Trickle Down BootynomicssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #sex7 years ago

Trickle-Down Bootynomics argues for happiness tax breaks or other emotional benefits for women in order to stimulate relationship growth. The argument hinges on two assumptions: Both members of a couple benefits by him keeping that bitch happy; and women will redistribute some of the happiness to men. What actually happens is she winds up hoarding all the happiness and says he is greedy for wanting some too. At some point, the balance her happiness bank account becomes nothing more than bragging rights to other billionaires. Men invest everything they have into their girlfriend only to find they were the victim of a boiler room pump and dump. After declaring emotional bankruptcy and losing faith in the system, he becomes a pickup artist to make ends meet.

In the old days couples operated as a co-op. Both partners worked together to produce joy and divided it evenly. Between Polio and World Wars you saved what little happiness the two of ya’ll could scrape together so you could have a nice nest egg to retire with. In the 80’s, leaders of the Ancient Order of the Ovaries and the Ancient Order of the Testicles started a Cold War over who got the remote control. This would come to be known as “The Cold Shoulder.” Women argued that an unrestricted CapitalASSt market would spur more sex if they watched Designing Women instead of The A-Team, claiming the co-op method was too much like socialism. This was ironic because it was that time of the month, and her Red Army was invading.

The Ancient Order of the Ovaries started running a propaganda campaign to convince people that the secret to a happy relationship is to give a woman everything she wants, tell her she’s never wrong, and pander to her every neurosis. It sounds nice, but when put into practice everyone winds up miserable. Instead of adjusting the system, women doubled down on their demands. If the system didn’t work it must be because men weren’t producing enough happiness. Increased production inflated supply. Suddenly men were working harder for less. Love guru Noam Chomsky described this in his book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Baghdad” as predatory CapitalASSm.

Systems created by humans are consistent in that they start out with the best intentions, experience some growing pains, get sorted out fairly well, and then we all fuck it up because everyone wants more. It is dangerous to look at the past with rose colored glasses. Much like when you get drunk and start thinking about calling your ex, we tend to forget the worst parts and only remember the good ones. The Politicians like to wax poetic about the good old days when we had traditional values, but they don’t talk much about those values involving Jim Crow Laws and Asbestos. However, divorce rates have grown so much over the last couple decades that now people aren’t even bothering to get married in the first place. Most relationship advice these days will land you a genderfluid neurodivergent pansexual ham-planet with a buzz cut, not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Meanwhile, your grandparents have been married since the great depression and still hold hands. There are some things Trickle Down Bootynomics got rid of because they seemed archaic, but they seemed to work. Sometimes economic models need to be adjusted to account for overcorrecting.

"If it's stupid and it works, it aint stupid"

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Grandpa putting his feet on the coffee table doesn’t seem like the end of the world when they just invented the nuclear bomb and any day could be the end of the world. If grandma did start in on that shit, Gramps shot it down quick. It sounds insensitive, but fights were shorter and fewer.

Have your own shit to do. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and familiarity breeds contempt. Grandpa was working 80 hours a week and fought in a war. Grandma was no slouch either. It’s ok to not be shoved up each other’s asses all the time. It just means the time you do have is more special.

Co-op. Men worked to put food on the table and Women took care of the house. I can hear someone in Portland screaming “Patriarchy!” when I say that but it really doesn’t matter whose job was what. The important part was, everyone had a job to do, and they did it for the good of the unit. It was a matter of pride that grandpa could provide for his wife and she showed her appreciation by making the best cherry pie in town. Yeah, I’m talking about sex.

It is ok for men to be men and women to be women. Feminists will say this is patriarchy, but it’s been 50 years and Mabel’s granny panties still get wet when she sees Howard chopping wood with his shirt off. John Wayne didn’t wear skinny jeans and beg for pussy, and that’s how grandma likes it. Conservatives like to reminisce about how men were the head of the household and everything was better. That isn’t really true. Marriages were more like a Captain/ First Mate scenario. Captain Grandpa steered the ship but Grandma ran the rest of it. It wasn’t a control issue. They just acknowledged each other’s strengths and ran with it. If you ask a woman where she wants to go eat she’s going to steer that ship straight into the Bermuda Triangle. It’s ok to delegate someone to make decisions. It’s how every job on the planet works. Men got the job because they were more decisive, not because they had a penis.

"I don't care where we eat! Just pick something!"

The biggest thing geriatric couples do that we don’t anymore is accept each other, warts and all. After a good thirty years, you have to accept the person you’re with is the person they are always going to be. Grandma Mabel isn’t still trying to change Howard. If the old man does something embarrassing like fart on a kid at the grocery store she just shrugs and says, “That’s just Howard.”

Sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Story of my first marriage

You and your brother are brilliant; love your comics!

Nice blatant misogyny on Steemit. Is this what people believe on here?

If you can move beyond the ad-hominem starting point and provide any specific objections, that would probably be a good place to facilitate actual discussion.

As would reading the tags: #satire #funny

Think of it like reading (where this article could probably be posted with few edits) or stand-up comedy, where the formula is:

Kernel of truth (often optional) + expansion to humorous proportions = funny for some people subjectively.

Then again if you didn't start with an ad-hominem attack you would also facilitate more discussion.

