All I see is work!

Yesterday a very good friend of mine, @rebeccaryan, came up with a new tag that she is wanting to get established. The new tag is called #seewhatisee and this is her intention of how the tag should be used..." The ultimate goal of this tag is to show you what catches my eye and my attention and then explain what I think makes the images that I am sharing with you, special or unique. Or, why I thought the images were worth sharing with all of you, around the world."
Here is the link to the original post with some breathtaking photographs!

Well, what kind of buddy would I be if I didn't try and support the tag? Not a good one, so I made an attempt at it today while getting a newly developed chore completed.
Ya see, when you begin a career in law enforcement, you may as well come to terms that your mailbox WILL be destroyed multiple times and you will probably find some surprises inside of it just as I have over the years.
Well sure as hell, it has happened again lol! One of these days, I'm going to make a steel post and box and cement it in the ground. Maybe that will last or maybe it wont. My dad (which was also in LE) had the same problem and no matter what he done, they still managed to pull his out of the ground. I was able to fix the damaged mounting plate and install the box back on, thankfully the box wasn't bashed in.

After feeling like I just won the lottery because I didn't get run over by the speeding cars while working on my mailbox, I begin the trek back home and noticed this poor pine tree. I hate it for this tree because it's being choked to death by vines. I despise vines! I had to clear a bunch of vines out from the driveway when we bought our house and it was a nightmare! This tree just looks like it want;s to be put out of it's misery.

You can see how tight that the vines are wrapped around the tree, they are almost infused together.

As I continue on, I'm looking for things that are cheerful or pleasant to look at. The mailbox and tree on death row isn't the most exciting things to be writing about, but that's what I first noticed and what came to mind so there ya go lol.
Here's a picture of a beautiful Carolina blue sky! We're having great weather today so I'm going to try and take advantage of it.

As I'm looking around for something gorgeous or spectacular to show you, I see this possible home for some local squirrels. It was too high off the ground for me to take a peek.

I decided to make my way towards one of my firing ranges to check on things and noticed some unfinished chores from last year that needs tending to. Here'e a pile of brush that didn't disappear through the winter like I had hoped it would.

The firing range looks good and ready to be used. Fresh paint! That's unheard of on my range! Somebody needs to get to slingin some lead. I will be shooting this evening, but not on these targets. This paint will live to see another day, I guess.

Puppy is wanting some attention so bad that he can't stand it, so I must give it to him! I love him so much!

The last thing that I see before I go inside to get ready to shoot is this damned holly bush that refuses to die! The perimeter of the house was surrounded with those things and the boss wanted them gone so I did what I could. I managed to get rid of 95% of them. Those things are relentless!

This was my first #seewhatisee post and to be honest, I saw a lot of work before Spring gets here lol. Hopefully, in the upcoming posts, there won't be as much work related objects involved haha.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my post! Feel free to follow along with me on this Steemit journey as I have many stories that I want to share with you! @bluelightbandit


Thank you so much @bluelightbandit! We think the same...fill that post with cement! If your mailbox must be molested than at least make it memorable. ;)

Ha! We think too much a like!

Excellent post for the new tag. The work never ends. Whenever we think we are finished. Up pops another chore. But, we do what has to be done always. Your mailbox ventures are disgusting. It just adds unwanted work.
Not much more than that. Oh yes. We want to retaliate. But to who?
Good job on the "seewhatisee.'
Thank you


You would think disgusting if I told you another story of what someone done to me one time. I will have to ponder on that some.

That is life on the homestead. Everywhere I look I see work to be done! I try to ignore and look at the good stuff but it still manages to hit me in the eye! LOL

LOL That's kinda how I felt today.

welcome @bluelightbandit
I have not seen your publications for a long time. Maybe I did not really get you. I searched for your publications a lot and did not see them
I always enjoyed your beautiful publications and still do this wonderful work
Greetings to you

Thanks, I'm still here lol.


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