
account NOT for sale
but witness distabled

I wonder what made you change your mind.


1 GARLIC. Good luck m8 :D

thank you for support to my friend.@steempty

Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..

Oh boy. I wanted to ask if this isn't against the Steemit ToS, but the only rule here is "money talks," it seems (Yes, selling accounts is not actually against the ToS, as far as I can see. Truly a wild place to be in).

Good luck Steempy, may you find a Reen :P

ToS irrelevant. Account was minted

I think that if you use a site, you are beholden to the ToS, even if you didn't sign it, necessarily. But it doesn't matter, it's not actually against the ToS anyway.

Well, the cascade of effects will harm my involvement with the platform, and many people I care for, but good luck man. It is your account, and I'm thankful for all the trickle-down support to me and mine over my time here, that has indirectly come through you.

It's funny if you think about it actually, its not a site with a block chain, its a block chain with a site :D

Hey, I said something like that over a month ago, when the bandwidth issues cropped up, that it has to decide if it's a blockchain with a social network attached, or a social network with a blockchain attached, since that affects the "transaction flow" that affects bandwidth...

the blockchain came first
we did some mining and most of us didn't even know that there will be a website :)

What is the price of this account?

Yup agreed. I do however in a mix feeling about which is the better one for the whole platform in the long run.

Are you leaving steemit @steempty?

Thank you @steempty for helping my friend @maeolloves143
I so much appreciate it. :)

this is good, hopefully you are lucky @steempty

Sorry to see you leaving the platform! All the best for the future, will you return with a fresh account?

It is very hard to believe that you are selling your account.
I hope that it will be in good hands after you sell it.
All the best!

sad to see you going away :(

You are really helpful and great. I like you.

I need to know the worth of the account so that I don't undervalued it. Can you put me through?

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