The Freedom of the Internet in Brazil.

in #self-power5 years ago (edited)

Hi @upmewhale, @theycallmedan, @yabapmatt and @pennsif...

Here is my entry to the contest: Restricted & Unrestricted Internet - Freedom World.

Oficina da Net

According to a survey (2019 edition) released by the international organization Freedom of House, Brazil is a country that finds itself in a currently "partially free" category within the worldwide web (only 20% worldwide is considered "free"). This represents a drop in the ranking regarding freedom related to internet use, because in an evaluation with scalability from 0 to 100, the country achieved an average of 63 (which represents a drop of 6 points when compared to the previous year).

However, among many problems that are part of a problematic set that reaches (in the most diverse and most essential sectors... such as health, education and security) directly the Brazilian nation with less purchasing power, it can be said that the use of Internet is not one of your biggest obstacles because we definitely have more urgent situations to pay attention.

Everyone who is connected has their own voice and can make use of it as it suits them through a variety of digital platforms, but unfortunately not everyone makes good use of this right... The government doesn't usually interfere - at least not directly and / or incisively - on the freedom of expression of Brazilians (who are always joking about the country's routine problems).

Brasil de Fato

In general, there is a lot of permissiveness in the digital field in Brazilian lands (by the way, this is something that gives a false sense of freedom to many users... considering that there is a monstrous social difference that separates the population from "the richest" and "the poorest", automatically generating a high level of segregation and exclusion which is very worrisome) and needless to say that this free pass is a very dangerous aspect and demands an increasingly detailed debate on what the limits would be to respect in a place where there don't seem to be laws.

Annually, the number of Brazilians that start to be part of the connected population grows more and more (with even larger projections of estimates) and the scenario that at first glance may seem conducive (especially for the country's economy), hides serious problems and proves to be extremely problematic. In a year, the number of citizens who fed growth statistics related to internet use through access by smartphones, tablets and televisions was 9 million.

Although this may foresee a democratic scenario regarding Internet use (after all, it is robust growth... democratized but not yet egalitarian), recent surveys show that 80% of all Brazilians said they have some type of internet at home (and that they use it with However, 65.9% are among those below the poverty line, and this disparity becomes even more discrepant when access to the Internet is growing much higher than access to key public policies from the country.


It is an interconnected network of barriers that are clearly overlapping, but the user index - even with all its budgetary constraints that directly impact in many ways - continues to expand even in the poorest regions of the country. So, with ever-increasing demand from users, the government tries to stay in line with the higher courts and strive to combat the various types of cyber crimes that happen.

There are safeguards to try to offer to the users a safe browsing (and the Marco Civil da Internet is proof of this, a unit that works by monitoring research on illegal activities), but still, this is not a guarantee. There are also bills to criminalize fake news and projects to prevent the spread of deep web terrorism that takes place across the deep web, and a policy focused on protecting users' personal data by signing up for services and achievements related to online shopping.

Although not yet very efficient on this issue (although it has improved a lot, but there are still many points to be improved), as regards the freedom to use the internet Brazil, the one country has a "friendly" policy and does not any kind of heavier restriction for this territory to be explored. Sometimes some kind of censorship threatens to set in, but so far, all alarms are false and everything goes smoothly.


On the other hand, the government is always studying a possibility of benefiting from what users are doing in it... And perhaps one of the most current and important examples to illustrate this exchange of interests is a project to tax all transactions. virtual currencies that happen through digital currencies (as this directly affects banks, which are no longer being seen as the only way to invest or simply save money) and the Blockchain system - notably Bitcoin - has been the main target.

This economic decentralization of banks as dominant financial market institutions is something that has been much studied here (and has been bothering a lot of rich people), but the government has not yet instituted any kind of barrier or restriction to this new form of technology... But in the not too distant future, I believe some measure will be put in place so that there is a way to maintain control within this "financial war" in pursuit of monopolizing money.


It is worth highlighting the less bureaucracy of internet access in state and public schools, which even slowly is gaining a little more attention from the government and thus becoming more connected to the outside world and this is a direct gain. With regard to the democratization of education that children, adolescents and adults receive daily because teachers are able to have more tools to transmit content that they can acquire more knowledge more quickly and broadly.

The regularization of the internet in Brazil is a complex matter (as in any other country, I suppose... after all, the regulation of laws is different and has its peculiar characteristics) and considering the dynamic pace at which its advances are happening all over the world. these days this conclusion could not be different. It is a daily struggle to keep the train running effectively on track and prepared to overcome future adversities.


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