Lol, you talking to me?

Maybe you should look up ad-hominem.

Hint: Pointing out when someone else uses an ad hominem fallacy is not an ad hominem fallacy.

Ironically, your statement is much closer to ad-hominem than mine, since it attempts to smear me with a lie.

Fair point, had to look up ad-hominem again.

Do you think that broadly calling women bitches within your first few paragraphs incentivizes more or less people to read on?

What type of people will continue reading after you write things like that - only people who agree with your point or a fair distribution between people who agree and people who disagree? Which of those two options facilities further constructive two-sided discussion?

Yeah, I agree with what you are saying here. I was only responding to the misogyny claim, not the article itself.

I think the answers to most of these questions lie in the fact that this was posted in the #funny and #satire tag. I get the impression this was not meant to engender any real discussion on gender roles and male/female interpersonal situations.

As I said in my previous response:

"Think of it like reading (where this article could probably be posted with few edits) or stand-up comedy, where the formula is:

Kernel of truth (often optional) + expansion to humorous proportions = funny for some people subjectively."

The kernel of truth that this article is based on is the "gyno-centrism" running the west, where women:

Get Title IX and discrimination protection that men don't.
Get alimony that men generally don't.
Child support that men generally don't.
Automatic presumption of "being the better parent" in custody battles.
Vastly lighter sentencing for all crimes.
Numerous scholarships, minority training programs, and various other advantages.
Preferred admissions to college (look at the gender splits, you will see that all else equal, women are now preferred.)

Each of those is indisputable, established fact. The creator of this platform Ned partially made Steemit BECAUSE he was divorced raped for over half his after tax salary each month in alimony. (His wife decided that his questioning of the government and church and interest in cryptocurrency was good enough reason to steal his children and more than half his salary).

These are the kernels of truth that make this (admittedly, basically gallows) humor funny to those of us who are regularly being discriminated against in the west now. I have worked in the family courts in the US and let me tell you, it is a grim spectacle that will make you question your faith in people's basic goodness.

Thank you for taking the time to write a thoughtful response. I would be happy to discuss any of this further as time allows.

There was no particular hominem I was aiming at. I probably should have just walked on by anyway.

This post may be misogynistic, but it's also obvious comedy that exaggerates a truth to shine a light on it. Misandry has gone mainstream in Western culture, and this post is an example of the inevitable backlash that comes from radical feminist's anti-male bigotry. The difference between the Mad Goat and modern day feminism, is the Mad Goat is mostly joking, while feminists are seriously demanding the oppression of men.

Yeah, I just got done with a forced discrimination retraining at work. The "gender discrimination section", like all others, had 3 varied examples of discrimination. All of them were for not hiring women for some reason or another.

They literally do not even admit that men can be discriminated against. Discrimination against men is actively encouraged. It is game-theory-correct to fire a white man first, as he is the only one who cannot sue you for some form of bullshit discrimination.

You lost me when you wrote about ''keeping that bitch happy''.

That was referencing a popular Chris Rock standup routine. It's in the first 45 seconds of this video. The females in the audience seemed to think it was funny.

haha yea I remember seeing this video. He makes it work by making it funny.

Your words wound me.

Well, we wouldn't want to distract you from 100% self-upvoting your 11 word comments, would we?

Looks like ausbitbank popped in and bumped you up! Thanks a bunch @ausbitbank, I'm humbled to see that you're in my follow list. You've (still) got my witness vote.

Hey @lexiconal, I appreciate your time spent defending me against people who don't get a joke while I was out for the weekend. Name a blogger, charity, or whoever on steemit and I'll donate 5 steem dollars to them on your behalf.

I checked out her (presumably) blog and she seems pretty OK. I would take her lack of reply as a tacit admission of a minor overreaction.

I'll try to come up with a worthwhile cause for your generous suggestion. Feel free to put it towards any good cause as you see fit, should you come across one in the near future.

I was talking about the white night from the Court of Friendzone, @blockchainttmft. You seem like the kind of cat that is more interested in building steemit than milking it. I feel the same way. That's why I didn't just give you the $$. Choose a starving minnow and I'll make a donation to the save the minnow foundation.

Ah, right, my bad. I felt that he was engaging civilly and I thought we could make some progress there. Pulling white knights from the fiery wreckage is thankless work.

Feel free to send it to Aggroed's MinnowSupportProject, although I'm not sure where exactly they take donations....mspbot maybe?

"The Ancient Order of the Ovaries started running a propaganda campaign to convince people that the secret to a happy relationship is to give a woman everything she wants, tell her she’s never wrong, and pander to her every neurosis. "

Honestly, if you do this to any person of any age or sex, the outcome is pretty much the same.

This is also a great way to create an absolute spoiled brat, if you are raising a child. Regardless of the sex of that child, just to be clear.

See: Clueless, maybe Ferris Bueller's Day Off for a smoother brat?


We've all met this couple of which he speaks. One can be a feminist and still find real life situations funny. Being the baby boomer stuck in the middle between Leave it to Beaver and Modern Family I can laugh and shake my head at such obsurdities of life in 2017. If you are a female and act like an entitled Cinderella then yes, a male is asking you to take a look in the mirror and pull up your g-string panties and think about the other side of the relationship. Just sayin.

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