The Case for Sex Dolls

in #sex6 years ago

I’ve been seeing a lot of negative attitudes about sex dolls here on steemit. These seem to stem from disgust and a fear that they will one day replace humans. In an effort to play devil’s advocate, let’s explore some of the potential benefits that sex dolls may have on our society.

First of all, what is a sex doll? I would define it as any synthetic creation that has the ability to deliver carnal pleasure and is in the shape of a biological being. Is that pumpkin that you carved a hole into and filled with warm mashed potatoes a sex doll? No, sex toy. What about the flesh-light shoved into your car’s exhaust? No, still just a sex toy. What about this life like brunette with double d’s and a special semen collection tray? Yes! That would be a sex doll. Now that we have the terminology sorted out, lets move on.

Sex dolls have the potential to deliver non-judgmental fantasy fulfillment. You want to dress him/her up like a rat while you dress up like a ninja turtle while you listen to hardcore rap and eat pizza? Go for it! People desire what they desire and having a healthy outlet for it benefits their mental health and society in turn.

Sex dolls could be an option for the disabled or elderly as well. These people need sex too! Unfortunately we do not have a service to provide them with sex like they do in Europe, so why not use sex dolls as an outlet? Sex is a basic human right and it is too often sought at the expense of others or not at all. Sex dolls can also allow people to "practice" sexual interactions in a safe environment thereby decreasing anxiety around sex.

Sex dolls can also give an outlet for inappropriate desires. Ahem. The picture below should be self explanatory.

Moving on. Could sex dolls curb rape? This world has a rape problem. In fact 1 in 5 women in the US reported attempted or completed rapes during their life times... and we all know that number is much higher. I’m not just talking about men targeting women either. Women rape men, men rape men and women rape women. Not to mention the children. It would be really cool if people would just stop raping in general! I won’t go into detail about how damaging rape is but as a survivor myself I can attest to the trauma and the shame that accompanies this act. I’m doing pretty well now, thanks for asking. So here’s the question, would having free use sex doll brothels curb the continual rape epidemic? You get your rocks off with no risk of police or familial retaliation. Fulfill fantasies without doing irreparable damage to another living being. Win-win, right?

I would also make sitting through 15 minute presentation about consent and safe sex mandatory payment for use of these brothels. Also a multiple choice quiz that needs a 100% score - take as many times as necessary! Here we are able to satisfy an urge as well as educate the public. In fact an educational program in Nairobi, Kenya was successful at teaching boys to not only respect women, but also stop sexual assaults from taking place if they witnessed them.

Less rape would also make communities stronger because there would be more trust between neighbors. Imagine the poor girls who have to live the rest of their days face to face with their rapists, knowing that they will never get justice for the crimes against them. Knowing that one day their daughters will fall victim to these predators as well. Living like that is in no way ideal for promoting mental health and uplifting our species.

“But sex dolls will replace humans one day!” Not so. This here is what we call the slippery slope logical fallacy. The idea is that normalizing intercourse with sex dolls will cause a chain reaction which will destroy society. This is a pretty common theme that can be seen in the argument that allowing homosexual marriage will pave the way for human-animal marriage and destroy our society. That masturbation will destroy our society. That giving people of color equal rights will upset the delicate balance and, you guessed it, destroy our society. See the connection?

Introducing sex dolls will not undo tens of thousands of years of the biological imperative to mate and produce live young. Our brains are wired to reproduce - just ask any woman who gets to hold a baby while ovulating. Ask any man with a pregnancy fetish. The struggle is real! And with our current overpopulation problems and our world’s inability to take care of the people who already inhabit it, any arguments about sex dolls reducing birth rates are just silly.

My last argument for giving sex dolls is one of our right to privacy. If you don't like sex dolls, don't use one and just mind your business. Do you care if your neighbor jerks it with their right or left hand? Are you going to weigh in on the cucumber vs. dildo debate? Do you care if your neighbor has sex with their couch on the regular? As long as they’re not hurting anyone or thing, what they do in the privacy of their own homes is simply not your business. Let’s stop policing each others fetishes and start being kind.

“Judge not lest ye be judged” said one guy in an effort to reduce the assholeary intrinsic to human society.

This concept to be continued in my next piece ”The Ethics of Sex with AI or Consent is Still Consent, d-uh!”

And just because, here’s some erotica about sex dolls from myself Product Testing and @jocelynlily - Calculating Impact.

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I think people say replacement of humans more as a joke (as example in my case) than because we see a problem in sexual dolls.
Sex is a big industry and sex dolls will arrive for sure, first more primitive and as all in life it will improve but never replacing humans, it can be a complement or as you said a way to satisfy persons who are not able to getting sex.
Regarding rapes... i dont know if sex dolls could be decrease it because it has a violence background that perhaps (i really dont know) couldnt be replaced. I can say withouth details that in my opinion a probed raper shouldnt be able to do it again and should be removed of society forever. Nothing less coward than someone who use violence against other person who can defend itself

Thanks for your response! I agree that sex robots alone will not be able to reduce rape. As you point out rape does have a root in violence and can stem from the need to control rather than sexual desire. Do you think that there is any chance for rapists to be rehabilitated and re-educated?

I think is a big NO so they must removered from society forever.

Then I think that the key to reducing rape lies in prevention. If people are educated at a young age and offered alternatives for sex, maybe they won't rape to begin with?

Education is always a must too in order to prevent, but i think both things are compatible.
Things are not just if we educate nothing will happen, of course it will decrease the ocurrence wich is important, but for the cases wich education and alternatives dont work as a society we shouldnt let a probed raper has a second or third victim, they must removed of society forever.

I believe sex dolls can lower incidences of rape and sexual assault across the board. It is also nobodies right to interfere with your sex life if it doesn't harm anyone, and this certainly hurts nobody.

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