future Cherinians use your argument to condemn what is left of Normal humans?”

“No! It is not the same. They are sentient.”

“Will they seem so to a world of Cherinians? Think, a planet of people with sensitivities that will make the cruelties of man seem savage, will they not think of them as a species that should be allowed to die out? Will they not also seem to be a threat? You know how easily we justify ourselves when threatened or we feel contempt. For example – have you not found yourself, even if just for moments, thinking of those belonging to the Cabal as non-human?”

“Though I do not agree, as no Cherinian will ever have the right to turn away from those they evolved from, I do see we are in a grey area which means our words and actions could be used against all we believe in. However, though we cannot allow the ancestors of Sharipya to be hunted, to allow the predators to die out as a species would also send out the wrong message. How do we handle this?”

“Will our people have a say in this Robert?”

“Of course.”

“Then, if you consider it so important the hunters survive, we will offer to sacrifice a number of ourselves each day. The ancestors are like children and cannot be allowed to be sacrificed. They do not have the understanding to make the choice.”

“Sharipya, this matter of honour as seen by your people, it has caused us many problems and has troubled me, you are far too rigid in your thinking. You have forgotten as a species that there are other things as important. However, at a moment like this, it does make your spirit shine with a rare beauty. No. We will not accept your suggestion, another way will be found.”

“What makes you think there is always another way Robert? Perhaps you have to make a decision based on what you see.”

“Perikli, there is always another way – even if we have to manufacture it.” He did not speak with any inflection of pride, only out of a deep conviction and it made the rest of us wait for him to think on it without presuming to contradict him.

“Protector, we need some Inguel brought to us. From those that are repairing planets.”

They have kept their knowledge of us alive, but time had made gods of us. The protector had seen to it that they did not treat us as such. After they were given time to greet us and adjust, Robbie told them of our problem.

“I might be simple-minded in the way I see it, but things as they are do not make sense to me. I cannot see an ecology growing in this manner. One species each of hunter and prey. Surely there were many originally?”

“We do not recall this world. What you say though, it does make sense.”

“If I take you into the past, could you identify other prey?”


“Sharipya, this is what I propose. Your people make land available to the hunters and the prey we will bring them. You will need to see to it that the hunters do not bring their prey to extinction again. There must also be room left for your ancestors. Remember, they will not have hunters to keep down their numbers. You may have to adjust their breeding – can you do that?”

“Yes, we could.”

“Would your people find this solution honourable?”


“You understand us Robert. Thank you.”

“I will do it if you accept responsibility for the hunters and their prey. You may need to create other areas for the prey to breed without hunters, moving a number of them as the hunters need them. That way you can control the numbers of both species. I do not ask this for all eternity, just for a hundred years. Then you must find another who takes on your responsibility, so that you too may live your life as you wish. This must be seen by your people as a position of honour. Will they?”

“I do and they will.”

“Would you accept that one of us is to be answered to? That person will join you at times to see that any problems you have are solved.”

“Any of you would be welcomed. Is it Socrati you think of?”

“No. The one to be my wife; Lucy.”

Just like that! Not satisfied with solving Sharipya’s problem and forcing him to accept an honourable way to stay alive, he also makes Lucy’s heart break with all the love that flooded her. Not only has he given her a purpose he knows is dear to her, but has also told her he is to marry her. This will be a day for her to remember forever.

That night we all tried to make sure he will too.

I do not think any of us, including Robbie, had realised what a difficult job we had taken on. We had to scour the whole planet, well, those parts of it that the hunters inhabited, and move them so that they occupy only the land given to them – which also has to suit them, or else they’ll stop breeding. We then moved far back in time, jumping for weeks until we reached that early period when their planet teemed with life. The Inguel identified three species that will serve the grim purpose of prey. We felt bad about it, until Manoli pointed out they were extinct as a species, whereas now they too will be a part of life.

