The Future of Sex

in #sex7 years ago

About 2 months ago I wrote about how sex might be overrated. That particular post received plenty of criticism in regards to how one cannot replace the "real thing" and how some things simply cannot be "emulated" through technology.

In other words there is still some kind of romanticism in the scene of sex. This exists partly because we overestimate our value as humans. We believe that our brains are some kind of extraordinary machines, unique in the own way. This can be easily falsified with a simple look around the world. We are neither special or extraordinary. We are the same eating, shitting, fucking machines as much as any other animal. The only difference is that we have an overblown processing machine called the brain that adds extra steps to the whole thing.

We don't shit on the ground. We build toilets to shit in them. We don't eat raw food but we process, cook and manipulate it. We don't just jump and fuck anyone we like. We have to go through rituals in order to get the other person to mate with us. We think that's what makes us special. The extra steps. Animals also go through these processes whether it is bees processing honey or lions fighting in order to get the attention of the female. We might be fooling ourselves that we are "higher" beings when it comes to sex but the vast majority of our species gets horny with the same exact attributes as a horny dog. We are just bit different.

Brain MRI's have revealed to us that we can stimulate specific areas of the brain with a computer chip. Just like that concepts about soul, love, "deeper stuff" evaporates in thin air. Concepts like free-will go to trash. Our brains works with on/off switches then the triggers are not at all our choice but rather environmental. Our consciousness is merely the middle man.

Ofcourse we can debate all these things with endless philosophical jargon crap that will brings us nowhere. What ultimate proves a point is the application and how the future will unfold. What matters in the end is facts. Actions, not words. And behold, this is what happened recently in Austria.


Add to the whole sex and love thing virtual reality, body modifications and the like and you kiss goodbye philosophy, religion and romanticism. What is a human other than an elaborate "switch" machine ready to be programmed, controlled and manipulated. We used to argue that we had free-will and that we could stand against brainwashing from television, politicians or even evil boyfriends. Anthropologists would argue the impact of culture and early childhood but all these still did not create any scientific laws about human behaviour. We still don't have any solid ones.

As the human technology progresses we will discover laws about human behaviour that will constitute our behaviour as mechanical and fixed as the process of photosynthesis. We barely began to discover our "switches" in our body/machine and we are as scared to confront them as was Queen Elizabeth when she came across a monkey (facing for the first time part of her origins).

Most of the things we consider as "values" are nothing more than random stimuli that change as fast as we change underwear. If something becomes a meme then we call it an "Ethic" and we just stick to it due to tradition. Our reality is nothing more that a facade of mirages that we have created in order to be able to go on. Sexual desire is just another meme that happened to have a stronghold due to the instinctual mechanism of propagation.


Good article. Until the middle of the century, I am sure we will have a fully integrated neurogrid that will allow us to experience different state of minds at once. It won't be strange hanging out or better floating around in the virtual world, but the opposite and we probably won't need limitations and stop signs for the virtuality, but for reality, because our conscience will be used to surreal states so much that it will become necessary to use tools in order to exist as individuals in reality.

This tittytainment is going to be like heroin times a million. Robots with artificial tits are just another entry ticket to this matrix.

@kyriacos Nice post about romanticism and sex but sex should be used in a positive way then it is very enjoyable

I totally agree with you

thanks dear@kenking

I'm not the expert here (I've never paid money for sex), but I think that there is more to it than just overestimating ourselves as human beings. Paying for sexual services would maybe always come with a sense of uncertainty about to what extent the 'professional' is being exploited, victimized or abused, be it directly by the 'customer' or by the 'manager'..

No worries about that when doing it with a robo doll, not the slightest piece of guilt and complete freedom to do all the sickest things you can imagine. I can see some added value there.

The sex industry has made many victims, I think.

all industries have made many victims.

democracy itself has made more victims than any other enterprise

Well if that is your logic on it, why should we bother at all? of course many Industries have created This Dynamic, but I don't understand why we don't give a damn about it. It's that mindset where it's already been happening, I guess I'm not responsible, that kind of keeps us in the meat sacks state... it is certainly not a way that I want to live. But to each their own I guess. I did enjoy the information in the article but I don't understand the point in being so, I don't want to say negative, But the post gives a feel like you have a lackluster for life or something? the whole what's your point mentality is sort of a cop out. It's a statement that ends the conversation and you did so well with your post, I'm not trying to be Discouraging I really am confused. you calm the philosophising jargon, But the basis of most communication involves that very Act. I don't think it is that human beings are higher, It's just that we have the responsibility of consciousness. At least that is how I see it. Thankfully we all have our perspectives and that's what makes the world interesting. Thanks again for sharing.

