7 Day Black & White Photo Challenge : Day 3

Thanks again to @gardengirlcanada for nominating me to join this challenge.

And thank you for all the comments and votes on the Day 1 photo of the leek flower head with bee and the Day 2 photo of the petrol station launderette.

Today's photo is good enough to eat...

The Challenge

  • 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life.
  • Present one image every day for 7 days.
  • No people.
  • No explanation.
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.
  • Use the tag #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags.

Today I nominate @geordieprepper

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[image by @pennsif]


Oooh hiii lil shroomy!!

Hi Lyndsay, here is the Pennywort in colour...

Oooh my goodness I would have never guessed it would look like that! Cool. Thanks for letting me know!

And they are really good to eat.

I have heard of pennywort but never knew it was edible! That's interesting.

It is one of my favourite wild plants to eat. Very succulent with a bit of a pea flavour.

This is interesting Pennsif...will you keep going for four more days? And you nominate others to encourage/guilt them into doing the same?

Very curious! How do I take a black and white picture?

Hi @ecoinstant, I'm not sure who started the challenge. But the challenge includes nominating someone everyday to make it grow.

I got nominated and it seemed a fun thing to do. I am so used to seeing the world in colour, looking again at my photos in black and white put a whole new perspective on them.

I use Photoshop Elements to convert my colour photos to black and white. Most image manipulation software has an option to convert to black and white or remove colour.

If you don't have any software there are various online options such as https://pixlr.com/express/ or https://pixlr.com/editor/

Great! Thanks for the links - I think my phone has some sepia filters, not sure if there is strict black and white.

I agree with you - it makes this activity different because I am used to the COLORS!

It looks metallic. Is that just because it's in black and white do you think?

Yes it is a lush green in 'real life'.

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