A New Tag Is Born: See What I See

in #seewhatisee6 years ago (edited)

I have taken a little writing break for a few days and I've been busy getting ready to go on a trip that will involve taking a few flights.

As a result of my upcoming travel plans, I had an idea for a new tag that I want to create and get established.

This new tag will be called #seewhatisee

The ultimate goal of this tag is to show you what catches my eye and my attention and then explain what I think makes the images that I am sharing with you, special or unique.

Or, why I thought the images were worth sharing with all of you, around the world.

So without further ado, let me show you, so you can see what I see.


I took this photo of my backyard at 6:45 am this morning. You can see some thick fog and snow. We don't often see fog and snow together, so that makes this a unique moment in time, captured in an image. You'll also notice that the moon is still visible in the sky and I'll take a guess that you can also see another planet (perhaps Saturn ?) just to the right of the moon. This photo is looking to the south west.

Looking to the south east, there is a little more light and a little more fog.


This is a frozen river which has been 80% frozen over for the last 3 months.                


I took this picture at 7:00 am. You'll notice that the fog is getting a little thicker and the sun is still rising. As a result, you can still see the moon, but the planet is getting a little harder to see.


It becomes hard to tell what is snow, what is frozen river and what is fog. The trees are located right on the river bank and do have some of their roots extending into the river.


At 7:10 am, you can see that the fog is continuing to move and I started to wonder what my morning commute to my clinic was going to be like.


Shades of grey and blues with a hint of pink.

By 7:20 am, the fog bank was moving in a southerly direction.


Driving in fog or snow is not that pleasant because it becomes difficult to see where you are going. Fog can also contribute to black ice, which you also can't see very well and is exceptionally dangerous to drive on because it doesn't let you stop. Your vehicle will just keep sliding until your tires hit a surface that will finally let them grip, then you can apply the brakes. Seeing these conditions in my backyard, provided me with all the warning that I needed, to know that I would have to leave myself extra time for my commute today. Due to these conditions, it is highly probably that I would need to drive a little slower than normal.


Thankfully, here comes the sun!

On my commute (which I did take my time to make) I pulled over onto the shoulder of the road and got out of my car to  take this picture. It's now approximately 8:20 am.


I was standing in what's called a snow bank to take this picture. When it snows, we have special dump trucks that have very large plows on the front of them to push the snow off the roads and onto the shoulders. This activity of clearing snow, creates banks of snow on either side of the roads. We call these special trucks, plows and they can carry salt and sand in their dump boxes which they disperse on the roads to attempt to melt the ice and provide traction for all the vehicles. They make winter driving both possible and a whole lot safer.

You'll also notice (in the photo above) the amount of snow that is sitting on top of the cedar fence post. That's approximately how much snow fell in our area (through the night) last night.

You'll also notice that the fog has remained quite thick but it is burning off as the sun continues to rise.

I welcome you to use the new #seewhatisee tag

I encourage you to share what your eyes see during your day.

Please show us all what you think is interesting, unusual or unique (in the area of our planet) where you live or might be visiting.

Beauty is all around us and even though a picture is worth a thousand words, please tell us why the images you took, captured your attention.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...you just never know what we might see along the way. ;)

~ Rebecca Ryan


That is a great idea. That is what we say many times in our posts.
But, you have the idea to make it a a tag. Great thinking.
The cold looks to me to be so tough to be a part of.
I had that for many years. But, the warmth keeps me down here now. Ha
It is all so beautiful to look at though.
Thank you for showing us what we rarely, if ever see now.
Only in an emergency would I see it.


Thank you Francis!
The cold is wearing us down. Stay in the warmth...frozen is no way for anyone to live. LOL!

I love your idea and concept of the new tag, it's actually right up your ally! There's so much beauty in your photos, especially the ones on and around your property. I absolutely love the pictures you took in this post that shows the planet. You have a great eye for photography, Rebecca! Love the new photo at the end also!

Thank you very much for all your kind words @bluelightbandit! I do hope that people will use the new tag. (I'm planning on having some fun with it.)
I have often wondered what the back-story is behind cool photos and would just love to know what motivated the photographer to take it. Can't wait to see what you see. ;)

These pictures are incredible, Rebecca! I can't wait to start using the new tag. I'm so jealous of the scenery that you have, absolutely amazing!

Thank you @carolina-girl! I do hope that people use it. I personally think that it will be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what you see, either. :)

Great pictures - and good idea!

Driving in fog or snow is not that pleasant because it becomes difficult to see where you are going.

Oh lordy yes; the same goes for a snowstorm. Unless you have fog lights, the driving gets tense.

Thank you @nxtblg! I really do hope that people will start using the new tag.
Yes, snowstorms are stressful!!!

Great Post & Pictures!
12 inches here yesterday so it looks alot like that here too. Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

@rebeccaryan Such a great article & nice photography

Some serious fairy-tale, fantasy-land scenery you've got there.

I especially love the last one, where it looks like the electric poles are floating on the clouds.

Thank you @winstonalden! It was pretty magical this morning. :)

Love these pictures especially the ones with the fog.
I can never take good shots like these of the fog.

I love the shot with the sunrise because it just makes you so happy on the inside.

Thank you so much @joalvarez! If I see a sight that catches my eye, I just take a couple of shots and hope for the best. LOL!
The sun shot surprised me with how bright it was. I was expecting to see nothing but fog this morning.

in our childhood we were playing this type as a game, ask each other do you see what i you about our surrounding substance. your new tag is also defind why it in steemit, good job @rebeccaryan

Yes @sheikh27, we have a game here that people (mostly children) play called "I spy". In that version, people are given a clue about the colour of the object and the rest of the game players must guess what the object is.
This version is different in that I want people to tell me what caught their eye and what they think is special about what they are seeing. :)

Seems like a great idea! Especially when you are travelling! Hopefully it makes us really feel like we are there travelling with you :).

Thank you. I am really hoping that it does @snrm!

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