7-Day Black and White Photo Challenge - Day 7

What's a man to do when he's nominated by the wonderful @dreemit (who by the way is celebrating her 1st Steemiversary today) to a 7-day Black and White Challenge? I don't think there's anything else one can do but say "I accept," so I did. Gladly, I might add! :D

So, without further ado, here is my entry for today:


Usually, this is the part where I write a long explanation or I write a (relatively) short story to complement the photo, but this time I won't ;) As to why, I won't even bother to explain... or maybe I will haha!

Here are the rules:

  • 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life (makes sense)
  • Present one image every day for seven days (as expected)
  • No people (I can live with that)
  • No explanation (whew!)
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in, be sure to use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five (do I have to?)

It's my last day today, and it's bittersweet. I was surprised that I enjoyed this challenge more than I thought. So, I want to gift one of the few people I consider a friend on this platform...

The Aussie Master Wordsmith


Since you're already in Spain, might as well show us the sights. Show us what you got!

Alright then! That's it for me. It's been a fun challenge, but now I'm bowing out. Thank you to all those who took the time to comment. I appreciate it more than you know!

@lukestokes.mhth as a Top 20 STEEM witness? It just works! Do your part by sending your vote in :D

If you enjoyed this, please be sure to follow


Nawww that is so sickeningly sweet I ust want to throw something at you XD Hope you found what you were looking for (if you were indeed looking for anything and didn't just duck in there to play with the coat hangers XD).

I'm the kind that wants in and out as quick as possible, but somehow my middle child managed to inherit that shopaholic gene that infected my mum and sister that I successfully dodged XD (or perhaps I missed out on it? I'm not sure anymore!)

Glad you had fun with the challenge :D


Hey there, I am so sorry, I had your pony downloaded and for some reason it did not originally get put into the collage- but it's there now! Yours was literally one of the first pictures I snatched, when I was doing Jed's stuff I just took it right out of his comment section. You weren't forgotten, at least not while I was planning it!

I'm in your collage?! [hyperventilating from flatterment I don't care if that's not a word]


hands @ryivhnn a used inhaler

Slow breaths, slow breaths. With regard to flatterment, I'll allow it. In fact, I'll allow it so much that I'm going to include it in my PortmanTuesdays when I get to F!! (and the crowd goes wild)

FYN DOES NOT DO SLOW [promptly passes out]

LoL looking forward to it, I want to see your definition XD


I hope it doesn't disappoint!

It's actually a goat, an upgoat to be specific haha! But, I could see how it resembles a pony. An uppony perhaps?

Regarding the pics, I was so sure that my "Thank You" photo from my birthday post would've made it, or even my leprechaun pic haha I was wrong :P

@jedau dodges the object, and uses a... FIREBALL!!! Oops! Reflexes.

I found a sliver of it, but even the tiniest of slivers are better than nothing. Oh wait, you're talking about shopping! Haha! I thought you were talking about something figurative that I got from the challenge! I'm going to let you in on a secret again... lean in because I don't want to shout it out loud... no, seriously, come closer to the screen...


HAHAHA! But, looking at it again, I could see where it could be mistaken as a store haha! One other cool thing, I actually didn't arrange it. I just saw it like that and took a snap. It's cool how it resembled a heart, huh?

LoL come closer to the screen XD

RoFL! And I thought I had more clothes than I knew what to do with XD That is pretty cool!


That rack is a combination of my mom's and sister's haha! They're not that many, but I guess the number of clothes are more than the average.

Suppose we'll forgive it then ;D


For me, I have no choice >.<

A hanger heart, how cool! Thanks for the plug :) Hafta check out all the other cool shots I missed!

Haha as you will see in the previous posts, I've always plugged... wait, I'm gonna stop myself right there. I just know that it's not going to sound good >.< HAHA! This hanger heart, would you believe that I didn't have a hand in making it? I mean, it was arranged this way by accident. I saw the heart resemblance and then I took a snap. Easiest creative shot I took for the challenge haha! Thanks for nominating me, sis! I had tons of fun :D

I'm guessing thrift store shopping with your significant other?
It is a good shot and very creative with the hangers!

Close, but no cigar, bud. This was actually shot in my house haha! I really want to take credit arranging it, but I just happened upon it and I took a snap. I was surprised when I stumbled upon it haha Thanks for the compliment though, I'll take it!

haha, wow I was way off. well that shows how perspective can really change things!

That's why I love playing with them! Nice to know I could still surprise an artistic mind such as yourself!

It does look like you enjoyed it, even your last post shows it. Actually you are better photographer than you might think.

Thanks, buddy! People actually say that a lot. I always just answer that I take pictures with a lot of emotion, and that translates to the photo. I'm glad you see it that way. Your continued support is very much appreciated!

I'll see what I can do. Need to read through the requirements, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Thanks for the selection, mi amigo.

Por supuesto, compadre! I always pegged you for the finale, brother. Looking forward to what you come up with!

A very beautiful one. Good luck in the contest :)

Thank you! I appreciate it :) It's not really a contest but I really wish it was haha!

Nice photo. I love B&W pictures. I recently have posted some Photos in black and white, and i would like for you to watch them. I'm not part of the challenge, but I think they are nice pictures. BTW I'm following you now.

Thanks. Since you asked nicely, I'll take a look at it just this once. You should know that I normally don't do this, especially since the only real comment you made in my post is "Nice photo" before you launched into self-promotion. Normally, you would get flagged for that, so just a friendly reminder to avoid that. If you would've left a longer, more thoughtful comment on my post, I would've gone to your profile and looked at your post even though you didn't ask me to. I appreciate the follow.

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