Upmewhale Writing Contest! Global Warming and Climate Change, What Can Be Done? By @belkisa758

in #self-power5 years ago (edited)

Controversial Discussions

It is good to begin the subject by discriminating against the global and incidental circumstances that for many respond with satisfaction to what is socially called "technological advances". These advances are attributed to the "wise" decisions of man and his commitment to continue evolving and advancing in scientific, social, economic, cultural, and technological development for capitalist purposes.

However, the obsession with progress by leaps and bounds leaves as evidence harmful consequences today reflected in the behavior of the planet.

Who was first the chicken or the egg?

Scientists say that for 30 years, around the time of the 70s, specialists in climatology have been establishing the stability of the climate on the planet. Cold and hot, rainy and dry temperatures were considered normal at that time.

On the other hand, other specialists with greater optimism looked beyond and glimpsed the formation of glaciers in extensive surfaces of the earth's crust, the fact also ruled out the symptoms of a possible global warming, a theory that unfortunately ceased to be true a few years later, when an increase in the temperature of the air on the earth's surface began. No more happiness.

All this discovery and warning signs gave rise to geographers, geologists, historians, chemists, economists, climatologists, philosophers, sociologists and researchers to express their contributions.

The geographer's vision pointed towards normality in climate variations. His studies revealed the natural behavior of the climate. On the other hand, the area of geology affirmed that the causes of global warming were due to variations in volcanic activities or to the continental dynamics resulting from the tectonic plate.

Both perspectives used the term "Variations", but what were the attributes of this variable? Historians, sociologists and philosophers have come to add more analysis and information to broaden the picture. For historians, climate changes had to be studied from the past, the evolution of society, its history and everything that was contained within it.

The course of society, for example, provided valuable information for understanding the environment.

To this idea is added that of the chemists who stated that the modification of the atmosphere begins with the Industrial Revolution. The influence of polluting agents was clear and evident. The indiscriminate use of fuel burns increased the risks in the atmosphere.

The data of the climatologists was also conclusive, definitely the temperature in the planet, had increased!

Researchers began their work to create uncertainty about the future consequences of climate change and the impact on nature. The search for resources to design research projects in addition to the injection of resources was a priority and crucial.

Personal Vision

For me, global warming means less quality of life. Being further removed from nature to experience the accelerated growth of society, the indiscriminate use of resources and keeping up with the changes is not healthy for anyone.

Outdoor walks can no longer be at any time of day, the harsh sun affects the skin and puts our health at risk. You can feel the heat increase, when the sun hardly touches the skin, we feel it burning as if we had been exposed to the ember. Here is an example of how this affects me and humanity.

Fortunately, even in my community we enjoy vegetable lungs with which we can share daily, breathe fresh, pure air, and walk without perceiving polluting agents. However, the same effect of climate change does not outweigh the risks.

I love to climb the mountains every day to enjoy the benefits of nature. Walking every day through those beautiful spaces has taught me to give importance to the natural.

Given this personal experience, I consider it important to educate in environmental values but not from obsolete didactic strategies based on theories. Schools have a debt with their students, they must transcend the classroom to get in touch with social reality. It is not possible to learn, in the middle of the 21st century, enclosed within four walls.

One must learn "DOING BEING" later on will come the "KNOWLEDGE", the "KNOWLEDGE". One must learn to BE, not only to HAVE.

The generation of the millennium, native of technology, needs only what it demands and each demand is particular, for this reason the school does not satisfy anyone's needs and does not seem to have intentions to do so. On the contrary, it appears increasingly empty, cold, and frugal.

From these bases, I consider that governments and governmental entities should address the environmental problem as a common need and not as an indiscriminate capitalist source of particular interests.

Our generations must learn about ecological socialism, its benefits, contributions, reasons and arguments.

"It is not possible to save the fundamental ecological balances of the planet without at the same time attacking the capitalist system that functions on the basis of fossil energies"

Tiberio Gutiérrez | November 14, 2017

In accordance with the above premises, I am now inclined to support the current of thought based on ecological-democratic action. I oppose the hunger to accumulate wealth through the compulsive consumerism of capitalist theories because they show disinterest in the physical risks of the Earth. From this position, from the intention of saving the planet I support the current but not, with all that comes from political-partisan ideas.