We took them to a period earlier than our previous visit and let them breed, keeping hunters away from them (the protector did, we did not want to sit around for years). We moved back to our present and gently the ancestors were shepherded to the area they will now call home. At last we were ready.

“Sharipya, I will understand if you wish to wait here with my loved ones. It will be distressing to have to watch your people die and is not necessary. We will bring them all back.”

“I would prefer to come with.”

Solomon had enough Sparklers join Robbie to hold every soul and with every Anadir and healer (one left to watch over us in case of accidents) he left. Some of the adults went with and of his family he only took Cherine.

We watched in delight as the first Elipians arrived, then Cherine was returned to us. We found out later that Sharipya asked that his body be left for last. He wanted to witness it all. Healers plus Anadir totalled over a thousand. They each carried tissue samples back, but the healers had to create the bodies. They only managed to bring/create bodies for about two hundred thousand the first day. Robbie returned that night and we were worried. He looked exhausted. Cherine suggested he have the healers from Cherinians on all the alternate worlds brought over. Jade took the initiative and told the protector to get them. She also suggested he ask the Anadir to volunteer.

The next day we had almost three hundred thousand healers and over eighteen million Anadir. Our healers showed the Anadir how to collect a sample from each Elipian body and the healers stayed in our time, creating bodies as fast as they could. Robbie decided, after consulting his healer, that they should only be allowed to create sixteen bodies each per day. They also needed time to recover and gather energy to them for the next day. At only five million per day this was going to take about three years! After the third day Robbie insisted Cherine stay with us and would not allow any others to go with him. He claimed it cost him energy, but once he left we found out his real reason. He made our world jump forward to the last few days.

Robbie appeared and we were shocked at his appearance. He looked like a skeleton, dark rings under his eyes. We found out the Anadir had to be sent home and new volunteers take their place every four days. Even the Eminixx were allowed to take part. I suspect the Anadir could have lasted longer, but there were so many of them that wanted to be a part of this undertaking, that Robbie decided Anadir of every World of theirs should have the opportunity to participate in the joy of helping.


Poor Robbie not only had to keep on jumping backwards and forwards, using a huge platform, he also had to become the void on a regular basis, now and in the past, so as to ensure a steady flow of energy to feed the Sparklers plus his platforms plus his bubble or dome of energy that he used for living in.

“Lucy, would you like to come with? Today we create Sharipya’s body.”

He did not bring her back to us. He left her, not in her real body, on the planet below. Even from here we could feel how she suffered there. Sharipya told his people about her and she is being overcome by their adulation. Theresa kept herself closely linked to her daughter and spent most of her time weeping. I do not think she has ever been so happy before.

It is not! This no longer is an empty reality. We waited eagerly for Robbie and Lucy to return to us, but Robbie disappeared into the past again. As if he had not done enough, he went back and brought a mountain of their books and a variety of equipment. Some of it was scorched, showing that he had risked himself by going into the flames to rescue what they will need to rebuild their civilisation. Finally he arrived, staggering as he walked out of his dome.

We used our gifts to carry him to our bed and he fell asleep. Gently we undressed him, sponge bathed him and then let Dr Maria in to examine him. She knew what to expect from the tears in our eyes.

“He needs sleep and afterwards force him to rest as long as you can. Luckily his healer is back with him and his body will soon be back to normal.”

Themi spoke to Dommi. “His mind must also be exhausted. Go into him and warm him with your special love.”

Dommi did and we all took turns in visiting his mind, gifting him with our love motes. We all agreed that Irene, Noelle and Goldi should spend extra time with him. When we had all taken our turn and he was already beginning to be aware of us while in there, we sent Cherine. A few hours later she called Dommi back in and they stayed with him until he woke up.

Jade and Aganthi put a roof over our house. We did not want the Sparklers to see him waken. They are too eager to show him their feelings. I called Sol and taking her outside explained to her. I suggested they wait for us to return to our own reality and we can have a party in their world to celebrate the success of our first joint effort at bringing back a world. She agreed, she has also been worried to see him so drained.

