The Hunter's Journey - ep 2.42 - Magic guns

The Hunter's Journey - ep 2.42 - Magic guns

Book 1

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“Falenken! I didn’t think you’d be the one supervising the archery range” James called when he saw who was waiting for him.

“Well, I am” the Dryad guard replied as James approached with the new weapon in his hands. “The Sergeant told me there was a new weapon being tested from here today, though I didn’t think it was going to be that.”

“Well, things are going to get interesting quite soon, so how about we start heading over then?” he asked as he checked to make sure he had everything on him, and found that all ten shells were safely in his pockets.

“Alright then, let’s head off” Falenken replied as he turned and left with James in tow.

It didn’t even take a second for James to notice the slight limp. “So, how are you doing then?”

“Not too bad I guess considering I got hit by a spear on the weekend and ended up breaking my leg when I landed awkwardly. It’s mostly healed, but something about it still feels off, so that’s why I’m supervising the archery range at the moment. I could do it with three legs. I suppose that as you're testing that, the Sergeant probably realised that having someone that had seen something like it watching was probably a good idea.”

“I see.”

“How are you doing? I know you fought too on the weekend.”

“I’m doing ok I guess. A few broken ribs, a bunch of bruises, but otherwise I wasn’t too badly injured.”

“I see. You saw the aftermath, didn’t you?”

"Yeah, most of it anyway. When it happened, they were focussed on me, so it kind of all ended up in front of me" James explained.

"It wasn't the nicest sight I've seen, and I only passed by it on the way to the medical centre. Apparently a few guards decided to above and beyond and mutilated and intact corpses out of sheer hate."

"Yeah, I saw that too. Are Maresta and Renaha alright?" James asked, concerned.

"They're fine, a couple of bruises from arrow hits, but nothing serious. They're at the side gate at the moment I believe."

“That's good then" he replied as the two of them rounded a corner and entered into a recessed opening.

The grassy area featured a number of archery targets at various distances, that were in front of a fenced off area that was backed by the town's wall. The range was split up into ten fenced off lanes so people couldn't go strolling down range accidentally. There were four young Dryad guards occupying four of the lanes, but none of them were shooting at the moment as they needed to be supervised. Once they saw Falenken wave to them, they began to loose their arrows down range. It was clear to James that they were much better at archery than he was when almost all of them hit either ring three or four consistently at longer ranges than he tried. The targets were well used, but James suddenly began to feel sorry for Falenken as he was likely to absolutely destroy one of them today. He began to feel really sorry when he realised he was heading to the only fresh target, which was set at around 20 meters away.

“So, as you can see we want a clear judgement of what this weapon can do, so don’t worry if the target has a bunch more holes in it at then end” Falenken told him as they stepped into the stand.

“What if it can’t be used again, like, at all?” James asked in reply.

“Don’t worry about that. It’s a new weapon, we’re going to want a record of the results to store somewhere. It’s not going to be used again.”

“That’s good then, I’m not entirely sure just how destructive this thing is going to be. If everything is functional, there could be a few chunks missing for it at the end.”

“That’s the idea” Falenken replied with a smile. “I’ll be honest with you, if you can make it half as good as your shotgun, the guard is going to be very happy with you. The fighting may have broken for a few days, but we know it’s coming back.”

“It has?” James asked, surprised that this was the first time he’d heard that.

“Yeah, after the attack on the town, only a couple of small scouting parties were encountered near Srecia, a small village to the West of here. We have no idea what they were scouting for, but they never got to return. Since then, we’ve only had the odd sighting around Lake Vulthra, and it’s never resulted in a fight. They’re either hiding or planning something, probably both. Now that we know they’re somewhere in the forest and still have a decent number of fighters, hiding won’t work forever” Falenken explained.

“Has anyone tried talking to them, to see what they’re doing?”

“Ha, good luck even finding a Kobold that can talk, let alone is willing to talk. Most of them can’t manage much more than simple signal screeches. The ones that can talk usually will kill you before you finish saying hello.”