Stay positive with wishful thinking then. This is how most people get by in life

A Very interesting topic I would like to understand why we as men are capable of getting off in so many ways. I'm sure that for some men they prefer Inflatable dolls I'm sure they play a big part of there life's. I think it's because they are on able to communicate with a real woman.

What do you think?

Men who pay strangers for sex prefer a doll, but that's likely untrue of men in general.

right now maybe. in the future, doubtful .

The only difference is that we have an overblown processing machine called the brain that adds extra steps to the whole thing.

Yes, but that one alone makes a huge, huuge difference. At least my personal view is that we are indeed unique and special, so is every human being, and as such, I value them really much.

Concepts like free-will go to trash.

No it doesn't, it's just the line is what becomes thinner. This is called transhumanism, the redefinition of human.

It doesn't make it more or less human.

Our reality is nothing more that a facade of mirages that we have created in order to be able to go on.

Is it a problem? I mean, I'm not denying your relativism because I somewhat agree and am thinking on the same line.

But as you said, in the end, what matter is that how do we react.

And I can understand, how sexuality has changed over the years, and even that it real human can be substituted when it comes to partners.

Yet, it means nothing for me. My personality rigorously implies the methods I approach humans, and it includes the fact that sex is an extremely intimate and more importantly, invaluable experience for m.

It's not being naive, but the consequence of my psyche as a whole, and I don't think I'm inherently better or worse for it.

Yes, but that one alone makes a huge, huuge difference. At least my personal view is that we are indeed unique and special, so is every human being, and as such, I value them really much.

it doesn't.

No it doesn't, it's just the line is what becomes thinner. This is called transhumanism, the redefinition of human.
It doesn't make it more or less human.

irrelevant. i talked about free-will, not the quality of being human.

Is it a problem?


it doesn't.

Not an argument.

I accept if this is your opinion, but won't agree without facts.

The rest of your comment is OK.

Neither was yours. This is why I answered like that. When you offer an argument I will answer properly.

I would say these sex dolls are an innovation. Humans have always been into sex but have never really looked deeply into it in a sense that they have made actual inquiries of what could stimulate pleasure in the brain as much as actual human-human sex in order to explore for other alternatives. Sure there is a romantic feel to the whole sexual intercourse when it comes to couples, but there are those who just want to have sex casually, and for some of those these sex dolls are of great pleasure to them--works for them as sometimes casual human sex could be lots of drama and work.

I can understand why people would want a sex doll, but a used sex doll brothel? The future is weird.

Well, right now, with women being trained to be bitches by feminism from the day they were born, many women are not fun to be around, even when engaged with them in sexual congress.

And so, if it is just to get your rocks off, a sex doll is quite a step up from nag-nag-nag.

Further, men have had the idea beaten into them, from the day that they were born, that they are supposed to please women in bed. And because men really do want to be good at what they do, they accept this programming easily. And so, we get too many men who are spending more energy trying to perform, and not enjoying the sex. A sexbot does not complain about you cumming to soon.

All that said, there are energy connections between men and women that bots will never be able to replicate. Along with this there is love and connection. There are many men who do not find prostitutes appealing, because they do not want sex, they want love. (or at least a women pretending to care)

Love can be replicated as any other process. It is not magical. It is simply a chemical broth.

That is the accepted truth, if you believe in an atomistic, deterministic universe.

But, if you believe in auras, chakras and energetic connections, it doesn't hold up.

The only thing I fear is that humanity will die out. Sex will not be needed as an instrument. Humanity will use a surrogate not only for intimate moments, but as a substitute for children, because the potential of artificial intelligence is increasing every day. Today we have sex with dolls. Tomorrow - we bring up artificial children.

That’s a very scary future. Since we will stop doing anything human and become completely reliant on our own creations. The machines.

I guess it's a generation thing so you don't have to follow if you don't want. Your children and grandchildren will, that's for sure,but generation gaps aren't new for history.

perhaps we can take the opportunity, rather than fear, to embrace and show the future generations how to do so responsibly while balancing out humanity.

The problem is that nowadays, younger generations are more adaptive when it comes to technology and would, to an extent, ridicule the older ones.

I hope it can be avoided and only my vision is what's too narrow in the matter.

why fear? we just upgrade to something mechanical much like we did from earlier species.

Probably cheaper and more durable ;)

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