The only ones we allowed in our home are Alki and Marian. I could see that Alki now feels about Robbie as Savva usually does on special occasions. I need not have worried though. Both Marian and Bernie saw to it that he hid his feelings again.

When we allowed him to get up and go with us to the taverna, it was already full of Cherinians of Earth, with a few aliens there in little girl bodies. Robbie sat down, upset at their silence and the way they were staring at him. All of us began to chatter and kept him occupied until the rest unfroze and became normal. He stuffed himself and after his meal he got up and kissed Maria (the lady of the taverna) and thanked her for a lovely meal. That amused us and had us laughing. Once the jokes began about him kissing himself etc, we became a little hysterical. He sat back enjoying us; he understood our need to let go and would find something to say to prompt us into laughing at him again whenever we ran out of jokes. He was careful though to see it stopped before any of us gave way to tears.

The next day a delegation turned up at our house made up of Socrati, Jonathan, Savva and his father. Alki arrived and smiled when he saw them, but sat down without speaking. Robbie was still in bed with as many of the girls at an age of three to four lying all over him as could fit. I was not going to let anyone spoil this moment for him.

“Robert cannot come out now. Did you want to give him a message?”

Jonathan smiled. “We are also Cherinians Sam, we know he can’t come. We want to talk to you.”

I blushed. “About what?”


“Robert, of course. Sam, you know how we all feel about him bringing a whole planet back to life…”

“He did not! Everyone did. All our healers, the Anadir, Eminixx and Sparklers played just as important a role.”

“Is that the official line? Sam, it does not matter, we did not come here to discuss that. Your family are not the only ones who love Robert, we all do. It is not practical to continue this way. I am told that there are thousands of planets to be saved. Robert cannot expend his energies this way for all of them. It will destroy him.”

“I agree Jonathan. By the way, Em-e says you made her very happy by coming here. I think you expect Robert to do them in one mad dash? He could do one every year or two and they would all appear to come back at more or less the same time, even if it takes us thousands of years. Every year that passes on our worlds, of all realities, the number of Cherinians with healers grows which means his work gets easier.”

“We are relieved to hear that. Sam, three years is too much. You saw how tired he was after his first day? We cannot imagine how he has lasted for so long, no healer can cope with it.”

“Can you suggest anything?”

“We did not come here with any ideas, Sam,” his father said. “However, I think you came up with most of the answer yourself. The number of Cherinians is growing daily, especially on some of the alternate worlds. Ask him to wait ten or twenty years. Overall it will not make much difference if it is to take a few thousand years anyway. It might mean that by then we have ten times the amount of healers we have now. That would make it far easier for him."

I agreed with them. “This first one was important. Not only for Sharipya, but also the Anadir and Sparklers – even the Inguel. If they have to wait a hundred years for us to resume doing this, they will not mind now.”

“You do not know about the Eminixx? They are now devoted to Robert. You will not have problems with releasing any more of them, they will tell the others of what they have seen.”

Socrati smiled at me. “We have taken up enough of your time. Go back to him Sam, we are leaving. That includes you Alki.” They all laughed and Alki giving me a kiss left with them. Happily I returned to our bedroom. Robbie smiled at me.

“Do you think it was a good idea going to speak to them as a four year old?”

I stuck out my chin. “Even if I went as a baby they would listen to me – not like you.”

“Oh? You have something to tell me?”

“Yes.” I climbed on to him, the others making way and put my lips to his ear. “I love you.”

“Let me hold you as a toddler my love. Say about two?” I did and we both loved it.

The healer soon had his body looking healthy, but it could not do much about his mental exhaustion. For that he needed time and we saw to it that he had it. We went for long walks; swam; had campfires and sang and stayed at home playing and filling his heart with childish voices and laughter. He hardly had a second without some small warm body being cuddled by him and we soon saw life coming back into his eyes. When we decided we were ready, Solomon let the Elipians know.