“I see. Well, I guess it’s time we test this then. I want to do the first shot from cover so if something does go wrong, there isn’t going to be splinters sticking out of me” James joked.

“Yeah, good idea. I think the trainees have just about finished clearing out their arrow supplies. Get this weapon ready and I’ll go clear the range for the first shot, just in case” Falenken told him as he headed off to the other stands.

James unlocked the barrel and swung it open. He dropped one of the shells in, pulled the hammer back, and checked the range. The ground between him and the wall at the back was clear of anyone, so there was no chance of anyone being hit by anything, and he also saw all of the Dryad trainees heading off to one side, hiding behind a few trees. James swung the barrel closed and locked it in place, checking the fit to make sure no new gaps had appeared. His inspection returning all good, he aimed at the target and cast a spell to hold the weapon in place, and cautiously let go. Once he was happy that the weapon remained floating in place, he then retreated behind a nearby tree where Falenken was hiding.

“Ready?” James asked.

“The range is cleared and everyone is behind cover. We are now waiting for you to shoot when you are ready” Falenken confirmed.

“Right. I have no idea how loud this is going to be, but as there’s no propelling explosion, I’m hoping it’s going to be a fair bit quieter than my shotgun” James warned him.

“Of course, ears covered then” Falenken replied pressing his hands over his ears, gesturing for the bystanders to do the same.

“Right then, firing in three, two, one….”

There was a loud whump a split second after James cast a spell to pull the trigger, and then there was a faint cracking of wood as the target began to split in places on account of the multiple small stones impacting it at high velocity. After a few moments of no more activity, James emerged from cover and began to survey what had happened. The weapon had shot perfectly, and when James inspected it, he found no signs of damage to the weapon itself. The shell was another story however, as there was a crack running down one side which had given him a little trouble when he extracted it. Aside from that, everything seemed to have performed perfectly, and all the enchantments show no strain, like they hadn’t been affected at all, but he would need equipment to tell how much it had actually drained as it was such a small amount.

“All good?” Falenken asked as he joined James by the weapon.

“Almost perfect. The shell is going to need a bit of work, maybe an extra enchantment or two, but the weapon itself is absolutely fine.” James replied.

“That is great news! So how about we take a look at the results?”

“Yeah, let’s. I’m very interested to see if it holds up to my shotgun.”

The pair began to walk downrange as the other Dryads emerged from cover and took their actions as an all clear to collect their arrows. As they drew close enough to make out the impacts, James saw seven holes, clearly marked out by small cracks surrounding them. He had copied his buckshot shells for this, so that meant that two projectiles had missed the target, which wasn’t all that bad at this range.

“I’m impressed, it looks like this is going to be better than our bows against the winged Kobolds. Quieter than I was expecting too” Falenken praised him and his work. “My only concern is that this might not be able to get through any armour they might start wearing when they finally realise that they need to wear it.”

“I’ve got another design in mind that may help with that, though I haven’t made any of it yet” James replied as he admired his work. “So then, another shot? Looking at what happened, I think it should be safe to try one from the shoulder next.”

“If you say so, though I don’t think I’m going to be standing next to you if that’s ok.”

“Yeah, that’s fine, I don’t expect anyone to” he replied as he began to make his way back up to the weapon. “It might be obvious, but I don’t think it’s necessary to cover your ears anymore.”

“Fair enough.”

Once they reached the weapon once more, Falenken called for the range to be cleared once more, and James went through his checklist once more, only this time instead of casting a spell to hold the gun in place, he cast a spell to protect him in case the weapon horrifically malfunctioned. Once he got the all clear, he took aim and pulled the trigger.

He was quickly surprised when he felt no recoil whatsoever, though the vibration from the loud thump could be felt quite easily. After a second of consideration, it made sense as the enchantment wasn't pushing back against him like a gunpowder explosion would, but the force of the shot was still hitting the barrel and causing it to vibrate somewhat. James was pleased when he heard more cracks in the wooden target appearing. He opened the barrel and found that the shell had remained intact and simply slid out, indicating that the flaw with them might not require too big of a change to fix.

