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RE: The Case for Sex Dolls

in #sex6 years ago

I think people say replacement of humans more as a joke (as example in my case) than because we see a problem in sexual dolls.
Sex is a big industry and sex dolls will arrive for sure, first more primitive and as all in life it will improve but never replacing humans, it can be a complement or as you said a way to satisfy persons who are not able to getting sex.
Regarding rapes... i dont know if sex dolls could be decrease it because it has a violence background that perhaps (i really dont know) couldnt be replaced. I can say withouth details that in my opinion a probed raper shouldnt be able to do it again and should be removed of society forever. Nothing less coward than someone who use violence against other person who can defend itself


Thanks for your response! I agree that sex robots alone will not be able to reduce rape. As you point out rape does have a root in violence and can stem from the need to control rather than sexual desire. Do you think that there is any chance for rapists to be rehabilitated and re-educated?

I think is a big NO so they must removered from society forever.

Then I think that the key to reducing rape lies in prevention. If people are educated at a young age and offered alternatives for sex, maybe they won't rape to begin with?

Education is always a must too in order to prevent, but i think both things are compatible.
Things are not just if we educate nothing will happen, of course it will decrease the ocurrence wich is important, but for the cases wich education and alternatives dont work as a society we shouldnt let a probed raper has a second or third victim, they must removed of society forever.

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