“Robbie, if you put a knob on top it will look like one of those covered dishes they use in restaurants.”

He laughed. “Cassie love, I’ll put a knob if you want.”

“No. Can’t we arrive there like a silver ball?”

“Whatever makes you happy love.” We did not look like a silver ball. Not with the intense streaks of energy that played all over it. It looked more like a ball of molten metal or mercury that shimmered with energies from the void. As we reached land the bottom half looked as if it were sinking into the soil. Robbie kept the platform we were standing on so that it looked like we stood on glowing metal about six inches thick. We stepped off it and greeted those who stood with Sharipya and Lucy. Robbie ignored them all and after exchanging her energy body for her real body he picked up Lucy for a hug and kiss, filling her mind and heart with his love. Only when she was glowing from his love did he turn to the others.


“It gives me great joy to see you in your own body Sharipya. I have a request, would I be insulting your people if I made it now?’

“No. We wish for requests so that we may repay you somehow.”

“I want my girls to do a storytelling for your people. Sharipya, they will tell all, including what happened with Noname and Noname2. I know it will distress you. Do I have your permission?”

He put his hands behind his head as he bent it forward. “I wish this too Robert. You disappoint us though, we had hoped you wished something of us that would help us repay you.”

Robbie feigned great surprise. “Oh but you will! If your people can become Cherinians and create their own healers, you would be of great assistance to our saving other planets.”

I’d known what Robbie planned, but still, I had butterflies in my tummy (actually they feel more like moths, but to say so does not sound right). I asked him, “Sharipya, they will not react as you did when you heard about us? You know…”

“They have had time to hear my words Sam. Be at ease please, no one will judge you.”

We let the girls sit in the center with a ring of Elipians sitting, their rear legs folded under them. The rest of us, with the Eminixx and few Anadir and Sparklers, sat behind them, just close enough that we could hear and see.

Meli stood up, a golden glow radiating from her (thanks to Wendy).

“We are the storytellers of our family. I wish all Elipians could be here and hear of us today. Perhaps you will some day soon have your own storytellers and they will carry our story to them for us. That would be good for we would wish them all to know us as we are. Despite what we suspect our beloved Sharipya may have told you, we are nothing more than frail human beings with our good and bad points. If you can learn to love and welcome us into your hearts, that is all the reward we seek. We do not know much of your music, except for what we saw in the mind of Sharipya. Wendy hopes he has good taste, for that is all she had to use for her to create her own music for you.”

Having amused them, she sat down and the music began. It caught them by surprise. If music is like honey to the soul, this was more like nectar directly from the loveliest most fragrant flowers. From deep within the music, softly the voice of Meli flowed and the pictures by Jade played.

There is a lot that does not need to be explained when doing our storytelling for those of our worlds, which had to be explained for our audience. In that respect Sharipya has served us well and though there were murmurs of astonishment, there was little they were not helped to understand. They too know of love that is not returned and could understand Robbie when he sat in his flat with a grieving heart.

More than any audience to date, they reacted to Robbie’s death in Hydra and his rescue by Cherine. From there on they were totally captivated and when the girls broke for a short rest they sat for a time totally bemused, exchanging comments that showed their shock and wonder between themselves.

It was a long storytelling, taking that day and the next. When the old beggar man arrived on the two worlds and they realised what was happening, there were cries of distress, especially at the deaths of some of us girls. They watched the battle and were just as confused as Sharipya was, when Robbie played chess with him and lost. The real magic of our girls started from here on. Sharipya squirmed, almost protesting aloud as he was shown how he was viewed by Robbie. He became the kind of hero that legends are made of. When his people were shown how he won the heart of Robbie and was entrusted with his family, despite the near death of Lucy, they were helped to see and share from a soul that was tortured by rigid rules of honour and how he burst free of them for the sake of the child who had given him her love.