Main technologies that affect the planet and responsible countries?

I take this question literally because I consider it key in all the speech I have given today. Everything is based on EDUCATION, it is not the technology itself that affects. It is human actions through them. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all governments to create education plans that respond to a world need.

The task of preserving the environment is not only for Venezuela, Colombia, China, or Australia. It is everyone's task. It is the collective conscience that will respond to the effects of our actions. Technology is derived from man, therefore, it is man, wherever he is, who is responsible for the consequences of their actions.

From this last premise, the question about the intentions of governments to address environmental problems fits perfectly. Obviously, the question is global, my duty is to be responsible and to delimit.

In Venezuela, the crisis we are living today is already of world information. Among the thousands of problems, the most important of all, in my opinion, is education. My speech is based on this theme and for this reason I continue to spin on it.

If we must focus our attention on education for all, then it is sad to acknowledge and affirm that this government does not show the slightest intention of providing solutions. The collapse of all government institutions and the continuous attack on NGOs has resulted in the delay of any education policy aimed at solving environmental problems.

The deterioration of the streets in Venezuela is evident; garbage, rubble and scrap metal threaten public health to a great extent. Garbage dumps near hospitals, schools, maternity homes and the homes themselves increase the appearance of flies, rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other insects.

In Venezuela, the culture of recycling does not exist. For many campaigns and projects without follow-up or evaluation, they have been left to the abandonment, everything is in ruins and ephemeral memories.

I cannot fail to mention the situation of the schools, the empty classrooms due to the absence of teachers and the intermittent attendance of children.

This poor government management has set our education system back at least 20 years.

Although there is no government data that supports this information, you can review statistics presented by the Venezuelan Education Observatory and evaluate the historical decline of education in our country.

Whose task is it?

Each government must assume responsibility for: delegating, planning, directing, managing, allocating resources, and evaluating the impact of projects that respond to a country's needs.

All leaders, government, church, schools, various institutions, neighborhood leaders, NGOs, and all common citizens should be involved in this task.

Some of the sources consulted

Condiciones y consecuencias del desarrollo tecnológico

Por un socialismo democrático para el siglo XXI

El ecosocialismo como alternativa política, social y ecológica al capitalismo

Así afecta la tecnología al medio ambiente

Government is not a concept used to define a political leader but each individual who with freedom, autonomy, and ideas of his own, executes actions without measuring consequences. @belkisa758

¡Thank you for reading, commenting and voting!

Own photographs @belkisa758


Excelente Comay. Muy buen punto de vista. Desde la Educación podemos hacer aportes importantes pero el sistema tiene la mayor responsabilidad.

Así es, la creación de políticas públicas así como la gestión de recursos para proyectos destinados para tal fin son puntos claves en este tema. Aún así, la dependencia hacia lo otros también nos está llevando al atolladero, ¿de no crearse acciones de parte de los organismos hacia donde iríamos?, es aquí donde debemos tomar consciencia, cada uno puede poner de su parte y promover acciones como el caso de muchas ONG´s. Gracias por la visita y el aporte comay. Es un tema bien interesante.

Agradecida! Muchas gracias por el apoyo.

Amiga, una cátedra, concuerdo con tigo, la educación debe y tiene que cambiar
para poder lograr ver un avance.

Lastimosamente, Venezuela involuciona en educación por eso sigue quedando en manos de cada uno ampliar las visiones. Tenemos herramientas y eso es importante, enseñarbcon el ejemplo es la misión. Gracias por la visita y el apoyo amiga.

You have mentioned all the aspects that intervene in the problem and where the solution is, in the education that is the base.

Thank you very much for this post and for making the situation of our Venezuela so clear. Congratulations @belkisa758

Mejor expresado imposible, has mencionado todos los aspectos que intervienen en el problema y en donde esta la solución, en la educación que es la base.

Muchas gracias por este post y por dejar tan clara la situación de nuestra Venezuela. Felicitaciones @belkisa758

Gracias a ti por la dedicada lectura amiga. Son palabras que motivan, agradecida.

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