"Still alive James?" Falenken called out.

"Yep, I think I'm going to run the rest of the shells through if that's alright?" he asked in reply.

"Fine by me. Eight more right?"


"Airtight, have fun."

"Don't you want a go?" James called out, not wanting to leave him out of the fun.

"I like having all my fingers, you do you."

James didn't waste any time, and loaded in a new shell, took aim, and fired, resulting in further damage to the target. The fourth and fifth shots themselves ran through just fine, though the fourth shell cracked afterwards. The sixth shot didn't go off however leading to James awkwardly holding the weapon firm range as he waited for something to happen.

"I thought there was supposed to be another five?" Falenken called out.

"I've got a misfire, give me a minute" he shouted back.

"A what?"

"I'll explain later."

James began to count to thirty, but as he reached nine, there was another whump as the weapon went off late. James was still aiming at the target, so that was all that it hit, but James extracted the round and set it to one side for later inspection. He then inserted the seventh shell and proceeded to send its contents down range too, which also resulted in a cracked shell. The eighth shell ended up being the final shot as it caused the target to finally fracture and fly apart.

"I think that's somewhat conclusive" James called out. "You can come out now."

"You know, it normally takes a bit more than eight shots to completely destroy a target" Falenken sighed as he approached James and surveyed the results. "I can't wait to see the look on the Sergeant's face when I give him a pile of wood."

"To be honest, I almost expected him to come and watch."

"He's outside coordinating the scouting effort at the moment, though I get the feeling there is going to be another demonstration next week. Good work James, I think you're about to get busy in a few weeks time."

"Yeah, I guess so" he sighed, both happy that he'd achieved this, and a bit annoyed that he might have just dumped a ton of work on himself around the festival and what was about to follow, though Falenken’s comment gave him hope that there might be a break for that.

"So that 'misfire' you experienced, what was that about?" Falenken asked with curiosity and a small amount of worry.

"Very rarely guns have an issue where the ammunition doesn't go off when it should. Usually, this is due to either a worn firing mechanism or faulty ammunition. What happened there is also called a late fire, where the round goes off some time after it should have" he explained. "It's not a common issue, and it was probably because it's all prototype ammunition. With any luck, I'll find the issue and fix it for the next display."

"So if we use this we shouldn't find any in the future?"

"If you take proper care of the weapons and ammunition, they shouldn't be that common. I would say to expect a few as you begin to use the weapons, but as we begin to understand the weapons and ammunition further, we should be able to drop the number of misfires so it's a rare occurrence, and with any luck, that will all happen in the testing and training period."

"That's good, I think the Sergeant was hoping for a field test in the early Winter, so unless things get brought forwards, you've got a month or so to fix and improve things ready for range tests and training before then, which will be after you get to enjoy the next couple of weeks" Falenken told him with a smirk.


"You're going to go wild with her, aren't you?"

"I might do. We'll see what happens."

“Lucky bugger, I’m stuck on guard duty.”

“Don’t they let people have some time off?”

“Not when we’re at risk of being attacked.”

“Right, that does put a damper on things.”


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The shell is going to need a bit of work, maybe an extra enchantment or two, but the weapon itself is absolutely fine.” James replied. Get this weapon ready and I’ll go clear the range for the first shot, just in case” Falenken told him as he headed off to the other stands. His inspection returning all good, he aimed at the target and cast a spell to hold the weapon in place, and cautiously let go. The sixth shot didn't go off however leading to James awkwardly holding the weapon firm range as he waited for something to happen. "He's outside coordinating the scouting effort at the moment, though I get the feeling there is going to be another demonstration next week. I didn’t think you’d be the one supervising the archery range” James called when he saw who was waiting for him. I want to do the first shot from cover so if something does go wrong, there isn’t going to be splinters sticking out of me” James joked.



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