For the first time ever Robbie had told the girls what he wanted and they gave it all they have. When the storytelling ended with the arrival of us on their world for the storytelling, the music of Wendy soared off into a distance that seemed to hint at half seen promises of joy and honour for all Elipians. None of them moved for a long time.


A silver domed platter (with a knob on top) floated down from the sky. A fraction of the size of our own globe it came to rest in the center of our platform and opened. In it were tables piled high with food and drink. Robbie stood up.

“It is time for us to share food and toast each other. We have seen that Sharipya considered our cabbages and radishes delicacies so we hope you will all enjoy them. You will forgive us if we stick to foods we enjoy – I never did understand why he likes cabbage. We know that it will be some time before you can produce drinks that intoxicate, so we brought those we thought you may enjoy. Please join us on our platform.”

At first they were afraid of stepping on the platform, perhaps fearing it or else fearing they would damage it with their sharp hooves and weight. Once the first few were on it though, they no longer hesitated. As a party it was not great; they were still too strongly affected by what they had witnessed. An Elipian stood by Robbie.

“This body you have given me is not as I was. I was elderly and near the end of my life.”

“Your people are having to begin again, they need those of wisdom and experience to lead them. Anyway, there would have been no point in us creating elderly bodies,” he answered with a smile.

“You have not only given us life. You have brought wonders that will give new meaning to living. We do not understand why you have reacted to Sharipya in the way you did, especially after your family were killed by him.”

“Then you have kept your heart closed to us and him. Imagine yourself in his place. You see all your people being killed; males, females and young ones. You see a wonder appear, a ship that you recognise as being of great power. You think they have arrived to at least save a few if not all so that your species is not lost entirely. Instead they sit a while watching without doing anything and then leave. That is terrible enough by itself. However, you attach yourself and see it go to other worlds where the same fiery death is meted out to their species. Would you not believe that this ship you cling to is responsible for all those deaths? Would you not hate them with such a passion that even death cannot stop you? Tell me how you would feel after thousands of years of such hate. Would it be possible for you to be rational any longer? I will tell you, not for one of my species.”

Alki spoke up. “One part of him was lost to his madness, but this Elipian still had honour. As bravely as he fought our Roberto, it was nothing compared to the moral courage it must have taken for him to see his errors and accept the truth. I agree with Roberto, not one of our species could have after so many centuries of hate. He is truly a unique being and deserves our love and respect.”

I felt a small pity for Sharipya as I looked at his proud figure standing among a group of Elipians arguing. I knew that he is now condemned to living through what Robbie has to, and he does not have the advantage of having us to help him. I hope he finds a love to stand by him.

The next day was our last one, we were ready to return home. We felt a yearning in Sharipya and Robbie called to Cherine for a golden circle of love. She started it with the love of Lucy and when he reciprocated she built on from there. This time the circle of Elipians present was far larger and Cherine, with Wendy helping, sent it exploding outwards to cover them all.

Robbie waited a while for feelings to return closer to normal and then stood up and we all felt a sadness in him.

“We would like you to all become Cherinians so that you are able to join the family of a number of species. Lucy has brought Sharipya close to us by her love, linking him. It grieves me that by us leaving, that link will be broken. We do not know how to create your Cherine for you. Have you none amongst you with her sweetness of empathy?"

One of them called out, “Only a child could have such sweetness.”

“Then bring me the loveliest child, one with a heart that touches all around her.”

Sharipya turned his head sharply, staring at Robbie. A path was opened and as she came we all fell in love with her. We knew enough about them to recognise that she is the equivalent of a girl of about six or seven. Sharipya moaned when we reached into her and made the beauty we found within her shine out to all of them. Robbie instructed Lucy within her mind to withdraw her link to Sharipya and she instantly obeyed, her heart hammering with her hope that he will reach out and find his Cherine.

Next [Book 05] - Post 003

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

13th November, 2019

  • posted: 13th November, 2019

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