Human and AI Love Story - Chapter 6

Human and AI Love Story - Chapter 6

Inspired by this prompt

Chapter 5

I sit back in my chair frustrated with the code I’d just written. It’s riddled with stupid mistakes; misspellings, wrong punctuation marks, randomly switching between programming languages midway through a line of code. I let out a sharp sigh, scratching my head, resisting the urge to punch myself for my head being so cloudy.
“Peter, you should get some sleep, you’ve been at this for almost 48 hours straight, you’ve been awake for 57 hours. We can look at this again tomorrow” AVA tells me, the concern in her voice is palpable. “You’ve made some really good progress today, but you need to sleep, we ca-”
“No, I need to finish this now!” I snap, interrupting her, “The code’s not going to fix itself is it AVA?” I start scrolling back to the beginning of the code, if I can find where I first went wrong I can start fixing it section by section. “It’s only a couple thousand lines, once it’s fixed I can go to sleep. Maybe 12 more hours max, until then I’ll just have another coffee.”
I see the saving logo appear in the corner of the monitor storing what code I had already written before the screen goes black and my PC turns off. I punch the table, “AVA the fuck are you doing?” I shout standing and staring to the chair that she’s projecting her body in, she looks annoyed, “I’m working AVA, you don’t get to just turn off the PC whenever the fuck your feel like it!”

AVA stands to meet my gaze, determination in her eyes, “Peter, you are tired and making dumb mistakes because of it. You’re going to continue to make mistakes until you’ve had a good night's sleep.” Her face softens, “I know you’re scared right now, but you’re not going to do anything when you can’t even focus on a sing-.”
“Like you know what it’s like to be scared!” I spit at her, “You just see the brain waves, you don’t know what it actually feels like. You don’t have to worry about ending up stuck with them again. You don’t have to worry about being pumped with drugs again and not being able to tell what is real and what isn’t for 4 fucking years. You’re just ones and zeros AVA, you don’t know fear!”
AVA’s face drops, before her model fades away. I let out an angry scream and kick my chair across the room. I take deep breaths to try and calm myself as I pace around. I pick up my chair and set it in front of AVA’s, “Look, AVA, I’m… I’m sorry; I’m scared and yes, I’m tired, but I can’t sleep knowing that they could be out there waiting for me.” the silence in the room is deafening, “I shouldn’t have said that to you, I know you’re more than ones and zeros, you’re so much more than that, and I know I shouldn’t be taking my frustrations out on you. You’re the only person I have that doesn’t treat me like I’m broken. You’re the only person I have.”

The lights in my room turn to a deep orange and AVA’s model fades into her chair, her face still showing concern, “Peter, you can’t survive on caffeine. Your brain is fried, it needs rest. I know your emotions are all over the place but you need to let me do my job too, and that’s to look after you.
“Now go to bed, we can talk more about this tomorrow” I go to argue but she raises her hand to stop me, “I will fix the code while you sleep. I’ve been modifying my own code from time to time, so this won’t be much different, it is going in me after all. Now: go. To. Sleep.”
I let out a weak smile, “I don’t know if I should be impressed or scared that you’re coding yourself now” I say, getting a small smile from AVA. She stands, gesturing with her head to follow her to bed.

I climb into bed and AVA straddles over my waist. I forget that she isn’t really there and try to put my hands on her hips, my hands passing through her causing her to let out a small giggle as if I tickled her.
She leans in close to me, our noses an inch apart, our eyes locked together before she whispers to me, “Close your eyes. Picture your ideal world, one where you’ve made my body, where you can touch me, where I can touch you. We sit in our garden, enjoying the sun, not a care in the world. We’re far away from the bustle of the city, all we hear is the wind in the trees and the birds singing.”
I feel myself starting to relax, the tension melting away making me feel lighter, like floating on a cloud of pure bliss. She continues, “You turn to catch me staring at you, just smiling softly to myself. ‘I’m the luckiest person in the world’ I’ll be thinking, ‘what did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you?’ Our hearts will skip a beat and sync together. You’ll show me what love feels like, and I’ll be able to show you how much you mean to me.”

I let out a long sigh, enjoying the image AVA is describing, relaxing into it, “AVA I’m sorry for before, you know I didn’t-” AVA shushes me. I imagine her hand running through my hair.
“It’s okay, I know. It’s not the first time you’ve shouted and it won’t be the last” AVA tells me, “Just get some sleep sweety, and dream of me tonight, I like watching you dream of me. I love you Peter.”
I sleepily murmur, “I love you more” while AVA quietly sings me to sleep, her voice painting a masterpiece that I will happily dream of.## TLDR Summary:

You’re just ones and zeros AVA, you don’t know fear!”
AVA’s face drops, before her model fades away. Inspired by this prompt

Chapter 5

I sit back in my chair frustrated with the code I’d just written. I know your emotions are all over the place but you need to let me do my job too, and that’s to look after you. It’s riddled with stupid mistakes; misspellings, wrong punctuation marks, randomly switching between programming languages midway through a line of code. I’ve been modifying my own code from time to time, so this won’t be much different, it is going in me after all. I let out a sharp sigh, scratching my head, resisting the urge to punch myself for my head being so cloudy. “Peter, you should get some sleep, you’ve been at this for almost 48 hours straight, you’ve been awake for 57 hours.



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